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Author Topic: What words to avoid here  (Read 19503 times)

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What words to avoid here
« on: July 17, 2022, 04:35:14 AM »

The words that we, the normal incels and the normal netizens, should avoid

Well, you already saw the rules, didn't you?

Let's add the words that we all, as normal incels (or other kind of normal netizens) should avoid to use.


The so-called "n word" or "N word".

Well, it's a word that many people think is racist and offensive. "N" is for "nigger", which some spell like "nigga", "neggar", "negga" and so on.
 Yes, I know many black people use it between themselves and some non-black use it as a joke or as a friendly and non-racist slang. But still, better to avoid it and instead to use words like:

- boy
- man
- fellow (fella)
- bro (brother)
- guy
- colleague
- comrade
- mister
- sir
- something else which is polite and non-racist.


The word "noodlewhore" (pl. "noodlewhores")

 In some incel communities there is a slang (jargon) which points to different races and/or nationalities of incels and females. Many of them are acceptable because they're not having some offensive connotation (for example many East-Asian incels are cooking rice so they're "ricecels" or "rice-cels". India is famous with its curry, so the Indian, Nepali and other incels are known as "currycels" or "curry-cels").
 OK, but when in some word there is a dirty and/or offensive part like "-whore" we should avoid it. Many impolite (or just not enough educated) incels call the East-Asian and other mongoloid women "noodlewhores" or "noodle-whores". Obviously it's offensive and misogynistic. Yes, noodles are a part of the Eastern cuisine -- from Japan to Tatarstan but you can't imply that all the Asian females are with bad sexual moral! So, if you want to call them with a slang (jargon) word, use the word "noodlefoids" or "noodlefems". As far as "foid" comes from "female human/humanoid" it may be considered as a neutral slang word, so it's okay.
The same about "currywhores" and others like "-sluts".


"ER" (as a verb like "to ER them")

ER as a noun is just the abbreviation of "Elliot Roger" (a fakecel killer who made the bad popularity for all of the incels around the world and who doesn't deserve even to be noted here but there is no way because we want to avoid the problems). When some radical incels or "incels" (incel extremists, fakecel trolls, psycho incels and others) use it as a verb "to ER" it means "to kill" or "to mass kill", to "do a terrorist attack". So we can't use violence and hate speech that's why all these "ER them", "to ER", "will ER" and so on, should be banned.



 A racist, offensive word which some impolite or badly educated incels, including racists, use to call the African (Black; negroid) females. It comes from baboon (a primate, a monkey) so it's not a good word. Avoid this word, please!


Those "-skin" words

Well, there are some words who are not perceived as offensive amongst the incels in some communities but they sound/look racist or at least colorist (colourist). Use normal words like "white skin/pale skin", "dark skin", "yellow skin", "black skin", "brown skin", not those disgusting "shit-skin" (they use it for the darker, brownish skinned people), "cum-skin" (for the white, European, Caucasian people)...


Common and well-known non-incel slang words which are offensive too

At the end, I can't think of other incel slang (jargon) related words so let's just finish it with the rest of the offensive words that everybody knows. Don't use "moron", "idiot", "retard", "autist" and so on.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: What words to avoid here
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2022, 05:00:53 AM »
It is a good list.

But also keep in mind these too: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg43091/?topicseen#msg43091

Probably "foid" could be excluded because it comes from "female human" or something.

Anyway... we really strictly forbid hate and want to provide a positive and helpful community. 8)


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Re: What words to avoid here
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2022, 01:53:36 PM »
Dirty, hateful, disrespectful words. Avoid them all.


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Avoid "foid" and "femoid"
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2022, 03:45:49 AM »
 We're 100% against the hate speech here (all the hatred words were forbidden as you know if you read the rules and this thread) and now I want to answer the question about the exclusion/inclusion of the word "femoid" and the word "foid".
It is a good list.

But also keep in mind these too: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg43091/?topicseen#msg43091

Probably "foid" could be excluded because it comes from "female human" or something.

Anyway... we really strictly forbid hate and want to provide a positive and helpful community. 8)

Not exactly. It comes from "female" + "humanoid". So, as far as humanoid is a "non-human entity with human form or characteristics" it may be perceived as offensive, derogatory term. Of course, some humanoids are sweet, lovely, interesting, etc. and that's why maybe some women will like it or don't mind it, but still, it's better to be avoided. I never use and I'm not going to use this word. There are words like "females", "women", "girls" which are enough.

So, even "it may be considered as a neutral slang word" and many incels use it without some malice (the intention or desire to do evil; ill will) it's better to include it 100% as undesirable. The same about "femoid" -- even it may be considered as a neutral slang word or, in some cases, some females to like it, just avoid it and include it as 100% undesirable.
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Re: What words to avoid here
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2024, 04:31:24 PM »

Edit: MSL.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 06:07:43 PM by MSL »


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Re: What words to avoid here
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2024, 06:09:03 PM »
 It was another full of lies and insults (towards Desi) psychopathic, sociopathic and likely schizophrenic post of Zhang!!!


 Banning him immediately!
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