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Author Topic: Different countries have the acceptances in different levels to shortcels  (Read 3829 times)

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Zhang Jie

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Shortcel, imo is one kind of 'truecel', which means the inceldom is irreversible, unless you'd like to compromise your kinetic functions, and sacrifice A LOT OF money if you have to do Limb Lengthening Surgery.
I found out that, China has the least acceptances for shortcel. There are countless and massive height discriminations in China for shortcels, like many men are persuading shortcels into sicide using the word '重开(Chong Kai)', men under 175cm are disabled, and a shortcel cannot be a pop star no matter how handsome and how charismatic he is. The pop star's inflation of height is also flabbergasting. It is common for a pop star of new generation to inflate his height by more than 5cm, and even 10+cm inflation is existent.
West has higher but only moderate acceptances for shortcel. Yeah there are of course refuses and humiliations in the West society to shortcels, but women weigh higher his persoanlity, skill, talkativeness, etc. than those in China, and Westner is more honest in the self-reported height, and shortcels there have more courages to report their heights in public. They can also be pop stars, and even if you are not just shortcel, but a 'dwarfcel', like Peter Dinklage, you can still be a star. This level of acceptance was even impossible for old generations of China
Japan has the most acceptance for shortcels. They report their heights in a very honest way. There are short pop stars. Women can even accept man under 160cm as long as he is handsome. There are no humiliations to shortcels. I've even seen a 159cm boy became a champion in the handsome competition among school boys the other day.
So, it's really unlucky for me to be born in China, with 162-163cm, which is already considered as subhuman, and never a dating material. I am good at Wang Zhe Rong Yao(王者荣耀), singing and web-socializing, have very rich background(born in one of the richest CBD of Shanghai), I have above average face, I have 120-130 IQ and I have 80 percentile Agreeableness in Big 5 Personality so I have excellent EQ(according to one study, IQ + Agreeableness can already indicate what EQ test purports to measure, so even if you create a psychometrically sound EQ test, you are not measuring anything new). I am also now seeking for the master degree in Quantative Psychology, but these do not matter at all since I am only 162-163cm in China. But the girls should not be to blame for it. They are empowered to have their own standards, and if you can't fulfill them, that's your own problem. (Btw, if any girl thinks there is something else as a man I can grind on, any suggestion for the self-improvement will be highly appreciated!)


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Shortcel, imo is one kind of 'truecel', which means the inceldom is irreversible, unless you'd like to compromise your kinetic functions, and sacrifice A LOT OF money if you have to do Limb Lengthening Surgery.

 1. Only if we're talking about midget-tier shortcels. All those fake shortcels (fakecels) who self-proclaim themselves as "shortcels" just because they are not clever enough to geo-maxx or because they are ~40% taller than them normies aren't in the group of the truecels.
 2. In case we're talking about a real shortcel (midget-tier) there are still some softmaxxes (we never should be so oversimplified like the black-pill-ed incels, who're knowing only hardmaxxes like: surgery-maxx, shemale-maxx, etc.) like popularity-maxx and money-maxx.
 Example -- Dani DeVito (1.47 m) who is an actor and he has 3 kids (Lucy DeVito, Gracie DeVito and Jake DeVito). Or let's take as another example the HK actor Eric Tsang (曾志伟) (1.59 m) who had a wife and I think he had wife and then remarried. These super popularity-maxxed good actors are never incels and they can be only volcels (if they choose to). And they did the right choice to become actors instead of "Limb Lengthening Surgery". And you're taller than both of them!

I found out that, China has the least acceptances for shortcel.

