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Author Topic: Different countries have the acceptances in different levels to shortcels  (Read 3828 times)

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 The moment when I read that the game success is more valued than the marks success, I was thinking that, naturally, the more educated people can understand the value of the marks (knowledge, more possibilities for the future). The not enough educated people will value something less significant like how well you're playing some game that probably after some years will be forgotten. Different intellect, different values. I'll give an analogy: if some person knows Edison (Thomas Edison, the inventor) he or she will value him for his inventions which made our lives better. But if he or she never heard of this person, well, they'll value some footballer or some model who didn't change our lives for good compared to the Edison's inventions.
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You got it right that moving to the West would only geominn, and I do not like living in Japan(I am not being overpatriotic. I just don't fall for Japan).

 It's normal, I can understand it. I also don't like living in Japan, even when I do love the Japanese culture, including food, enka songs, many of the Japanese inventions and a big part of the Japanese females. :) It's just not my place because of its regular earthquakes, cold winters and the fact that almost all of the Japanese neighbors are hostile or not very friendly to Japan (the Koreas, Russia, China. Only with Taiwan they can make some better relationship as far as I am informed.)

The requirement for height is elevating generation by generation, and by 00s, the cohort which I belong to, the girls are filtering out the boys under 175 or even 180cm!(which for sure is kinda dumb since imo if a man is taller than 170cm in China, he is just normal. I hope one day the gaslighting in China that a man must be 180cm or he is not a man can be terminated)

 Depends on the area. For example, around me where the girls are around 1.55 m to 1.65 m, even the males who are 1.60 m can date. I see some tall but fat boys without girlfriends. Looks like being fat is an issue more than being short around. Just fatcels are more filtrated that the shortcels which are not real shortcels when most of the local females are shorter too.
 "he is not a man can be terminated" -- this is more like some Western girls. It's not a very popular attitude in China. To be honest, the only ones what "can be terminated" here (according to Chinese people, but not every Chinese) are the Japanese. Of course, after the new trend, maybe later the xenophobia will spread more towards other foreigners, especially the USA's as I see but currently it's rear to hear something like "The shorties must be terminated."

Tbh to me is it unfair, because I never humiliated midget-tier, fat, ugly girls, but I gotta be humiliated.

 Like how? If they point to your flaws or something? Because I also got maybe more than 200 rejections but usually they're like "你烦不烦?", “我有男朋友。”,“我喜欢女孩子们。你相信吗?”,“删吧。”,“你多大啊?!,“我不喜欢外国人。” ("Are you annoying?", "I have a bf.", "I like girls, can you receive it?", "Deleting, okay.", "How old are you?!", "I don't like foreigners.") which aren't so polite and aren't what i wanted to hear but I can't call them humiliations. How about you?

 Often the situations in the life are "or-or". You can't have everything anytime. If you want better education + height mogging, this is the USA. If you want worse education + height geomaxx, this is in the Southern regions (like South Asia and South East Asia, South America, etc.) If you can deal with being short (even more short than now, because it's relative), there will be no problem to be in the USA or Sweden, Norway, etc. And just don't forget to improve your other aspects. For example, healthmaxx, don't healthminn because most of the women never agree to marry an ill person. For them an ill man is like a disabledcel.
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Feels bad, man... ::)
Inceldom sucks...


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At least he's showing the internal warrior in himself. 8) 200 rejections! That's the spirit!
I am so needy.


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I think it's normal different counties to have different level of acceptance. But what's in common is that it's better everywhere to be not one of the short side. :)

I'm not sure if what you conclude is true: in China you're short and they're like "You're short, that means over!" and in the USA you're short and they're like "Oh, dear, it's okay, don't worry! The personality matters." (i. e. China is blackpilled and USA are bluepilled. In China the girls will tell you directly that you're short but in USA they will blame your personality no matter how good you are just because they can't face the truth (or to admit the truth) that you're a shortcel.). And what? In the "blackpilled" China your are a bit short but in the "blupilled" USA you're a shortcel. And when we add the racepil (being yellow in the US means having the least SMV if you're not GigaChang, compared to the rest of the races), the "bluepilled" American society can't give you more than the "blackpilled" Chinese.

