Page 8
My gf doesn't like silly pictures. I said "Fuck it, who needs her?" in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Good mask! Halloween spirit! I love it!
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Edward Snowden: Smartphones can be hacked into with just one text message and then used to spy on their owners in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes, Edward. And I can add also some info: the Sun is very hot, the ice is cold and 2 + 2 = 4.
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I have to say it -- CruZ is a smart guy! in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I don't use anything now, because: 1. For me it's expensive (for example if it's 8 dollars monthly in one year it's 96
dollars, which is around 1/3 of a month salary.) 2. Most of the time I use the American Bing, Chinese Baidu and Russian
Yandex -- they somehow compensate me Google. When I really-really want to check exactly some Google result, I ask my
relatives in Europe to check it for me. 3. I prefer to keep safe here, because in case Chinese police decide to check what is
my online activity (I never had this problem before, but I'm just thinking about it), then it will be better, not to have
some VPN and to make them wonder "What forbidden website is this foreigner here trying to watch?!" But as far as I know many
foreigners and Chinese are using some VPNs to use Google, Youtube, Facebook...
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I have to say it -- CruZ is a smart guy! in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
He-he! Sounds very impressive.
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About the CAPTCHAs in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I can open the site. I saw it. When it's really necessary, you may add it.
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Guess what is my native language and I'll post some good words for you. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Google is a good friend, but I live in China and here now we have no Google. We are using Bing, Baidu and Yandex most of the

Nice to chat with you, but now I have to go. Take care for Skimur!

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I have to say it -- CruZ is a smart guy! in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
I can't use Google here, so you are the smartest now!

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The smallest bananas in the world? in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I can understand many of the words, because they're close to my native language or to English. Not a problem. Is it your
site? It's a good recipe!
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Guess what is my native language and I'll post some good words for you. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
Yes. That's it!

So, as I promised the good words for you:
Here: our site:'cruz'/msg25232/#msg25232 You're the man!!!
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Guess what is my native language and I'll post some good words for you. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
No, but also from Europe as the Spanish and the Polish.
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Don't be rude, obscene and don't spam. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Nope. Tell me more, pls.

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Don't be rude, obscene and don't spam. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
It depends of the ban hammer of the admin. Bigger hammer -- less ugliness.

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Don't be rude, obscene and don't spam. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Well, this is what I want to avoid -- less gross and no cruel -- let it be just fun, open heart, etc.
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Don't be rude, obscene and don't spam. in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
You start it. Post something funny or just something to relax.

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"Tell Lola I love her" -- Hongkong version in vintage
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago

The same here!
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For a small community, maybe we can benefit from an additional sort option. "New > Posts" and "New > Comments". in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Very useful, I think.
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First 5 people to PM me your paypal e-mail gets a free beer ($). in Announcements
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
I think that no one can be a "Reddit killer", because even 99% to leave it, Reddit has tons of content (including unique
content) and it will bring it traffic (visitors) like forever. Sometimes even a single webpage website is able to get solid
traffic. Imagine what's Reddit with its thousands or more pages and long online history (aged domain, high PageRank, etc.)...
An example: -- some people think it's 'dead', but it's still in the TOP 1000 in the world, according to Alexa's So, honestly, I think Skimur can't 'kill' Reddit, but to get better than Voat is
TOTALLY possible!!!
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First 5 people to PM me your paypal e-mail gets a free beer ($). in Announcements
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Oh-wow, you donated, too?! You're the 2nd one here, who said it. Condolences.
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Am I the only one? in Shave
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago

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First 5 people to PM me your paypal e-mail gets a free beer ($). in Announcements
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Oh, yeah! Right now I posted exactly how golden and good he is, please take a look, I think you will be very interested to
read it, because as far as I remember you said you had some experience about the 'alternative': delete reply edit report
First 5 people to PM me your paypal e-mail gets a free beer ($). in Announcements
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
He is a good admin.
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First 5 people to PM me your paypal e-mail gets a free beer ($). in Announcements
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
I work online and I visit many websites, so I didn't see it at once

Well, I sent you a paypal email.

If I'm one of the
first 5, I'm happy.

If not -- it's okay! I still like Skimur.

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Adding new subs is not working? in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes, I do support this rule!
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Martina Borjesson in nnteens
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
She looks like a doll. Perfect young woman!
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Simple ways to be in a good relationship with the others here!

in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Just for the record: I was born in a Christian family. I became a Buddhist, too.

But now I'm a kind of atheist already. No
proofs = no belief. I follow only the Ockam's razor ( P.S. I feel I talk with
friends here, when I read your posts, guys!
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Page 9
Voat is just a copy of Reddit... their subscriber numbers are totally bogus... We used to fake those numbers, too, when we
were little... in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Oh, okay -- if it's just alternate accounts (multi-accounting) it's not that big deal (by the way how many active accounts
one can make? It's not a big number usually.) I thought it's about something like "we have 200 subscribers, but we'll make
people to see we have 20 000."
permalink delete reply edit report
Voat is just a copy of Reddit... their subscriber numbers are totally bogus... We used to fake those numbers, too, when we
were little... in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
As a webmaster (from 2010) and as an Internet user (from 1998), who never faked any numbers, I'm speechless.
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[NSFW] I usually don't link/post this kind of things, but this one is something I didn't expect to see! in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago*
My title sounds like some linkbyte title, but I'm sincere here -- I really didn't expect to see this kind of art.
P.S. They are Severus Snape and Harry Potter on that picture, if you wonder who are they...
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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I'll be waiting to collect at least 10 Skimur supporters here. But, if in a few days (or 1-2 weeks maximum) we can't collect
this quantity, well, I suppose we may try it in this way and at least to get some 50% success of what I think.
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About the so called ccp/karma/kudos, etc. Important to read and to discuss. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago*
So never use the karma or kudos or what ever you wish to call it as any sort of measurement. It's misleading.
Quoted as a wise recommendation.
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one of my zinnias in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Don't you wish to create a sub 'flowers' here? I think you can be a good mod of it.
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one of my zinnias in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Pretty flower!
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Ability to apply keywords to subs in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
But don't forget that ccp is easy to receive in some big hate group, like it happened in Voat, before. I'll open a special
thread about it.
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How long is the average reddit revolt, what frequency do they occurs and how many users does it consist of generally? in
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
But don't underestimate the good side-effect (free ad) of: "Skimur is down!", "So many visitors! Skimur is down!", "Skimur
under DoS attack?!"

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How long is the average reddit revolt, what frequency do they occurs and how many users does it consist of generally? in
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I think only some sociologist, who has to deal with this can give us the exact answer.
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4chan somehow got modded on /r/Pepe ... this is this is the result in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
No time to read all. So, a quick question -- is that a page with mostly so called shitposts?
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Ability to apply keywords to subs in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Yes. And it's useful for the optimization of the website. I do like your idea.
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Just quick update on some things that have been deployed. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Don't worry about the kudos. I don't care and as I saw many other people also don't care so much about them. When you have
more time, you will do it.

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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
5 so far.
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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Hahaha! Smash somebody's servers?!

I'm not evil, we're good guys! It's not about hacking. It's just about fair
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I have almost an opposite idea. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I'll explain it from my point of view: for example one and the same info covers "news", "funny", "pics" or another one covers
"food", "pics", "Halloween". In these cases I do prefer to show it to all of these subs, because some people visit only or
mostly a few subs. About the karma -- you're right.
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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
4 so far.
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China to hasten roll-out of car charging network in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
And not only Beijing. Many others.
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ISIS planning ‘nuclear tsunami’ in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
And I'm planning to be a billionaire, but I can't.

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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
3 so far... Waiting.
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The universe is alive and can respond to your actions. How does this jive with being an "atheist"? Maybe my interpretation of
the experiment is off. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I follow the biology definition of 'alive' (life). For example an android/robot can move, make sounds, detect things, but
it's not alive, it's just working. Life needs more (according the present definitions). A stone/rock is an inanimate object,
so I can't imagine and think about it an a bit alive.

It's a physical object, we're physical + bio-chemical + biological +
psychological + sociological objects, i.e. we're subjects. (I like to chat about it; it's exactly a part of my major and I
love my major. I hope after 2-3 months, when I'm more free to be able to post more here. Now I'm trying to finish all my
other online duties and after 2-3 months to spend all my time and energy only for Skimur and for my own sites.)
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Some links' bug in bugs
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Exactly this wasn't very important for me, but I used it as an example about the problem, because before I couldn't add some
more important things. Glad that you'll fix it -- sometimes the interesting links are very important, because they can
generate a lot of comments and, as you know, "Content is the King".

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Robert Thurman: Love Your Enemy in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I can't watch it, but I'd like to say: the ethics and moral are completely possible without any religion.
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The universe is alive and can respond to your actions. How does this jive with being an "atheist"? Maybe my interpretation of
the experiment is off. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I can't see the video, but I can comment the title:
The Universe is mostly not live. Example: a stone can't breath, can't eat, can't drink, etc. According to what we call 'life'
today, most of the universe is not alive.
'Respond' is something that only the conscious can do, i.e. the universe itself can respond only in these parts, where it has
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The universe is alive and can respond to your actions. How does this jive with being an "atheist"? Maybe my interpretation of
the experiment is off. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I can't see the video, but I can comment the title:
The Universe is mostly not live. Example: a stone can't breath, can't eat, can't drink, etc. According to what we call 'life'
today, most of the universe is not alive.
'Respond' is something that only the conscious can do, i.e. the universe itself can respond only in these parts, where it has
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Page 10
Maybe not popular, but AN IDEA, so just let me know what do you think! in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yeah, I'd like to, but she deleted her profile (including all her info/posts) and I can't. I hope we can have some of her
supporters here (I read she had many), who may invite her here.
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Is Reddit Afraid Of Voat? Domain Name Purchase Suggests It Is... in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I don't want to sound like a sycophant, but I think you're really better as a developer and better as an admin of this kind
of websites.
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Russian missiles hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes. If America (USA) start to fight against some small country seriously (I mean not only planes, but soldiers, tanks,
etc.), they'll surely win. I think so.
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Different languages in bugs
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
From my point of view it's working, no problem with Chinese, Russian, Korean, Bulgarian and Greek.
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Should we be able to message ourselves? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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Should we be able to message ourselves? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Let me see... @Georgi
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Should we be able to message ourselves? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Give them to message themselves! More messages (but PUBLIC!) = more unique content = more popular in SERP (Google, Yahoo,
Bing, etc.) = more visitors to Skimur!

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Should we be able to message ourselves? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Yes! But only publicly!!! For example you may open a thread in s/whatever: "To myself:..." @pknopf, am I right?

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Forget about Voat, let's compete with the betters! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
It's one of the best (in many points) website in the world, imo. They even deserve better.

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Forget about Voat, let's compete with the betters! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I'm glad you read all of the things that may be helpful for Skimur.

Oh, not everyone hates Tumblr, see the big picture: It's one of the TOP 50 in the world and pretty popular in US and some other
countries. I can't imagine the success of Skimur if it has even 50% of the Tumblr visitors! OMG, if here we get only 50% of
the Tumblr visitors we'll rank like 84 IN THE WORLD! (Let me see who is currently 84... checking... Found:
84 )
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What do you like most about Japan? in Japan
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I see.
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Russian missiles hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I know these, but look at their history. Most of the time they win. And now, especially against some small 'country' like
ISIS, I bet they'll win again. They're a big country, with one of the strongest armies in the world, one of the TOP 10
economies in the world and they have a lot of war experience. If I have to bet, I bet they'll destroy now all of the Assad's
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Notifications - default view should be "unread" in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Agreed, too.
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Russian missiles hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Most of the Russian wars (in history) were successful. Russia lose wars very rare. So, once Russia is in this war, I do
expect a victory.
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Russian missiles hit IS in Syria from Caspian Sea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I want to know (if someone can explain me): isn't it (almost) clear where the bombs/missiles drop? For example: a
bomb/missile A drops (or 'lands'; I don't know it in English) in place B. The place B is in ISIS or not in ISIS. As I know
it's pretty clear where is ISIS and where is not. So, I really wonder why there are still questions like who bombs who. Maybe
I miss something (I'm a pacifist and I don't like to learn about wars, weapons, etc.), so if someone knows, please, explain
me, why people can make so good maps where is ISIS like this one:,_Iraqi,_and_Lebanese_insurgencies.png,
but they are not sure about who fights who, especially nowadays, when the satellites can make even Google Maps and you can
see your own car on the street from the space photo! So, you can see a car, but you can't see a bomb, missile destruction,
which is bigger than a car? I don't think so.
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User kudos is here! in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
You guys, know I don't care about it (as far as it doesn't limit my participation and activity like in Reddit and Voat, and
so on), but I checked it and I report it works, i.e. no bugs.
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About the so called ccp/karma/kudos, etc. Important to read and to discuss. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I read all. You're right. I already had this issue and it was one of the reason to stop contribute there and to limit my
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Voat is just a copy of Reddit... their subscriber numbers are totally bogus... We used to fake those numbers, too, when we
were little... in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
YEAH! I'm a virtual! The Matrix!

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About the so called ccp/karma/kudos, etc. Important to read and to discuss. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Many of them have no idea what's TOR and VPN, but of course some will do it. That's why I think all this downvote/upvote is
nothing necessary.
permalink delete reply edit report
About the so called ccp/karma/kudos, etc. Important to read and to discuss. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
All the non-active accounts are deleted (all active are not deleted). We never risk to delete ACTIVE accounts, just because
they have one and the same IP with non-active or another active one, because some people use only 1 family PC, others are
poor and use only Internet Cafe around -- in these case you can have many users with one and the same IP. But if there is one
and the same IP and no posts, no activity, then it is going to be deleted. I think it's the best decision.
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TIL about the ghost bikes in TIL
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Glad to see it was useful for me and for else people!

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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
6 so far. Of course, I will explain you soon. I think most of you will like it, because it's easy, free and nothing about
hackers' activities. It's about how and what content you all to post in Skimur (i.e. mostly you will use only your keyboard).

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About the so called ccp/karma/kudos, etc. Important to read and to discuss. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes. Everytime when there is a multi-accounting (one and the same IP) and no posts, the accounts are deleted. Because, let's
suppose: you, your sister and your father use one and the same IP and post there/here. It's okay. But if only make accounts
for link-building and don't contribute at all about the content of the site, than it's not okay.
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I have almost an opposite idea. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Btw, I don't know exactly what is that Manhood101 mania/hysteria there. I just think that in a sites like this we should give
them right for free speech, without witch hunt. If they really start to spam (according to what we think is 'spam', because
there are different definitions for it and every admin decides by himself), then ban them.
permalink delete reply edit report
About the so called ccp/karma/kudos, etc. Important to read and to discuss. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Thanks for your opinion. Your idea is not bad, but I have also a good one: I moderate a comparatively big forum (not one of
the biggest, but bigger than many others currently online). There you can vote for a person only once per 24 hours. ALSO, the
upvotes and downvotes do not limit your participation in any way, they only show what is going on with the votes/downvotes
and that's all. In this way they can't play the system AT ALL.
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Page 11
‘Tree of life’ links birds to 3 dinosaur lineages in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I'm interested in this. Good link!
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Scientists grow sweet potatoes in Martian greenhouse in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I love this kind of science! Thanks for the link, Yoda!
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So what are we, exactly? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
We are an online community.

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What do you think about the ability to "follow" a person? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Good and bad. Good for the people, who are your good followers and bad for the downvote brigadiers, who will follow you just
to downvote you and/or to send some 'report' about you.
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/s/OffbeatNews - the bizarre, abnormal, funny or just plain WTF in the news today. in newsubs
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Sounds interesting.
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/s/FloridaMan - chronicling the adventures of America's bestworst superzero in newsubs
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I met it before, but I still can't get it -- what's the special about Florida and the men there?

I know it's a sunny
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/s/HistoryAnecdotes: Home to the most interesting, and often humorous, anecdotes and short accounts from history. in newsubs
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
I read already some of them. Good sub!
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/s/Android: A place to talk about android phones! in newsubs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Congratulations for your new sub, Blake!
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Discussions about plans for moderators, brigading and voting rings. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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Should we be able to message ourselves? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Sounds like some modern haiku.

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Discussions about plans for moderators, brigading and voting rings. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I meant "you can see" = "the admin can see", not all of us.

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Different languages in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I see.
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Discussions about plans for moderators, brigading and voting rings. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Right ans wise, as usual. My 50 cents:
I think the best will be, if you can see who vote/downvote who. Then it's very easy to deal with the problematic voters.
About the reports -- there are also fake reports brigades -- for example when 5-6 organized liars send one and the same lie,
many people will take it as a pure truth, without investigating.
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Quick update about some things deployed. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Hardworking and well done!
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Different languages in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
With Firefox I see one "This is a test". With Opera -- not clear.
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Different languages in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
So, it's a bug.
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Different languages in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
What is this? I can see only rectangles and they're out of the field.
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Maybe not popular, but AN IDEA, so just let me know what do you think! in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Thanks for the opinion and welcome here!
permalink delete reply edit report
Maybe not popular, but AN IDEA, so just let me know what do you think! in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I understand your point of view and I thank you for your opinion, but at least you agree that she was a great content creator
(i.e. posted a lot of content there), right? This is my main point about her.
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What should we be doing about subreddit landgrabs? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Oh, yes. I remember it, too. Okay.
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What should we be doing about subreddit landgrabs? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
I think 5 days is not bad (except, when people have to absent longer, for example: "pknopf, I will go to visit another place
for 2 weeks, see you later!", i.e.when they informed you, they will be busy for some longer period. It's not difficult.)
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nice house in pics
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Amazing house! Halloween feeling! I lllllllllllllove it!
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Is Reddit Afraid Of Voat? Domain Name Purchase Suggests It Is... in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
You're so welcome!
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Different languages in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago

I hope in the future we may have some international activity, so I checked.
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Maybe not popular, but AN IDEA, so just let me know what do you think! in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
As far as I know is she was a mod in 'ask'-something and she insisted people to put a question mark after the question (which
is normal) and then some haters started to downvote her. (I'm also not very familiar with the problems around her, so I don't
know all of the issue.)
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Well, at least you deleted there, which is okay, because I don't think the owners deserve content after their so many fails!
But next time, repost everything, because almost every content matters. Even simple sentences like "I like apples."

talking about the website development as indexing in Google, Bing, etc., which is important for the future visitors here.)
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Hopefully once it get many visitors (because of the huge content), then the comments will appear naturally, because some of
the visitors will subscribe. Thanks that you understand the idea and you're going to upload some of your ton content! I like
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I finally figured it out. When you hear the secret to avoiding clickbait titles, it will change your life. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
And you'll miss something important, too. Some clickbait titles really have got a useful content. I don't like the bait-
strategy, but not every -bait is a trash.

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Tell me something unique about yourself. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I can speak 3 foreign languages well, I can understand another one well and I have some average knowledge about others. I am
a kind of polyglot.
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Keeping the dying art of Calligraphy alive in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Ha-ha! Yes... now the next step should be to learn what's the content of the calligraphy art.

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What's Pepe? in Pepe
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Oh, I see. Thanks for the explanation, Ariana!

Btw, pretty avatar.

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How should we advertise? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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TIL - We're closer in time to January 1, 2040 than we are to January 1, 1990. in TIL
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I understand your point. Well, I feel old already many years ago.

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I have a great plan how to make this place popular in just 1-2 months. How many of you wants to follow it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
So -- soon.

Or if you're very in hurry -- I can make it for you, but I suppose it's not a problem to wait 1 day more.
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
And if there isn't some important, you can create it, or ask some of the others to create it, if they like it.

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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Btw, we have got here.
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
If you delete a post somewhere and post it here, then in the future if someone post the same in another place, it'll be not
unique, but duplicated content and as far as I know, it's worthless, because the search engines will show only your original
content, i.e. the one here. So, I continue to think it worth to bring here content, which will be unique (as long as it's
only here).
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
P.S. I sent some PMs, because I hope more people to participate in this decent action, or at least to share their opinions.
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
In case someone can't get it. A sweet little example: you posted in some of the other websites something like "Today I went
to the sea and I saw there a crab." Copy and paste this sentence here and DELETE IT there.
In this way you're contributing unique content for Skimur and it will make the website much more popular after some months,
when the Search Engines index and ranked this content. This is the main and the most important step. If you did it, then I'll
tell you a last step -- very easy and simple, free and normal, but it will take you only around 1-2 hours.

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How should we advertise? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
OK, but we didn't get 10 people yet.
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How should we advertise? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
As a scientist-philosopher, I do agree, but I'd like to be honest, that some of the educated people are also haters and

About the advertisement, I think it'll be not so necessary, if my idea starts to work. I mentioned already that
only 10 people will be able to make this place popular. And soon I'll share it.
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ISIS left so weakened by Russian airstrikes and desertion it could be wiped out in just HOURS in Conspiracy
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
When Russia starts to beat something, usually the result is like this -- it's weakened and/or it's becoming a part of Russia.
That's why it's the biggest country in the world.
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One of the tricky ways to collect karma in some other sites, which is good to prevent here in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
100% it.
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Revenge of the herd in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
You really can find interesting photos! I like it.
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Blue sky and red ice at Pluto in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago

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Saudi Arabia: Employer chops off hand of Indian woman for trying to escape torture in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
This is popular:ía#.22Our_Son_of_a_Bitch.22
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The childfree sub in newsubs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes. I put them together, because the users used to know it in this way in Reddit and Voat.
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A sort of difficult question about the multi-accounts in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
Then we don't need to worry, we'll have 2 accounts with the same IP in the future! Thanks for the clarification!

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The childfree sub in newsubs
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Nooooo (a very long 'no').

Childfree (aka CF) is a philosophy and/or way of life; shortly: I (we) don't want to born/adopt
children. There are many people around the world, who feel living without kids is much better.
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#$@%!: grawlix in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Good link. 10x!
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Dutch Safety Board set to say MH17 downed by Russian-made missile in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
You're not a knife owner.

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Any objections to the mirroring of some reddit content? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I still can't get the mirror thing meaning -- someone links something in Reddit or somewhere else. This link brings
opinions/posts under it. You link the same here and you're getting DIFFERENT opinions/posts. At the end we have different-
and-unique content, so the mirror analogy is not right in my opinion (I know probably there is some Internet slang like
'mirroring', but I mean it's meaningless, as far as the only common is the link.) Sometimes 2 people can link one and the
same in two different websites, without knowing that another one also linked it. Hence, the so called mirroring is totally
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Skimur design in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
If it's about the potential future Reddit and Voat users -- most of them are going to like as similar as possible to the
websites they used to visit. So, from this point of view -- don't change it very much. About my personal like -- oh, I like
simple designs, so in this way I am totally okay!
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Dutch Safety Board set to say MH17 downed by Russian-made missile in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
That's right -- for example some knives are "Made in China", but not every knife owner is a Chinese.

