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Author Topic: Stay away from the simplemachines.org forum! Post manipulation!  (Read 7775 times)

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Stay away from simplemachines.org's forum! Post manipulation!
We have got some screenshots and we can prove it!
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Beware of the simplemachines.org forum! Post manipulation! (screenshots)
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 07:34:12 PM »
Stay away from simplemachines.org's forum! Post manipulation!
We have got some screenshots and we can prove it!

Beware of the simplemachines.org forum!

Post manipulations!

Here are some screenshots showing the manipulation of the person with nickname CoreISP:

Our original text with title "Quality posts for your forums or/and sites":


The first edit of that CoreISP person where the title is still the same and not manipulated:


The second edit of that CoreISP person where the title is already manipulated "Quality spam for your forums or/and sites":

 4. And another view of the CoreISP's manipulation of our title:
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Beware of simplemachines.org's forum!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2014, 08:19:01 PM »
  Yes, it was really very nasty and bad -- one of the moderators/admins there nicknamed CoreISP manipulated my title as you can see above. That's why I want to tell people to beware of simplemachines.org's forum.
 Have you ever experienced something like this there or in another forum/community?


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Reposts of my content from there, here
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 04:37:36 AM »
 I'd like to repost many of my content there, here. Because I think we deserve this content more, and because it's a content of mine.

 I (nick 'Чичо ви Гого') gave them a unique idea, but they didn't accept it. You may read it here now:

« on: December 25, 2010, 10:53:08 AM »

" Hello!
 May be some of you guys already know who I am - I am a philosopher (Geser Kurultaev). I got an UNIQUE IDEA for this www.simplemachines.org website (especially for your forum!)

 Right now you're  on:  "Alexa Traffic Rank: 3,117  Traffic Rank in US: 4,187" (http://www.alexa.com/search?q=www.simplemachines.org&r=home_home&p=bigtop), but very soon, you're ABLE to be on TOP 200 or TOP 100, if you follow my suggestion (which will be ALSO useful for many SMF users like me!) Here we go:

 JUST OPEN A NEW BOARD where people to can post FRESH ot INTERESTING topics from their SMF forums (or from elsewhere!)...In this way you will give them the possibility to get more users ALL AROUND THE WORLD + you will get more KEYWORDS (because everyone who is posting his/her link to his/her forum or website, will type few words OR sentences about what is the link about!)...
 My suggestion, shortly, is just you can do it something like the digg.com or svejo.net (it is a Bulgarian one), BUT in a forum way!

 How do you think about it?

1) You will help people to share more links (as you know many of them like the Link building stuff ;) )
2) You will get more keywords for Google and more visitors, which will help you to grow up in www.alexa.com
3) You will help the ordinary Internet users to get more and more new/fresh information and, in this way, you will enlarge the people's knowledge.


 Some nicknamed 'Antechinus' answered that it sounds very philosophical. ;D
 Another nicknamed 'DoctorMalboro' answered that it's a cool idea... for other people forum and that simplemachines.org is pretty well positioned (in the Google's SERP), so he wonders what did that have to be related to simplemachines.org.
 Third one, nicknamed 'Arantor' answered that he is really not sure that it would actually benefit for that forum too much to do this, because from where he's standing it would dilute its (the forum's) value as being the premier place for support on SMF.
 Fourth one, nicknamed 'Kindred' answered that Alexa is mostly useless anyway and so, as nice a concept as it sounds, it is basically pointless.
  :o ???
 (Btw, he also thinks that reposting content from other boards will dilute the original content.)
 Fifth one, nicknamed '青山 素子' answered that " he fails to see how philosophy is involved" + also posted about Alexa.com that it is a very poor index tool; it is somewhat OK for macro-level observations, but is not all that good in details, because it has a huge selection bias (more about this bias in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias). He also thinks that the problem is that Alexa counts users who install its toolbar and this leads to a certain audience to use it, and in turn, the rankings are gathered from this certain audience; it's not random (which kills the statistical relevance of the ranking).
He encouraged me to read some certain articles explaining about the problems with using Alexa for gauging popularity (especially when there is often a huge skew in the results).

 It was surprising and interesting to see how the people didn't get my original, core idea about how to increase their traffic and how they started to focus only on the detail (the one about Alexa.com) :o. So I answered concretely with this:
 "Forget about Alexa.com, but...
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2010, 05:08:40 AM »

Well, okay. We may ignore the alexa.com topic. Just forget about it. But how about the else ones:

a) The forum will get more keywords and long-tails (for example someone will put a link about "beer", another one will put a link about "New pictures of Obama", etc. Then Google will index Simplemachines.org with so many new words and long-tails).

b) More keywords = more popularity; more users = more possibilities for Ads, i.e. more money.  :)

c) The owners of forums/websites will be glad to find another place where they can share their links.