 I am not sure if the heightism is the worse in China. And even it is, let's say, being shorter (even more shorer) in the West doesn't make it better. Let's assume that maybe the Westerners will be 40% more tolerant to you for being short, but there you'll be "super short", i. e. in China at least you're perceived as a "Just a shorter man." but in the West nearly 100% of the people may think of you as a shortcel or nearshortcel. And then what's the profit of this geominn (height wise)?
men under 175cm are disabled, and a shortcel cannot be a pop star no matter how handsome and how charismatic he is.
王源 (Wang Yuan) from TFBoys is around 170 m. Of course, it's better when you're tall but what you're saying isn't 100% correct. There are shorter stars in China (and not only in China), even some of the minorities like 阿尔法 (Arslan Arafat, an Uigur) are not taller than 1.75 m.
West has higher but only moderate acceptances for shortcel. Yeah there are of course refuses and humiliations in the West society to shortcels, but women weigh higher his persoanlity, skill, talkativeness, etc. than those in China, and Westner is more honest in the self-reported height, and shortcels there have more courages to report their heights in public. They can also be pop stars, and even if you are not just shortcel, but a 'dwarfcel', like Peter Dinklage, you can still be a star. This level of acceptance was even impossible for old generations of China

 It's more or less idealized West. Usually made by foreigners who never went there and experience it by themselves. And, at the same time, over-critic towards China (where politically we know it's not a paradise, but when it comes to the height -- we can't ignore cases like 王祖蓝 (Wong Cho-lam) who is only 1.63 m or 潘长江 (Pan Chang-Jiang) who is only 1.60 m). Just, let's be objective and honest towards China, Chinese.
 Don't drop in this trap "It sucks in China, but when I am in the West, oh, there is everything roses and "champagne" and I will ascend!" The same mistake are making some Westerncels who're thinking that play "JBW" (Just be white) in China is going to give them tons of Chinese girls admiring their white skin and long nose. It's just not working that way and you should be ready for a harder times in the geominned environment like the West, where you'll see problems that you only read online till now, including racism (and more discrimination), aggression on many levels, different bigots, different asocial elements, vulgarization and so on.
it's really unlucky for me to be born in China, with 162-163 cm, which is already considered as subhuman
In South China (Guizhou, Guangxi, Hainan, etc.) many local males are around this tall and nobody thinks of them as "subnuman"s. (It's a Nazi term, also a term used by the retarted black-pill-ers, which isn't popular in China. Here it's rare someone to use "近似人类的" or something, except when they're talking against Japanese or something ultranationalistic.) You're still a young person without enough travel experience in China and abroad. But soon, we hope, you will and then you'll get more real picture how it feels when you're around people with medium height around 1.80 m  ;D compared with those of us who'll geomaxx in South-East Asia where the medium height is around 1.60 m. :)
and never a dating material
And then how all these short Chinese still date girls? And they're not at all Jack Ma (马云) who is 166 cm. They're average rich ones but do you know what they have that you still haven't? Jester-maxx, social-maxx, geo-maxx (not living in Shanghai, I suppose, if there the situation is what you describe, which I doubt a little, but I accept what you represent), gym-maxx (something that you said you're ignoring because you don't like it but it's almost a must today, especially if you're not tall), money-maxx... Some of them are shorter than you and they still have girls. It's because they didn't stop at the point "I am short, it's over." and because they never ever read a single black-pilled forum where they'll be ingrained with the pessimism like "Short = rope".

But the girls should not be to blame for it.

Which ones? Some 1.72 m from Shanghai or some 1.45 m from Hainan? Excuse me, but when you're geominned (height wise) like living in Shanghai + going to over geo-minn yourself moving to a North European or North American territory, we really have to say that we can't blame the females. Did you read about Gulliver? For example, "Gulliver in Lilliput" -- there he looks like a giant (super geo-maxxed, height wise) and "Gulliver in the Land of Giants" -- there he looks like a dwarf (super geo-minned, height wise). Well, now you're on your way to become almost a Gulliver in the land of giants because the places where you're going even the females are the same tall as you are or taller. If now in Shanghai at least 20% of the people are around your height, when you're, let's say in Sweden or in Canada, well, only 5% will be around your height. And what you'll do then when you realize that the heightism remains, the people see you as more short than you were seen here and that you're not a dating material even more (because the East Asians are one of the least popular compared with the rest, except maybe some of the South Asians and some of the North Africans?...) You will need tons of maxxes to compensate all of it (you know that even the local East Asians, the so-called ricecels, are having hard times, there right? But at least they're fluent in English and they're culturally and subculturally adapted.) I don't know... I mean, it's possible but I am not sure if exactly you can do it. You'll need a routine like at least 4 hours/day in the gym + 6 hours/day study + 2-3 hours/day for your own needs (showers, rest, dinner, homeworks...) You'll need to be very well organized to achieve the accomplishment of a schedule like this. The other options were told: beta-buxxing some day, geomaxx (later, when you graduate) or just lower your standards (landwhales, ladyboys, gays... which, I know, aren't an option for most of the incels who can't just accept everything without some standards without being standardcels ("Stacy only" type).)
 On contrary, we're moving to the lands where even the tallest males are around our height. How we're going to feel there? Taller, for sure. Geo-maxxed for sure.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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You know it, you're my favorite incel ever! I sent you some coping photos too. :-* And I will be honest till the end of time with you.