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Open the links in new windows in SkimurDev
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Oh, here is something new for me, too! I didn't know about the middle click!

Thanks Metal!

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Open the links in new windows in SkimurDev
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes, right, but most of the average users have no idea about it or haven't this habit. For example ask the people around you
if the know what's "Ctrl and +" for or "Ctrl and W" for and you'll see what's the level of the computer literacy.

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How many active users do we have now? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
That's a very high level.
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How many active users do we have now? in whatever
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
I'm active now, but in the future (when I finish some other duties) I'll be super-active! I hope so.

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After floods in England, swans in the street - Worcester in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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What's your favorite "lazy" meal? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago

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A 2 minute delay before the edit flag turns on. in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I think it's useful.
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TIL about the New Zealand flag debate in TIL
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I was sure you'll say this.

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You can now invite moderators! in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago*
Productive and fast as usual!

I'm still busy and I can't give my 100% energy to Skimur, but I plan to be here regular as I
am now, and much better in the (near!) future, so I'd like to help with 4 subs: /s/science, /s/news, /s/worldnews and /s/pics
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Okay. Do what you think is right; you're a free man.

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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Yeah, but how we can know what Skimur will be, when it's big, if we don't make it big? It's the necessary risk that everyone
is taking, when/if starts to contribute somewhere. Also, I believe the admin is better than the others well-know admins, who
are not administrating well.
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Tell me something unique about yourself. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I upvoted your comment and I said it's a good response and I hope more people will answer like this. All is good.
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Tell me something unique about yourself. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Thank you for the detailed response! More posts/responses like this and will be a leading website soon!

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TIL that the Mongolian Navy only has one ship and 7 men of which only one can swim in TIL
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I think it's even a big success, that they can still have so big country.
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I finally figured it out. When you hear the secret to avoiding clickbait titles, it will change your life. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes, some of these websites are not a pleasure for me, too.
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Tell me something unique about yourself. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
And what is exactly the very first your memory?
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
I also think that this site is better to hope to grow up from the Searching (Search Engines), than just from Reddit users and
that's why I suggested everyone to put content here as much as he/she can. About the Voat -- I think you're very right: see
the line -- down, down, down...
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Here comes my idea how to make Skimur popular in a short time in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I'll comment only the 1st one: Many websites have a big % of traffic, which coming exactly from the Search Engines. Let me
see the current numbers: Voat -- 7.5% unique visitors from Google, Reddit -- 11.8% ... And this is mostly, because of the
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Something related to my idea (many people left Voat and deleted their accounts) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
What I know about this problem: It's because Google stopped officially to update the PageRank, but it still exists as many
people think. And recently it's not so important algorithm, but it's still one of the important ones. Other important
algorithms are: how old is your domain and site (including how long did you pay it), how many people share it in the Social
networks and in other websites (especially the related ones), how many people visit it, how long they spend on the website,
is it generate daily different content, if the content is unique, etc.
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"Winter Is Coming" (my serial meme)

in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago*
Not very cold, around 12-14 Celsius. I dislike ice, snow... this is one of the reason to move from North to South of China.
Also -- the pollution. So, now I live in a poor place, but it's warm and it's not very polluted.
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What do you guys think about making a single down-vote costing you a kudos? Up votes are free all day! in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I said something similar already and now I see you already wrote about it. I do share your opinion, so my suggestion is 1
downvote/upvote per 24 hours -- for example if I upvote you now, then I can't upvote you again in the next 24 hours. The same
with downvotes.
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What do you guys think about making a single down-vote costing you a kudos? Up votes are free all day! in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
The problem is that the downvote brigades are also upvote brigades -- the brigadiers support each other with upvotes (for
example when they target somebody and post a topic about him full of disinformation/lies/etc. or something else). So, the
idea is good, but not the best. I prefer the system: 1 downvote (or 1 upvote) per 24 hours; for example if I downvote you
now, then in the next 24 hours I can't downvote you again.
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About the Australian towns and cities in Australia
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Thanks! Very nice answer. What about Darwin? What people speak and think about this city?
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Meanwhile On Reddit: Meanwhile on Voat. Reddit talking about Voat talking about Reddit shadowbanning people talking about CNN
removing Sanders vs Clinton polls in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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How many non-native English speakers here? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago

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Do you feel angry about it? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago*
I don't mind if he opens this donations earlier (because he is not like many of the others owners, who only want money, but
do not involve!), but the best is when a website may earn money not from its contributors/users, but from the content, i.e.
from some ads and/or sponsors.
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Do you feel angry about it? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago*
Thanks for the answer! More: I meant 100% other sites and (obviously) not Skimur, because the admin here (till today) never
asked us to donate. All I feel is not in fair are some websites, that usually answer like "don't involve", etc., when you --
the ordinary user (contributor, in fact) need some help, but when it comes to money -- "ohhhh, please, give us money!"...
that's ridiculous. And about Skimur -- me, personally, hope to have some good ads option, which is going to bring good money
for you and for the best contributors. (Btw, because I'm in the webmasters' field for some years, I heard that: if you have a
website very popular in /well, I know it's not the perfect measurement, but there is no currently better/...), then
the rich guys, who need ads, will connect to you soon!... This sounds promising! And I wish this happened here!

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How to get someone to understand the difference between "then" and "than." in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Thanks for the link!
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How to get someone to understand the difference between "then" and "than." in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago*
If he/she thinks the rude words and style is a way to make more nowadays' kids/teens to learn language/grammar/etc. better,
i.e. if it's just a tactics to teach them -- okay! BUT if the creator of this website is just usually so obscene, I think
it's an example of degradation and it's leading to idiocracy (this shows how:
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How many non-native English speakers here? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Many, but in different levels, depends of the time (for example, before, when I lived in Libya for 2 years my Arab language
was not bad, but after many years I didn't practice it, I can't say now I can speak Arab well...) So, currently: English,
Chinese, Russian, Bulgarian (an European language), Macedonian (another European language) and a little bit Korean, Tatar and
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Posts of the users in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I see. Thanks for your fast and exact answer (as usual)!!! Really appreciate it!
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have you got your flu shot? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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This may really ruin Skimur and every other community in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Good post; some thoughts on it: many people think free speech = free crimes (including hate crimes). Their definition of
'free speech' is childish and utopian. Is it so difficult to express a certain point of view WITHOUT insults, threads, etc.?
It's not, but there are many barbarians and semi-barbarians, who can't handle it. For individuals like this only strict rules
and strong moderation is the cure. Think about the success of Wikipedia -- can you imagine what it will be, if there wasn't
vandalism control and rules?
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This may really ruin Skimur and every other community in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I even suppose there are some people, who are engaged in selling products for weight loss and their goal is obvious.
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For the sustainable development in the future in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Oh, admin (co-admin) is too much, imo. So, I suggested something like secretaries, who answer users around. 'Delete all
posts' sounds pretty scary. Backup every other day (in the future) -- it's a good habit!
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This may really ruin Skimur and every other community in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Yes. The sad is that some of them are adults (according to what they claim and to the posting style, vocabulary, etc.) I do
also suppose some of these psychopaths/sociopaths/degrades are going to show up here (many of them tend to participate in
downvote brigading, too), that's why I want to discuss about it earlier and to make all of us ready with the necessary
measures. I'm very glad that you're one of the people, who realizes the problem!
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This may really ruin Skimur and every other community in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Oh, as I expected -- (from the same person, 20 days ago)...
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For the sustainable development in the future in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
The nearly perfect solution is to have stable rules and the secretaries to point to them. Yes, for sure most of the people
(especially many of the youngsters) will think that their points of view are the best and the admin 'MUST' listen to them.
It's impossible to satisfy every wish, but it's possible to give answers/responses. We can't keep people, who are
disappointed why Skimur is not changing this or that, but we can keep those, who just need an answer and some action like ban
some downvote brigade, tell that person stop insulting me or ban, etc.
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More drama at voat: Subverse request ends with current mods trashing the sub and blaming the requester in whatever
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
I don't want to sound like a sycophant, but my true feeling is that if you were the admin of (or if you had to deal
with the Voat's users in your site), you could manage the things much better and to keep the people all there.
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Featured Subs in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Even more often like 3 days per sub. This will give more chance to all of the subs.
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Are you drinking tonight? What are you drinking? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
No. Only 1-2 times a week. Sometimes only once a week or every other week.
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Honestly, what set this site apart from voat or reddit? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
One of the thing is that the admin is here almost everyday and he is listening to the users + he is not rude + he is
following his rules. The other one, as you read already, is the chance to set free from the vote manipulations. The third one
is the freedom -- till today, no one told me what to NOT post/link here. The forth one is -- currently friendly atmosphere.
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Having issues with my login again in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I missed you. I am glad you're here.

I hope the admin will help you soon; usually he is very fast and responsive!
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Meanwhile... in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
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Why so called 'drama' is not useful for a website in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago*
Because I wanted to show them that these sort of actions have consequences, I deleted everything I ever posted there.
VERY RIGHT!!! And the result is obvious (down, down, down...): About the forums -- not
everyone is okay -- I know some, where only 1 moderator is enough to dislike you and you're banned, i.e. disagree = ban... In
our forum we ban only for bot-like behavior or obscene posts, but many other forums have a ton of rules and the bans are very
easy there.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Oh, that's why? I didn't know it, because I don't follow very well the Reddit news.
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Remember this: "A place for friendly discussion about fat people. Please, no aggression/hatred." in fatpeoplehate
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Something related:
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Related topic:
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I can't get it: how they are paying so much bitcoins?! What's the catch? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yeah, I see.
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I can't get it: how they are paying so much bitcoins?! What's the catch? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
So, you mean, they speak they pay a bitcoin, but they pay only some little % of it?! OMG...
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I can't get it: how they are paying so much bitcoins?! What's the catch? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Ohhhh, I see! Any idea what kind of fractions? (Approximately.)
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I can't get it: how they are paying so much bitcoins?! What's the catch? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
P.S. 'disbelief' is the noun, but you got it.
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What are you looking forward to? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Nothing. No hopes...
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What are your favorite smells? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Lemon, sushi, etc.
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Saudi Cleric: The Sun Revolves Around the Earth in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
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What do you guys think about showing the breakdown of kudos (by sub) public for all users? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
If it's so useful -- okay.
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No need for an accountant in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago

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Should I delete subs with no activity at all? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
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Should I delete subs with no activity at all? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I also think so.
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Should I delete subs with no activity at all? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
But it's not so easy, when you're busy and/or you haven't enough visitors, for example: (currently has only one post).
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The difference between corruption and lobbying in Politics
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
And that's all?
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Should I delete subs with no activity at all? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
That's also true.
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Should I delete subs with no activity at all? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
No, not at once. At least give them some time. For example now I'm active in Skimur, but I still have not time to develop my
subs, it's pity to delete them. Also, I know cases when some subs are not active, but in the future some of the new users
make them active (for example now we haven't here many child-free guys, but if skimur get popular, they'll come.) If these
subs are not a problem for the functionality of the site, let them exist. They, themselves, may attract some visitors: it's
better in the Search Engines to have something like, than (nothing). BUT, if the
CREATOR is just a SQUATTER -- try your way (I remember your good way!) to connect with him/her first and IF he/she is not
answering, then -- delete or suggest the sub to somebody else, who is willing to mod it.
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Cherenkov radiation is caused by particles moving faster than the speed of light in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
From the beginning I felt that light is not necessary the fastest in the universe.
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So what are you guys going to do this weekend? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Glad to see another skimurer online.

Well, the irony is that I'm living in China.

(According to some points of view
it's still in the Third world; developing country, etc.)
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So what are you guys going to do this weekend? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Just busy online and offline.
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TIL: The DenYeniseian languages are the first demonstration of a genealogical link between Old World and New World language
families. in TIL
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Maybe you mean Ainu? I just know the Basque language has a lot of theories.
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TIL: The DenYeniseian languages are the first demonstration of a genealogical link between Old World and New World language
families. in TIL
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I knew it many years ago -- simply some of the Siberian people are relatives with the American Indians. Thanks for the
participation here! I like linguistics very much!
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This magnificent bastard lives on my street, finally posed for a picture in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Like it.

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About the Australian towns and cities in Australia
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Good to know! Thanks again!

See you around!
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Am I right about Voat's dropping? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Oh, never underestimate the personal factor -- for example Ellen Pao and her role in Reddit's history: delete reply edit report
Am I right about Voat's dropping? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
You're right about the technical side (bugs, etc.), but I'll add the human side: people are getting disappointed of the
irresponsibility of the administration, which shows how important is the admin/admins to be responsive, responsible, to keep
their own rules and to take care for the human atmosphere in their website/websites.
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Am I right about Voat's dropping? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I didn't plan to open this topic, but Techius posted pro-Voat there and I decided to explain him the real situation + to see
do you feel the same.

(Btw, the Reddit also has some problems, but no matter how many may leave it, it got tons of content
and even with only 1% of it current users it may continue to be a leading website very long time.)
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Am I the only one who's interested in the quality of posts in Skimur compared to Voat? in whatever
[–] Georgi 4 points 4 months ago
I'd like to answer you, but I'm recently apolitical ( and I don't care about this
matter. The quality of posts is the one that is bringing more visitors and/or users, from pragmatical point of view.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
According to the statistics of Alexa most of the Voat visitors are from the Northern hemisphere of Earth (USA, Canada, India,
UK). Usually in the winter months here (in the Northern hemisphere) websites with most visitors from the Northern hemisphere
are getting more traffic, because it's cold and in many places and they prefer to surf online from home. So, I think in the
summer the Voat traffic will drop more. The fact is many people left Voat and some even deleted their accounts and moved to
other websites. Here, in Skimur, you may meet some of the ex-voaters.

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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago*
Here we talk only about the fatpeoplehate in voat and in skimur. In voat's fatpeoplehate you have NO right to dissent, i.e.
no free speech there. You may get ban anytime, because you're 'fat' (even they never saw you) and other crazy stuff... Isn't
that clear that it's abnormal place? And here we hope to make it better, because the admin will fight the vote brigades (they
manipulate the free speech) and it will ensure better, democratic atmosphere. Btw, Voat is getting down: Down (Source:
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You guys can now dig into a persons post/comment history. Navigate to their profile page! in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I found it by myself right now. Thanks for the announcement, too! Works very well!
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Who feels he/she is a loser and why? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
You're still a young person and you have many chances in the future to become more athletic, more social and more
knowledgeable for sure.

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Who feels he/she is a loser and why? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
To be introverted is okay. Many genius were introverted people. It's not bad. Welcome here (I noticed you're new user.) and
enjoy this friendly community, full of clever and positive people!
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes. Less hate = better.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
There is no normal person, who will like this kind of 'moderation'. And I already limited my participation in Voat -- now I
am helping to develop Skimur and I hope it'll be better than Voat!
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Well we finally got some rain out here in California. This happened in my neck of the woods Thursday night. in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Looks bad.
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Who feels he/she is a loser and why? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Sounds like you had some bigger dreams or expectations?
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Who feels he/she is a loser and why? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
And why?

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What are your fears for Skimur? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
As I said already -- I like it in this way (with these rules -- no hate and right everyone to express opinion, i.e. you
didn't set up that "No dissent!"), so I started to contribute there and I subscribed. I'll continue to participate there --
it'll be useful for Skimur.
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Who feels he/she is a loser and why? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago

Thanks. As I planned -- I am reposting/resubmitting some of my stuff from other websites in Skimur to help this website
growing. This is just a question I posted before and it got some good answers, so I hope it may bring something positive
here, too.

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What are your fears for Skimur? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I also hope so.
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What are your fears for Skimur? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
In the last day or two, we've had a few of the better known folks show up here to establish their subs, just in case.
I already made an alert-topic about one of them:
Which ones are the others?
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What are your fears for Skimur? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
The opposite -- I'm afraid that the people (users) are not enough here and the website can't generate enough content.
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What are your fears for Skimur? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Warmly welcome you here, dear Ukko!
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I think you're right.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Yes, I write for the people, too. More content = more traffic for Skimur.

This is our current goal, I hope.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I didn't say I don't like it; I said I hope it will be nothing like voat's fatpeoplehate and I even said I like the anti-hate
rules there. I wish you good luck with this sub and if it's successful I may continue to post there.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago*
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Of course. If they come here (now I can't see some fatpeoplehate community here yet) and they break no rules, you don't have
to do something.
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
In There some of the haters are afraid to give me even their Skype ID (I asked them to have a chat, if they're so
brave), because 'it's doxxing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
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These twins can’t get their driver’s permits because the state of georgia’s computers can’t tell them apart in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Isn't it possible one of them to take her photo with another hairstyle and without glasses, with different clothes, etc.? I
think there is a way to make the computers see the difference.
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Meet 'Pricasso,' the artist who paints better with his dick than you do with your hands. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I also think so -- it's bad for his health. May I know if he earns enough money (according to your interview)? I hope he can
retire soon and in a good health!
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You have just won 100 million dollars. What do you do with the money? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago*
A very big donation to Skimur + a decent donation to every one of the good people here.
Around 50% in the bank for interest.
The rest few % for a little movie company, some new restaurants and for books.
EDIT: grammar. (Not native English speaker from Europe.

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I created a commercial for Skimur and the mod-tools available for moderators. What do you think? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Appreciate your job!
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We can learn a lot from it (some of the comments worth to be read carefully, too) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Glad to hear/read that. The way this to happen (as already someone already wrote here, may be you?) is to post more
scientific, educated and well-written posts. This may attract people with higher IQ (and hopefully -- EQ). But the ranking in
the SEs is something not easy nowadays -- a lot of competition. Also -- giants like Facebook and Twitter are keeping busy
many of the potential users.
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The ability to ignore in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Okay, let's imagine there are 2 trolls. They start to flood the Skimur with non-sense. We ignore them and the flood (which
may be spambot generated) continues. This will harm the ranking of Skimur in the Search Engines and this is one of the worst
things that may happen to a new website, without SE trust, without aged domain, etc. So, what I mean is the common users may
ignore them, but the admin @pknopf should take measures, because a bad beginning for a website is sometimes the end.
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The ability to ban in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I meant only the concrete IP, not the large scale.
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The ability to ban in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Good to hear this. As a fan of the strong control, I do appreciate these abilities.

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We can learn a lot from it (some of the comments worth to be read carefully, too) in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I fear that most of what you mention will not be applied here as rules because the new user base won't accept them given pre
This reminds me some situations in Europe currently -- the new Muslim-oriented people have pre-expectations and... Imagine
what will be next, if the European countries decide to change the rules, because of the new comers... Compare with the
Chinese model. Why China haven't this kind of problem? Rules, strong leadership, strong... strong... and the results are
Btw, I hope this website to attract not only Redditors and Voaters. So, I already suggested massive content contribution,
because it needs Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. users, i.e. diversification of the membership.
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The ability to ban in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, but then there is IP-ban.

After this you should search proxy or pay money for VPN... this is more and more difficult
and the average spammer/hater/etc. will move on. Let's say it in this way -- if you use the bans you may deal with most of
them. If you don't -- you may deal with just a few of them. It's like a wall -- yes, some are good jumpers and will jump over
it, but better with a wall, than without a wall.
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The ability to ban in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I meant the 100% ban, where they can't use all of the for a concrete period of time.
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The ability to ignore in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I am not very well informed about those Amlek and MH101 and I think that it's possible they (or people like them) victims of
labeling and/or witch hunt. Well, even they're so skillful to avoid bans with different IP's they can't play this endlessly.
And I don't think they moderated them well -- if you not just ban, but also delete all the post of an user, it's already very
demotivative. Even 10-20% of those may still insist, most of them will give up and will find easier targets.
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What's a hobby you have gotten into lately? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
Nothing new.
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Can anyone tell me what this code means? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
I can translate -- "You entered mobile phone number' format has an error". (Not native English speaker and not native Chinese
speaker, but I got the meaning and I think you got it now, too).
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The ability to ignore in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
The better will be not to ignore them, but:
Try to show them they're wrong.
Report them to the admin and he to explain them they're wrong.
He bans them. It's very possible and it's WORKING in many big communities. I can show you an example with a big European
newspaper with a big forum (where many people get bans for rude words or something and when they come back, they're better): -- very successful website with a big forum. (Mention that it's only in a small European language and
still so comparatively popular:
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We can learn a lot from it (some of the comments worth to be read carefully, too) in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago*
I do agree with almost all (as usual, because most of the time I like what you post and I think you're one of the most
educated people not only in Skimur, but in my online experience at all), except the grow slowly -- it'll not prevent the
problems, if the management of a certain community is not good. If there are good rules and strict, the haters, shitposters,
etc., will be banned and the place will be clean (no matter they will get ban one by one /slow growing/ or 100 per day /fast
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We can learn a lot from it (some of the comments worth to be read carefully, too) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
The nickname of the anti- guy is enough to show that his opinions about Skimur are not going to be very wise.
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【ALERT】I hope will be nothing like!!! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
The same as racism, but not about the race; it's about the size (tall-short, fat-thin, etc.)
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Humans may be a hybrid species in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago
It's so normal and natural.
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What is the most pressing issue/feature you would like to see addressed? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago*
I have no preferences. BUT, btw, I know you don't think it's important to put somethings like these, but at least, put some
description like those:
"reddit: the front page of the internet"
"a community platform where you can have your say. No censorship."
because right now in the SERPs it looks like:
www.skimur.comBefore the end of 2015, will be released. At that point, we promise to preserve users/posts/settings until
Skimur is officailly released (early 2016).
www.skimur.comAbout. Skimur is a next-gen media sharing, aggregation and personal blogging platform. Development is currently in progress.
A continous delivery system will deliver ...
Looks not professional.
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What's this SJW (Social Justice Warrior)? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
I read it before, but I hoped to find some more scientific source. Anyway, thank you for the link!
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I hate this... in Webcomics
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 months ago

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Am I right about Voat's dropping? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 4 months ago
Yes. At once I understand you had experience with the websites and their traffic.

/I remember you said you dealt with some
very big forum and with Reddit, so no wonder you got the trends/.
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Am I right about Voat's dropping? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 4 months ago
Yes, sir! May I help you?
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Previous Next
Page 18
40. Your advises? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, most of the time I even forget how old I am (many people think I'm younger, because I have a kind of young spirit and

Very nice and good answer! It's my 1st b-day present today!