 It was all what I think about the benefits. But, of course, I do not insist. It was just a suggestion, which is, in my opinion, very useful for the famous forums as this one.
 Thank you for the opinions and for the attention! Merry Christmas to all that like the X-mas days! :)

After this that '青山 素子' answered point by point:

1. About the keywords and the long-tails: Agreed that perhaps it's so, but also asked what would keep those eyes on this site once they were directed there. Then explained that that isn't a general-discussion forum; it's very specifically a forum intended to support the SMF software package. Also -- ranking for non-associated keywords wouldn't help that 'mission' and would possibly dilute positioning in queries for words that matter to the mission of the site.

2. About the more keywords = more popularity/more users = more possibilities for ads (i.e. = more money): the answer was "Not if those users leave." + "tricking people" onto a site won't get you good money and once again repeated that it would dilute the 'mission' of that site.

3. About that the owners of forums (and other kinds of websites) will be glad to find another place where they can share their links, the comment was that they are welcome to do so, on a forum designed for general discussion or whatever topic they wish to post concerning. (Of course it's possible already in Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, but it still didn't exist in 2010. :) It is a forum for general discussion, i.e. omnilogy discussions and whatever.)
 And again that 'dilute' argument -- "...as Kindred mentioned, all those types of posts would dilute the value of the content on here."...
 Someone (a 'guest') nicknamed 'kat' posted an off-topic that "SIMPLEMACHINESE" is a good name for an Oriental version of SMF.  :-X
 And my final answer in that topic of mine was that:
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2010, 04:23:49 AM »

"Perhaps, but what would keep those eyes on this site once they were directed here?"

 Some of them will leave (bounce), but others will find out that there is such a great thing like SMF and also will find more useful information. I know a lot of people who visit digg.com or other social nets in order to learn something new. So it depends of the concrete user, but for user it is enlarging the traffic and the popularity.

"would possibly dilute positioning in queries for words that matter to the mission of the site"

 If it is working in this way, then better don't do it. I just think about one board, for example "SMF's SOCIAL NET". But if it is dangerous about that positioning, then...

"Tricking people onto a site won't get you good money. "

Oh, no! I am not talking about tricking them. I am just talking about a micro-social net, based as a board or as a topic here (the same as some GENERAL DISCUSSION). No tricks. I hate them.

  I think I got your points of view and I do not insist about it. That time when I posted it, I just thought that it will work good for everyone :)
  Thank you once again for your kind responses! (Here and in the other topics)
 At least, we have it here now (a micro-social net, based as a board) 8) and I'm proud of it. Well, we haven't so many users to use it (except some, who think it's designed just for SPAM, but they're very wrong!) and it's not so significant as it may be in some giant forum (it's currently a big forum, much bigger than many others, but not a 'giant' forum :) ), but the idea, imo, is a good one or a very good one. :) 8)
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More unique, useful, interesting and so on
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 04:44:39 AM »
We're busy and we may forget sometimes something (somethings). So, as a friendly reminder for everyone: keep posting (and/or reposting) all of yours unique, useful, interesting and so on content. 8) :)


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Re: Stay away from the simplemachines.org forum! Post manipulation!
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2016, 03:25:15 AM »
 OK, more reposts (with some necessary edits and explanations, of course) from the same account. (Nothing very special, but I hope it may be useful for this forum as content.)
 "How to" (asking a question about the user-friendly URLs):
"Hello everybody!

 How to make my links to be "permalinks" (or whatever is the exact name /now I know it's 'user-friendly URLs' + 'semantic URLs', 'clean URLs', 'RESTful URLs', 'search engine-friendly URLs'./ :) ). I mean -- instead of:

"... .com/index.php/topic,1024.msg3516.html#msg3516",

the link to looks like:

"... .com/index.php/italian_republic"

So - is there some way to show the CONTENT of the topics in my links, instead of numbers and numbers-letters combinations like 1024, msg3615, etc.?

 (My website was kry4ma.com and my version was SMF 1.1.11).

Thanks in advance!"

 Then I understood that it's possible with some concrete mods. I used, but it wasn't 100% helpful. See why:

"Oh, no. No effect about Bulgarian and Chinese /I meant these two languages/ (I am also using some Chinese in my forum). Only helps about the Latin letters, but it is not enough in my case. I saw the Bulgarian section in this simplemachines.org/community, and one of the moderators over there wrote that it is really not working with Bulgarian (Cyrillic) letters. I hope that in the future someone will create a good mod for the rest of the alphabets in the world, especially for the Cyrillic letters, because they are not so much (for example we have got 30 and the Russians -- 33 letters.) PLUS these letters are in use for the people from Mongolia to Macedonia, i.e. many countries and regions in Asia and Europe and different language groups: Slav, Mongol, Turkic, etc."