王者荣耀? :o are you joking? How old are you? 10? :P I think only little cuties (lollies like out Lexi) will say "good" to this "skill". Well, if you can make money of it then it is another story.

IQ and EQ. :) how cute. Good but show them irl. Don't speak about them. Some girls will think you are too proud and "自大" ;D

Psychology. cool indeed but only if you don't scare them out. Some of them will think you're too smart or too nerdy. Or you can read their minds. It's working only for high IQ females, for those who are psychologists or in the nearby fields and for those who are brainy enough to see you're going to be e great earner if you find this job abroad! We love money!

Before you start balding (I heard 50% of males do) improve your body. If you are not tall at least don't be skinny. Because if you are short the females see you as manlet but if you are short and skinny they see you as a little brother, a kid.

After you are:

- rich
- strong and bigger
- educated and established

improve your listening skills, your humor, your responsibility (the personality maxx in its best) and I think you will have success with 10 of 100 western women, 25 of 100 Chinese women, 90 of 100 Latin American and SEA women.

Zhang Jie

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Shortcel, imo is one kind of 'truecel', which means the inceldom is irreversible, unless you'd like to compromise your kinetic functions, and sacrifice A LOT OF money if you have to do Limb Lengthening Surgery.

 1. Only if we're talking about midget-tier shortcels. All those fake shortcels (fakecels) who self-proclaim themselves as "shortcels" just because they are not clever enough to geo-maxx or because they are ~40% taller than them normies aren't in the group of the truecels.
 2. In case we're talking about a real shortcel (midget-tier) there are still some softmaxxes (we never should be so oversimplified like the black-pill-ed incels, who're knowing only hardmaxxes like: surgery-maxx, shemale-maxx, etc.) like popularity-maxx and money-maxx.
 Example -- Dani DeVito (1.47 m) who is an actor and he has 3 kids (Lucy DeVito, Gracie DeVito and Jake DeVito). Or let's take as another example the HK actor Eric Tsang (曾志伟) (1.59 m) who had a wife and I think he had wife and then remarried. These super popularity-maxxed good actors are never incels and they can be only volcels (if they choose to). And they did the right choice to become actors instead of "Limb Lengthening Surgery". And you're taller than both of them!

I found out that, China has the least acceptances for shortcel.

 I am not sure if the heightism is the worse in China. And even it is, let's say, being shorter (even more shorer) in the West doesn't make it better. Let's assume that maybe the Westerners will be 40% more tolerant to you for being short, but there you'll be "super short", i. e. in China at least you're perceived as a "Just a shorter man." but in the West nearly 100% of the people may think of you as a shortcel or nearshortcel. And then what's the profit of this geominn (height wise)?
men under 175cm are disabled, and a shortcel cannot be a pop star no matter how handsome and how charismatic he is.
王源 (Wang Yuan) from TFBoys is around 170 m. Of course, it's better when you're tall but what you're saying isn't 100% correct. There are shorter stars in China (and not only in China), even some of the minorities like 阿尔法 (Arslan Arafat, an Uigur) are not taller than 1.75 m.
West has higher but only moderate acceptances for shortcel. Yeah there are of course refuses and humiliations in the West society to shortcels, but women weigh higher his persoanlity, skill, talkativeness, etc. than those in China, and Westner is more honest in the self-reported height, and shortcels there have more courages to report their heights in public. They can also be pop stars, and even if you are not just shortcel, but a 'dwarfcel', like Peter Dinklage, you can still be a star. This level of acceptance was even impossible for old generations of China