Thank you so much!
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[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Oh, me too. We only posted it as a piece of news there once (yesterday) and it'll be all. Enough is enough. I do support your
point of view and I did mentioned it many times -- the most Skimur needs is the UNIQUE CONTENT, i.e. the internal efforts.
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[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Max, relax and continue to discuss non-emotionally. I understand your language and I wanted/want to get the facts. So, the
fact is that yesterday only one person posted it in 3 related subverses. No spam. About 'report spammers' -- there we were a
victim of very FAKE REPORTS by a downvote brigade. All hate came initially from FATPEOPLEHATErs + a Canadian alcoholic. I
have many screenshots and if it's necessary I'm ready to prove the things. (We already posted online some of the answers to
protect our name, face, dignity.) Don't believe that every report is a true report. Back to the current topic: let me say
again - NO, nobody sent spam there. (This is to be clear for the people, who didn't get it. You got it.) As a non-English
speaker I didn't know 'noob' is something different than 'newbie' -- for me it means a person, who is not professional. I do
apology, if it's rude! (I knew only this definition, which is from Oxford: "A person who is inexperienced in a particular
sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet. " -- Looks pretty well and scientific.) Of course the skepticism is
praised and I as a philosopher do respect Descartes and some other philosophers, who gave the mankind some methodological
experience and knowledge about it, BUT I still don't understand your point: what's the logic for a beginner or advanced to
think that the current html page of may be used to collect IPs? (Also, if it was possible, what is so special
about the IPs?! For example today 300 people visit it, it shows 300 or less IPs. And what? For example I don't know what is
your IP /if I really could see it from that page/. Please, kindly explain me this point, because about the spam already we
get agreement, that there wasn't such thing yesterday.) Resume:
No spam yesterday (glad that you confirm it, that only 1 person posted there 3 topics with only 2 links to and 1
I still can't get it: what may make a person on this Earth to think that the current simple html webpage may harvest IP for
me/us? (And even if we have many IPs, why they're so precious? We never care about the IPs, because we know some of them are
just fake or identical, and we don't trade with any data.) I hope for your friendly and clear response.
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[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
So it's only 1 (one) person, not as you said 'so many people'. 1 person to post the news there is not spam. (Also it is in
the related subverses, it's not some massive flood.) So how the noobs (newbies) can think it's something like IP harvesting?
I never met a person to say this, no matter how skillful or not skillful is he. How more simple to be a webpage in order to
make everyone feel safe? (I really trying to understand where is the mistake? And as I said @pknopf may change it as soon as
he wish). And again about the so called 'spamming': Atko (Atif) has a rule there that if you post up to 20% your stuff, it's
not spam. We kept this rule, but he didn't. SPAM is something very subjective -- for example in some places you are free to
submit own links as much as you wish; in another places -- up to 10%, up to 20%, up to 50%, etc. THERE ISN'T some universal
rule and definition of the SPAM. It became at first about the e-mails. Then some guys decided that not only the e-mails are
spam, but also the links and they called it linkspam, blogspam, etc. So, you have some own definition about spam and
spamming. But mine is different. Showing news in 3 related subs is not spam, according to my definition. Also from these 3
links, only 2 are to Skimur, the 3rd one is to Reddit, right?
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Ahh, cool, cool! I need some funny, because tomorrow I'm getting 40 and I'm a bit depressed.

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If you were God what would you do? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Very interesting and good answer!
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Thanks for the detailed explanation and for your time, Yoda! Now I understand the problem better!
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[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Thank you, dear Raisin!
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[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Thank you, dear Liquid!
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[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I know there is no offense, but I didn't get the meaning. So, let's make the things clear:
Many people spammed that site on Voat?! I didn't know about it.
How it looks like IP harvesting?! It's a simple HTML page and the Source code is visible. There isn't something that shows me
the IPs (or at least I don't know how to see them and I don't want to see them.) -- I'm a kind of webmaster, but I'm not a
developer, geek, hacker and something else -- my skills are just beginner to average. So, if there is some way that shows the
IPs -- let me know and I'll clean it. (I even don't know what is the value of ton of IPs... And I don't want to know. I don't
trade with emails, IPs, etc. We're poor here, but decent people.)
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Statistically everyone may sound like somebody else, when he/she speaks a lot. Often I hear: "You sound like my mother.",
"You sound like my father.", "You sound like my grandmother.", "You sound like my teacher."... My degree is related to the
universe/the entity and the human nature. Probably, because of the large scale of the topics, matters, I may repeat some
points of those popular MH101, but I don't know, because I never studied about them. As far as tomorrow I'm celebrating my
40th birthday, I'll spend less time to learn less important things and I plan to learn only what I really need for my life.
About the discussions -- I like them and they help me to create more content for the websites, including now -- see how many
unique content I posted here.

The search engines like it and it's good for Skimur. (Btw, I understand your point and your
care; I know you are with good intentions to me, so -- thank you!)
permalink delete reply edit report -- contributed, dedicated and donated to in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago*
Announcements online about the great news:
In Reddit: Voat: delete reply edit report
"Hey guys, pushing a new version soon with sticky support and a few other improvements." in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Okay. I think 2 is good.
permalink delete reply edit report -- contributed, dedicated and donated to in Announcements
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
You're welcome! You may send me the page you like and we'll move it there. After few months when the domain expires I can
transfer it to you. Glad to know you like it!
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"Hey guys, pushing a new version soon with sticky support and a few other improvements." in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
The present I mentioned above is ready.

You may read about it here:
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[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Tomorrow is my 40th birthday. And I wanted to make something good for this website. was started as
a alternative, but as far as I saw Skimur is much better and I decided to work for its development, I think that the
best was it -- to contribute, dedicate and donate to! (@pknopf -- the admin and the owner of Skimur
-- is welcome to decide what changes in the text we may make there and in the future, if he needs this domain and the simple
website -- he may PM me and we may decide how to make it his full property!)
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Anyone want me to design some CSS for your sub? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Anytime you wish and you feel interested, you are welcome to design something different for my subs.

Feel free to create.
I'm glad you're doing this, because it's helpful for Skimur.

Good luck!
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
You found very interesting examples (thanks for them!); I was thinking only about some simple businesses like restaurants,
bookstores, etc.
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago*
I see, but what surprises me is that there are some bosses that care so much what is the political orientation of the worker.
If I am a boss, what I will care is if he/she is a good worker or not good worker, not if he/she likes/dislikes Obama, Putin,
etc. EDIT: grammar.
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How did you choose your username? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago

Yes, I love Skimur and the current its staff.

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7 cops needed to stop woman having sex with Jimmy Dean sausage in Walmart. in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
She is strong!
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A decent jump for Skimur. At last some visible result. Keep posting and commenting! This is the way! in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
It jumped with a few millions + (well, it's easy at the beginning, but still decent).

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How did you choose your username? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I use my real name, because I love you.

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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
So there are some technical problems that we haven't in the places I lived:
Fake report to police?! OMG, for this people go to jail.
Fake pizza order? They call you back to the same number to confirm the order. It's a kind of proof and if there is a fake
order, guess again who is going to pay for it.
Anonymous signals?! Oh, I didn't know it's possible -- the first thing they ask you there is what are your full names.
Anonymous signal = no signal.
About the churches -- I'm an atheist, but I can imagine it's a sort of shameful. If I'm a pastor, I'll doubt about this
signals and if I'm a real pastor, I'll have to be understandable, forgiving, kind, etc. blah-blah Jesus-like stuff. (ALL THIS
VERY, very understandable and 100% about 'all because some disagrees with you online!!!' Let me share my favorite with you: a
teen (or an young man) disagree with my Altaic theory about the origin of the ancient Bulgars. And then he posted to me THIS:
'I swear in the sword of the god Tangra, I'll kill you!!!' (My favorite ever!!!)
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What's this doxxing problem/phobia over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Thanks for your long answer! I do agree about the crazy people. It's a fact. So there are some bosses, who may fire people
just because they have a different political view?! WOW!... And isn't there some law against the fake reports to police? In
some places for this a person may go to jail.
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Page 19
Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock in Music
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
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Should your status on Reddit or Voat have any bearing here? in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
Btw, I had good impression of your moderation so far. Glad we share the 100% same opinion.
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Hello. I'm Bob in Introductions
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I now it's a kind of boring, but I'd like to welcome you here, too!

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Should your status on Reddit or Voat have any bearing here? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I can explain you -- the Power. Many people are proud to have the Power to control something. (For some it's also for 'fame'
-- "I'm the mod of X in Y! WOW!!!")
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Hey guys. When you @mention someone now, the user will now be notified about it. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Okay. This is useful.
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Should your status on Reddit or Voat have any bearing here? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
This is a new site. Everyone is welcome, right? SO, everyone (not ONLY THOSE ONES) may make own sub/subs. There is no
necessity someone who has/create something in other website to have it here, too, if he/she wasn't fast enough to make it
first. My answer is 'NO'. The status in other websites here is nothing. For example I'm the owner of 10+ other websites, but
I'm not the owner of this one.
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Some of the pro-voaters in Reddit posted bad words agains Skimur. This is my answer. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
The purpose was to make some SMO for Skimur ( and to defend its name.
I know I can't change the mind of those... Thanks for your interesting (as usual) opinion!
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Some of the pro-voaters in Reddit posted bad words agains Skimur. This is my answer. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
It's noble and it's diplomatic to say so. But I will be not that diplomatic: I'm not able to wish the best to someone, who
left people to insult me, to post threads to me and my family, who doesn't keep his own rules banned my site, even I kept his
20/80 rules as a student, who counts his math homework; who is allowing hatred and obscene to live in his website! Maybe
there are people, who admire this Balkan person with Muslim name 'Atif', but I'm not going to do so, especially after I saw
other people to criticize him too (i.e. I'm not alone.) His project doesn't deserve any good wish and I wish it to drop to
the bottom!... To be realistic -- if both Reddit and Voat have the best (Reddit has it and will have it), then Skimur will
get nothing. (Probably some guys will think I sound bad, but all I speak is the pure truth, the facts. I'm already 40+ and if
now I don't say the truth, when? When I die?)
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Some of the pro-voaters in Reddit posted bad words agains Skimur. This is my answer. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Good, but let me add something -- Every company/website also should keep an eye to the competition. For example, if you know
which keywords are useful for a certain website, you may use them too. It's a honest and loyal competition.
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What kind of website do you miss? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Ah, I see. Well, you're right. But my question was a bit different -- I meant do you miss some website that already do not
exist OR you dream of some website that never existed.
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Are You Alone? in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
If there were some real news on his own website, I think it's not a problem, but there are no news, so I think delete.
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What kind of website do you miss? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago

Looks funny. I saw the homepage only.

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Some of the pro-voaters in Reddit posted bad words agains Skimur. This is my answer. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Something more: delete reply edit report
Some of the pro-voaters in Reddit posted bad words agains Skimur. This is my answer. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Some of my concrete answers there now:
It's not true. It's better than Voat and Reddit, because currently: - no shadow bans - no hate and rude behaviour -
responsive and kind admin - democratic procedures. The domain is not sold, it DONATED (from the scientific team of to About the spamming - I don't know. I post it only here in If another one
repost it -- I have no idea. See the decent jump of Skimur: Do you still think it's
not changing fast?
Nothing about self-promotion. 1. I'm not the owner of 2. It's not about me (my-SELF). You probably just don't
want to allow the competition to show up here!
It's not my website. It's a piece of news (a scientific community donates good domain to a new Reddit and Voat alternative),
nothing about the parasitism.
It's my right to post this piece of news here. No matter you like it or not.
It's not crap, your post and your nickname is a crap.
So what?! Of course we are free people, who work together and unite for a better website/-s, mr. Shits (you realize your
nickname shows enough of yourself, right?)
You know nothing. I already explained it what is the essence of the site, but you can't admit it, because you're just a blind
supporter of the worse! (I don't care the thread is deleted. I post the news here, you read it, it's pretty enough. Of course
you will delete everything that is a competition to Voat. Where is your Free speech?)
Oh, at first it was 'self-promotion', and now it's already 'just not the right sub'... Why you just not say: 'We do not allow
here people to make any competition to Voat and we have no free speech?' By the way -- enjoy this down-down-down: Feels bad, isn't it?
Sweet, you just can't be objective. Your subjectiveness is obvious. It's a piece of good news, but for you it's a 'jabroni'.
And what spamming? Everyone who has a Voat alternative is 'spamming'? Is this your free speech? Ridicule.
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Are You Alone? in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I told him/her: delete reply edit report ignore reports
Are You Alone? in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I already deleted one of his/her posts.
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What kind of website do you miss? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
But there is one:
http://www.adultsheepfinder.uspermalink delete reply edit report
What kind of website do you miss? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
But it still exists, right?
permalink delete reply edit report -- contributed, dedicated and donated to in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Yes, me + him = 2, but only 1 posted there, so 2 - 1 = 1. So, may we have the agreement, that only 1 person posted the piece
of news about is dedicated and contributed to

It was like Facebook, indeed, but the admin
couldn't see the IPs. If you wish I may sent you some screenshots -- all there was: email, name, nickname, no IPs (or maybe
we didn't dig it deep enough to see, if there is such function.) So, may we have a second agreement, that the present html
page is not harvesting IPs? You may use the right click (it's not disabled) and to see the source.
Of course I know about phishing, but what I said is I don't know how that simple HTML is possibly phishing. It's a concrete
matter and my rhetorical question was how is that phishing? (Because now we discuss only the present webpage, not the
construct 'phishing'.) And my question is on what base someone with minimum knowledge, with a lot of knowledge, etc.
(everyone on Earth) may think it's phishing? No reason to think so. Yes, running a website (I have more than 10 currently)
and interacting with people are different things. So in that HTML we can't interact with them -- only they can visit Skimur
viat its link or another link. So, I ensure you, we can't take any IPs from that page. (If you saw the source code above, you
will know it -- there are 2 scripts, but they're not ours, i.e. we have no idea what IPs are visiting and we really don't
care.) OK, let's agree that this conversation is an absurd and stop it now, if everything is okay about this. I haven't
personal problem with you -- in another thread I agreed with you (may be you saw already my positive feedback there.)
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Are You Alone? in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I removed it from the s/news. I don't know if it's something that may say it's related to the technology, so better search
for more related subs, before you post something like this.
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should skimur be added to the 'alternative to' site? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Good. You may (slowly like 2-3 per day) add it in many other websites, no matter of their form. It'll be the natural link-
building for, which will bring the necessary link-juice to it.
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should skimur be added to the 'alternative to' site? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Yes, why not.
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40. Your advises? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, we found discounted tickets for Ant-Man: -- lovely movie.

permalink delete reply edit report -- contributed, dedicated and donated to in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
"Laughter"? "Speaks volums"? Very friendly... I suppose you're a young boy. Around 18 probably? So, let's see the case -- you
said many people posted that link, then you admit it's only 1... And I am the one who didn't make the research? Your logic is
off. (And once again -- posting in related subverses a piece of news is not spam. Let me give you another scientific
definition of the so called 'SPAM': If you don't like it, you may use the Voat'co's
definition about the up to 20% own websites, and according to that it's also not spam! No matter you like it or not, and no
matter of your self-made spam definition.) I am not asking you to read the minds of the people. I ask you to explain my, why
the hell, you think that there is even 1 person, who will think that simple HTML page is able to collect/harvest
IPs?!?!?!?!?! Why it looks fishy?! A good domain, contributed to and dedicated to What's fishy?! Is
there another one, EXCEPT YOU, who is thinking so? Yes, any sort of terminology can be taken offensively, especially by the
paranoid people. I'm trying to use the words according to their main meanings and if someone felt bad, I do apologize. At the
beginning I AM nice in every community, but I have strong sense of dignity and I do not allow rude to me. I'm going to
protect myself at any price and I don't care about potential bans or something like that! I follow the Golden rule -- I'm
good and I hope you to be good to me. If you're not good, then I become not good, too. Reciprocal. Well, AT LAST, one reason
and it's not strong reason -- because the page has a little content. OK, I said @pknopf may send me another page or I can
transfer the domain to him right now and he may change it as a better landing page. I am open to add more content. No, it's
not language issue, it's logic issue. You can't say more than 1 and then you can't say only 1. It's 1+ or 1,
Tertium non datur (learn more about it:
Now about the age -- I was born 1975 and that means that I don't understand the IP and stuff? Larry Page (co-founder of
Google and a computer scientist) was born 1973 (2 years elder than me) and Sergey Brin (the other co-founder and a computer
scientist) is also born 1973. Now do you understand how wrong you are that my generation by definition is lacking in software
knowledge. It's not an age problem, man. For example some people are born 2000. Some of them will be geeks, some will be
nurses, some will be peasants... age doesn't equals knowledge and job... It's sad that I have to explain so obvious matter...
Yes, I'm unfamiliar with the Internet, because I use it from 1998, I was a moderator in 2 websites, I created one and I sold
it and then I administrated others... as you can see -- I'm a total beginner.

By the way -- the first time I started to
work with PC it was 1989, it was without mouse and without Internet -- we used BASIC ...
I'm just a newbie.

Oh, that's scary man! So, for example I post a link and then 300 people visit this link and I got
around 300 IPs like 'number, number, number... Canada, China, Norway...' and I know who are you from these 300 exactly?!
Whatever. Feel free not to answer me, because I think there is nothing useful we can exchange, but if you wish as a free
citizen (and I hope and adult), you may do it and I'm ready for answers non-stop!
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The town of Mirny, Russia in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I suppose it's a big hole for digging diamonds?
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Page 20
Where are your forefathers from? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
About the 'button' -- there is a Bulgarian family name -- 'Kopchev' (which comes from 'kopche', which is 'button' in that
language), for example this guy: I think it's a good name.

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Home-made yogurt in cooks
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Recently we eat only ours (home-made) yogurt. I like it with some honey.
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Kimchi is cheap as balls and will last a few weeks without refrigeration. Here's a Chinese recipe. in cooking
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I see.
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What impulse buy are you most proud of? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
For me -- difficult.
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Antarctica gaining more ice than losing – NASA in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Glad to know it.
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What impulse buy are you most proud of? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 4 points 3 months ago*
A Chinese dictionary.
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So, the same company selling home security called me again. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
This is what I call 'spam'. My advise is to change your phone number -- the easiest way.
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All links now have thumbnails! in Announcements
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
Good. More informative for the users.
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unreddit - See deleted reddit comments in Conspiracy
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Yes, I'd like to know about it, too.
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Agario Gameplay: Eat or be Eaten in Gaming
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
It's a very popular game now.

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Halloween 2015! Tell me about your Halloween plans and what do you think about this festival. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, this is working! Very nice jack-o-lantern!!! Thanks!
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ISIS claims responsibility for Russian jet crash in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
You're right. I think the same.
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Hi, I'm Half_Baked in Introductions
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
You answered me this:

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Hi, I'm Half_Baked in Introductions
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Welcome, Half_Baked and have a nice Halloween!!!
permalink delete reply edit report
Halloween 2015! Tell me about your Halloween plans and what do you think about this festival. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yeah... the Northern autumn rains, I suppose.
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Halloween 2015! Tell me about your Halloween plans and what do you think about this festival. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Thanks for the informative answer! (About the 3D I can't open it from China, but thanks anyway!)
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China naval chief says minor incident could spark war in South China Sea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Oh, I live exactly here (in a tropical island in South China sea) and I feel not good about all these problems. As a pacifist
I wish this to finish as soon as possible.
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Turkey is looking more and more like its troubled neighbors in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
As a person, who came from a neighbor (I'm from Bulgaria, Europe.), I may confirm that many people around there think like
this. But I hope it will get better in future.
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Halloween 2015! Tell me about your Halloween plans and what do you think about this festival. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Oh, we also had a debate about it -- she thinks some of my ideas are too scary, so probably I'll not use them.

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Halloween 2015! Tell me about your Halloween plans and what do you think about this festival. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Then you may have some drink and watching some Halloween movie (or some other you like) online.

The important is to have a
good day! :-) /I prepared some beers for tomorrow./
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Halloween 2015! Tell me about your Halloween plans and what do you think about this festival. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Very good! How about tomorrow? How do you like to spend the day/night?
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Kimchi is cheap as balls and will last a few weeks without refrigeration. Here's a Chinese recipe. in cooking
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I'm a big kimchi fan. It's a Korean food, but yes, it's also popular in China nowadays.
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Is there anything about your life that you might find embarrassing or regretful? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I'm out of the scheme.

I have no Facebook now.
I am a child-free -- even no kids, probably -- no grandkids in future.

60 years from now I'll be 100.

About 'regretful': I was born in a poor country (ex-Soviet satellite and a present semi-colony in this sense: The lack of money is the reason that I can't develop my real potential.
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One thing missing... in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
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Over 80% of asylum seekers in Germany unqualified in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
And I think it's not a surprise.
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Page 21
Texas parents are accused of not teaching their home-schooled children anything, because they were waiting to be "raptured"
to heaven. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
And the bad part is that Jesus is not coming.
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Texas parents are accused of not teaching their home-schooled children anything, because they were waiting to be "raptured"
to heaven. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I do agree!!!
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How many stupidier that you you met? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, it's a good post.
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Woman gets drunk, breaks into zoo's tiger enclosure. Surprisingly, this doesn't end well. in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Surprisingly, this doesn't end well.
You have got a good sense of humor!

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46,471: Drug Overdoses Killed More Americans Than Car Crashes or Guns in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
No wonder.
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Meanwhile, in America vol. 2 in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yeah... soon in other countries too. Not only American problem.
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How many stupidier that you you met? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I didn't get it. You linked my profile with an anchor 'Based on that title'. What's your point?
permalink delete reply edit report
How many stupidier that you you met? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I have to say that 'stupidier' is somehow concrete -- someone stupidier in software may be cleverer in geography or someone
stupidier in math may be cleverer in psychology.
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Code is not working? in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
The errors:
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Content="...ngs like...
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What's the longest you've been without using a news aggregator? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Right! Spend your free time mostly on YOUR projects, because the other guys already got their big money, but we (at least
most of us) are just poor or middle class and we need to care more about OUR projects, not to waste time and energy for the
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What's the longest you've been without using a news aggregator? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I don't count it at all. The news I got from the TV and from a newspaper online most of the time.
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'Skimur' in some languages in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
Just one of my hobbies. I'm not some professional linguist, just a philosopher. And you are reading a lot and you know many
things, too. When (if) I need some help, I think you're in my TOP 3 to ask for advice. And I respect your contributions here!
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Native English speakers, how do you pronounce 'skimur'? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Ready: delete reply edit report
Native English speakers, how do you pronounce 'skimur'? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
OK. Thanks!
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George Carlin, aka the world's most finely-tuned human bullshit detector. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Very true!
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Help for Homework Help: Teaching Parents Common Core Math in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Math is important.
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A couples son died of cancer and a photographer incorporates him into their wedding in pics
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I hope they asked the photographer to do it. Can you imagine, if he/she surprised them with this picture? Very good post,
Max. Upvoted.
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it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Wise man. (Not a joke.)
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it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago

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Cookbook in newsubs
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I am glad that most of them are unique.
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Where are your forefathers from? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Do you celebrate St. Patrick's day and how?
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Where are your forefathers from? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Interesting, indeed.
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Crab legs and crab hands in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I like butter, too, but we avoid microwave at home; only electric ovens.
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Where are your forefathers from? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Wish you long life and optimal health!
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Where are your forefathers from? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
It's well-known that different DNA provides more chances for healthy body. Probably you have got good health with so
different DNAs?

