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Author Topic: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]  (Read 952 times)

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A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« on: June 19, 2024, 08:52:57 PM »
99.9% of people believe 'If God shuts the door, he will definitely open a window for you', while in fact, the reality is totally the opposite.
There are significant correlations between height, face, richness(familial and individual), IQ, personality, etc., namely, colloquially and for ex, the more shorter you are, the higher possibility there is that you are ugly and how ugly you are is in line with how shorter you are(like, you are 165cm in China, then there is higher possibility that not only are you ugly but also you are uglier than 70% of Chineses), and it's the same with height and IQ, height and personality, height and family, etc.
There are def countless studies that can corroborate my viewpoint, but I don't even think you need to google, because it is very simple:
The more intelligent a man/woman is, the higher possibility there is that he or she can find a hot girl/man and the handsomer/hotter a man/woman is, the higher possibility there is that he or she can find a rich girl/man and so forth.
Well this sounds negative but this is valid. The reality is just like that. If you want your children not to be suffering, better gymmax/moneymax/EQmax etc. to find a good woman/man, to get him rid of having high possibility that he is ugly/short/stupid etc....


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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2024, 08:58:05 PM »
Another fact that can also corroborate my viewpoint is that, if you go to the countrysides and the villages of China, where there are lots of poor people, you can find those poor people as also stupid, or ugly, or disabled, or aggressive, etc., just because of 'assortative mating'.
This is another reason why girls do not like poor men, because a family is poor because of some things, including parents being stupid, parents being lazy, parents being ugly, etc., thus filtering out poor men can also filter out many bad traits.
I also believe there is the 'law': The richer you are, the more possible you are to become richer; The poorer you are, the more possible you are to become poorer. :-X


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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2024, 09:40:30 PM »
It is!

By the way, thousand apologies that your super good edumaxx topic disappeared after the terrible hosting problems!!!

If you keep a copy, please feel free to repost it!!!
Разбирач, играч, предприемач. Какво повече от това? ;)


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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2024, 09:55:49 PM »
"the more shorter you are, the higher possibility there is that you are ugly"

 :o Who made this "discovery"?! It sounds unbelievable false! There are so many pretty short girls and so many ugly tall, giant ones that's it's hard to even think there is 1% truth in this. Plus, who defines "ugly" and how in this study (if there is any)?!

"like, you are 165cm in China, then there is higher possibility that not only are you ugly but also you are uglier than 70% of Chineses)"

 Sounds fake. And is there really some real study about these claims?

"and it's the same with height and IQ"

Correlation between IQ and height! Amazingly false!

"height and personality"

 Almost neglectable.

"height and family, etc."

Height and heightpill?
Height and blackpillism?
Height and obsessive thoughts?
Height and inferiority complex.
Telling you the truth.

"There are def countless studies that can corroborate my viewpoint"

Show me!

"The more intelligent a man/woman is,
the higher possibility there is that he or she
can find a hot girl/man"

 What a flaw. In fact the more intelligent people do not marry to very hot ones.
They value other things like personality, common views, etc.
Some even totally avoid the hot Stacies or Slayers,
because they don't want to have problems with such an attractive person.

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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2024, 10:29:25 PM »
 About the 2nd post. Well here we may agree that the poverty produce more incels, more stupidity (illiterate people, to be strict), etc. But it's naive to think that the poor ones are the ugliest. There are many pretty poor girls or boys. Of course, the poverty stops (or makes it difficult to develop) their full potential but it's not true that the poor are ugly.
 See how many poor Philippinos, Indonesians, Khmers are out there! People who like to SEAmaxx know what I mean.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)

Good incel

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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2024, 05:39:33 AM »
Of course, there are very pretty poor girls. Even more pretty than all those rich, fatty "queens".

Brocel, the reason why you see ugly or aggressive people in the villages there is because they marry cousins or other close relatives and this destroys their DNAs.
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2024, 06:23:44 AM »
I also see mane poor people that looks better than the rich ones.

For example, let's take Zhang as an epitome of the rich people. Also, let's take a hard labor (manual labor) worker who loads and unloads trucks with heavy packages. 📦📦📦

The worker is obviously poor. He has money only for renting a small apartment, drinking a beer or two once a month and eating very simple food like noodles and rice.

Zhang is obviously rich, moneymaxxed in no time effortlessly and being able to pay amounts of money as much as 150 000 American dollars for some kind of hard-maxx or to establish own electrical firm in China or abroad.

Now, let's compare the two in the eyes of the girls (above 13)... The poor worker is lean, strong, shredded and looks pretty muscular (if not like a bodybuilder then at least like a kickboxer or an amateur wrestler). The girls think that he is a 6/10 or 7/10 Chadlite. They feel he is sexy and this worker with a little personalitymaxx + a bit more income is going to have girlfriends, lovers, etc.

And now, the rich Zhang. We all remember his photo (before his gymmaxx attempting), it was fainting experience... 🥶🤢 An adult with a childish body and chubby face who at best will be rated between 2/10 to 3/10 and will get 0 gf experience unless do not become an escortcel or a betabuxxer. I don't know how well he looks at the present moment.

So don't think the richer are better looking. They even are prone to get overweight.
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Re: A brutal fact I have found[WARNING: negative vibe!]
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2024, 06:26:44 AM »
Sorry to say it but this all sounds like eugenics or something similar. Taller people are smarter or poor people are uglier. Can you show us at least one scientific source that claims these absurds?
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.


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