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Author Topic: 'Individual Value' assessment? How would you rate it if you would like to?  (Read 13139 times)

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Zhang Jie

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Education:Learning Computer Science as an undergraduate in one of the best 15 private-established unis.
Political Stance: Individualism + Capitalism + Atheism
Hobby:Psychometrics, Math, Language(I like English most), Music.
What am I doing now:Reading scientific materials from Library Genesis + Z-lib + real books + Suffering from Depression.
What am I planning to do now:Get the Bachelor's Degree of CS and then migrate into USA to study Psychometrics to get a master/Ph.D there and then live there forever.
What is my dream:Become a Psychometrician and a professor.
Neurological Diversity:Autism + OCD.
Personality: around ISFP or INFP.
Academic Performance:After primary school I am all the time above average or even well above and my English is one of the best in my class all the time as well. I never studied hard though(My longest extracurricular study time was only 3 hours and that was before months before Gaokao. In the rest of time, I just finished what my teachers asked me to do and spent my time on the games or Internet)
How would you rate it?
« Last Edit: December 13, 2022, 03:54:09 PM by SEO »

Zhang Jie

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"One the NATIONWIDE best 15 unis"


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I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)

And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).

Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.


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又帅又聪明! :-*  Clever and handsome! Not bad.

Well, you're one of the best in China, you know. Sort of 贵族 (nobleman in a good sense).

It's not that you're ugly. You're not an uglycel. It's about your "Autism + OCD".


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Bro, you're rich (moneymaxxed), educated (edumaxxed), top students and top fields (statusmaxxed). If you still can't get a gf it's exactly because you're a mentalcel. Deal with that OCD and you'll be the best!
I am so needy.


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I think you're 8/10. If you gym-maxx you'll hit the 9/10 in China.

In USA you'll be 6/10 at most. (美国的女人们就不太喜欢亚洲男人们。他们最喜欢白人,拉丁美洲男人,黑人。很少会有喜欢亚洲的。所以好多在美国华人觉得自己不怎么样。但是你已经决定了只有美国是高级的,所以没有办法的。其实它比瑞士,新加坡,瑞典,日本,等是更差的--天天开枪,好多没有礼貌的人,好多社会的矛盾,经常乱的。) You're educated and richer and so on, but there will be a harsh place for you, especially if you really got autistic issues.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!

Zhang Jie

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I think you're 8/10. If you gym-maxx you'll hit the 9/10 in China.

In USA you'll be 6/10 at most. (美国的女人们就不太喜欢亚洲男人们。他们最喜欢白人,拉丁美洲男人,黑人。很少会有喜欢亚洲的。所以好多在美国华人觉得自己不怎么样。但是你已经决定了只有美国是高级的,所以没有办法的。其实它比瑞士,新加坡,瑞典,日本,等是更差的--天天开枪,好多没有礼貌的人,好多社会的矛盾,经常乱的。) You're educated and richer and so on, but there will be a harsh place for you, especially if you really got autistic issues.
It's chaotic, but I am appreciating its scientific attainments, and Psychometrics there is the best.
I don't care about white women since I am not into them. I love Asians most.
But yeah, what you said reminds me of the chaos there, so I will migrate into the Nordic ultimately, and become a professor there.
Anyway, the field of Psychometrics is still very undeveloped and we need to improve it.

Zhang Jie

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I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)

And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).

Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.

Sorry, but I really don't think CCP is monitoring this kind of forums lol.
But, I really think I am just a piece of crap because that profile is really not an identification of a 'TOP 1000000 Chineses'.
I'd say I am being mogged a lot so that I am like below 99.9 percentiles lol.

Zhang Jie

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又帅又聪明! :-*  Clever and handsome! Not bad.

Well, you're one of the best in China, you know. Sort of 贵族 (nobleman in a good sense).

It's not that you're ugly. You're not an uglycel. It's about your "Autism + OCD".
Thx, but another thing that is ffffffffffffffffffff with me is that I am not proficient at English thus when I am reading English materials I often can't get the points of word.
I really feel like an enough proficiency at English can help your academic and professional performances a lot.