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Page 22
Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Well, it's simple. is the biggest search engine in China and one of the most visited websites worldwide. There we
type the name of the city + ”天气“ (means 'weather') and it shows the current pollution, the temperature, etc. About the
standards -- yes, I can imagine. A 'lovely' example with something different -- the beer drinking. In my country drinking 3-4
bottles of beer is just 'he/she drinks beer'. Here many times, when people see me I drink 4 bottles of beer ask me, if I'm
hurt emotionally something, if I am okay... or some at once consider me as an alcoholic.

Or when I was a kid in our
kindergarten we had carpets, we took off shoes... here the kids are with shoes inside, they sit on the dirty floor, touch it,
then suck/lick their fingers... many parents think it's totally okay their kid to pee on the stairs, on the road, in a bin
(this is the best case), even if the toilet is nearby... the result: China has this level of hepatitis: and some other scary disease like ... Summary: a developing country.
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Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Oh, about hacking I even don't discuss, because it's difficult to prove. There are zombie computers
(, there are hackers, who hack hackers... it's a very 'dark
matter' for most of the population and I prefer to be just skeptic about it. About the pollution my position was simply this:
YES, China is very polluted now. NO, the Chinese do not hide the info about the PM 2.5 and it's available online. Just
pointed facts I know as a 'local'. Everything is alright. The communication with you is always a 'good class' one and I can't

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Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, maybe, but currently it's a public issue already. Everyone knows it, everyone may check it. In a word: one of the
polluted countries in the world.
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Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I don't know about "It has always wanted the US to close down it's public smog announcements of how bad the smog is." is true
or false, but the fact nowadays is that here (in China) we can see the quality of the air online, for example I use
-- an example about Beijing:北京天气
As you may see right now it shows a Middle level pollution.
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This really would explain a lot. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes! :-)
permalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
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Airpocalypse now: China pollution reaching record levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Yes. China now is around the level of the US when your father was a kid.
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Just an update of what I am working on. in Announcements
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I understand. I also hoped to finish many things earlier, but... plans are plans, reality is reality.

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Manorama(Indian actress with more than 1300 films) passed away in Movies
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
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How many average salaries for 3 rooms apartment in your place? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Thanks for the answer. And how much is the average salary there?
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Meanwhile, in India in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Me too.
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How many average salaries for 3 rooms apartment in your place? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I meant how many salaries to buy it (I edited my post to make it clear), but your answer about the rent is useful, too.
Thanks! Here, on average, to rent you may need 1/3 of a salary, but to buy -- maybe 120 salaries are not enough.
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Origami in Videos
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
More about the origami: delete reply edit report
"I was born a sinner." in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
It's a problem, but not a sin.
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Invite in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
That's true.
permalink delete reply edit report
Invite in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
That's right.
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What's this SJW (Social Justice Warrior)? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago*
Thanks for your new answer! (As usual) it makes me think about this or that and I'll add some sentences for me: What you
described is a fact and if we ignore the admnis' responsibility, I think the system allows it -- imagine some forum or just
the same system WITHOUT downvotes OR AT LEAST without points/karma restrictions. The brigades there are powerless. This
downvoting stuff is one of the main reason for the problems and one of the main reasons people to leave.
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WWE’s ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin offers to be the Cowboys quarterback while Tony Romo is out in Sports
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Good wrestler and good actor! I like him.
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Nastiness threatens online reader comments in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago*
Oh, no problem. The situation now is so 'down', that you even don't need the graphs. Just see the number:
Global Rank 8,705
(declined 2,702 positions).
For comparison -- the Reddit's rank now is currently 34. (More than 256 times bigger!)... So, what I mean is Reddit is a
website with a capital 'w'. Voat WAS something and it tends to be almost nothing.
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Invite in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes. Good point. And still, it will depends of the admin's and our good (and STRONG) will to deal ON TIME with the
problematic guys. Most of them are giving up easy (you know they tend to leave), once you stop them in some way and the
rest... one group will keep trying to mess, but the other group will get better. This is my simple social analysis about the
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Nastiness threatens online reader comments in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago*
Voat is going to be something that can't compare with Reddit at all. I watch this almost everyday: AND I CAN'T STOP BE HAPPY that a website, which owners allowed so much hate, attacks,
innuendoes and who didn't keep their own spam rules (and banned our great website falsely for spam!) IS GOING TO BE JUST AN
AVERAGE WEBSITE ONLINE!!! Yes, I know the Bosnian muslim Atif (Atko) has some fans. (More about his people:, OR some guys just don't want to discuss about it, BUT I point to the facts! And
about the second part of your post, dear @yoda -- from a webmaster's point of view: if I have a website with enough visitors,
I'll probably close the comments too, because the comments are for content and for attracting more visitors mainly (not for
them to post whatever they want, to spam, to hate, etc.) So I do completely understand this behavior. Who wants to lose time
and money (for example for moderators), when he/she may be well without it?
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Skimur search result. The irony! in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago*
Now you understand why I suggested you to put more metas.

I saw it earlier, when it shows some of my comments there. At
least now you have a title (and description), which looks professional. I noticed some other progressive facts in the
Skimur's development, but now I haven't time to comment more about it. In a word: good.
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How many stupidier that you you met? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I am not a native English speaker (English is my 4-th language -- at first I learned Bulgarian, then --Russian and French and
after it -- English.) I'm still learning some of its details. Recently I can't use Google and its another small problem for
my English learning, but I think I'm doing well for a non-Native English speaker. Thank you for your remark. I like it when
people point to my errors and I'll never call you 'grammar nazi' or something like this. I upvoted your comment.
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How many stupidier that you you met? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I was very in hurry that time and I typed 'that' instead of 'than' and also my soft repeated 'you' somehow. I saw it, but we
can't edit titles and... really funny, I know, but people get the question.
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Child born out of rape has inheritance rights on rapist's property, rules Indian High Court in whatever
[–] Georgi 4 points 3 months ago
Indian High Court RULZ!
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If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I wasn't married, I'd probably be married by now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I think to be not married is totally okay! And when I meet some man/woman, who is single, I never ask them 'why'.
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How I know I'm not married... in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I am buying usually only 4 beers, never a case!
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How I know I'm not married... in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I meant the was down.

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How I know I'm not married... in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
I noticed it, too.
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In England we call pants trousers. in UK
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Well, I'd like to answer you, too. 'Fruit machine' in Bulgarian (an European language) is 'rotativka' (both make sense).
'Pants' are 'pantaloni' (pretty close, isn't it). 'Chips' is 'chips'. I'm from Bulgaria, but I live in China now.
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago*
2 of us participated there mostly. Both posted according to the rules up to 20% own links. Blake, btw, are you pro-Voat?
Sounds like you're part of Voat or at least some big Voat fan. (And today's rank in Alexa is 9,299... Maybe soon will
come near to our Omnilogy (S=science, E=education, O=omnilogy) forum, which is currently 140,573. Ha-ha.)
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
You're right.
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Right. And, btw, witch hunt is possible only in communities, where there are not enough clever, educated people. If in a
community there is at least COMMON SENSE, the witch hunt is not possible, because people easily can see the facts and what's
the truth, and to ask for proofs.
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Our website was banned, for example, against the rule 20:80 (we counted like students in the school to post 8 other websites'
links and 2 ours and the irresponsible Atif (Atko) put it in the ban list). So, if it's about spam reports -- he's active, if
it's about crimes like criminal threads, innuendoes, etc., he is not and he is waiting for the police to call him. In
Fatpeoplehate there is a rule, which is DIRECTLY AGAINST the free speech and many people are banned there EXACTLY, because of
the free speech. Atif (Atko) is okay with that (and this happens in one of the biggest Voat's subverses!) Conclusion: yes, I
can agree that there is SOME level of Free speech, but it's just SOME. And I don't think this is the biggest problem. Not at
all. I wonder where will be after a few months. Let me see, now it's 9,181-st in the world (I can bet it'll drop more in a few hours). Where it'll be in february, 2016 or
march...? If Reddit and Skimur (and some other alternatives) are going well, Voat isn't going to get some flood of traffic
and meanwhile the people will continue to leave it (some of them deleting their content), so I can feel it'll be just a
history. But let's wait and see.
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Bon Jovi - Runaway in 80sMusic
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
It's one of my favorite songs.
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Do you really think Russia is not one of the world's leaders?! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Thank you for the answer!
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Let me only add one thing -- the mods AND the users. Because sometimes only 1 single user may add more content than all of
the mods in some sub. is losing users and mods! In 24 hours 129 positions down! (Currently 9,181 in
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Exactly!!! I can't understand how stupid and/or irresponsible one can be to wait the police, when there are obvious crimes
like criminal threads, innuendoes, blackmailing (thanks for your info about it!!!), etc.! As I said already, but I'd like to
add here for you too:
Even when it's against their own rules? It's not a policy. It's a self-destructions. And that free speech is a myth -- see
how many banned domains already: They're going down and I can't see what may bring them
the ex-users back: enter image description here
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Schrodinger's immigrant. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
That's right and it's good if the original point of the image is this one. I hope more people to understand it.
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Meanwhile, in Russia in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago

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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Even when it's against their own rules? It's not a policy. It's a self-destructions. And that free speech is a myth -- see
how many banned domains already: They're going down and I can't see what may bring them
the ex-users back: down
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago*
In fact there is a way for some very problematic ones: Check if the break some core rule of Skimur (there are enough rules,
imo). If they do -- you have 100% the legal and the moral right to take measures.

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What's your first memory that you can't explain logically or scientifically but you'll stand by it until the day you die? in
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
That's already some psychological feeling, which is called 'magic' only in poetry and literature. I got your meaning.
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You do not own this sub in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I also noticed that the admins do not care and this was one of the things that made me to dislike Reddit already. In Voat --
the situation is the same.
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What's your first memory that you can't explain logically or scientifically but you'll stand by it until the day you die? in
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Magic is just some trick, an illusion. About the other 'real' magics like Harry Potter stuff -- well, they're not existing at
all (not only for me).

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What's your first memory that you can't explain logically or scientifically but you'll stand by it until the day you die? in
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Nothing, at least for me, because, you see -- I'm a philosopher-materialist and atheist, I search and learn many scientific
sources and knowledge, so, for me everything is 100% natural already. When I was very young I didn't understand the universe
well and maybe that time I can say something is 'supernatural' (for example some dream), but not anymore.

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What's your first memory that you can't explain logically or scientifically but you'll stand by it until the day you die? in
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Everything I can explain logically and scientifically, that's why I haven't memories that can't be explained in this way.

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Equal parts terrifying and adorable. in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
She is pretty.
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Meanwhile, in Russia in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Mark these things with 'NSFL' (Not safe for life).
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Schrodinger's immigrant. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Depends of the immigrant. Every person is different (except some of the twins, who are almost the same).
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Page 24
In fact, arguably that's the kind of shit that cause most of these problems in the first damn place. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
The image is too big.
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Embedded media objects (expandos) are done! in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
More abilities = more free choice. Good. I only dislike when (if) some website or its subs make rules like 'link ONLY to...'
And I will explain why: most of the websites that they allow "links only to/from" are already big/popular/rich. We (the
ordinary, poor, middle class people) don't need to support ONLY the big rich guys, who are okay with or without our support.
All we need is to help ourselves and each other, because if we don't do it, most probably nobody else will do it.
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1,500 Mormons resign from church in protest of same-sex policy in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Some atheists also protest about it.
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Meanwhile, here are the brilliant minds on Voat discussing the Paris terror attacks. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Good for (still) that they can have some active users providing so many fresh and unique content for free, BUT...
check this out: 9,555 currently in! And this fail:'s down Probably soon it'll be just an average website
that we don't need to mention at all! And it's totally normal and in fair!
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Did anybody watch the Rousy/Holm fight? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I didn't see this kind of punching since 1986. It was in a martial art book printed in Libya. I'm serious.
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Did anybody watch the Rousy/Holm fight? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
No. But I like MMA and I have some experience in the Martial arts (mostly Kung-fu and MMA).
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Onion Salad in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yeah, it's perfect for me!
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Obama: Forget About ‘Destroying’ ISIS, We Just Need to ‘Contain’ Them in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yoda, many countries need a president like you.
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Friends replaced Rachel in an episode and no one noticed in HalfBaked
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
'Friends' is one of my favorite serial. And I like the actors!
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Egg Noodle Stir-Fry with Broccoli in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I like it!
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Deadly Starfish Virus Spreading Along Pacific Coast, Causing Mass Wasting Event in Nature
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
That's bad! This animal is one of the most cute, lovely, emblematic, etc.!!! Some people around even use it for food!
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Anybody else without cellphone? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone radiation as Group 2B - possibly
That's all what I keep in mind. You see -- I'm that type of person -- 'better safe than sorry'. So, when it's really useful
and I have to -- I use some mobile/cell phone, but usually I don't. (Hey, about the stress you're right, too!!!)
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Anybody else without cellphone? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Well, as far as you asked seriously, I'll answer you seriously, too. In a word it's COMPLICATED and here is a simple (but a
sort of long text), I hope you may like it: delete reply edit report
Anybody else without cellphone? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago*
Your post/answer inspired me to tell you the only similar answer I got from a colleague philosopher (who is in the academy in
sciences over there). He posted in a special thread that he hasn't a cell phone, because he needs some free time TO THINK. He
says that, if non-stop other people call him, he'll be not able to think, to be alone with himself and his thinking. And I do
understood him. My best benefit about this was/is -- people I don't want to search me, CAN'T search me. For example (a real
case from my past): "Hi! I know you have got a free day and I know you're with your gf, BUT you should come back and work
NOW!" + "I know you're in the court now and you are about to divorce, BUT you have to come here to WORK and you must do it
NOW!!!" (both cases are 'Made in China'. I swear.)
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Nightwish - I Wish I Had an Angel in Music
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes, downvotes in Skimur are something very rare currently! /Well, at least, it shows some activity, which is useful for the
website!/... I like this song, too. I'll upvote you now.
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Nightwish - I Wish I Had an Angel in Music
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
heartless, joyless
Good words! I was searching for useful words to learn in foreign language! These are on my list now!

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SNOAC? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
To tell you the truth I'm not a gamer. Most I played is: Mario (8-bit), Zombies VS Plants and

I just wanted to
help with (because here we haven't Google now and we use Bing, Yahoo, Yandex /it's a Russian one/ and Baidu /a
Chinese one/...) Hope another skimur guy is better than me in this field and will help you more!

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Anybody else without cellphone? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
You're good! Once about ten years ago!!! (To tell you the truth I MUST use cell phone once a month, sometimes!...)

for your answer! I'd like to add here -- I'm one of your fans here! Thank you for the participation in Skimur! I read almost
all of your posts (and many of them I do upvote), and I feel you're a good man, a useful user in Skimur and I'll really miss
you if you're not here! Keep in touch!

/By the way -- I'm that European 40-years-old philosopher, who lives in China
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SNOAC? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Some help from me:提交&qs=n&pq=snes&sc=8-4&sp=-
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Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I'm from another culture and we never celebrated this, so no plans. I think it's a good festival.
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Please share, post something that shows your mood today. in HalfBaked
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Yes. Almost like that.

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Me today in HalfBaked
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Really you?
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Please share, post something that shows your mood today. in HalfBaked
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I'm just tired...
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If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I wasn't married, I'd probably be married by now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
One of my friends before said: "Better alone, than in a bad company." The same about the marriage. Better single, than with
some person, who will make you unhappy.
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How I know I'm not married... in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I even didn't know what's 'roofies'. I saw some pills. I never use it, if we're talking seriously. 4 beers and I'm happy.
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Skonstruował teraźniejsze w ostatnim sezonie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago

Spam. @pknopf.
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Skonstruował teraźniejsze w ostatnim sezonie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Spam. @LonesomeFrog
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It's 2015, and Saudi Arabia has just sentenced a poet to death for being an atheist in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
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Raisin Pie in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago

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Do you have some Facebook page with many followers? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
So you already haven't it or just don't visit it? If you have 1000+ followers there, we can make some cooperation like you
share there some of my photos, articles and we share the profit. This is why I asked the community here, because I haven't
Facebook access here and even I had I don't think I can make some big community.

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Chrome Extensions – AKA Total Absence of Privacy in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Yeah... you're right.

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This is an actual photograph, no photoshop or effects. in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
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Do you earn money online and if 'yes' HOW? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 3 months ago
Oh, I don't like to talk online. But thanks for the link! I am sure it may be useful for somebody else here. Gave you an
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Do you earn money online and if 'yes' HOW? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
Sounds good. If there is some way -- show me how to earn money in this way. For example the website reviews and/or that
research company, if it's still available and if it's not going to hurt your earnings.
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Charlie Sheen knowingly infected at least two women with HIV. in Videos
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Just to inform you and the community, that there is also an alternative point of view (100% scientific, i.e. developed and
supported by some scientist) about HIV that it's not related to AIDS. See more: delete reply edit report
Do you earn money online and if 'yes' HOW? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Interesting. I know Minecraft, but I can't imagine well what's that server. Is it the same as the servers for the websites?
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Do you earn money online and if 'yes' HOW? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Thanks for the answer! I'll answer too:
Clicking ads for money (PPC, i.e. Pay per click). If someone is interested and wants to make some dollars per month, I'll
share the useful links here!
Google AdSense. (I think everyone knows it and no need to explain about it.)
Translations online (almost finish to do it, because it's too time consuming).
Teaching online (long time didn't do it, because most of the students prefer face-to-face).
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I have three OnePlus Two invites to share, who wants one? in Android
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
I don't need it, but just answer here to say I do appreciate you share it first in Skimur with us!
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Uhh, how did every single post in /s/android get so many upvotes? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I saw who you meant now. He is useful for the community and I don't think he is some bad person. I had no this idea to ban
him or something, just to tell him it's not good and to bring it back to the status quo. I respect the CSS experiments, but
it may make a very bad harm to Skimur, because the enemies of will use this to affect the good image of the
website like: 'You see! Vote manipulation!!!' and will lose face. It is my opinion (not controversy, just an
advice) and the best is if there is some way to restrict it, because the potential real vote manipulators like the vote
brigades in the future may use it too.
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Uhh, how did every single post in /s/android get so many upvotes? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
It must be forbidden, because it may ruin the image of!
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Uhh, how did every single post in /s/android get so many upvotes? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
It is 100% blatant vote manipulation.
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Uhh, how did every single post in /s/android get so many upvotes? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
I can't be more agree. You're 100% right. Please, forbid it somehow. It's vote manipulation -- something that is
against from the very beginning. (My first impression here was that the biggest difference in skimur compared with reddit and will be the impossibility of any kind of voat manipulations.) I'm glad that you got the problem at once!
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Cover of Charlie Hebdo after Paris attacks: "Fuck them, we have champagne!" in Atheism
[–] Georgi 0 points 3 months ago
One kind of stupid people against another part of stupid people...
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So ISIS goes around killing innocent people... what if... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago*
Come on, using CAPITALS is not necessary shouting (I use it when I want to bring more attention and/or to underline
something). I just made it clear. @MetalPhoenix till today me and you (me towards you) are 100% OK. I hope you know I'm not
shouting at you, I hope! The dictators keep these bad religious guys inside of the country. The West bomb/missile them and
they go OUTSIDE... What is better? These guys CAN'T make democracy. (In fact who can? Where is the 100% real democracy?) The
problem is: we're just some of the people without power and no matter how smart we are, no one will listen to us. The Bosses
(the Big Bross, etc.) need power (oil, money, land, etc.)... and they don't care what WE think. We're just the dots, points,
dolls, marionettes... Maybe 20-30 or 100 people around the world decide what will be... and it will be in THIS or THAT way.
We're just a part of the Nothing.
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So ISIS goes around killing innocent people... what if... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago*
OK, I know you like the politics, so I'll try to answer you better than usual I do (you know I avoid politics.) Let's suppose
(because I was in Libya for a long time and I didn't see some genocide, but I saw a lot of aggression against the foreigners
and many wild people inside) there is some genocide. The West (like NATO) bomb them. They SEPARATE in many CELLS. And they
spread around and in the WEST itself. Innocent people DIE (like in France recently). And all this is BECAUSE some Western
powers (in fact some A FEW guys there, because many of the people, who vote for them HAD NO IDEA THESE GUYS will make some
war using the money from the taxes and so on!) decided to 'help'. (There are some theories they help only where there is some
oil and/or geopolitical interest, but it's another question). In short: the politics is dirty (one of the reason I left to
join actively in that) and it's never 100% transperant. But now, after so many obvious facts, how to think that the world
wasn't better before? The country X do not do good with the rights with its people. Some 'good guys' (let's suppose these
guys really care ONLY ABOUT the human rights of the locals) decide to bomb/missile there. THE RESULT: civil war, more small
countries and more terrorism. The smaller evil? (I bet most of us, around the world, no matter we're some citizens of the
countries, who destroyed the regime orders, or victims of the war, or just neutral, will say it was much better before.) P.S.
Btw, it's a second question (some people asked about it and I will ask here): according to the West (many so called 'Western
democracies') there is no regard on human rights in: Russia, China, North Korea... So, why thr West isn't so brave to invade
them? >

This is the pity point: the West only beats small guys (especially the ones with geopolitical and/or oil resources)
and somehow don't dare to start some controversy against the Big guys. Come on -- even against North Korea DO NOT anything.
Do you still think it's just a human rights intention?
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So ISIS goes around killing innocent people... what if... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
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Meanwhile, all over Facebook in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Something better: delete reply edit report
Woman named Isis banned from Facebook in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
If it's Isis ( -- it's okay. If it's ISIS
( it's totally different. So, she is Isis. And her ban is
a result of somebody's ignorance. @pknopf, it shows how important for you in the bright future to choose only well-educated
helpers (general mods or whatever we may call them).

