Why it's good to delete online "friends" that aren't useful for your development
Here is the problem -- if you're an incel (or another kind of not successful person) you need improvement. For example if you're poor, you need to search for affordable business or at least some job. If you're fat you'll need to think how easily to reduce the calories and how to burn more of them via different healthy activities. If you're lacking foreign language skills you need to spend more time learning new words, reviewing old words, improving your listening, training your pronunciation and so on.
It means that you need to spend more time for everything (trying businesses, searching for jobs, doing sports, learning, etc.) Time is not necessary money (I avoid trusting platitudes like "Time is money.") but
time is precious.
Well, what happens when you use it to chat with some of those online "friends" who is not capable to give you anything you need? Let's suppose you're a kind of lonely man (an incel or incelish, or just a failed normie) who's spending
hours to chat with some female who's
not going to give you even a chance to meet her. She is like "Sorry but I don't want to date you; we just chat online. You'll listen to my problems and I'll use you to practice my English. Great, right?" In a long run (i. e. at some time in the future) she'll feel better because she's reducing her stress via sharing with you all her problems about her insecurities, her ex-boyfriend or present husband, her boss, relatives and so on,
and probably her English will become better because you're helping her (more or less) to practice it for free!
But what you'll get from all this? 
Are you going to become smarter, richer, leaner or more muscular? Not at all. You'll keep your previous level and maybe you'll be more stressed, more frustrated, in worse shape and poorer because instead to make use of your time to maximize your wealth, body, knowledge and all other things that makes you attractive, you'll just be her orbiter who'll rot gradually mentally and physically,
just because you didn't use your time in the right way.
See, if you're
already successful person (rich, attractive, healthy, educated) you can afford to waste a lot of your time being an orbiter (or, if I use an idiom from an European language -- "a bin for souls' trash".)
It's like the charity. If you're already a rich person, it's okay to be charitable! But if you're poor, you should focus on yourself not to spend your last resources (money, clothes, shoes, etc.) for the others. Be reasonable! If you're in trouble, if you become a homeless person or worse, are you sure there will be somebody for you? Usually there isn't! Or there will be some "army offer" like those in Russia where you have to fight in the aggressive war in Ukraine for money. I hope you'll never have to be one of the people with this only choice (i. e. lack of alternative)!
So, just delete all those useless, time consuming, fruitless contacts and make some better use of your time! (Of course, be polite and explain first why are you going to say "good bye", don't be rude and make your point clear politely.