Zhang Jie

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Bro, you're rich (moneymaxxed), educated (edumaxxed), top students and top fields (statusmaxxed). If you still can't get a gf it's exactly because you're a mentalcel. Deal with that OCD and you'll be the best!
I actually don't care about my Autism since I'd just think I am just different.
But OCD is screwing me up and I become retard because of this. It can make you suffer from 'pseudo-intellectual-retardation' because it is driving you obsessive.


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You're just ambitious man and I think you will be "successful" in your life. Idk how you look but as long as you care about hygiene and treat other people good you can find friends and girlfriend, just a matter of time and you need to talk to others and don't care about those who reject you. Also avoid girls that just look stupid, eg. with a lot of makeup and/or rude, they are not worth talking to.


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I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)

And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).

Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.

Sorry, but I really don't think CCP is monitoring this kind of forums lol.
But, I really think I am just a piece of crap because that profile is really not an identification of a 'TOP 1000000 Chineses'.
I'd say I am being mogged a lot so that I am like below 99.9 percentiles lol.

Well, see, we like "Better safe than sorry", so just don't want to jeopardize this forum. If someday we run away (also known as "润" in the Chinese online slang) than maybe we can allow more topics like this but still -- if the website get ban in China than most of the Chinese visitors are not able to visit it. Not everyone knows what's VPN and not everyone has some more money to pay the capitalistic VPN owners for this. And at the end of the day, we'll lose a lot of visitors (traffic).

Our goal here is to fight the inceldom, not to go deep down into political problems.

 Do you think most of the Chads and rich men who got the best women waste their time to chat politics? No! They use their time to make muscles and to make money.  8)

 Think about it:

Do you think these men talk about politics and anti-politics to impress these girls? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Most of the females hate political talks and they feel it's boring. Instead of politics take your time to improve your body and to earn more money or study new things.

Females want strong body, rich pocket and interesting character. They don't really care are you a communist, a capitalist or a feudalist.  ;D
I will not write about SEO, but about love, food, UFO, sport, psychology, paranormal and everything else I like.


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As a man who know what males are cute, handsome and so on, I'd say you're a big cutie! :-* And you're smart, not poor. I think if you deal with your little psychological issues you're going to rock many girls.

Zhang Jie

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I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)

And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).

Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.

Sorry, but I really don't think CCP is monitoring this kind of forums lol.
But, I really think I am just a piece of crap because that profile is really not an identification of a 'TOP 1000000 Chineses'.
I'd say I am being mogged a lot so that I am like below 99.9 percentiles lol.

Well, see, we like "Better safe than sorry", so just don't want to jeopardize this forum. If someday we run away (also known as "润" in the Chinese online slang) than maybe we can allow more topics like this but still -- if the website get ban in China than most of the Chinese visitors are not able to visit it. Not everyone knows what's VPN and not everyone has some more money to pay the capitalistic VPN owners for this. And at the end of the day, we'll lose a lot of visitors (traffic).

Our goal here is to fight the inceldom, not to go deep down into political problems.

 Do you think most of the Chads and rich men who got the best women waste their time to chat politics? No! They use their time to make muscles and to make money.  8)

 Think about it:

Do you think these men talk about politics and anti-politics to impress these girls? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Most of the females hate political talks and they feel it's boring. Instead of politics take your time to improve your body and to earn more money or study new things.

Females want strong body, rich pocket and interesting character. They don't really care are you a communist, a capitalist or a feudalist.  ;D

Ok indeed this forum is not for political talks but you really are overthinking about the censorship of CCP. They are just supervisioning the main websites such as discord twitter. For the niche forums like this I will vouch for them not being so strict with them.
But I am not saying I'd like to register my political standpoints to any girl off my chest to sustain the conversations either.
Just thought political standpoints were related to the individual values so I clarified them.

Zhang Jie

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As a man who know what males are cute, handsome and so on, I'd say you're a big cutie! :-* And you're smart, not poor. I think if you deal with your little psychological issues you're going to rock many girls.
Thx but my Autism is not very severe. I can handle normal conversations with others easily now but just still have characterstic syndromes.
For OCD, well it is indeed a big issue to me. It is kinda severe.
Btw I have no idea how people here think i am smart. I thought I did not give any clues about how smart i am ?


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