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Code is not working? in bugs
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 months ago
Good! Thanks for the attention and for the good work!
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Meanwhile, here are the brilliant minds on Voat discussing the Paris terror attacks. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 3 months ago
If those kind of people you mention come here and if I got some extensional mod rights (I don't need to have admin rights,
just general mod right, i.e. to be able to ban every bad account!), I promise you this place will stay clean as it is now.
Btw, I think you can be a very good general mod, too.
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Another possibility -- in some forums for webmasters, SEO, etc., some guys provide lists of websites, where you may post
links. Good, if some people, who really know what and where to post (it's not spam) and bad, when someone (who even can't
understand the language) just blindly posts links. Some of them are using automated spam (spambots) even.
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Turkmen forces in Syria shot dead pilots of downed Russian jet in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
As far as I got it -- Turkey shot the plane, then the Turkmen rebels shot the pilot.
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The Chair. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I see. Well, my comment: the instruction manuals help people to create something. The religions (in the best case) help
people to create nothing.
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
This is a sort of good news for me, because I'm also busy now and I can't do 100% what I want here (to repost and reshare
many things) and I believe, when we are free, we'll contribute a lot to Skimur and it'll have some chances to become a great
one (website)! :-)
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The Chair. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
It's very good! But, why in s/atheism? (I didn't get the atheistic part, if there is some. Can you tell me how do you see
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Well, it's okay. It's not some race.

The important is to deal normally, without spamophobia and without some serious
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 4 points 2 months ago
This is the moment I am waiting for! I even draw some plans from which tropical resorts I'll moderate and via what
kinds of laptops and tablets. Also, I am thinking what kind of cocktails to order...
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 4 points 2 months ago
It's somehow true. At least it means there are more links to online.
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Some of the actual users strongly believe that every website may accept their content in every section, i.e. they haven't
enough knowledge about the internet.
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Capitalism explained. in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
100% true!
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Aww, what a proud moment for Skimur! We have our first dedicated spammer *wipes tear* how quickly they grow up :') in
[–] Georgi 5 points 2 months ago
Not the first. As far as I remember the 1-st one was a spambot, spamming something in Polish language. I saw yours and
@Blake's reports and I deleted it.
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Fiverr clone in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Fiverr clone in s/news? Kidding? DELETED!
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Freelancing business model - Detailing the increasing demand in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Freelancing business model in the s/worldnews? Are you kidding us?! DELETED!
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Freelance clone script to create your own freelance platforms in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Freelance clone script in the s/worldnews?! Are you kidding us?! DELETED!
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Hubble Finds That the Nearest Quasar Is Powered by a Double Black Hole in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
You're welcome! I just started to re-share some of my (and relatives') submissions from Voat (plus I delete and repost many
of my/our content there, because I don't want to leave any free stuff for, so, some of the things I am going to re-
share here may be not so 'fresh', but I hope they'll be still useful for many of you! (no matter how some undeveloped users
/I can't find better euphemism for those jerks/ there claim that I/we only 'spam' and 'shitpost' with 'low quality' links!)
The only problem is I'm still very busy, but someday I'll finish all what I want to do.

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Dotcom’s Extradition Hearing ‘Ambushed’ With New Evidence in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
cherry picking
One of the favorite tactics of the haters in and other places! Glad you know about this and I hope more people to
learn about it, because it's a big problem in the human thinking! (It's a semi-offtopic from me.)
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Skonstruował teraźniejsze w ostatnim sezonie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I see. And I think it's not a person, but a spambot (
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Utworzył wówczas w zeszłym czasie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
But, I hope, the definition of 'spam' to be clear and liberal (otherwise we'll lose many people, who really can provide good
content and good links here, no matter they're from their own or related websites.) This is real spam here: not related to
the topic, in another language, post full of links, spambot (non-human). Just have to have something in the Golden mean (the
middle between two extremes: the spamfarms and the spamophobics.) About the anti-spam: email (as you said), human CAPTCHA,
active mods.
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Utworzył wówczas w zeszłym czasie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Noooooooooooo! The spambot again. @LonesomeFrog, @pknopf.
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ECONOMIST: 'Jobs market is literally on fire in most states in the union' in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
When I look around I know folks without jobs.
I said something like this to an American (I think he is nearly 100% your antipode) and his answer was something like:
"Because they are lazy!!!"...
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How to make Skimur more popular (phase 2) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago

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Skonstruował teraźniejsze w ostatnim sezonie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
100% spambot.
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How to make Skimur more popular (phase 2) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Well, as I said to Blake already all this in a word is SMO ( We're
different people and everyone has different resources.

So, you -- according to yours (resources), @pknopf according to his
resources, etc. The idea is everyone to know the benefits of the SMO and to use them for this site, if and when he/she can.
Thank you very much for the attention to this thread here!
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How to make Skimur more popular (phase 2) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Well, Blake, I don't remember it was a discussion here with you or with another member, but if it wasn't you, I'll repeat for
you -- I'm online from 1998 and I had already some websites, I was a moderator in some and currently I administrate 10+
websites and probably I have a few hundred accounts around internet (forums and social networks). I know that in some
websites the spam rules are very strict and you can't post even 1 (one) link, if you don't pay money and/or don't make some
contributions there. At the same time there are websites with liberal politics about the spam and you may post 100% only from
your website/websites. My suggestion is people to share some content from Skimur in other websites in a moderate way. Of
course this moderate way may be seen as 'spammy' in some of them, but this is the necessary risk, if you want a website to
get popular, to earn some trust rank, pagerank and so on. This is how the search engines' algorithms work. If you only make a
website and it stays with the hope that the other people will link it, like it, etc., probably you will have just a 'statue-
webste', which is not going to have some progress. Now there is a lot of competition online and the website owners should do
something. One of this things is the SMO ( and this is what I'm
trying to teach the pro-skimur guys here. So, doing it too much is bad, but don't doing it is worse and you should be very
lucky, if you succeed without it.
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How to make Skimur more popular (phase 2) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I advised:
Share moderately, don't risk to get ban for 'spam'. For example you may share once a day.
For example. You have a FB account and you are sharing there links from other websites. Once a day find something interesting
here and share it there. Win-win strategy.
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Page 27
Fuck... China isn't playing around with "Muslim terrorists." They pulled out the flamethrowers. in Politics
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I live in China. I saw on the news some terrorist attacks from these kind of people. So, I think every measure against them
is okay. Well, my forefathers and many of the Xinjiang people are related, but when it comes to security and peace, I don't
make difference between DNA, nationalities, etc. All we need is PEACE.
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Good nose, isn't it? in Nature
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Lovely and almost human. I like this monkey.

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8 Slow, Difficult Steps to Become a Millionaire in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
At least useful for some of us to become more rich or to try it. 'Millionaire' is not that easy.
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Rude Behavior Spreads Like a Disease in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Let me add, as a professional philosopher-anthropologist and a fan of the psychology: NOT ONLY the rude behaviour! Many other
things like the phobias, for instance!
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Sexism in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
My opinion: men and women are 100% equal. Some women may be more dirty, more hostile, more dangerous, than every men (and the
opposite). The sex (gender) means almost nothing. Crime has no gender, moral has no gender, etc. are part of my philosophy.
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Looks like Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 is too sexist for Europe and US. in Gaming
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I upvoted it, because I like the picture. Just to make it clear why.

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Who can and who can't make websites? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Simple and interesting.

Thank you for the answer!
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Watch out for spammers! in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
If the situation gets really so hard (spammy content to cover all the front page), then probably one rule like 40% own sites
to 60% other sites will be useful. (Just to keep enough freedom + enough order. The harmony we need.)
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The easiest way you make photos with text? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, that's why I gave this photo as an example. The memes are too simple for my aesthetic needs.

I just (hope) to write
some books in future and to have some quotes from them in this way. Thanks!
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Ransomware on Your TV, Get Ready, It's Coming in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yes. The same here.

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The easiest way you make photos with text? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Good. I'll remember it, when I need in the future. (Currently only collecting some information, because maybe in the future
I'll write books and I'll make some quotes like that one.

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George Carlin. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
We had already almost the same here:
Well, I don't mind, just telling you I remember well what you post! I'm your true reader.

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Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times Last Year, Fires At Russia For Doing It Once in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Because I hate to flood (posting one and the same in different threads, when it's not necessary), just a link from a related
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Russian jet pilot says there were 'no warnings' by Turkey before plane was shot down in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
In fact it's not very important. I'm sure nobody will think that Russia really planned to invade Turkey. Tell me, if I'm
wrong, but usually in this cases the practice is the country's fighters to escort the foreign plane, not to fire after a few
seconds. As you said -- the Russian, the US and other planes did the same in other countries, but nobody open fire -- they
just escort them or give them more time to realize they're not welcome. In some points I'm a sort of Turkish fan (not 100%,
but a sort of fan), but this case for me is a 100% stupidity and now Turkey and Turkish people will probably suffer from
different results. For example the Russian tourism is stopping his tourists to visit Turkey, i.e. less money for Turkey and
if they decide not to build this ... can you imagine? And all this, because some
guys decide to open fire soon... We have so many problems in the Peace time, imagine what's going on in a WW3!... I hate all
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Watch out for spammers! in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I never think you're spamophobic. I'm sure you make the difference well. And what I emphasize is exactly for the mods of the
flocks -- I hope there will be not many phobic ones, who will transform this in something like small Reddit. Luckily, the
admin has a good liberal point of view about it, which will provide enough 'air' and 'food' for this young website:
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May I have your ATTENTION, please! The Spam policy. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I already answered you in the similar thread, so here I'll just resume and add something:
I like your liberty mode. Self-promotion is totally okay (like the bright example, where everyone may find
'treasures' that people create by themselves), as far as it's ON-topic. /For example it's not okay, if some sub discuss how
to pickup chicks and some person to link there URL about the Russian-Turkish relationships or about coding

5 alt accounts = multi-accounting and in websites with votes/downvotes it equals vote manipulation, so I 100% agree.
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Watch out for spammers! in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Good to know! Thanks for the info! (Even without this info, I didn't feel it was something like "a lot of spam" as the OP
said. For example I have to deal with at least 10-20 cases every day like spambots with multi-accountings, automated spam
posts in not related boards, etc., so, I also feel the same - not a wide-spread issue.) In future I am able to mobilize
myself and to be in Skimur almost 24/7, if there is some real issue, but also, as I mentioned above, we should avoid the
spamophobia (hostility against some poor guys, who just want to post some links to their websites like this one -- he/she in most of the websites will get ban, just because links only to his/her (to
one) website, but here he/she is welcome and I like it, as long as, he/she is on-topic! This is the Golden mean or at least
something around it and I think you should keep this kind of liberty here!)
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Watch out for spammers! in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Probably you saw already my points above, so in a word: we need a Golden mean here, because spamophobia is one of the things
that may ruin the website. If you're some giant like, you may survive if you stop most of the people, who just
want to post something related, but own (what I don't think is spam), but for a young-and-small website this is something
that may kick it down forever. 'Spam' is some very subjective term (and it means originally only ad messages in the emails)
and when someone start to interpret it in own ways like "every link to your sites = spam", it's spamophobic and not different
than something like negrophobia ( I write more about it, because I'd like to show
all my arguments in this discussion.
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Watch out for spammers! in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
This is one of the points I mentioned in my post
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Watch out for spammers! in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Thanks for the attention about this problem, but... Wait. It's a kind of spamophobic!
If they post links to their businesses websites, BUT it's in the right section, i.e. it's related to the topic, it's not
The profile is private. Everyone is free to link there what he/she likes.
Many people are bloggers, but not necessary spammers.
Believe it or not MOST of the internet users are from non-English areas: France, Russia, India, China, Japan, Indonesia,
Turkey, Egypt, etc. I was one of the skimurers, who deleted the spam here most. But I also see many communities with
spam/witch hunting (i.e. spamophobia) and it makes many potential users to run away and to participate in other websites with
more liberal atmosphere like (compare it with many others here: I
will put this as a bigger discussion in s/whatever, because this is one of the most important problems about the policy of a
young website!
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Skonstruował teraźniejsze w ostatnim sezonie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
No problem! Welcome back!
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How often do you eat out? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Once a week on average.
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Turkmen forces in Syria shot dead pilots of downed Russian jet in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
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Axel Springer Goes After iOS 9 Ad Blockers In New Legal Battle in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I don't mind the ads and I even think they're necessary for the economies around the world. But, if I have to pay for
something online, I feel already bad -- I'm paying for the PC (or other thing), I'm paying for the Internet access and
then... someone wants me to pay more for something online -- yeah, but not me.
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Sweet and Sour Meatballs in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I like this flavor ides!
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Page 28
Any prominent Wikipedian editor here? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Oh, I even didn't think about this point -- the advertisement! It's a good point. If we talk about this -- well, every
website with article in Wikipedia has more so called 'Trust rank' for the SE (Search Engines like Google), i.e. it's a kind
of power point/source that I don't think Atif and that Put...something deserve. (About the toxic people -- if I'm a global
mod here /not admin, just a mod, who can ban 100%/, I promise none of them will be able to poison here. For example you guys
already saw how fast I react and delete the spam-threads.

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Legs, great. in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Only one post like this in (+ adding how pity is that man and how terrible was she) and you're
getting a lot of 'ccp' from the local zombies (haters) there, and you're already a 'respectful voater'!

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‘Christian state’ group threatens to kill Belgian Muslims, destroy their businesses in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
In the Ancient Rome they gave Christians to the lions and so on, but they survived till today. It's not how cruel is the law.
It's how well you imply it.
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Some survival tips to protect you from this vulnarable world in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Not news! DELETED!
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Preparation for EMP attack:survival guide 2016 in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Not science! Deleted!!!
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‘Christian state’ group threatens to kill Belgian Muslims, destroy their businesses in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I have a simpler and more human solution -- all the religions to get banned.
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‘Christian state’ group threatens to kill Belgian Muslims, destroy their businesses in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yes, but some Muslims are not radical and most of them do not belong to ISIS. It'll be the same, if someone say that some
group of terrorists are white and then to start kill all the white people...
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Arabic graffiti daubed on easyJet planes at French airports in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Haha! I remember an answer to this from a Bulgarian. It was something like this: "But the women will born new radical
islamists. Many of them are 2-nd and 3-rd generation, born in the West." and there is a lot of truth in this statement. I saw
many families where the fathers don't care so much about the religion, but the mothers are freak religious fanatics and they
brain-wash the kids (I call it in this way, because I'm an atheist and for me every sort of religion is nothing but brain-
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Air pollution in Beijing hits hazardous levels in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Right now it shows '301' ('very polluted').北京天气&oq=
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Brutal fights break out in American malls as shoppers clash over best deals in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
@Yoda, your explanation of this phenomena? Why (comparatively) rich people from one (comparatively) developed world power
behave like 3rd world poor uneducated people?! Greed? Bad behavior models around? What? (I'd like to read others' opinions,
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Homeless man conducts an experiment. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yeah... Some people just don't make difference between 'faith' and 'knowledge', 'proofs', etc.

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Homeless man conducts an experiment. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
'Atheist' isn't religion.
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Any prominent Wikipedian editor here? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago*
I was sure that you'll be the 1-st one, who will say something pro-voat. You love Voat.

But, that's your right to defend
Voat or Reddit, or another website, so I'm not telling you 'don't do it!', as far as I do respect the free speech (when it's
human and cultural). That's why I'll answer you with all due respect 'why?'.
Objective reasons: Because they don't deserve an article in Wikipedia. So many websites with MORE visitors and MORE popular
are WITHOUT Wikipedia article. I don't see why -- a young website with dropping traffic (leaving members and less
visiotors) have to be something special and exceptional.
Subjective (private) reasons: I got insults (very rude words like 'Communist trash', 'thief', 'fag', etc.), innuendoes (like
'13 years old fat Chinese boy', 'spammer', etc.) and criminal threads (like 'they beat somebody, you'll be the next!', 'Oh,
you have a family? Take care!' from one and the same person) and the Bosnian Muslim Atif Colo (aka Atko) didn't help me. He
even doesn't keep his own rules and banned our site, no matter how hard we kept the rule 'up to 20%'.
The bad stories in Voat, I got from other users here and online -- there are many other people hurt and/or disappointed.
So, I'll be very glad, if drop more and, if it's without Wikipedia article. So, if I can't find here some prominent
editors, I'll search for them in Wikipedia, when I have more free time.
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Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggested destroying Istanbul (the most populous city in Turkey)with an a-bomb in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
The article is in Russian.
About that Russian politician in Wikipedia: the Turkish city in Wikipedia: delete reply edit report ignore reports
Post bookmarklet in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
One of the most idiotic (brainless) managements I ever saw! These 2 have no idea what's good for the site and they're an
example how, because of the stupidity and lack of responsibility a site with giant traffic may become an average website
(currently it dropped to 10,423 in dropped). They allow criminal threads (no bans for the criminals,
haters, etc.), they don't care about useful suggestions like yours and like ours (about the CAPTCHA's and the ads), they
don't follow their own rules. So, what we can expect? I can't say 'Fuck Voat', as you, but I say: "I wish you to get what you
deserve -- nothing!!!" That's why now I delete and repost my content, because I don't want to donate anything to that Bosnian
Muslim Atif Colo (Atko) and that other Putt...something one!
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Automatic/automade 'suggest title' in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yes, sometimes.
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Automatic/automade 'suggest title' in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Oh, okay! Thanks!
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Post bookmarklet in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
You mean the same what I meant: ?
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Post bookmarklet in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Are we talking about the same: ?
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Japan delivers whiskey to space station in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
If I find some free whiskey, it'll be all for you, because I drink only beer and wine.

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France to opt out of European human rights convention because of Paris attacks in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
How convenient, isn't it? When you're a 'big guy' in the world geopolitics, then you can just 'opt out', when you want!
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Russia ends visa-free travel regime with Turkey in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
An example how all the people in a country may suffer, because of the 'wise choice' of some politicians.
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Penis size across Europe in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I didn't mark it as NSFW, because for me it's a pure anthropology topic.
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Fuck... China isn't playing around with "Muslim terrorists." They pulled out the flamethrowers. in Politics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Oh, there are many other genocides around the world. I can't say US is the only one, when it comes to genocides.
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Fuck... China isn't playing around with "Muslim terrorists." They pulled out the flamethrowers. in Politics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, I see. In a word: better than USA in Vietnam (for example).
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Page 29
How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago

))))))))))) Why 'cannibalism', man?! Honestly, what do you mean? Let's talk about it! (I drink my 2-nd beer now, so
cheers, and let's chat about it!)
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I imagined you're in some magapolis (probably wrong spelling, sorry)

, because you're always up-to-date, scientific,
educated, etc. and I was like "Yoda is something like Harvard professor over there!"

... But with Internet we're a 'Global
village' (I think it was the term), so no matter where are you physically... A useful offtopic: today we traveled in some
far-away places and I saw some rural small town AND some people made there good business like: the 1-st pharmacy in the
town!!! The 1-st kindergarten in the town!!! So... Do you think it is a good business idea, if you make something like 'The
1-st foreign-food restaurant' in the town (For example: first Sushi-restaurant or first Mexican/French/Chinese restaurant in
the town?) Sometimes it works... If I had enough money I'd like to make some 1-st PIZZA restaurant in some town and then the
locals are happy to have pizzas and I'm happy to have some cash.

/One of my basic small dreams./
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My answer to a person, who posted spam in (this is the way I will deal with haters and others, who try to make
this place bad!) in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Oh, P.Knopf, I'm dealing with at least 5-10-20 per day. (My modus operandi is simple: 1. Please, don't spam or ban! 2. BAN.
:-)... ) So, I'm 100% sure there will be a lot more spammers (but fortunately -- spambots, according to my experience). That
time you may give me some BAN abilities and I'll deal with them. About the trolls -- they're useful so far as they provide
some fresh content and/or made some hot discussion like: "You're selfish!!!" (and 100 guys answer them we're not selfish!
... ), but in some cases -- BAN for them, too. About the time -- I plan to 'give you' 5 years


/Seriously, I
think in 5 years if a website may get the best, it's the optimal time./
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, I'm also one of the foreigners (and, believe me, there is almost not a single day, when some local Chinese guy notice it
publicly to me and to the others like -- "FOREIGNER!!! SEE!!! FOREIGNER!!!"

... Well, mostly -- kids, but it's ridiculous
when some adults do something like this... That's why I wrote a short article about it -- /the sense was "forget to be
accepted as a Chinese, if you're not yellow"/

, which I posted in ). Yes, 100% true -- a
Bulgarian in S. China. Your memory is perfect! (But, because I'm living in China from 2004, sometimes I really forget I'm
also a foreigner, UNTIL someone shout: "LOOK!!! LOOK!!! THE FOREIGNER!!!"

)))) )... Oh, Yugoslavia! It WAS our neighbor
(it was next to Bulgaria)... But, they were different in many points, indeed. For example one of my 1st presents was a globe.

And I remember my 'favorite' country that time was MONGOLIA!!! (Because it's green!

))))))))))))) (I remember I made
some plans to travel to Mongolia that time, because 'It's so green on the globe!!!') Nice memories! /Every time it's a
pleasure to talk with you!

Thanks for the answer!/
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
:-) Hi, mr. Tattered! I wondered exactly about your area, really.

I was living for years in some similar areas where the
only 'foreigners' were some minorities around. Usually the foreigners are around the big cities and the very popular tourist
spots. I'll use this answer to say about me: now I'm in a city. The last month I met 3 times foreigners (Russians, Indians
and an African from... I forgot, sorry.).
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My answer to a person, who posted spam in (this is the way I will deal with haters and others, who try to make
this place bad!) in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
WOW! Someone downvoted it? Who and why?
permalink delete reply edit report
Backyard Liberty by Alec Deacon: steady supply of food during disaster in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I hoped you'll be the one, who will like my reaction...
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Retired police K-9 found sick, abandoned on street. in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
It's sad. I hope most of these will receive better treat.
permalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
My answer to a person, who posted spam in (this is the way I will deal with haters and others, who try to make
this place bad!) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And another one:
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Best 4Videosoft Video converter : Ultimate video converting software in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
2 reports for spam @robinsen!!! AGAIN:
Don't post in 'science' things that are irrelevant to the science itself.
If you want to post your links, you should participate here more fruitful: comment, post other links.
Don't be selfish!
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Lights out USA :The Latest EMP Survival Course 2016 in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Read here and make difference between SELFISH and REASONABLE:
permalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
My answer to a person, who posted spam in (this is the way I will deal with haters and others, who try to make
this place bad!) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
@Blake, take a look, I think you'll like it.
permalink delete reply edit report
Backyard Liberty by Alec Deacon: steady supply of food during disaster in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
To @robinsen (who post the spam), to @pknopf (the admin of the website) and to @yoda (who reported the spam) My work is in
Skimur now. I work here, because I hope it grow up and I can get paid some day for my hard work and contributions. The book
something more here -- for example, where are your comments, where are your other links? Check @yoda's posts, check @georgi's
posts, check @pknopf's posts AND COMPARE WITH YOUR POSTS. You can't stuff the website only with one and the same link in
irrelevant subs. Is it clear now how you should participate in, IF you want to post links to your websites or the
websites of your friends and any other related websites? AND, BY THE WAY, I AM A MODERATOR AND PEOPLE REPORT ME THE SPAM, I
HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT (in case you didn't mentioned it.)
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No thanks, I'll stick with "new". Thanks though, I think in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Why only one star?! This deserves 5 only because is so original and innovative!