 It's more or less idealized West. Usually made by foreigners who never went there and experience it by themselves. And, at the same time, over-critic towards China (where politically we know it's not a paradise, but when it comes to the height -- we can't ignore cases like 王祖蓝 (Wong Cho-lam) who is only 1.63 m or 潘长江 (Pan Chang-Jiang) who is only 1.60 m). Just, let's be objective and honest towards China, Chinese.
 Don't drop in this trap "It sucks in China, but when I am in the West, oh, there is everything roses and "champagne" and I will ascend!" The same mistake are making some Westerncels who're thinking that play "JBW" (Just be white) in China is going to give them tons of Chinese girls admiring their white skin and long nose. It's just not working that way and you should be ready for a harder times in the geominned environment like the West, where you'll see problems that you only read online till now, including racism (and more discrimination), aggression on many levels, different bigots, different asocial elements, vulgarization and so on.
it's really unlucky for me to be born in China, with 162-163 cm, which is already considered as subhuman
In South China (Guizhou, Guangxi, Hainan, etc.) many local males are around this tall and nobody thinks of them as "subnuman"s. (It's a Nazi term, also a term used by the retarted black-pill-ers, which isn't popular in China. Here it's rare someone to use "近似人类的" or something, except when they're talking against Japanese or something ultranationalistic.) You're still a young person without enough travel experience in China and abroad. But soon, we hope, you will and then you'll get more real picture how it feels when you're around people with medium height around 1.80 m  ;D compared with those of us who'll geomaxx in South-East Asia where the medium height is around 1.60 m. :)
and never a dating material
And then how all these short Chinese still date girls? And they're not at all Jack Ma (马云) who is 166 cm. They're average rich ones but do you know what they have that you still haven't? Jester-maxx, social-maxx, geo-maxx (not living in Shanghai, I suppose, if there the situation is what you describe, which I doubt a little, but I accept what you represent), gym-maxx (something that you said you're ignoring because you don't like it but it's almost a must today, especially if you're not tall), money-maxx... Some of them are shorter than you and they still have girls. It's because they didn't stop at the point "I am short, it's over." and because they never ever read a single black-pilled forum where they'll be ingrained with the pessimism like "Short = rope".

But the girls should not be to blame for it.

Which ones? Some 1.72 m from Shanghai or some 1.45 m from Hainan? Excuse me, but when you're geominned (height wise) like living in Shanghai + going to over geo-minn yourself moving to a North European or North American territory, we really have to say that we can't blame the females. Did you read about Gulliver? For example, "Gulliver in Lilliput" -- there he looks like a giant (super geo-maxxed, height wise) and "Gulliver in the Land of Giants" -- there he looks like a dwarf (super geo-minned, height wise). Well, now you're on your way to become almost a Gulliver in the land of giants because the places where you're going even the females are the same tall as you are or taller. If now in Shanghai at least 20% of the people are around your height, when you're, let's say in Sweden or in Canada, well, only 5% will be around your height. And what you'll do then when you realize that the heightism remains, the people see you as more short than you were seen here and that you're not a dating material even more (because the East Asians are one of the least popular compared with the rest, except maybe some of the South Asians and some of the North Africans?...) You will need tons of maxxes to compensate all of it (you know that even the local East Asians, the so-called ricecels, are having hard times, there right? But at least they're fluent in English and they're culturally and subculturally adapted.) I don't know... I mean, it's possible but I am not sure if exactly you can do it. You'll need a routine like at least 4 hours/day in the gym + 6 hours/day study + 2-3 hours/day for your own needs (showers, rest, dinner, homeworks...) You'll need to be very well organized to achieve the accomplishment of a schedule like this. The other options were told: beta-buxxing some day, geomaxx (later, when you graduate) or just lower your standards (landwhales, ladyboys, gays... which, I know, aren't an option for most of the incels who can't just accept everything without some standards without being standardcels ("Stacy only" type).)
 On contrary, we're moving to the lands where even the tallest males are around our height. How we're going to feel there? Taller, for sure. Geo-maxxed for sure.
You got it right that moving to the West would only geominn, and I do not like living in Japan(I am not being overpatriotic. I just don't fall for Japan).
The requirement for height is elevating generation by generation, and by 00s, the cohort which I belong to, the girls are filtering out the boys under 175 or even 180cm!(which for sure is kinda dumb since imo if a man is taller than 170cm in China, he is just normal. I hope one day the gaslighting in China that a man must be 180cm or he is not a man can be terminated)
Tbh I personally have yet to encounter with any girl whom I can filter out just because of her look. My look threshold is very very low so that I have never encountered such girls, but I still gotta handle lots of humiliations and refuses. Tbh to me is it unfair, because I never humiliated midget-tier, fat, ugly girls, but I gotta be humiliated. But I don't care about the humiliations anymore. I am now overwhelmed in the mental internal frictions from my height.
Additionally I will migrate into South China just because I can geomaxx. I still want and gotta migrate into the USA because quantative psychology is not educated in China, and the career life is way more promising there, so I have more legitimate reason to migrate there.

