“"just ignore those foolish dudes, see how pathetic they r,,"
He can't ignore, because he is one of them.
"they just need one enemy to torture, to harnish, and to break down."
May be they just need a girl, but HE is not. He is a stupid man who is trying to discredit the Chinese people in front of the foreigners.
"at least u got me and alexae "
The gay got 2 not clever guys... Success!
Just for the record, nowadays I am not a homophobe but also I am not a homophile too. As a straight male I just don't want to deal with homosexual love or something like this and I don't bother them as long as they don't bother me. I mean many of them are okay and don't cause troubles but some are not and, for example, they tried to touch me without my consent and to persuade me to become a gay. In this cases I'm protecting myself.)
"and moebius who disappeared for a while for some unkown reason "
May be he is sick, because can think faster than you.
"(lol), and some other nice persons on this forum, who understands ENGLISH"
Wow, how important is this English - one of the most f1cking languages in the world, which will gone as soon as USA go away. And then if you are still alive will start to type how important is Chinese... You are too predictable.
Here I want to express my sorry for being so linguicismic. You know, the linguicism is discrimination based on language or dialect. At that time I didn't know it and I didn't realize that English is much more than the language of the USA. It's the present Esperanto, the present Lingua Franca, so it's useful. Well, it's not my favorite language; I am a fan of the Altaic languages but it was wrong to call it so rudely. Since that time I learned it better and I started to be more objective and to value all the languages around the world with the due respect.
And also, after the refeudalization and reemperorization of China I don't think the US are worse. Yes, they have got many problems like all those aggressive locals in some areas and those school shootings but at least they have more freedom, more democracy and can't allow one person to stay there 10+ years like an emperor controlling even the own Party and causing people and their businesses to suffer (and disappear) because of his wrong ideas (like "COVID 0"). All these situations made me feel that it's better for the most of the people around the world the democratic societies to exist and to give chance for the people who dislike to live in neomonarchy type states like Russia, Belarus, China, etc.)
" just hate seeing u being maltreated . just ignore them sweety."
Oh, SANCTUS SIMPLICITAS, do you realize how pity are you, son?
In fact, it's "sancta simplicitas" a Latin phrase meaning "holy innocence"."xiongnu,,,,, if u wanna break ur enemy, u need to know everything about him/her first,"
NOT ALL - but ENOUGH!!! I know enough! For the clever people few things are enough, but for the stupid - 1 000 000 proves will be still not enough. Do you know this gnoseological point? (
gnoseology is the philosophic theory of knowledge. What I mean is "Sapienti sat.")
"so at this point, i have to tell u that u r a total loser in this aspect ."
It is just your wish, honey moon!
"firstly, u never read angel's posts one by one, word by word, so u dont know what's going on with her."
HAHAHA, I did, but I AM NOT UNDER HYPNOSIS, like you, pity one!
"secondly, i think ur english level is even worse than mine (hahahaha), "
Dudie, I can speak 6 languages so the English is just not my care. For you may be it is all, so you can be proud. But in fact you are a pity boy.
Also you have to know that I DO NOT USE DICTIONARIES like Sinfulsh1t!
I am trying to type by MYSELF because I like to improve my knowledge.
And the last point - MY ENGLISH IS GOOD ENOUGH to understand his stupid words and low-leveled style.
About your English - may be your grammar is better, but your lexical knowledge, comparing with my knowledge is just zero. Can you tell me, without using any dictionaries what does it mean:
a/ Ontology
b/ Epistemology
c/ Correlation
d/ ....................... you just have no idea how many words and phrases I know that native English speakers never learned. But anyway - be good in English, I will do not destroy your opinion about your poor personality, boy!
I'd like to self-correct myself about it. English is not everything but without it, in the present world, you may have some difficulties just because it is the first (and often, the last) foreign language that people speak in other countries. Well, if you know Russian and you're in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc. maybe English isn't that important to your daily life. Or if you speak German and you're in Germany or Austria, English isn't something you need... but anyway, it's better to know this language.)
"that u cant even tell jokes from offensive languages."
I can, but you CAN'T uderstand them. You have to improve your IQ, boy.
Have you ever read Marx or Hegel ?What about Lenin or Chernischevski?
Do you know who's Zheng He or Zi Si ? What you are imagine when you read the word "SYNAPSE"? What is the difference between schizo- and psycho- ? What is the Altaic family?...
I'd like to add to this that the knowledge is important but in the present life the money, the capital is important too. Only knowledge isn't enough to be secured, to be respected and to be successful. "thirdly, u cant even type chinese characters, what the h*ck is that? "
As you can see I can. And I can do it better than a lot of Xinjiangnese. BUT THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT! Because we are minority and we HAVE OWN LANGUAGE. Most of as are with university degrees and we can speak at least 4 languages. We have OWN letters, and we are trying to study characters, but this is not the point! THE POINT WAS that I AM NOT HAN ZU, but I CAN SEE THE ERROR of the typing Chinese of the Sinfulsh1t. Did read about it? It was just another proof that he is not a girl and not a Chinese. He does not recognize some of the simplest Chinese characters.
"fourthly, do u know chinese girls at all?"
YES I DO, so I WILL PROTECT THEIR IMAGE in front of the Chinese and foreigners.
Later I found out that there are Chinese girls who really aren't so angelic, so good and honest and so on. The idealization based on citizenship or origin is wrong. That's why I can't say "All are decent." or "All are bad." The concrete person is what matters." i know tons of chinese girls"
I am not sure.
"(and boys as well)"

( Alex knows what I mean).
" talk real dirty IN PUBLIC......"
Sometimes they can say "CAO NI MA" each other or something like hat, but they did not speak dirty in public like "her". I mean the girls. Some of the boys - OK, but ALSO not so dirty like the Sh1t.
"by saying that, i dont mean to offend my own race, it's just that i m kinda pissed off by u saying that only "westerners" talk dirty."
It is an intercultural essence, but you are not so educated to understand what I mean. If you are ready for quality discussion - you can just open a new topic and I will explain you what is the matter. Shortly - the not respectful behaviour is priority of the westerners, not Chinese. Do you remember how in this forum one westerner laugh that Chinese still respect parents?!?!?!?
Later I lived in China longer (almost 20 years so far) and I saw that there are pretty dirty speaking and rude Chinese too, especially some who're from Dongbei, Henan and, mostly, the Northerners. So, yes, there are many rude western people but there are rude Chinese (not all, but mostly those who're from those north regions.) The southerners without good education may be rude and dirty speaking too.)
" it's just unfair, and foolish. "
You are foolish. I will give you an example - in the buses in China people speak normally. In USA some black people make dirty and if some white person tell them - PLEASE DO NOT MAKE DIRTY they answer : "F!ck you white son of a b...!" and so on. (
These were stories that I heard from some Bulgarians who were living there. Later, when more and more videos from around the world appeared online, I saw that these buses', metros', trains' etc. quarrels, fights and so on are also existing in China, Korea and other places. It's not only a US' problem. And the racism (white racism, black racism, yellow racism), is a big problem and we have to be anti-racists!)
In other hand in America STILL exist some Nazi organizations like KKK and they are making troubles to the black people.
As I said, the racism in all its colors/kinds is a bad thing! We should oppose it!)
The dirty speech is SO POPULAR in western songs and SO NOT POPULAR in Chinese.
Do you know what they says in a western song?
"Would you be so kind to let me f1ck your mother on your father's grave?"
I heard about this kind of very dirty rap song during my 9th grade in high school. Later I heard more, including some from Taiwan. And I am against this reinforcing the aggression subculture. Soft rap is okay and I even like some of all those soft rap songs.)