So, more detailed answer.
I am reading very carefully everything, this is my way to show and give respect to people like you. For example, I even read your new signature right now ("
zxwwfmzlch"); I have no idea what's the meaning but just letting you know that I am paying serious and friendly attention to all what you're typing.

Well, I am smart and wise but still learning and struggling to be better. We (the poorer people, who have no enough capital) should be (at least) as smart and wise as possible because this may compensate (at least a little) the troubles that we're facing because of the poverty. For example,
I wasn't lucky enough to develop own business in South-East Asia (
because the initial capital wasn't much + because my father surprised me badly about the apartment that he wants to donate to his girlfriend + because of a local cheater) but
at least wisely and smartly I found two good banks (Korean ones) which are giving more than 7% interests per year (for fixed deposits) and this was something that compensated many of my losses and/or spendings recently. (I even suggested to some friends to make a good cooperation like they send me here some money, I make fixed deposit and then we share the profit (the interest) 50/50 but, as usual, there are no people to want ti: too poor and/or don't want to do it because they don't need more money and/or because they don't believe me. Their trust isn't my problem, I mean I was honest and I will be honest but they are just the way they are -- can't trust...)
Yes, many people said that they admire my activity; that they wonder how I can combine so many actions at the same time (sports, forums, learning, dealing with business attempts, cooking, writing e-books and stories, trying some other things like art...), one of them even called me a person with "a positive fighting nature" and this is pretty much what I am: permanently active in self-development and in doing my best to earn some more money (in
legal ways).
And, to be frank, no... not at all, not every philosopher is nice, gentle, urbane... There were colleagues back then in the university who were prone to drink a lot, to skip lectures, to speak stupid and/or rude things, to work illegal jobs (like going to companies known for their racket activities), male prostitutes, etc. Only around 50% of the colleagues were close to what you imagine. Of course, I don't know what are they now (maybe some of them are better than what they were at that certain period) but back then... as I said. Well, if you take a closer look to some of the most famous philosophers you may see that there were rude, even aggressive (from time to time) ones like Nietzsche or Marx.

No need to mention Diogenes who even masturbated publicly ("Diogenes is said to have eaten in the marketplace, urinated on some people who insulted him, defecated in the theatre, and masturbated in public, and pointed at people with his middle finger, which was considered insulting." It's just in this way: the philosophy is like a job. Not every philosopher is a great man the same as not every nurse, model, engineer, psychologist, etc. is a great or bad. There are different people in every field.