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Lights out USA :The Latest EMP Survival Course 2016 in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Why spam again? Deleted.
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Medical Preparedness Package 2016: Essential for any kind of Survial situation in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
It's not science. DELETED!
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ZZ Top - Rough Boy in Music
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
WOW! The last time I saw this band was probably when I was in the primary school! Thanks for the good memories!
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Miso Soup (Microwave) in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I am not a soup fan, but miso is something I like!
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Backyard Liberty by Alec Deacon: steady supply of food during disaster in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
OK. (thumb up)
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The educated person and the moron in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I know Imgur is popular, but... Why I have to use Imgur, if I can use my own website and to get some visitors (and some small
earnings of course)? Think in this way, my dear: Imgur is already a successful website. We don't need to support it with our
content; we need to support ourselves and our projects, otherwise all the life we'll be just commoners, servants.
(Think about it -- if Alan Schaaf /the creator of Imgur/ served only for others and never created Imgur, do you think now
we'll know who is Alan Schaaf and what's
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The educated person and the moron in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
One of my first caricatures. :-)
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Saudi Arabia has announced they plan to sue anyone that compares their kingdom to ISIS. So a Redditor quickly bought in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Next step? Sue anyone that is not a Muslim?
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Why 64% Of Americans Have Never Left the U.S. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I see. I'm sure in many other countries the situation is worse. I know and knew many people around me (most of them from East
Europe and China) who never traveled abroad (and some of them even didn't travel to the capital of their own countries, i.e.
limited in travel inside of the countries). Not rich, in a word.
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Backyard Liberty by Alec Deacon: steady supply of food during disaster in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Spam + flood. DELETED. Reported for BAN!
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Backyard Liberty by Alec Deacon: steady supply of food during disaster in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
It's not just spam, it's also flood already (i.e. posting/linking one and the same.) 100% ban! @pknopf.
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Page 30
Chemical treatment transforms skin cells into neurons in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Me too. You may follow it here:
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Chemical treatment transforms skin cells into neurons in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I see. I'll open a special thread about it in s/whatever.

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Chemical treatment transforms skin cells into neurons in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I don't know how is the situation around you -- around me (off-line and on-line) is always like: "What do you work?"/"How
much is your salary?/What car do you drive?" (Never: "What kinds of books do you read?/Do you like science?/Can you make
websites?/Do you like museums?")
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Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of a Bulgarian immigrant. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
He plans to donate $45 billion to good causes. I was surprised to learn that his grandfather is from Bulgaria. Another famous
Bulgarian-American is John Atanasov ( /best known for inventing the
first electronic digital computer/.
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About the embedded assets... images, videos, etc in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Support! +1
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Chemical treatment transforms skin cells into neurons in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Sad, but many nowadays women will love you, if you have money/property/power... many of them are just gold-diggers or semi-

Only good body and brain are useful, but not enough for the majority of the females.
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Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn to appeal to UN for banning men in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes. I said before (here) that you are okay, because you post only in s/funny (related sub) and people should be okay with
that. And the admin here have no problem with self-promotion, BUT in -- many haters, a lot of anarchy and some
selfish rule (only up to 20% own links), which Atif doesn't keep... So, I deleted there almost all of my content and I'm
reposting it here and in our website. is still small, but better. Thank you for your friendliness!

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Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn to appeal to UN for banning men in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
From time to time I visit (I was very active member there before, but not anymore, because I'm disappointed of Atif
/Atko/, who banned our website without any reason /we followed strictly the rule 'up to 20% own sites' and 80% other sites'
links'/ and also he allowed so many criminal threads, hate, insults, downvote brigading and innuendoes, without taking any
measures!) ... Tonight I decided to see what's going on with the spam reports there and I saw this: Just inform you, because I hoped it may help you somehow.
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Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn to appeal to UN for banning men in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I don't know if it's useful for you, but I'll let you know: someone reported you in for spam.
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Subscript and superscript for text in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago

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Maybe we ought not allow duplicate links? in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yes. I think it's a good function in some other websites, where there is a message, if you post something already posted.
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
I also think so -- in most of the cases it's useful for the English learners and in 100% of the cases it's useful for the
ranking of the website in SERPs! You are doing right!
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A town in South Dakota is for sale? in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago

I wondered who is the owner of the town -- the state will get the money or it's national property and the US will get the
money? Just curious about the ownership.
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High Chance That 2 Rooms Are Hidden Behind King Tut's Tomb, Egypt Says in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
That's right, but I'm glad there are people like @MetalPhoenix, who point to the errors, because when the titles and the
whole text is without errors, it ranks better in the Search engines (and this is something we all need).
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A plane hit by lightning in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
You see, it's not so difficult to post some comments, to contribute with different links and to post own links in the related
subs (for example post book in s/books, post news in s/news...)
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Russia blamed for deadly air strike in Syria's Idlib in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I also think about this -- how to separate all the civilians from the soldiers... and then the war to be a 'natural war'.
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High Chance That 2 Rooms Are Hidden Behind King Tut's Tomb, Egypt Says in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I follow these news already a few days ago and I wonder, too.
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A town in South Dakota is for sale? in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
So, in this case, who will get to money (in case there is some costumer to buy this town)?
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China’s Renminbi Is Approved by I.M.F. as a Main World Currency in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Well, I wanted to write an article about it in our website and to share it here, but... the news leaders are too fast.

watched about it in CCTV (China Central Television).
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My answer to a person, who posted spam in (this is the way I will deal with haters and others, who try to make
this place bad!) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, this is a good point ( for now to ban a certain user from a sub is pretty enough!
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
EDIT/TYPO (a typographical error): NOT 'meat'! MEET!!!
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Oh... I see... Again my spelling... sorry! (You know -- not a native English speaker, with not a perfect software)

for the answer!
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
At this point you stop noticing people with different nationalities and just accept that sometimes you'll be unable to
understand their accents.
Good level! The next level: At this point you stop noticing people with different nationalities and just accept that
sometimes you'll be unable to understand their IDEAS (points of view, etc.)
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How often do you meat foreigners around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
unless it just happens to be the right one.
I think this is the MOST important not only in business, but also in science, in philosophy (my major) and in the life...
This is the question -- 'THE RIGHT ONE'!!! (Btw, 'the right one' is one of my favorite English language consrtuctions, which
is almost the same as the 'OPTIMAL one' /Latin-related/!)...
I like the small town where in the middle of rush hour you can get across town in 5 minutes or so.
Oh, that's precious! I realized it today! Here we waited around 20-30 minutes to cross to our road... and in the small towns
people did it for just around LESS THAN 10 seconds.

About the rest of the topics... Well, when you need some 'business ideas',just call me!

Next time I may suggest some soft
drinks factory around

/It's not just a joke, let me share my history: Long time ago I had the idea to make carbonated
chocolate drink! I shared it with a local beauty... well, 1 or 2 months later the nearby town STARTED to produce it!!!
CARBONATED CHOCOLATE DRINK!... Well, I still believe that someone stole my idea!.../
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Page 31
Higher levels of Fukushima cesium detected offshore in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I just know this plant often makes some problems, already for years. And the Japanese know how to enlarge their military
budget, but can't deal with a single dangerous plant. I remember Chernobyl -- the USSR just left it and that's all. The Japs
make high-tech robots, thousands of inventions, re-build a powerful army, but a single nuclear plant is a problem for them...
And then some guys asked me "Why I didn't choose Japan?!"... Because it's full of absurds and idiotisms (more than the
average countries), that's why.
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#EndViolenceAgainstWomen names and shames men who troll women online in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Exactly! For example there are many females, who shame and attack men, because of their fatness or their race, etc. I saw
some very aggressive and psychopathic females online and offline. The problem is many people think females are angels... not
at all. They're just humans like the males.
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Higher levels of Fukushima cesium detected offshore in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Why they (Japanese) or someone big boss who can control their politics just don't shut down this troublesome plant?
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How to know what's the problem with a certain website? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
No, it's okay in China according to, so I suppose the problem is something local and I am trying to see
how local is it.

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What was your worst travel experience? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
In China. With a train! (I had one worse with a bus, too, but the worst is with a train.) I was almost sure I'm going to be
dead soon. Not enough air, etc.
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How to know what's the problem with a certain website? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Good. I did it. Normal response. Working, in a word. So what now?
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How to know what's the problem with a certain website? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I got it. The ping is giving back some proper answers. So what now?
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I lived in 3 socialist countries (sometimes called 'communist', which is not exact). You may ask some questions. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
In our place it was different -- it was rare to see foreigners and especially westerners, so many of us, in this cases were
eager to help them with the translations, to communicate and exchange some knowledge and even some guys to exchange secretly
some dollars (because it was forbidden), because the special foreign goods like 'Kinder Surprise' eggs were available only in
special foreign-currency shops, where they sold foreign goods like pocket e-games, the 'eggs' mentioned above, etc. The
propaganda was mainly that you're good people, but your governments are bad.

So, we never had some hostile attitude to
some foreigners and for us all were equal, no matter Russian, Polish, French or American. Almost all of us got own houses and
flats (some westerners still wonder how we can have 100% own property, without payment. Of course many of them are just panel
buildings and the quality isn't something special, but I heard that 'it's not right' a family to be able to buy place to live
so soon and don't pay for many years. I still don't know why it's not right... Different people, different values.) About the
cars it was difficult -- we had to sign up for a car and then to wait some years, until your turn come to be able to buy the
car. (I.e. no matter you have the money, you can't buy it at once. You had to queue for it.) The cost of living is something
that people miss now. That time you may eat 3 times a day and pay all your bills + visit theater, cinema... now many of them
wonder how to pay the electricity and water... After the crush of USSR the life got terrible, because the main reason for
that comparatively good life was the Soviet Union, that subsidized the other economies. Now the new 'big brothers' ('big
bosses') are not so subsidizing, so the poverty is something common over there. (Which brings more problems as: higher crime
rates, lower education -- before the universities were for free, now -- only for the able to pay it..., more people leaving
the country /like me/, etc.)
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How to know what's the problem with a certain website? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
How to ping it?
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Misophonia in words
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Ha-ha! The example RULEZZZZZ!

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Sinister (weekend edition) in words
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
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Sinister (weekend edition) in words
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
There is also another meaning of the word in English, right?
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I lived in 3 socialist countries (sometimes called 'communist', which is not exact). You may ask some questions. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Hehe! Very good definition! This is AMAA!

Well, in fact it's "ask me everything, but I'll answer almost everything".

So, if it comes what do I prefer at all, I think the most I like 2 opposite ones:
Absolute communism -- everything is common, people share all the profits for themselves.
Absolute capitalism -- 100% free market, all profits for the people who own the businesses, 0 country's taxes, permissions
and other difficulties for the business, etc.
These 2 are very ideal, so they don't exist as far as I know.
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Sexy Asian woman in prettygirls
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
No idea why. (It's not from my websites.)
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Masturbation causes pregnant hands in afterlife: Turkish preacher in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
According to that logic -- what you use -- it will be pregnant! Using hands = pregnant hands; using feet = pregnant feet!

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If Skimur was a country in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago

I hoped there will be people to add more things like this.

Thank you!
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Science AMA Series: I'm Randy Olson, a Scientist Turned Filmmaker in Los Angeles, California. I do research and writing on
why scientists are afraid of storytelling and how to change that. I’m here today to talk about the "ABT framework." AMA! in
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
At first I thought that you're Randy Olson.

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If Skimur was a country in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Because it's mostly English, French and Spanish (like in West Europe).

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Oldest Known Albatross Gets Ready To Lay Another Egg At 64 Years Old in Nature
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Admirations! It may be very useful for the gerontology!
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Congratulations and thanks for this sub! in words
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
I'm glad I had the chance to find it. You can add it here: (my pleasure)!

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Are you currently reading a book? If so what is it? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I used to read a lot. Recently I'm very busy and I read only online articles.
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Researchers confirm original blood vessels in 80 million-year-old fossil in Science
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Wow! Amazing!
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Black belt in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I think it's just some case when some guys made him very angry and he is ready to fight with them offline. Or just kidding

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Erdogan hates this meme enough to jail a man over it!... in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
More about it: Erdogan
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What's the situation around you? Gold-diggers? Semi-gold-diggers? No gold-diggers?

in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
If everyone answers as good as you here, it'll be a precious thread!

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Page 32
'Fuck Skimur' -- isn't it too much? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Well, it's all true. If it's in some website of mine, I'll delete this kind of nickname with the explanation why, because for
me the 1-st necessary condition is the respect to the place, where you're. Here -- it's up to the admin and to the majority
of us I suppose, so I'm not going to protest or something, but it was good to hear your opinions.

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Swedish man makes business in North Korea. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
This is what I call a Big businessman.
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'Fuck Skimur' -- isn't it too much? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
So, it's a person with a serious hobby...
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'Fuck Skimur' -- isn't it too much? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I understand your point, but this nickname sounds like a rape wish!

/Seriously -- it's good you're informed and you are
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'Fuck Skimur' -- isn't it too much? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
"Yaranai ka?"

/ Haha. Not me. I want only the hot women (and some other
women like: sexy women, attractive women, good-clean-slim/sporty-educated women).
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[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not news. Removed.
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[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not news. Removed!
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necrocracy in words
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Amazing word (I didn't know it). But its meaning... well, I suppose many of the countries are like this or almost -- for
example the constitution keeps many rules created by people, who are now dead people. I think North Korea is a monarchy. I
was one of the first (or may be the first? I'm not sure), who described North Korea as a State-Capitalist Monarchy: delete reply edit report
The most popular subs in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Probably in every site with users activity there are more inactive than active users. Many of them are registering and then
they're forgetting about the site; many others are there only to make some link-building (or to post some blatant spam); some
are active only around the political elections... So, it's just normal to be like this. Approximately 20% of the people are
doing the 80% of the job for a website, i.e. The Pareto principle: (
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Higher levels of Fukushima cesium detected offshore in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I meant they stop to use it. Right?
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#EndViolenceAgainstWomen names and shames men who troll women online in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Oh, WOMEN'S college!!!... if it was some another website (other websites) the next question/-s are: AND HOW MANY WOMEN DID
YOU F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@####CK there? :DDDDDDDDD (You know the 1-st reaction in this cases

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Tomato and Red Onion Salad in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
One of the best successful topics ever. A fast example: delete reply edit report
#EndViolenceAgainstWomen names and shames men who troll women online in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I understand. So -- nearby 100% sexism, isn't it... I hate it!
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Tomato and Red Onion Salad in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
I'm sure people are searching for every kind of recipe. For example I'm just a salad fan.

But there are sooooo many other
fans: vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians, Mexican/Brazilian/Korean... kitchen fans... Oh, some food-websites made a big
progress with their recipes. I think it's one of the most fruitful topics around the web, so... just post it day by day.
Surely you have got many readers and fans!!!
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Electrobikes around you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
One of the accidents (don't open, if you can't stand blood, death and brain of the road): delete reply edit report
Tomato and Red Onion Salad in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Most of your salads (including @yoda's) are so cool! I ate them often.

This is my next one!!!
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How to know what's the problem with a certain website? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
As I can see -- many proxy sites are blocked here now.
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Higher levels of Fukushima cesium detected offshore in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Yes, indeed. Once probably I mention that if the presidents were like you and people like you, the world should be better.
The reasons: as far as I know: 1. Some people just can't choose the government. (And it's cruel how the other governments put
on them sanctions! It means you do not choose your leaders, your leaders do something that other leaders dislike and then you
people are going to pay for it! Typical Middle age, isn't it?

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:)... 2. Some people choose (vote) for it,
but "it's not important who votes, it's important who count the votes"

... There are much more examples, but at least you
and me know what's the reasons -- money/power, buying votes, votes falsifications/manipulations, etc. I only want to stress
on one problem -- the mobocracy (提交&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=mobocracy&sc=8-9&sp=-
1&sk=&cvid=8bb2766395ce4111bfded68d3079fedd) -- EVEN there are perfect elections, what if 50% + of the people are just a...
mob? Nothing... they're tend to vote for something not-that-wise...
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Search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a $100-million boost Russian billionaire Yuri Milner announces most
comprehensive hunt for alien life. in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
It reminds me one person, who wandered why people pay so much for the colliders (to study some elementary particles and to
confirm some physics), when one of the most important filed is the science about the metals! (For example how to produce
gold, platinum, etc.!)
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Higher levels of Fukushima cesium detected offshore in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
No (I know about they tried with some robots); I meant that Japanese nowadays are a high-tech + high GDP per capita + rich +
wanna-be military (again) nation; one of the 1st, best, etc., and for many people around the world it's a kind of
shame/surprise that this nation (in fact its government, because you know the case -- "many clever people in the nation, but
many not-that-clever in the government") can't deal well with a single nuclear case.
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#EndViolenceAgainstWomen names and shames men who troll women online in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Wait. It's illegal to hit a female EVEN if she hit you FIRST? Or just illegal to hit her FIRST?
About the neurotic (oh,... I got the feeling most of the females around are very neurotic...)
permalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence gets a $100-million boost Russian billionaire Yuri Milner announces most
comprehensive hunt for alien life. in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I upvoted you only because of your long post (which is also unique content, I'm sure) /as we chatted already it's precious
for the search engines, i.e. for the Skimur's development, which is our main goal!/... And now I'll read it...
Intelligent signals... Well, it's difficult. For example only a few years ago we used a lot of signals, but now they're
reduced, because of the higher technologies. (Compare the antenna TV with the Cable TV)...
Even there is some life, it may be not so developed. For example they may stay at some dino or bird level.

No technology,
no signals...
Even they're so smart to make it, they may not make it. Imagine if they're in some religion-like mode -- most of the
religions doesn't inspire this kind of thinking, right?
Even they were very developed (and they used signals), there are many reasons that they already disappeared...
What if they're like IS?

)))))))))) /They're able to use the high-tech and they can make some inventions, but for them the
important things are not to make colonies in the Milky Way.../
Maybe some aliens have signals that we can't recognize?
Maybe some aliens don't need contacts! For example, if they think other civilizations may bring them some troubles, viruses,
About the radio -- I think there are co-inventors like Popov:, I read it ALL. Most of the things you mentioned, too!

Good topic!
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Higher levels of Fukushima cesium detected offshore in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And to add something to the geology -- it's in front of the tsunami (bad choice oceanologically, also? Btw, I am not sure if
the science about tsunamis is 'oceanology'). Whatever, thank you for the patience and for the will to explain more about this
matter to me and to us (the readers here)! Upvoted.
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Florida Man Arrested For Having Sex With An Alligator in FloridaMan
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Well, I can tell you there are some people, who think it's totally okay (the zoophilia). I met some opinions like: "Why some
males can have sex with a male man and I can't have it with a female animal?!" (fair enough?)

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Giraffe's long lost cousin found? in Nature
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
This is I wondered long time ago. Good to know!
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Skimur, what is the best movie that you never want to see again? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
I also wanted to point to the Schindler's List!

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0.999... in Wikipedia
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Good, but I don't know if they keep the deleted content somewhere: delete reply edit report ignore reports
advertising in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
The name Atif is a Muslim name ( The other religions don't name with Muslim names their
people. For example if you're a Christian, can you imagine your parents to name you something like 'Musa' or 'Ismail'?! In
Bosnia almost 50% are Muslims.
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The site went down this morning... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Sometimes it's down for me here, BUT I refresh the page once or twice and it's working well most of the time.
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advertising in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Off-topic (European humor):
Minister A and minister B: A: -- Your new villa is so cool! How did you build it?! B: -- Can you see that road over there? A:
-- I can see it. B: -- The government paid me 1 000 000 000 for 50 miles, but I build it only 10 miles and I saved some cash
for this villa! ONE YEAR LATER... Minister A build a 5 star hotel. Minister B: -- What a miracle!!! How you got it? Minister
A: -- The government paid me 2 000 000 000 for a bridge. Can you see the bridge over there? Minister B: -- But there is NO
bridge!!! Minister A: -- Exactly!!!

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advertising in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
NO. Now I'm serious; no jokes: Atif is from Bosnia and Herzegovina (ex-Yugoslavian state) and he is a Bosnian Muslim. An
immigrant in West Europe, but a native Balkan Muslim. (I'm also from the Balkans, but I'm a Christian, i.e. I was, before I
became a real scientist-atheist, if someone wonders.)
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advertising in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I thought you're going to say: "I'm ready to invest 1-2 billions in!"

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advertising in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Yeah, with this dropping traffic: Down, down, down /Current rank: 11,648/ the investors will be glad to lose their money
exactly for

About the @Max's idea: EVERY link in trusted websites is VERY WELCOME for Don't miss the
chances to add it everywhere in the good websites, because it needs a lot of linkjuice. @pknopf, the so called 'Atko' is
Atif, i.e. a Muslim. Muslim drinks beer = NO PARADISE for him! So, I see your beer plan like "Burn in Hell, Atko!!!" (which
is not that bad!

:D:D ) /More about the Muslims and their refugees -- you may ask @Yoda; he is our notable refugee
specialist in Skimur!

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China's Latest 'Airpocalypse' Seen from Space in Nature
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
As I mentioned a few times: a developing country.
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0.999... in Wikipedia
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Not for everything. And often when you make a page, some editors and/or admins will delete it, because it's not enough good
for them. For example they deleted the page about Jenny Gu (she was an anchor of the CCTV English News), which I created with
a lot of love and attention. At the same time there are some more important (according to the Wikipedians) people like porn
stars or serial killers and an article about the 'important' website
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\송파오피 엄지\Opyo01.CoM∑마리텔『남자오피요』일산오피「홍대오피」신촌오피 in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yes, it wasn't related to good food.

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\송파오피 엄지\Opyo01.CoM∑마리텔『남자오피요』일산오피「홍대오피」신촌오피 in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
@pknopf, you also should be proud! Admirations! So new website and already KOREAN!!! And I have 4-5 years old websites and no
Korean posts.