Zhang Jie

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Shortcel, imo is one kind of 'truecel', which means the inceldom is irreversible, unless you'd like to compromise your kinetic functions, and sacrifice A LOT OF money if you have to do Limb Lengthening Surgery.

 1. Only if we're talking about midget-tier shortcels. All those fake shortcels (fakecels) who self-proclaim themselves as "shortcels" just because they are not clever enough to geo-maxx or because they are ~40% taller than them normies aren't in the group of the truecels.
 2. In case we're talking about a real shortcel (midget-tier) there are still some softmaxxes (we never should be so oversimplified like the black-pill-ed incels, who're knowing only hardmaxxes like: surgery-maxx, shemale-maxx, etc.) like popularity-maxx and money-maxx.
 Example -- Dani DeVito (1.47 m) who is an actor and he has 3 kids (Lucy DeVito, Gracie DeVito and Jake DeVito). Or let's take as another example the HK actor Eric Tsang (曾志伟) (1.59 m) who had a wife and I think he had wife and then remarried. These super popularity-maxxed good actors are never incels and they can be only volcels (if they choose to). And they did the right choice to become actors instead of "Limb Lengthening Surgery". And you're taller than both of them!

I found out that, China has the least acceptances for shortcel.

 I am not sure if the heightism is the worse in China. And even it is, let's say, being shorter (even more shorer) in the West doesn't make it better. Let's assume that maybe the Westerners will be 40% more tolerant to you for being short, but there you'll be "super short", i. e. in China at least you're perceived as a "Just a shorter man." but in the West nearly 100% of the people may think of you as a shortcel or nearshortcel. And then what's the profit of this geominn (height wise)?
men under 175cm are disabled, and a shortcel cannot be a pop star no matter how handsome and how charismatic he is.
王源 (Wang Yuan) from TFBoys is around 170 m. Of course, it's better when you're tall but what you're saying isn't 100% correct. There are shorter stars in China (and not only in China), even some of the minorities like 阿尔法 (Arslan Arafat, an Uigur) are not taller than 1.75 m.
West has higher but only moderate acceptances for shortcel. Yeah there are of course refuses and humiliations in the West society to shortcels, but women weigh higher his persoanlity, skill, talkativeness, etc. than those in China, and Westner is more honest in the self-reported height, and shortcels there have more courages to report their heights in public. They can also be pop stars, and even if you are not just shortcel, but a 'dwarfcel', like Peter Dinklage, you can still be a star. This level of acceptance was even impossible for old generations of China