You should be prepared for the heightpill and for the racepill there it's as an incel. And you should be prepared for the safety issues there. It's as a citizen of a more regulated and totalitarian country. Remember also that in every state there are different laws. For example in the state of Utah the polygamy (one man, two wives...) is legal but not in the rest of the states!

I hope you'll make your edumaxx success there. I see you will height geominn but education geomaxx! And this means you're on your way to the Big money! 8) I think you are thankful for out support and understanding so when you become very rich, give us some good money to escape the poverty. :D
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Kitsune, it's because you're getting popular, I guess. The forumers like you. 8)

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Forumers like you, you're getting popular, the different countries have the acceptances in different levels to shortcels (the title of the topic) and... your father is a lawer. What a nice thread!
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Faen. Jeg ville ikke bli populær.

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Aaw wow! I like this Nordic language. I am not joking. Around me many people speak (spoke) a kind of Roman language (imagine Roumanian and you'll get it) but it's very rare to meet a Scandinavian around.

Bro, it's hard I know. Just 10 cm more could made you better but alas...
Inceldom sucks...


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Aaw wow! I like this Nordic language. I am not joking. Around me many people speak (spoke) a kind of Roman language (imagine Roumanian and you'll get it) but it's very rare to meet a Scandinavian around.

Bro, it's hard I know. Just 10 cm more could made you better but alas...

I like Russian tbh. Interesting language and I actually want to learn it.


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 Good idea. Even now, when the anti-Russian feelings are almost everywhere, we shouldn't ignore a world language like this (I mean there are many people who speak it, not only Russians; it's one of the UN languages, it has got a lot of culture (literature, science, philosophy) written in it.)
 As a person who speaks and uses several languages (Bulgarian, Russian, English, Chinese, Korean, Tatar...) I'd suggest you to learn simpler but useful phrases (which don't involve some difficult grammar) like:

"I want. - Я хочу." and ""I don't know. - Я не знаю."
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Good idea. Even now, when the anti-Russian feelings are almost everywhere, we shouldn't ignore a world language like this (I mean there are many people who speak it, not only Russians; it's one of the UN languages, it has got a lot of culture (literature, science, philosophy) written in it.)
 As a person who speaks and uses several languages (Bulgarian, Russian, English, Chinese, Korean, Tatar...) I'd suggest you to learn simpler but useful phrases (which don't involve some difficult grammar) like:

"I want. - Я хочу." and ""I don't know. - Я не знаю."

I tried learning Arabic at one point but I sounded like I was clearing my throat in a gross hocking way as I spoke it.

I deffo need someone to teach me it.


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 I know what you mean exactly. I was there (in Arab country) when I was 11-12 year old boy. One Arab man (a good person, from another Arab country) started to teach me some proper Arab language (because according to him in his Arab country, the language was better) and I couldn't manage their many "R"-like words and sounds. Some of them were like you have to cough or, as you said,  clearing my throat... and I couldn't manage the right pronunciation. Well, I still can speak some (understandable) Arab but I never include it in my resumes. ;D I am just not gifted in learning it.
 And no offense to all Arab mates, Arabcels (a.k.a. sandcels). I had some good Arab friends long time ago.
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I know what you mean exactly. I was there (in Arab country) when I was 11-12 year old boy. One Arab man (a good person, from another Arab country) started to teach me some proper Arab language (because according to him in his Arab country, the language was better) and I couldn't manage their many "R"-like words and sounds. Some of them were like you have to cough or, as you said,  clearing my throat... and I couldn't manage the right pronunciation. Well, I still can speak some (understandable) Arab but I never include it in my resumes. ;D I am just not gifted in learning it.
 And no offense to all Arab mates, Arabcels (a.k.a. sandcels). I had some good Arab friends long time ago.

Exactly. No offense to any arabs but the language of arabic sounds like someone clearing their throat.

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I also think it's the R-thing. And think about it, the Russian, Moldovan, Romanian "R" isn't easy for some foreigners too. The French and German "R" also sounds like that throat thing. ;D

I am not very educated about the North Germanic languages like Norwegian. Your "R" is more like German (throat) or more like English (soundless) or more like Russian (tongue)?
Inceldom sucks...


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