"If the title is in English (i.e. Latin alphabet) the pretty url is working 100%. But if it is in non-Latin (for example Chinese or Bulgarian) then it is not working. This is the point. :)
 The topic is solved about the English (and Latin at all) letters, so I will mark it as solved, but if there is a good idea about non-Latin urls - I will be glad to learn about it."

Maybe you noticed that in Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com over here, we have the same issue -- Russian, Bulgarian and Chinese threads' URLs aren't so good as the English ones (and the other Latin alphabet's ones).

                                            - - -

I had a problem with DOUBLED Headers&Footers. So, I posted:
"It is VERY strange. There is NO installed package "Headers&Footers" (I deleted it), BUT "Headers&Footers" still exist and ALSO they double everything what I put inside -- for example link something = link something link something

The Google ads' code is only one, but it is showing 2 Google ads.

 I am with an 1.1.12.

 Help me, please!"


"I have got only 2:

1. SMF 1.0.20 / 1.1.12 Update 1.0 
2. Pretty URLs 1.0RC2a


 Well, I tried few times to install Headers&Footers and to uninstall. And now the situations is:
If I install again it, there are already TRIPLE actions. If I uninstall it -- double...
 I have no idea how they're invisible. Can you tell me where to search them in order to delete/uninstall one of them OR what alternative actions I should do?
 Thank you!"


"I see. Well, AT LEAST I want to know how to uninstall it and then it is easy to install again...the main and only problem is how to find it (them) and to remove completely."


"Yes. I did it exactly with the clean copies from my another SMF 1.1.12 forum! And it is alright already! Thank you!!!" (This is how I solved this problem. :D)

Another problem I got was about BLANK PAGES:

"Good afternoon!

 My website is using 1.1.12. Yesterday the blank pages began, when me and my users are trying to:
-submit a post
-change karma

 The action is done, but there is a blank page and we have to refresh or get back.

 Any good ideas what's wrong?
 Thank you in advance!"

 I also asked about this in Chinese over there:


我的网站用的版本是1.1.12. 从昨天开始,当我和我的用户发贴、换页等等时就有空白页出现。发贴是成功的,但是出现空白页,然后我们要刷新再返回。



And more from the English one:

"Now it is alright! It was about some error in the code."


"The original problem was that my 'Headers and Footers' were doubled. Then a man over here told me to try to clean the code. Well, I found the doubled 'Headers and Footers'' codes and repaired them, but I did something wrong and then the forum stopped to work; I repaired the errors -- it was some syntax error like missed "}". But then the blank page problem came. At last, I pasted new codes (I am not that skillful, so I just copied-pasted them from my another well-working forum, the same 1.1.12 version) and now seems everything is fine. The users do not notice some troubles, EXCEPT one -- the genders (male/female) are not appeared. So, now I am going to ask is there some easy way to repair it, too. :)"


"OK, I will :) Thanks again!"

And now about the genders' problem (Gender (male/female) icons problem):

"Well, there is possibility to adjust MALE/FEMALE/NONE, as usual, but the icons under the avatars do not appear. Something wrong with the codes I think.
 Please, tell me, is there some simple way to adjust the problem?
 (I am in 1.1.12.) Thanks!"


"Oh, it was really simple!  :D WORKING! It means there is no problem with the codes :)
Thanks so much! Wish you good health, great love and all the best! :)"

From a topic "I just installed smf: Plz Help" (of someone nicknamed 'suxes2005'); I said:

"Before I thought that there is one perfect forum and I dreamed my interface to be almost the same. Later, I changed my mind and I made a different one. Well, the result is that now I am able to get 3 times more users than them. So, sometimes, to copy others is not the best way. I think you can be able to be a good competitor to that one you mentioned, if you're able to make a good content. Good luck!"

 I think it's a good post of mine. 8) So, let me have a rest now. To be continued... :)
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Re: Stay away from the simplemachines.org forum! Post manipulation!
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2016, 04:02:19 AM »
Pretty scary :o. To know that I may post for example "I love it!" and some person with nickname CoreISP to manipulate it "I hate it!"... no, thank you!!! When I post 'A' I want it to stay 'A', not  to be manipulated in 'B', 'C', 'D', etc.! (I'm doing my best to stay away from this kind of forums! >:()

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