 It's more or less idealized West. Usually made by foreigners who never went there and experience it by themselves. And, at the same time, over-critic towards China (where politically we know it's not a paradise, but when it comes to the height -- we can't ignore cases like 王祖蓝 (Wong Cho-lam) who is only 1.63 m or 潘长江 (Pan Chang-Jiang) who is only 1.60 m). Just, let's be objective and honest towards China, Chinese.
 Don't drop in this trap "It sucks in China, but when I am in the West, oh, there is everything roses and "champagne" and I will ascend!" The same mistake are making some Westerncels who're thinking that play "JBW" (Just be white) in China is going to give them tons of Chinese girls admiring their white skin and long nose. It's just not working that way and you should be ready for a harder times in the geominned environment like the West, where you'll see problems that you only read online till now, including racism (and more discrimination), aggression on many levels, different bigots, different asocial elements, vulgarization and so on.
it's really unlucky for me to be born in China, with 162-163 cm, which is already considered as subhuman
In South China (Guizhou, Guangxi, Hainan, etc.) many local males are around this tall and nobody thinks of them as "subnuman"s. (It's a Nazi term, also a term used by the retarted black-pill-ers, which isn't popular in China. Here it's rare someone to use "近似人类的" or something, except when they're talking against Japanese or something ultranationalistic.) You're still a young person without enough travel experience in China and abroad. But soon, we hope, you will and then you'll get more real picture how it feels when you're around people with medium height around 1.80 m  ;D compared with those of us who'll geomaxx in South-East Asia where the medium height is around 1.60 m. :)
and never a dating material
And then how all these short Chinese still date girls? And they're not at all Jack Ma (马云) who is 166 cm. They're average rich ones but do you know what they have that you still haven't? Jester-maxx, social-maxx, geo-maxx (not living in Shanghai, I suppose, if there the situation is what you describe, which I doubt a little, but I accept what you represent), gym-maxx (something that you said you're ignoring because you don't like it but it's almost a must today, especially if you're not tall), money-maxx... Some of them are shorter than you and they still have girls. It's because they didn't stop at the point "I am short, it's over." and because they never ever read a single black-pilled forum where they'll be ingrained with the pessimism like "Short = rope".

But the girls should not be to blame for it.

Which ones? Some 1.72 m from Shanghai or some 1.45 m from Hainan? Excuse me, but when you're geominned (height wise) like living in Shanghai + going to over geo-minn yourself moving to a North European or North American territory, we really have to say that we can't blame the females. Did you read about Gulliver? For example, "Gulliver in Lilliput" -- there he looks like a giant (super geo-maxxed, height wise) and "Gulliver in the Land of Giants" -- there he looks like a dwarf (super geo-minned, height wise). Well, now you're on your way to become almost a Gulliver in the land of giants because the places where you're going even the females are the same tall as you are or taller. If now in Shanghai at least 20% of the people are around your height, when you're, let's say in Sweden or in Canada, well, only 5% will be around your height. And what you'll do then when you realize that the heightism remains, the people see you as more short than you were seen here and that you're not a dating material even more (because the East Asians are one of the least popular compared with the rest, except maybe some of the South Asians and some of the North Africans?...) You will need tons of maxxes to compensate all of it (you know that even the local East Asians, the so-called ricecels, are having hard times, there right? But at least they're fluent in English and they're culturally and subculturally adapted.) I don't know... I mean, it's possible but I am not sure if exactly you can do it. You'll need a routine like at least 4 hours/day in the gym + 6 hours/day study + 2-3 hours/day for your own needs (showers, rest, dinner, homeworks...) You'll need to be very well organized to achieve the accomplishment of a schedule like this. The other options were told: beta-buxxing some day, geomaxx (later, when you graduate) or just lower your standards (landwhales, ladyboys, gays... which, I know, aren't an option for most of the incels who can't just accept everything without some standards without being standardcels ("Stacy only" type).)
 On contrary, we're moving to the lands where even the tallest males are around our height. How we're going to feel there? Taller, for sure. Geo-maxxed for sure.
You got it right that moving to the West would only geominn, and I do not like living in Japan(I am not being overpatriotic. I just don't fall for Japan).
The requirement for height is elevating generation by generation, and by 00s, the cohort which I belong to, the girls are filtering out the boys under 175 or even 180cm!(which for sure is kinda dumb since imo if a man is taller than 170cm in China, he is just normal. I hope one day the gaslighting in China that a man must be 180cm or he is not a man can be terminated)
Tbh I personally have yet to encounter with any girl whom I can filter out just because of her look. My look threshold is very very low so that I have never encountered such girls, but I still gotta handle lots of humiliations and refuses. Tbh to me is it unfair, because I never humiliated midget-tier, fat, ugly girls, but I gotta be humiliated. But I don't care about the humiliations anymore. I am now overwhelmed in the mental internal frictions from my height.
Additionally I will migrate into South China just because I can geomaxx. I still want and gotta migrate into the USA because quantative psychology is not educated in China, and the career life is way more promising there, so I have more legitimate reason to migrate there.
will *not*