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\송파오피 엄지\Opyo01.CoM∑마리텔『남자오피요』일산오피「홍대오피」신촌오피 in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Yeah!!! Korean spam! @Yoda, @Ghost, congratulations!

I have deal with Internet from 1998 and I never had a single Korean
post around, even spam!

And it's pity, because I like Korean!

It's pretty.

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The happiness around the world in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I see only 1 page.
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'Spell-check for hate' needed, says Google's Schmidt in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I do support it!
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Sinophone in Wikipedia
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
My pleasure! I like to learn new things like these. I learned it a few months ago and now I repost it here, for all of us!

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The happiness around the world in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Thanks for the answer! So, the Anti-virus is helpless? And I still didn't get it completely -- every .pdf downloads something
in the PC/phone/etc., or only the malware one?
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The happiness around the world in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I only knew it's a .pdf. I even don't understand it's download-something, because when I click it it opens a webpage (a map).
Probably I didn't get it. Explain more, please. (I'll read it later, because now I'm leaving the Net soon. Have a nice time!)
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Do you know someone with AIDS? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Thank you for the answer! One more question, please. I ask it for my own statistics -- that escort person -- was it gay
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A special kind of police -- Religious in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I know this word, but I think it's useful for many others, so -- yes, it's a good idea to post it.
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Chicken n eggs in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I'm not kidding, nor trolling: I'd like to say it's the most natural and 'logical' name of recipe I ever saw

)) 'Chicken
and eggs'! Perfect! And it looks good (imo), because I like eggs and I like mushrooms! Yummy.
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A special kind of police -- Religious in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Of course. Depends of the laws of the country.
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'Fuck Skimur' -- isn't it too much? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
In this case he/she had to make it like: "Dear-Skimur-May-I-Fuck-You?" -- more lovely somehow!

:D:D:D:D:D Thanks for your
point of view!
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Crime Index for Country 2015 Mid Year in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I think it's informative.
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Murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
It's for 2012, but I think it's still informative.
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Do you have a sweet tooth? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
No. But I have 'salty' tooth.

Sometimes I wish not to eat a hamburger, but I do.

)) Or pizza.
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
She is sleeping right now and I'll say "Thank you" on her behalf. I told you a few weeks ago, that my wife also may come here
to participate and that's she.

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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
She is sleeping now and I'll say "Thank you" on her behalf. I told you before my wife also may come here to participate and
that's she.
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
At first -- thank you for your attention and for your participation in my topic here! I do appreciate it! Now, let's say what
I think about it:
a/ Your definition about 'Free speech' includes verbal crimes and other crimes, which is not my definition (and the
definition of many Europeans, Chinese, etc.) about it. The freedom is freedom, the speech is speech, but the insults, crimes,
etc., are nothing to do with the freedom of speech and freedom of life. You're free to SPEAK, but you're NOT free to HURT,
KILL, etc.
b/ I didn't follow very much that Kevdude's activity, so I'm glad to know he has more problems, which confirms my opinion
about him. I'll be not surprised, if he is some person with serious psychological or psychopatholical problems or just a
problematic teen. Anyway, I despise this jerk and I wish him to get the worst possible in his life!
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What happens when governments disarm their citizens? in Politics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
This is what I mean. I live in China. Here no one has guns (at least the majority of the people, because it's illegal), but
the crazy, bad, etc. people use knives, swords, metal sticks and some other tools (I don't know their English names and I
haven't time to search for them now, because it's not important) and they cause some damages. So, in a word: better, but not
a 100% solution.
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Chick and egg in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I learned that it's owned and operated by from delete reply edit report ignore reports
One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Good for you! Really.
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Little, lovely baby crock... in Nature
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
That's true.
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What happens when governments disarm their citizens? in Politics
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I haven't time to read it now, but I'd like to share my opinion: I lived and live in places, where the guns are forbidden.
Well, it's a bit better, but STILL there are people with knives, big sticks and other guns, who may cause serious problems.
So, without guns is a bit better, but it's not a 'Panacea'.
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And it's because a lot of them are psychopaths and sociopaths. And they use some primitive cliches like: "This is Internet!"
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Singer Jay Chou Welcomes a Baby Girl in Music
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I'm tired to watch him, to read about him, to listen about him, etc., but he is really very famous...
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Why only 2 parties are the winners in the USA? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Good answer, but I know some countries with at least 4-5 leading parties. I didn't know that Australia also is with 2
leading. Good to know. Thanks for the answer!
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago*
You're doing right, but it was a rhetorical question for/about those, who still do that. About Voat's down -- if we don't do
anything and it's still going down, because people are leaving (I checked some accounts there -- their last posts and
submissions were 2-3 months ago!), but I also contribute a bit about this:
I delete and repost my content. In this way, for example 0.0001% less for and 0.0001% more for me.
I see what keywords they rank well and I make competition. For example they got visitors about 'fat people' and I post also
about 'fat people'. In this way I am one of their competitors!
I am trying to explain in Wikipedia, that's article is something that is not necessary. Voat is not so special to be
in Wikipedia. If they delete this article, it will be better.
About Skimur -- I'm doing a lot (you may check my posts and submissions. Probably I'm one of the TOP 3 contributors here, or
at least in TOP 5. I'm almost 24/7 here and I do pageviews + posts and submissions.)
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago*
We (me, my wife and my father) visit there JUST (ONLY) to DELETE and repost our content (some of the content I repost here,
some -- in our website). I am NOT willing to leave content for free there, because you know: Content is the king, i.e. more
content = more visitors = more opportunities for earnings. The Bosnian Muslim Atif (Atko) and his colleague (Put-...
something,... I don't remember crazy nicknames) there DO NOT deserve anything like this. I even wonder HOW someone can donate
to them?! You post there for free, you spend there time for free (making unique pageviews and visiting) and you're GIVING
YOUR MONEY?!?!?!?! What kind of man you have to be, to do so, especially when you have to read all these hate, lies, absurds,
rudeness, inhumanity, etc.?! (It's a rhetorical question.)
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And 2 more to the Canadian alcoholic, hater and downvote brigading Tipman79 and to the downvote brigading and sending
criminal threads flussence:
" Haha! Idiot! Check @georgi, check @juanita and check @ivancho75 profiles and you'll see that we deleted almost all here and
reposted it in our websites, because we're not willing to contribute here any more, because of haters, downvoters and
psychopaths like you, crazy alcoholic! Enjoy the decreasing's traffic, too: "
"Illiterate moron is your all family, because they created such a coward, criminal and degenerate as you! Enjoy the
decreasing traffic of this site: We almost deleted and reposted all our content,
because we dislike to contribute here for free any more!!! And many people are leaving!!! Because of the criminals
and idiots like you both here! Now we contribute to and to our websites!!! I wish you all the bad luck in this
world and I'll be happy if you get cancer or something like this! My wish to you: DIE IN PAIN!"
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あ! in a
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
Oh, I see. I learned a bit Japanese long time ago and I canceled my learning: 2 alphabets + ancient modified Chinese
characters! Not for me; too complicated!

P.S. I really felt it has some Japanese meaning and here it is:ヅ
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b in a
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
The alphabet, I see.

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あ! in a
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Looks Japanese too, but what's that?
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あ! in a
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
It's an "A" in Japanese?
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Russia discussed declaring war on Turkey after jet was shot down but decided against it in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I am a pacifist and I like all the non-war decisions around the world.

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Russia discussed declaring war on Turkey after jet was shot down but decided against it in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I mean it's normal to decide against it.
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advertising in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Well, when it comes to the religions themselves, I just dislike them the same, because I do love science. And in fact, I
don't think being a Muslim is a problem. His problems are he can't manage the community and lost a lot of members; he can't
keep his own rule and he's allowing hate and criminal threads. About the Islam -- it's really his own choice and he can be
whatever he wants. I only pointed to the fact itself.
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Smartphones to die out 'within five years', says new study in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I will be not surprised.
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Woman found dead in German hotel, after undergoing exorcism in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Exorcism = idiotism.
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Russia discussed declaring war on Turkey after jet was shot down but decided against it in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
It's normal and reasonable.
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Still a better love story than 50 Shits of Twilight, vol. 2 in Videos
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
"50 Shits of Twilight"

... How people can create these titles?!

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Doctors warn of infection risk from DIY blood-letting kits in Science
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
In China some people are doing things that other people stopped doing ago.

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Momonga in Nature
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I think most of the people around the world will see it as a cute animal.

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A grapefruit. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Looks like a sun, isn't it?

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Iraq appeals to UN and demands Turkey withdraw troops from its north in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Mention this: Turkey is feeling okay to send army abroad without permission, but at the same time open fire against a Russian
jet, because of some seconds. I can understand it, if Turkey keeps its own jets and military strictly inside of Turkey, but
in this case I think it's a typical double standard.
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web designing company in U.K in Aww
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Not an aww. Reported.
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web development company in delhi in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not news. Removed.
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Static website design services in India and UK in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not news. Removed.
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Which search keywords send traffic to Skimur! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
It's totally okay! (I like when people have to say something more. And it's useful for the website, you know.) About the
downvoting food -- it may come from another group of radicals -- the VEGANS (and some similar). I met some very radical (and
pretty stupid) people online -- "you eat meat = you're bad/you hate animals/you're a beast/you're terrible/better you die
than a single animal!", so they may downvote not just the meat, but also the cheese, milk, egg recipes, because you know --
"you eat milk/egg/cheese food = you are a part of the exploitation of the animals!"... I'm a flexitarian (almost vegetarian,
but if there someone offer me meat, I usually eat it.) and I feel not well among those radicals and I'm pretty sure they are
going to downvote something, if they're here.
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For new year's resolutions... in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yep. The ideal variant will be: spend time only for 3 things: study something online, watch a movie and participate in Skimur
and our sites. Something like 2-3 hours a day... Have a nice time. I have to go now. See you next time!
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For new year's resolutions... in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I grew up in a culture, where we don't make this. We had presents and good wishes, and some special food, but no resolutions,
so I don't make it, but my plans are to finish all my online duties as soon as possible and to spend less time online and
more time offline.
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Beijing continues to suffer from pollution, but Delhi's air quality is one-and-a-half times worse. in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
2 developing countries...
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Cucumber Boats in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
That's very good!
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Which search keywords send traffic to Skimur! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
My point was a bit different: I meant that here you and I, and some other people are posting better things than 'fat people
hate' (in fact everything non-hate is better). For example you posted many science and food content, BUT seems most of the
English-searching online prefer the low quality like 'fat people hate', not the high quality like science and culinary. So, I
was like: "Guys, see the sad truth!"
About what I wish: I wish a lot of traffic (for example a million visitors per month.), which may ensure some earnings (for
us). Well, nobody (nobody NORMAL person) wants the psychopaths, sociopaths, degenerates and criminals to come here; I also
prefer to deal with normal and educated people like you (and many others here currently)!
About the food sections -- of course!

Not only 'food=fat', it's also 'you have a food section = you ARE fat!"

(In a word I can imagine, because I got some solid experience with those psychos and I explained it here many times, and I
showed them very clearly my position, that I'm not going to allow something like this here and the result was that they made
/s/fatpeoplehate, BUT look how good are they here -- the creator set up ANTI-HATE rules for FRIENDLY discussion!) So, IF
those deviant people come here, I'm sure most of them will leave, because they're cowards and they can't face a debate (their
favorite rule is "NO DISSENT", i.e. no free speech). The rest of them (I suppose a little part) will became a quite and
polite mass here (especially after some bans).
At the end -- something I worry is what if some really crazy people come here and start to create their sick subs? What I
mean is just a 'fat people hate' is a mild form (and in some cases it's useful, because they have some datas, some points and
it's okay against the obesity), but what if the heave mental cases come: examples -- watching pictures of DEAD KIDS (!!!),
coprophags (and their fans; maybe you remember that '2 girls 1 cup'? Where 2 females are tasting shit...) , sadists... This is the real problem and I see here some too liberal guys, who may
say "Why not?" We have to think more about these problems.
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Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I know some people, who share opposite versions (depends of their nationality and political orientation), so for many of them
it's not very obvious... Some even think it's a self-made, 'natural' organization.

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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, it's a very good example. This is the way to have a normal community and to educate the young generation in some values.
Otherwise they become barbarians and semi-barbarians and they think everything is okay. I knew some people like these -- for
them it's totally right to curse parents, to fight with people with different color, etc. This is barbarization and I'm
against it.
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What happens when governments disarm their citizens? in Politics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
If France didn't help them, I think the US would never exist, no matter how many guns they had. It's very rare some rebellion
to be successful WITHOUT help from outside. The army always have more advanced weapons than the ones you can buy in the shop.
What some guys with pistols and riffles can do against tanks, cannons, bombs, navy, missiles, etc.? Nothing. They even can't
oppose to some serious police forces. So, my opinion is that it an illusion that some light weaponry may be a serious problem
for an army, especially nowadays when there are much more modern weapons.
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Ex-Guantanamo detainee now an al Qaeda leader in Yemen in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
If not this, will be another one. But the main question is WHO created Al-Qaeda? History:
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What happens when governments disarm their citizens? in Politics
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Whatever. The point is we're against the guns.

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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
It's already another, concrete dimension of the problem of the Free speech. My point was and it's well shown above, that the
Freedom isn't limitless and it's different to be free and to be a criminal/jerk/dick/whatever-slang-is-there-for-those-
degenerates. All you pointed is maybe so, but it's already a very specific Internet law problem, which may vary from country
to country and from state to state. I'll be back to my point: if you have a website and you don't care about the lies,
criminal threads, aggression, etc., it means you're a totally out of order (like Atif) not just in some specific legal/law
meaning, but in the human, moral, ethical meaning and the result will be (as now we see daily in -- less and less
people, because even the abnormal ones can't stand that kind of toxic atmosphere. Reddit was something similar and now, step
by step, they started to realize that there is no absolute freedom and you can't just leave everyone to do whatever he/she
wants, because the problems occur one by one, more and more, when there is no order. A simple theory of management.)
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Well, I'll add she is a Chinese, but her nickname is Spanish. (Most of the Chinese have a foreign nicknames, mostly English,
but sometimes Russian, Spanish and others, because for the foreigners it's difficult to remember the Chinese names.) Well,
it's soooo good to chat with you, dear folks, but we have to go to work OFF-line.

See you later!
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One of our final answers in to a terrible idiot there (in fact there are plenty of them) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
It depends of the state laws; we know they're too different. See here: -- it shows freedom in speech and freedom at
all are not limitLESS. (And that's for good.) About the thick skin -- you're right, but what I have to have is the ABILITY TO

... It resolves a lot of problems. I will point again -- I know some communities, where even for a thing like "Are you
insane?!" you are getting ban. After this, step by step, you learn how to behave well, and the community is full of free
speech, but not full of shit. And this is something important about the US Free speech and obscenity:
Obscenity[edit] Main article: Miller v. California Under the Miller test (which takes its name from Miller v. California
[1973]), speech is unprotected if (1) "the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the
[subject or work in question], taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest" and (2) "depicts or describes, in a
patently offensive way, contemporary community standards,[14] sexual conduct defined by the applicable state law" and (3)
"the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value".[15] Some subsidiary
components of this rule may permit private possession of obscene materials at one's home.[16] Additionally, the phrase
"appeals to the prurient interest" is limited to appeals to a "shameful or morbid interest in sex".[17][18] The Court has
also held that a person may only be punished if he knows the actual "contents of the material".[19] In Smith v. California
(1959), the Supreme Court thus gave a defense of "reasonable ignorance" to an obscenity charge. The basis for this exception
is that justices have believed that obscenity has a "tendency to exert a corrupting and debasing impact leading to antisocial
behavior".[20][21] (Text is available under the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License)
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The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I can't agree more about the definitions. 'Upper class'... well, it's really something huge. There are upper class people,
who can buy yachts and upper class people, who can buy a factories and hotels... For many people I know (in my country) now
I'm 'upper class' , because I can afford to eat 2-3 times per day, to pay my bills regularly and even to visit some massage
salon from time to time and to eat some food in KFC and McDonald's.

For many of them it's a high standard already and when
I complain I have only 1 room flat or something like this, they think I'm too greedy already.

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The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
So, as we may see -- the Classic: poor are more and rich are more. (There was something like this: poor gets poorer, rich
gets riches, I'm not sure what was it exactly in English, but you know what I mean.)
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Are There Any Wi-fi Health Risks? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
This is what I read now: delete reply edit report
Page 36
Cucumbers in Sour Cream in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I like it. What's that cream?
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how not to heartwarming inspirational story. in HowNotTo
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
It's like a joke.
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Saudi Arabia, world's #1 financier of terrorism and uber religious shithole, declares that "all atheists are terrorists." in
[–] Georgi 0 points 2 months ago
Some atheists are, not all.
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A public visible mod log in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago*
In some measure the censorship is necessary, just because it's not healthy and not safe to allow everything in a website, so
in this point I think 'safe' is not a dirty word. What I do support is your main idea -- yes, public visible mod logs are
useful! I also strongly oppose the random acts of deletion and this is why I'll upvote you and I'll join you in this idea for
the mod logs.
(Semi-offtopic: is not becoming Reddit at all. Reddit was and it is one of the leading websites not only in the US,
but international as well (no matter of its obvious problems with the shadow bans, random bans, random deletions, hate
speech/insults/curses in some cases, etc.). At the same time is losing users and its main content is predominantly
like hate against obese people (sizeism), hate against the black (racism), shitposts... The regress is visible:
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So is down because of expired certs. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yeah, it's a good question.
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So is down because of expired certs. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Wow! I like this metaphor!
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Meanwhile, in Beijing in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And some guys prefer to live exactly there, not in another not so polluted city. I can't understand them.
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College students petition for making “straight, cisgender” behavior illegal in and around campus in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
He posts/link only this website and only in s/funny, so it's easy to notice the jokes.

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So is down because of expired certs. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I wish them to be down forever. One of the happiest days in my life will be the day when is gone! (For those, who
didn't read my earlier posts -- a resume: is the only site, where for such a short time I got so many dishonest, rude, aggressive and criminal behavior from
some of the voaters.
The admins didn't help me at all, about these problems.
One of them -- the Bosnian Muslim Atif (Atko) added to the ban list our website /which is OLDER than and more
scientific!!!/ AGAINST his own rules, which allows to have 20% links/submissions to your own websites!)
So, I hope never ever to meet Atif in the real life, because I'm not sure are my nerves strong enough and just to keep calm!
I despise that person!!!
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How many active users are here these days? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
You're new here?

Welcome to Skimur!

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What's your favorite drink? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Never heard about the 3rd one! Thanks for sharing!
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How do you create a sub? in NewSub
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, but because @pknopf is a good dude, he's going to create a sub, if you're in hurry, soon.

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It now appears Reddit & Voat are both down. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
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It now appears Reddit & Voat are both down. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Glad to hear that (especially that's down!). Welcome here! Here we haven't hate, innuendoes, irresponsibility about
the rules and other problems like in! Also we haven't shadow bans like in Reddit, etc., etc. You'll like this place,
I hope!
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How many active users are here these days? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
I think you're one of the active here.

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How many active users are here these days? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
You're not. I mean the real active users. I even don't remember who are you. Ever met here? :DDDDDDDDDD

))))))))) Kidding.
Yoda is one of the group 'The best of the best', guys.

Let's see the others. Currently I count around 10-15 active people.
Let me see, if it's right.
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What's your favorite drink? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Oh, home-made lemonade is something precious.

I drink lemon natural juice from time to time. Here one of the US imports is
the lemons. Very good, yellow and fragrant. I like them.
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What's your favorite drink? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I liked lemonade, but I can't find it in China (I lived already in many cities and towns, but no lemonade here)... So, now I
like one pomelo + honey soft drink and a beer.
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Fat Chinese Girl and Slim Chinese Girl in fatpeoplehate
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Ha-ha! The bot is funny!

It shows my grand-father's medals, not the photo of the two girls.

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Huawei plans to bring it's phones to the US in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Rich Chinese company.
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Meanwhile, in Beijing in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Well, it's a wise choice. Btw, not only in Beijing is polluted -- many, many other cities, towns... around China. A
developing country.
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Religious? Christian? Buddhist? What philosophy do you live your life by? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
He is a good philosopher with a decent life.
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Rudolph’s new enemy: The eagles hunting adult reindeer in Norway in Nature
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
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Religious? Christian? Buddhist? What philosophy do you live your life by? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Non-religious, i.e. atheistic -- the Dialectic Materialism. I do not follow it 100%, but I think it's pretty scientific and
probably the best philosophy ever made. I'm using it and I do upgrade it somehow.
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A good idea about the old, but interesting news in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
For example:
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Page 37
Austrian teen who joined ISIS beaten to death for trying to leave terror group in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Hey, they were Bosnian Muslims (like's Atif Colo /Atko/) in Austria, not native Austrians! (Yes, they were born in
Austria, not in Bosnia, i.e. 1-st generation 'Austrians'. Something like Chinese family in Russia born their kids there. How
'Russian' are these kids, especially if they keep their native religion, for example: Buddhism, Taoism..., their Chinese
names, etc.? So 'Austrian teen' in this case is technically right, but ethnically and in other aspects like the Islam --
they're not very Austrian; they're Austrian Bosnian Muslims, not Austrian Austrians.) Take a look at their family names:
Kesinovic and Selimovic. Islamic (Arab) names with Slav suffixes; Bosnian Muslim names.
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Facebook and Google combine to beat off online hate speech in Germany, Cooperation and sanctions are the keys in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Exactly -- the sanctions are the keys. I have experience about it and I mentioned it many times here. More sanctions = less
hate speech, less shitposts, less spam, less idiotisms! When you leave something absolutely free, the bad guys get worse and
some of the good ones get bad online (and not only online).
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Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming - "Millions of Americans
believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle
East." in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes -- many of them are okay (or, at least, look so) till they don't start to speak about this insanity.
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How do you guys deal with depression? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Just 15 minutes a day, because it's known that the sunlight is helpful and people without enough sunlight have got more
problems with the depression, the bones/teeth and others.
Also -- another point: Are you a maximalist? (Do you want the things in your life 100% well and do you struggle for the
optimal? This may be an actual reason for depression, too: Imagine if you really plan today to read 3 books, but you finish
only 1! Or if you really want all the pretty girls around you to like you, but only 10% of them do... You'll be non-stop
depressed. So reducing the maximalism is helpful.)
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skimur installation in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Good that you asked about it and good that you explained well. I upvoted your question and we'll be waiting for some answers
from the guys, who are into it. (I'm not and I help here about other things like: the content, popularization/optimization
and spam control.)
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how not to abstinence. in HowNotTo
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Ha-ha-ha! Having homosexual sex and Christianity?!...
permalink delete reply edit report
Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming - "Millions of Americans
believe that Christ will not come again until Israel wipes out its competitors and there is widespread war in the Middle
East." in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
How bad is being brain-washed!...
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How do you guys deal with depression? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And, btw, I post something related yesterday. If you missed it, pls, take a look: delete reply edit report
Animal rights activists abduct two people suspected of abusing animals, torture them, force them to eat cat excrement - and
then found it was a case of mistaken identity and they had the wrong people. in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
This is one group of people that may downvote a lot of @yoda's recipes with meat, cheese, milk, eggs,... many of these animal
right activists are vegans or even fruitarians. I told him already.

