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Author Topic: A very sad story of an oldcel (a physics teacher) who loved one of his students  (Read 2221 times)

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Good incel

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It's a sad story about what inceldom can do to someone. He (the oldcel teacher) obviously thought he had ascended with his student and it sounds like he thought he could have ascended if society didn't ruin things up. He was bitter about it all.

Well, the oldcel was a physics teacher and got fired from his job. I'm not sure if he had some sexual relationship with the female student or not but they were sending messages and so on. Anyway, he eventually lost his career. The girl eventually went to college and started a new college life. Sure enough she found a new relationship relatively quickly (with a Chad type male). The oldcel was in turmoil over this and decided to end his life.  :( On his website he had ripped up all his degrees and accolades.

The title of his website was "The pessimist was right all along." I wish his website wasn't taken down. On it he had some "Trigger" links and they were all pictures of the girl and Chad and some of the official letters he got from the school firing him.

Here are some quotes from the website. He reached the rampage stage but didn't go kill innocent people like that psychopath Elliot Rodger which makes this person someone who we can pity.

Some quotes from this poor soul:

I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.

Someone gets to live happily-ever-after in a fairytale dream.
I get to drown in an ocean of Despair.
The pessimist was right all along.

High school, college, all the work I've done.
It was all for nothing.


I cannot be with the one I love, I cannot do the work I love.
There is no hope, the dream is lost.
I'm trapped in this Hideous world,
where the twin demons of Loneliness and Despair torment,
where the Longing desiccates,
where tears fall without end.

I free myself from this Hideous world.
Loneliness and Despair will torment no longer.
The Longing will evaporate with my dying breath.
Tears will fall no more.

I hate this world.
I wish I'd never been born.
I wish I'd never been afflicted with this CURSE OF LIFE.

All I've ever wanted, the only thing I've ever truly wanted,
was to share my life with a loving partner, my Eve.
Marry, buy a house, start a family, live the dream.
It's all I've ever wanted.
Such a simple thing.
Such a simple dream.

I finally found her. I found my Eve.
I fall in love. She falls in love.
And the Hideous world makes it impossible.
And the Hideous world destroys me.
Happiness, purpose, meaning, value: all stripped away. All gone.
Because I fell in love.

There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world,
where my only dream CANNOT and WILL NOT EVER come true.

There is no reason for me to exist in this Hideous world,
where I have no hope, no future, nothing.NOTHING AT ALL.

I am doomed to die alone.

I will die alone, never having known love.

How will it end? I'm so fearful of the answer to that question. I'm...beginning to cry just thinking about it, tears are running down my cheeks. How is this going to end? Am I doomed to lead a lonely life of tears, forced to play back our moments together, crying endlessly as I am now, stricken with such burning pain in my heart? I'm crying so hard that it's hard to write. I have to pause between sentences. She's going to Mercyhurst where she will be with Steven every day. I'm going to be left alone. She's going to leave me behind. Her life will be one of joy and happiness, while mine will be drenched in sorrow and despair. She would never love me anyways. I'm 22 years older than she is. I'm about as old as her mother. The tears keep pouring out. I hate this world. I hate it. I hate everything about it. That's all I have to look forward to: more pain, more tears, sobbing, crying. I wish I had never been born. I wish I would just drop over dead so the pain would end.

R.I.P, brocel!

What do you think about it?
Inceldom sucks...


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Sad love story. But not right. Only a loser would commit a suicide over a woman/man. There are so many other people in this world.
I will not write about SEO, but about love, food, UFO, sport, psychology, paranormal and everything else I like.

Good incel

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I saw some of his photos. Not a Chadlite but a sort of Brad or Bradlite tier (for an American). The guy wasn't obese, looked pretty good. I am sure he could find another girl. Well, maybe not again a 17-18 year old one but some 20+ for sure. He just had to try and to get over this one-it-is girl.
Inceldom sucks...


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As I read this, the only thing I can think of is a big ole' "OOF".


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There are many men with very young wives. For example Trump's wife is much younger than him but he's not going to speak " I'm about as old as her mother. " and other ageist things. If people really like each other they should search things that unite them, not things (like age, race, zodiac signs, status, etc.) that divide them. Life is too short for counting years and birthdays. Of course, both of them should be mature enough for love. It's not for children.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Honestly, people these days are very picky. Especially the women.
"YOU HAVE TO BE (zodiac sign) IN ORDER TO DATE ME!!"
And it's true, life is too short.
You have to spend each and every day wisely, choose to cherish every single moment as you never know just how long it'll be.
Spend it with the people you love!

Good incel

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Only if they also want to spend it with you. :)
Inceldom sucks...


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When someone is very attractive then they're not that picky (for example, very handsome, very popular, very rich)... The top 1% to 10% of the people. For them it's easy. For the rest -- from hard to impossible.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Well, maybe he had other problems and it was the last hope for him... and still, it's stupid to kill yourself because of a person who doesn't love you anymore. You surely are never alone as long as there is internet (especially when it's a free internet not limited like the one in some of the non-democratic countries).


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Only if they also want to spend it with you. :)

Exactly, I would love to spend my days with the people I love.


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Sad, really... He shouldn't be so desperate... It's his fault, mostly.


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Разбирач, играч, предприемач. Какво повече от това? ;)


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When one is so low EQed that don't know when to stop and how to move on, this may be the tragic result.


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Wow! A Chadlite got depressed because his teenage Stacy left him because of a younger Chad?!

Can't care less.

It's like caring about Zhang who feels down because some Chinese said his one million rambos are not enough! 😂 Are you insane? We are more probably more ugly than that teacher (he wasn't an incel!) and we will never see even a half million money in our live but... aww, let's cry for the Chadlite in America or for the rich ricecel in China? No freaking way!  :D
I am so needy.


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 Makes sense. It's like a person who is free in some democratic country like Switzerland to complain to some inmate in a North Korean jail that he feels so unfree in his/her Swiss town!
 About concretely the rich people I really feel this way. For example, I have to work around 4 hours to find, wash, cook and serve my food! At the same time, the rich man (or woman) even don't cook by himself or herself! They have their food ready on the table and, on top of that, they even don't wash the dishes! All they do is to sit, to eat and later to shit the food out in the toilets. And, imagine that situation , you're working hard (including heavy, exhausting jobs like lifting heavy bags and repeating one and the same boring English classes!), you're spending hours for washing, peeling, cutting, chopping, boiling/baking, serving your own food and in the middle of this processes some rich friend is searching you to inform you about his or her "first world problem" that, for example, someone didn't like "his hairstyle" or another one thinks that being "a Prettyboy is better than being a Chad"!  :o

 These days one (not very rich, in fact) sent me a group's link about... Christianity!!! I tried to explain him that I can't care less!!! Told him that my main interest now is to earn money online, to find loans for my potential dreamful bank deposits (currently 7%+!!!) and science, sport... But Christianity, "Bro, one man from the other part of the world insulted me online!" or "I am rich but I feel depressed!" is totally crossing the lind of my patience! Mostly because all these are WASTING MY TIME. I am too poor to waste time reading and discussing things that don't make me more rich or at least more strong and more clever.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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