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You know it, you're my favorite incel ever! I sent you some coping photos too. :-* And I will be honest till the end of time with you.

王者荣耀? :o are you joking? How old are you? 10? :P I think only little cuties (lollies like out Lexi) will say "good" to this "skill". Well, if you can make money of it then it is another story.

IQ and EQ. :) how cute. Good but show them irl. Don't speak about them. Some girls will think you are too proud and "自大" ;D

Psychology. cool indeed but only if you don't scare them out. Some of them will think you're too smart or too nerdy. Or you can read their minds. It's working only for high IQ females, for those who are psychologists or in the nearby fields and for those who are brainy enough to see you're going to be e great earner if you find this job abroad! We love money!

Before you start balding (I heard 50% of males do) improve your body. If you are not tall at least don't be skinny. Because if you are short the females see you as manlet but if you are short and skinny they see you as a little brother, a kid.

After you are:

- rich
- strong and bigger
- educated and established

improve your listening skills, your humor, your responsibility (the personality maxx in its best) and I think you will have success with 10 of 100 western women, 25 of 100 Chinese women, 90 of 100 Latin American and SEA women.
Nah, not only 10 y.o boys/girls are playing it and the girls in China will fall for men who is good at it. Trust me. In China if you are good at popular games, it will forever be a good trait to them, and it is even a better one than having high grades. Of course I will not directly say 'I am good IQ and EQ' to the girls. I am utilizing them to my social, academic and occupational successes of course.
I indeed have sort of skill in mind-reading, and I also have analytical thinking in one's mental activity and Quantative Psychology is not a recipe for reading someone else's mind.


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the girls in China will fall for men who is good at it.
Ummm, I don't know if we're living in parallel realities or I'm getting older but I can't see girls falling in love or wishing to f. him because he's a gamer.

You're telling me it's like a status thing among your generation? Okay, let it be. But I guess only the cute, handsome and very rich or very influencial gamers can use it for their benefit. :P If you're not a champion, better rely on the gym. The body is everygreen attractiveness, the games are fashion. What if after 1 year nobody plays it anymore? Have to learn a new trendy game? ;D Put your efforts on things that aren't fading away so fast as the games. When I was younger WOW (魔兽世界) was the Thing. Do you still play it? Are you with a special status with you're goot at 魔兽世界?


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 Mind-reading is not a psychological but parapsychological concept (i. e. far from the real science). Maybe you meant the empathic accuracy or the strong logic predictions of the behavior. I don't think there is a real mind-reader who will be able to say and guess "I know what you're thinking and it's "I want to drink orange juice."" and another person at the same time really thinks that he wants to drink orange juice. Or "Think of a number from 1 to 100 000 000... Okay... I know it already, your number is "79311"!" and the other person: "Wow! Yes, it's 79311! You're a real mind-reader!"
 I do agree that there are adult females in China who're even having kids and still playing games. One of them was married to a very lean and tall Changlite man, who was also a gamer. But I don't think you can really add it as a skill that can improve your overall attractiveness. For example, the chess -- yes, I play it, I am getting better and it's useful to burn some additional calories, to develop some more thinking and to relax. But till now only 1 (out of 200 to 300 females) said "Great!" (and she said so, because she was a chess gamer too).
 As a status thing (like "I have a motorbike." or "I can play the guitar.") it's a plus and it may be useful but if it's time consuming and if it's not going to bring you some championship award (for example, RMB 30 000 or another serious amount of money), do something better instead. For example, learning violin or saxophone, improving basketball skills, learning how to cook great Chinese dishes... All these, in long term, will bring you more and more stable attractive background than a concrete game.

