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Author Topic: Do you think that an East-Asian incel will face harder inceldom in the West?  (Read 2137 times)

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Do you think that an East-Asian incel who can't have an East-Asian girlfriend will face harder inceldom in the West?

I mean, imagine an East-Asian incel (Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, etc) who is a 100% ricecel (incel with East-Asian genes who lives in East Asia and can't have a girlfriend): the guy has some issues (f*cked up psychology, a.k.a. mentalcel or no money, a.k.a. poorcel or too short, a.k.a. shortcel and whatever) and even the local females don't see him as a boyfriend (or husband) material. He thinks something like "Yeah, the inceldom sucks but I'm going to the West. There I will edumaxx or/and moneymaxx. And I will get a pretty Becky at least... and why not a Stacy!?" Oh yes? But he's missing the point that the mogging in the West is worse than in his native East Asian place. Yes, there are maybe 30% of East-Asian males who're decent looking tall, strong or/and very handsome ones (Changs, Gigachangs, prettyboys K-pop style ones and bad boy style ones)... but when you're in a Western country (USA, Canada, Belgium, France, Finland, Denmark, GB, etc) then there are not only Changs and Gigachangs but also Chads (the white 8/10 - 9/10 males), Gigachads (10/10 white males) which are, as usual, the first choice of the white women and most of the yellow women (and some of the black women), Tyrones (the black 8/10 - 9/10 males), Gigatyrones (the black 10/10 males) which are the first choice of the black women (and some of the white women, also a small percent of the yellow women), Chaddams (the Arab and other Near East 8/10 - 9/10 males), Gigachaddams (10/10 Arab and other Near East males), Chadpreets (the South Asian 8/10 - 9/10 males) and Gigachadpreets (10/10 South Asian males) and so on.

So, our ricecel in question (even if he's a prettyboy-tier, a nearcel, in my opinion) is going to face a stronger competitons (I even don't want to mention how more fastidious are the Western females when it comes to looks)... and he thinks that there should be a Becky or even a Stacy for him just because he moneymaxxes or/and edumaxxes? Why, when they (the Beckies and especially the Stacies) have rich choice of at least 100 Chads, 10 Gigachads, 200 Brads and 500 orbiters (Melvins and Normans) around them?

What I can tell him directly again is that he should not only moneymaxx and edumaxx but also he should bodymaxx (gymmaxx but not only) if he wants to be a competitor at least of the Brads and the Normans in the Western world. Otherwise he'll remain just a Melvin-tier or a Norman-tier at best.
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 Well, yes, the truth is that if you're an Asian incel (or nearcel, or even and Asian normie) you can't just hope something like this "I will have a Western girlfriend just because I want it and I will study something abroad." You should keep in mind that the standards for boyfriends, husbands and so on are higher and higher! So? You can't allow yourself to be careless like "Oh, I can pass without making muscles." In fact, even the gym-maxx isn't a 100% guaranteed solution when it comes to the inceldom. But it helps a lot to increase ones SMV.
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I don't know... I see many of them complain but at the end, they will end up with a decent girlfriend because they're rich or because they're lucky someone to socialmaxx them. I am sure this ricecel fellow may be luckier than many of the slavcels or other mayocels.
Inceldom sucks...


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Many of the hapas (hapacels) are ridiculous. They only know how to want (and mostly white women) but don't want to put an effort. Like E. Roger. The man could at least hit the gym before starting to get crazy but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It's just easy to blame the society and the females and the parents instead to work a bit on yourself!
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Yes, maybe especially in the cities and the bigger towns.
I want to improve my English.


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Not only the East-Asian incels but many of the East-Asian normies too. The Changs and the PrettyBoys are usually okay. The normies, in case, they're successful (like popular talents and/or very rich) probably are going to be okay too.

I can't see a reason why somebody who is an incel in his own country (speaks the same language as the females, shares the same culture and knows most of the subcultures) will have more chances abroad, especially in the West where the standards are higher and higher (there are femcels who are just single because of their high standards, i. e. they're nothing but female standardcels.) I mean, if you're an incel, except you're some Chang locationcel (a very handsome Asian man who is single because in his location there aren't any females or all of them are married and there is male surpluss; by the way, In Eastern Asia there are said to be over 100,000,000 excess men.) it means that you have some serious problem/problems, like: you're a shortcel (the Asian females think you're too short for them; but the Western females, mostly, are even taller. Than you're going to be even shorter compared with the others there. Like if, at least, in East Asia they see you as a short man, in the West many of the people will see you as a manlet or a dwarf.) or you're a poorcel. In the West inflation is higher; the prices are higher... so, if you're poor in East Asia, you're going to be giga-poor in the West, like a beggar or something...
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!

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Nah not necessarily. In some cases being in West will extremely significantly downplay your facial inceldom compared to being in E.Asia.
For ex, this kind of face is an instant disqualifier for dating and even occupations but in West it is highly appreciated as a female model face:

But in the sense of height, being in West will always exacerbate your weakness in height since West is higher than E.Asia, and as a man, if you don't workout, your unmasculine body will be a crime in West.


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Well, depends on which exactly "West". For example, the Latin America is pretty West to me -- they're in the West, they're America, they speak Western languages (mostly Spanish and Portuguese), their culture is mostly Western, their faces (at least 50%) are more or mostly Western, not Eastern but still there are countries where you can feel like "Wow, I am sort of tall here." For example, Bolivia   (with average male height of 168 cm). It means that there are at least 40% Bolivian males who're shorter than you and maybe 10% who're the same as you. So, probably, nobody in Bolivia will think of you as a short man.
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A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)

Zhang Jie

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Well, depends on which exactly "West". For example, the Latin America is pretty West to me -- they're in the West, they're America, they speak Western languages (mostly Spanish and Portuguese), their culture is mostly Western, their faces (at least 50%) are more or mostly Western, not Eastern but still there are countries where you can feel like "Wow, I am sort of tall here." For example, Bolivia   (with average male height of 168 cm). It means that there are at least 40% Bolivian males who're shorter than you and maybe 10% who're the same as you. So, probably, nobody in Bolivia will think of you as a short man.
I define the U.S and all of countries in Europe as well as Australia and New Zealand as 'West'. For other countries I don't define as West, including Mexico.


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 I see. I only wanted to expand it a bit, in order to give some more options for those incels who're willing to geomaxx in some West-like place.
 By the way, you surely have to include Canada too.
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And don't miss the gaymaxx. Adding it here to avoid content duplication.

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Liam will report soon. 8)
Inceldom sucks...


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 We can summarize it like this: in E. Asia just an incel, in the West already a shortcel + an ethnicel. This is how the -minn works. But everything is dynamic, we can't be completely sure. Let's see the edu-maxx and the money-maxx (and the strongly suggested health-maxx and gym-maxx) how''re going to work.
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 And, yes, it'll be great if he become a very well-paid scientists (psychologist).
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