A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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When I was little, I liked boys who were goot at car racing games but when I think back of it, I like only the handsome ones, the cute ones and some of the ones with very good personality (but normie tier tho).

I think you are coping if you think becoming a very goot at some game is giving you advantage because even you're a "god of the game", what if you're looking like this ? Even for the female gamers this type isn't appealing.

Let's talk about your wish to hear more opinions what to do.

It's very simple that girls want 3 main things: feeling safe (you must be strong and to look strong especially), feeling good around you (you must try your best to keep good muscles, clean and fragrant, nice skin, tidy hairstyle, good dressing style and having good character, personality that fits well), feeling of being rich (not homeless, not carless, not hungry, not locked...)

And so you (because you're already f-cked up by your height) have to forget the games (I saw most of the incels are gamers and this doesn't work for them to ascend). Use the free of games time to work out, to search for better diets, vitamins, learn what is useful to know, make more money. And I may bet that in some towns with lower standards for men you will have plenty of girls to choose you. Good luck. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.

Good incel

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Bro, sorry to say that but I see two flaws.

Asking girls for opinion isn't everytime the best because they speak they like what they think they like but it's not meeting the reality sometimes. For example one can virtue signaling "I want a man with good personality, the looks are not important." but when she sees you as an uglycel she is not giving a shit about your personality.

Or "I wand a guy who is a feminist." and then falling in love with a misogynist because he's a Chad like Prince Charming.

And the problem is what idea you can get from someone like Lexi (she said she has zero experience in dating and love, she will give you maybe some ideas but you can't expect much. Just saying it.)
Inceldom sucks...


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What an amazing cope! Bro! 8) 8) 8) Think of these women Say, one of them is the best in games you like. Is it going to turn you on? And do you care about her IQ?
I am not very blackpilled but gamemaxx sounds too bluepilled and "when the copium is too much" to me.

You're not a shortcel in China but I am sure you're one in the United States where the National Center for Health Statistics has reported that the average height for an adult male is 69.1 inches (175.4 centimeters) https://www.verywellfit.com/average-height-for-a-man-statistics-2632137

Sure, you can do escortcel but it's not something to ascend you in the way you want. You can be a betabuxxer but it is also not what you want I guess. The only exits are gymmaxx and personalitymaxx. If you are lucky there will be a 3/10 to 4/10 Becky there for you to value your personality and your psycical gains. Or you may find some MILF who's hitting the wall and wants to settle down with you? But maybe your mom will be against her? Idk bro, you're going to the most inceldom world. ;D
I am so needy.

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the girls in China will fall for men who is good at it.
Ummm, I don't know if we're living in parallel realities or I'm getting older but I can't see girls falling in love or wishing to f. him because he's a gamer.

You're telling me it's like a status thing among your generation? Okay, let it be. But I guess only the cute, handsome and very rich or very influencial gamers can use it for their benefit. :P If you're not a champion, better rely on the gym. The body is everygreen attractiveness, the games are fashion. What if after 1 year nobody plays it anymore? Have to learn a new trendy game? ;D Put your efforts on things that aren't fading away so fast as the games. When I was younger WOW (魔兽世界) was the Thing. Do you still play it? Are you with a special status with you're goot at 魔兽世界?
Yeah, indeed among my generation being good at pop games is a good trait, but of course, it does not play a role as big as the one that look height and stature play(and these are the three most important traits of course). Among my generation girls indeed worship the good players. I never played WOW. I played Warcraft III though.


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Hi there, Liam. Do you know MMA? There is a short fighter and he's 160m. (Source: https://www.mma-core.com/fighters/Jarred_Brooks/230503) His name is Jarred Brooks, an American. I pointed to him to give you some reason to see how good looking may be a short man when he is sportsmaxxed. What stops you, who are taller than him to achieve this type of attractive body? Nothing. You can do it.
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Why am I coming up in this discussion so much?


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Kitsune, it's because you're getting popular, I guess. The forumers like you. 8)
I will not write about SEO, but about love, food, UFO, sport, psychology, paranormal and everything else I like.


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