About the news -- no comment, except: crazy people!
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How do you guys deal with depression? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
The medications are necessary only for the psychiatric depression. You're talking about the normal state of low mood. You
have to check out the reasons of your depression. If there are some objective reasons like "I need a bigger house, but I
haven't and I'm depressed.", then it's 'simple' -- you are getting a bigger house = no more depression. But if the reasons
are subjective and unknown, then it's not that easy without some therapy (I mean psychological, non-medical therapy). The
good ideas are: watching comedies, reading jokes/anecdotes, dealing with some hobby and chatting with positive-oriented
and/or creative people. For some people the music is useful, as well. Do more sport, get some sunshine and eat good food with
the necessary vitamins and minerals. Sometimes only these 3 may change your mood very well.
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Coleslaw in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Yes. I like it.

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Cucumbers in Sour Cream in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Good. I see.

Thanks for posting so many! It's one of the best subs in Skimur.
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Cucumbers in Sour Cream in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And another one, different recipe for it:
(I add the link to make it easy for the fans to find it, if first see the one here.)
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The 1-st ban in in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
For the spambots only 1 link online is enough to find the site (for the spiders/crawlers -- too). And, yes, Skimur grew up,
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The 1-st ban in in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago

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How much English has changed in 1,000 years. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I think most of the languages will differ in this way. 1000 years is a long time for a language evolution.
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The 1-st ban in in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
Thank you. I just have more free time some days/nights and I'm able to react faster.
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Customs clearence Delhi agent and Customs clearence delhi in News
[–] Georgi 3 points 2 months ago
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The 1-st ban in in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Oh, so you did the 1-st historical ban?

It's okay. Ontopic, so the title is true.

I'm glad here we have a better
definition for spam, which we do accept all the same; not like in, where even you post only 20% own, RELATED links,
the haters are repeating and reporting: spammer, spammer, spammer and the result is "If you repeat a lie often enough, it
becomes the truth." (The nazi Joseph Goebbels / The real spam is exactly this:
unrelated messages and/or links.
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Customs clearence Delhi agent and Customs clearence delhi in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I think it's a spambot and I do suggest a ban.
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Customs clearence Delhi agent and Customs clearence delhi in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not news. Removed.
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How noisy is your neighborhood? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
We're in a panel building and here is noisy, because we can hear even when neighbors chat or cook. The street is pretty noisy
too. But I like the Chinese music and I disagree about the adjective 'bullshit'.
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In England we call pants trousers. in UK
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Hainan. And you?
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How do I create an /s/ ? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Currently you can do it after 1 week membership here. But, because the admin is cool, he may create your sub now. Call him:
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Cucumbers in Sour Cream in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Okay. 10X!
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Page 38
Apparently this is something called a "tsunami flip." in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
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Nicolas Cage Returns Stolen Dinosaur Skull to Mongolia in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Good actor; good guy!
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A Nevada lawmaker believes that cancer is a "fungus" that can be flushed out with saltwater and baking soda. She's also the
CEO of a healthcare company. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Yes, there is such a theory. I read about it ago, it's not something new.
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Start your own dating app like Tinder in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not news. Removed.
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how to college. in HowNotTo
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
How NOT to.

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Rolled foods in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
One of my favorite dishes is exactly from this category, as you know!

permalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
I gotta admit, this idea of trimming what shows up in /s/all based on how many blocks it gets doesn't seem like a horrible
idea... in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
The problem is someone may manipulate it via multi-accounting. If there is a way to prevent it -- okay, but still -- the
downvote brigadiers may organize very easy some campaign to hurt a certain sub/-s. So, better don't imply it.
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Do you have any plans for this Holiday season? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Nothing special. Only to visit a new (for us) cafe, which looks pretty, romantic and clean, and to have some natural juice or
tea over there.
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Marinaded Olives in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Good. One of the popular Chinese slogans: "Safety -- first!" (I like it, the same as the English: "Better safe, than
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One of our favorite pretty TV girls! in China
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
This is Jenny Gu. It's pity, she is not an anchor in the CCTV (English) news any more. And yes, the beauty is very
subjective. For example in some periods people liked fat/obese women (in some countries even nowadays, if a woman isn't
obese, it's hard for her to get married). In one and the same society, generation, etc., there are different tastes. For
example 2 of my philosophy colleagues wondered why I do prefer Asian women (they prefer Scandinavian, blond women

)... So,
in a word, I do agree not everyone is able to like her so much. I know some people, who are the same -- they do avoid the TV.
I use it to watch the news + some films and... that's almost all.
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What/who do you despise recently? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
About the laws -- I'm against the 'execute', but I do support some laws, that will bring them to the jail for some years,
when they do something bad. And the answer is: exactly, because the politicians themselves are able to produce and to control
the laws, many of them are making safe for them laws and/or courts/police, so... the system allows them to do that. Of course
there are some countries, where it's not that bad, depends where we are looking at, but mostly this is the system -- the
powerful ones are creating safe for them laws, courts, police, etc. Microsoft, Apple -- I do not follow their development and
history, so I can't say something useful. The drivers -- I can imagine; I suppose it's a common problem. I was in some
foreign countries -- you may expect even worse. About the -- I know many people of
this generation and I do confirm some of them are really hard-working and even idealists (who are working for free, who can't
see the exploitation, etc.), so we can't say 100% are good or 100% are bad. It depends of the society, as well. In some
societies there are almost no differences between the generations, because they're very traditional. The politicians -- You
know, mostly I do avoid politics, so I will skip it. But I can't skip the racist bigot -- it's something terrible, no matter
who/where from is it. Thanks for your detailed opinion! It was interesting to read it and to think about it, bringing some
more points.
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What/who do you despise recently? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Hehe! I know some people, who do that. Some of them looks ridiculous, but some of them are really cute. Anyway, I do not like
dogs and I had only once a dog, for a short time (just a day) and in the next day we found it has this: and we returned it to the ex-owner at ones. This terrible disease is one of the
reason I do avoid dogs, wolves, foxes, etc. I prefer a bit safer pets like parrots, turtles and fish.
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If something is marked as "Not safe for work" it's not showed to most of the users and visitors? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Thanks for the confirmation! I wanted to know about it, because it's one of the most important things for the site
politics/vision and development.
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If something is marked as "Not safe for work" it's not showed to most of the users and visitors? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I do agree about the NSFW and working place. About the actor-question: In the period 1996-1998 I and some friends, mates and
colleagues produced 4 short movies (i.e. less than 90 minutes one); they were kungfu-comedy-detective style (something like
the early Jackie Chan's movies, because in that period I was a big JC's fan.) The movies were shown in a local Cable TV and
in some video-rents (very popular in that time). Later (in 1999) I started my own TV-show (about the Love; scientific,
anthropology-oriented) in another, bigger local Cable TV and after this I stopped to deal with TV and movies, but I still
hope someday, if I have enough money to start a professional small movie company and to make some better movies, but I'm not
sure, if it'll be possible, so my smaller dream is to be a writer; currently I'm working in the education field + online
webmastering and I'm a sort of tired of these jobs. Welcome to Skimur, Benito!
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Marinaded Olives in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Nice answer. Let's 'chat' more!

I do prefer vegetarian (because I think vegan is too much; as I mentioned already -- I
can't find a reason why we should avoid eggs, milk and cheese...) And I just like salads, it's true.

About the olives -- I
just shared a fact here. Another fact is that most of the Chinese do not produce and buy cheese. (They prefer tofu). Just
facts (because I like to chat with you and, because it's useful for the site.

) Well, a good idea is the online shopping.
For example: here we have no radishes, BUT we (sometimes) order them from North China (or beetroot -- no beetroot here, but
available to order online and to receive it after some days). I'm sure that if you really need some vegetable/fruit you may
order it online there. How do you think about it?
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If something is marked as "Not safe for work" it's not showed to most of the users and visitors? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Well, it depends. You know -- currently many netizens (i.e. online users) are a bit crazy, so they LLLLLove

it!... But I
just want to know from a technical point of view. Otherwise, I'm in the same point of view: if it's my site, I'll make this
also invisible.

BTW, I asked about the NSFW, not about the NSFL, but it's okay; they're similar. Thanks for the opinion!
Glad you're regular here!

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Chinese Recipes - Chinese Cuisine - Chinese Food and Cooking in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Welcome! (It's a part of my reposting and/or deleting content from! I'll do my best to make this website popular.
This is just a part of my effort.) Hey, it's REALLY touching that content I post there (like this one) is for them 'spam' and
here it's valuable (what is in fact!), i.e. I'm proud and glad to be here, with people, who may value the real contributions!
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[NSFW] kevdude from thinks we're fucking our mom! And here is our answer to this trash! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Hey! Right now I saw (in that the jerk confirmed he/she/it read it!!! BUT answers only there! No courage to come
here!!! As usual, I'm right!
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Marinaded Olives in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
We like it. The pity is that here 100% of the olives are imported and not very cheap.
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Veganism in cooks
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I'd like to mention that I do prefer vegetarian way -- with eggs, milk, cheese. I also dislike animals to be killed and to
die, but I can't see what's the problem if we use some their eggs or milk, that anyway, they are not going to use. Simple,
isn't it?
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[NSFW] kevdude from thinks we're fucking our mom! And here is our answer to this trash! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
And not only!
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[NSFW] kevdude from thinks we're fucking our mom! And here is our answer to this trash! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
I gave the trash a link to this thread here. Let's see if he/she/it is at least a bit brave to come here, to register here
and to answer something! (I'm far away from the idea that the degenerate may explain his/her/its behavior and to apologize!
These elementary shitty personalities like him/her/it are unable to do something decent, but, at least, to show some face!)
Waiting for you here, little fcrrrrrrrr! Burn in hell! I know you read it!!!
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At one point, Lenin endeavored to teach Marxist theory, but gave it up when a student stole his overcoat. in HistoryAnecdotes
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Is it an anecdote, or there are some serious sources about this case? I mean how Richard Pipes knows about it? (I didn't read
his book, so, if you know, let me know, please -- what's the source of this story?)
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If you're in school or college how do you study? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
I used Lenin's technique, which is something similar.
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What Is a Vegan? What Do Vegans Eat? in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 2 months ago
Which made me find and submit this:

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Page 39
ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I often use ads to see what I can buy. The last time I saw an ad about discounted water. I went there and there I found
exactly it -- discounted water. 0 noise, 100% true information. Before I saw an ad of a new hamburger. The one I had was
almost the same as the one on the ad. Probably 80% the same, so in this case I may say 'some noise + information'. The 100%
noise ads should be completely fake. I never saw something like this (I suppose in this case we're already talking about some
frauds). As far as I can get your point of view here is: all ads are frauds/lies.
Tell me, if I'm wrong. /Btw, best wishes for the New Year! See you in 2016!

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Is it a real ad?!?!?! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Now I read more about it. It's a parody of some commercial.

Anyway, worth to share it.

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RIP Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister of Motörhead in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Sad. Cancer...
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If you bring a small child movie to a movie theater, please don't think young age is an excuse for rude behavior. in Movies
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Most of the time I do the same. In the worst cases there are some people in front of the doors (who are something like
'guards' and they're responsible for the tickets and other problems; people may call them, if they have some need like
explaining the noisy guys to stay quiet).
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If you bring a small child movie to a movie theater, please don't think young age is an excuse for rude behavior. in Movies
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
At least the topics were interesting (especially 'kissing' and 'cheating').

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If something is marked as "Not safe for work" it's not showed to most of the users and visitors? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Still not online. I want in the future to put some English subtitles and to submit them online, but I don't know when I'll be
able to do it. The country is Bulgaria. But the last 11+ years I live in China.
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ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Then, probably, we may talk about some concrete examples. Which ad you think gives us less or no information and it's bad for
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Plus-size models... in fatpeoplehate
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
All I can add to this topic is about a Chinese plus-size model; she says she can't afford to lose weight, because she wants
to work exactly this job.

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ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I know that about the repeating. I don't know what ads you have around. Here when they show me a hamburger, there is really a
hamburger; when they show me a car -- there is a car. I.e. the information is true. Of course there are some things that are
not exact (for example the pic of the hamburger shows more cheese, but still in the real hamburger there is some cheese, not
chameleon). The information in these cases is pretty enough for us. About the cars concretely -- I dislike cars and I don't
drive, so I can't judge about them, but I suppose people, who are buying cars will prefer to get more information, than less
about the cars. Let's say there is a new product. No ads. How we'll know about it? This reminds me a situation before many
years ago -- people in a country had no idea South Korea produce cars and there were no Korean cars at all. So, I stick to
the point of view that in the capitalistic economy the ads are something useful. I also want a world without money, a
communist world, but there isn't.
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Przepisowe Zarobkowanie poprzez internet in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Spam. @LonesomeFrog, @pknopf.
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The /s/technology sub is going green! in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Good color/s! I like it in this way.
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New favicon? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I don't know why someone downvoted it. All I see are 3 folders, not the skimmer. @pknopf
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ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I want to know only about this point: why without ads is better than with ads. I'll add another example: if a private teacher
is unknown and poor, he/she can't buy food. The food shop will get less money and will order less food. The transporters will
transport less food. The farmers will produce less food. If the teacher (and people like him) make some ads, they're getting
richer, they purchase more goods and services and the economy is getting better.
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New favicon? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Is this the new favicon of Skimur? Or just the old one is out of order?
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Message runners in Classical Greece were the real heroes! in HistoryAnecdotes
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
This is what happens when there isn't good mobile connection and Internet is out of order!

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Twitter vows to wage war on internet trolls in Technology
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago*
Very good decision! I don't understand why for some websites it's so difficult to get it: "abusive behaviour" = "ban". Why
offline it's so common (for example we know what is happening with the abusive students, abusive drivers, etc.) and on-line
it's so difficult for some to realize it's totally normal and IN ORDER to take measures against the abusive, aggressive,
psychopathic people?!
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There is an unease situation, when an ADMIN made a recognition that all of them are CRAZY in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Me too; I almost finished to repost and to delete there our content; but I can't forget the insults, lies and the lack of
justice there, so I'm taking some time everyday to follow the news about them, to update their traffic dropping (according to
Alexa) in Wikipedia and to make more public their problems (like in this case) and their evil and/or abnormal nature.
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ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Why? It's simple: for example today I saw an ad -- 1 kg of eggplants only for 2 RMB. I and many other people will go to buy
these eggplants; the seller will earn money, the transporters will earn money, the producers will earn money, the country
will get some money (taxes). This is helpful for the economy. Ads = information. Less information = less selling and buying =
stagnation (or worse). There are many other examples how the ads help the economy -- let's take only another one -- if a
hotel is not showing any ads and it is lack of guests/customers, then it will stop existing in the near future.
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There is an unease situation, when an ADMIN made a recognition that all of them are CRAZY in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Merry Christmas (to all, who think it's a festival)!... And welcome to leave a comment. I have to go now; see you later!
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ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 0 points 1 month ago
To be objective -- I always think that fewer ads = worse economy. I dislike the TV-ads (when we have to wait minutes, before
the film continues), but ads are helpful for the economy, which is a fact. (In some cases they're helpful for the certain
family/personal budget, too.) So, I can't feel objectively glad, when it comes to fewer ads, no matter where around the
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Accidential capture (post from Reddit too good to pass up) in pics
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Yeah, sure

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Robot waiters flourish in Chinese restaurants in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Yes, but (still?) not in every city.
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China has made obedience to the State a game in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
The author didn't put any link to this (only a screenshot). Give me some link to this 'Sesame Credit' and I may tray to see
what's this about. I can't find it online (already spent 5 minutes to search in English and Chinese, and I don't want to
waste more time; in fact I prefer to avoid politics and focus only about how to earn more money.)
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Why does glass taste like blood? in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I was sure, but I'm busy now to post a lot of things here, so I didn't comment. Now I comment to say, I'm glad I was right.

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A Nevada lawmaker believes that cancer is a "fungus" that can be flushed out with saltwater and baking soda. She's also the
CEO of a healthcare company. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 2 months ago
Not very sure, but I think this or something like this was when I read it for the 1-st time:
http://www.cancerisafungus.compermalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
Page 40
What you did years ago and now you think you will never try again? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I'd like to explain my interesting act that time: it was the beginning of the Internet and I had no personal computer even (I
think there were even no Internet cafes). So all the information I got about the North Korea was from some news (very rare),
from a Soviet Encyclopedia and from North-Korean books. All I imagined is a very communist country (in the good sense: free
hospitals, free libraries, high morals, almost free food/drinks/clothes, etc.) and after the crash of the socialism in
Bulgaria it was (and it still is) hard time there: more poverty, more crimes (including organized crimes), moral vacuum,
degenerated youngsters, more hostile people, more minority problems, etc. and I imagined North Korea is the opposite. Now I
know -- it's really different, but it's not the Ideal I imagined -- for example I'm very disappointed of this monarchy type
of ruling (I'm 100% republican) and so on, and so on. Well, I still like some things in North Korea, but I don't want even to
visit this country anymore.
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Do you have nosey neighbors? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Many. It's almost common around.
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Poprawne Pożyczki gotówkowe w apartamentu in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Welcome to add me (if I'm from another time zone; probably I am -- I live in China. So, if we're from different time zones --
you may add me.)
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Pico De Gallo in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Looks not only tasty, but healthy, too.
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Poprawne Pożyczki gotówkowe w apartamentu in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Spam. @LonesomeFrog, @pknopf.
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Adekwatne Wierzytelności gotówkowe w wieżowcu in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Spam. @LonesomeFrog, @pknopf.
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Zjadliwe Subwencje gotówkowe w biurowca in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Spam. @LonesomeFrog, @pknopf.
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Niechybne Pożyczki płatnicze w pałacu in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Spam. @LonesomeFrog, @pknopf.
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Bill Burr on some guy. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
He is right, but the way (language) he express it is profane.
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"You only want to sleep with me!" in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago*
P.S. If some of you cares -- this is NOT my worst waste of time. My record is 11 (eleven!!!) years in love with a girl, who
doesn't care about me AT ALL. I was even ready to marry her, when she said she is pregnant and the father run away (then she
said it was a 'false pregnancy')... I was ready to left China and to go in that north European country she lives (where I
can't speak the language and my best job would be a cleaner)... and so on... 11 years fruitless love with presents, free
help, hours waiting in the snow for her on the Valentine's day just to give her a flower and so, so on... The 'gratitude' was
she married to an ambassador's son and once, when I sent her a SMS with some problems (because I thought we may be at least
friends and to share with each other our happy days or our problems), she didn't read it and pretending to read answered: "I
can see you are all right!" I'm sending a SMS with some serious problems and the answer is "I can see you are all

? This was the end of my 11-year-old love. And now this "You only want to be in the bed with me!" is probably
the end of another, shorter 'love story'. Mention that they're 100% Platonic. /I had sex with probably 300 + women so far...
the sad part is that 99% of them were not in love with me. My biggest loves are just Platonic... and not successful./ Why do
I tell you this? Because I hope it's helpful for (and because, when I drink a bottle of wine, I'm more talkative.)
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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
You know... I keep an eye on you. :>

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The English Language in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Thanks. It was okay, when I submitted it. Thank you for the help!
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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Thank you, Liquid!
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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Yes, me too -- New Year is more secular (i.e. the state of being separate from religion), so I like it more.

About the
dogs -- give them their favorite food (and/or toys) after every 'boom' and they'll become happy (you know it:

))))) I think in this way, they will become fireworks admirers!
Thanks for your good wishes!
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Christianity: the tl;dr version in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Hehe! So good tl;dr version!

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Happy New Year from Charlie the Flytrap. in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago

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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Thanks, Max! I drink (mostly) beer. Even after 4 bottles of strong beer I have no problems. So, probably the key is -- no
very hard alcohol. Happy New 2016!

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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Thank you! You're one of the old members! Good to see you around here on the New Years day/night!

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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago

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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Yes. 90-9-1 and the Pareto principle: 
Yes, the 1-st ones are some Pacific
islands, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, the 2 Koreas, China, the Russian far East, Vietnam... Happy New Year to you! Thank
you for the description of your New Years habits around there. It was the same, when I was in Bulgaria. Here I had a very
calm New Year. We live in a big city, which is something like the American Honolulu in Hawaii
(; you can think of it as a Chinese Honolulu (I can't find many differences.) So, it's
pretty civilized with a lot of mainland influence and different foreigners around. So, we went to the 1-st Nepal restaurant
in the city. Some Chinese, some English-speaking Westerners, some Russians and a man from Pakistan + good food (the most I
liked was a naan / with cheese)! Cool, but later when I went to one of the main squares
waiting for the fireworks I just saw a crowd that is going/coming back to KFC, Karaoke bars, restaurants, local fast foods...
and ONLY 4 Chinese high-students waiting as me for the fireworks. One of them said: "2 minutes to the New Year"... After some
minutes I heard "Nothing!"... then a sort of desperate "Happy New Year..." Only a few lights in the sky from a far, far away
park area... The explanation? Well, the most of the Chinese still do prefer the Chinese New Year (Also called "Lunar New
Year" and "Spring Festival".) At that time it's (for days) very noisy (there is a kind of fireworks, which is very noisy and
it lasts a few minutes, which I dislike. I do prefer the ones, who are like rockets and some others with low noise) and very,
very crowded with different kind of celebrations, but it's another topic. Just to mention that the upcoming one will be:
2016, Feb 8 and it will be a 'Monkey' year. See you!

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Skimur welcomes 2016! in whatever
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago
Welcome! I like your /s (History Anecdotes) and I think it's very useful for the website, too.
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[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
@skimur, cynix submitted this already twice. @pknopf, possible spambot?
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North pole could be 35C warmer than average this week, warn meteorologists in Nature
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Better to see some real, actual data: delete reply edit report
Study: People four times more likely to order dessert when their server is overweight in fatpeoplehate
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Very right conclusion, in my point of view!
permalink delete reply edit report
ASUS users will see fewer ads in 2016 thanks to Adblock Plus in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Wait now; when it comes to the degree -- I'm a philosopher (bachelor degree 1998 in Philosophy and master's in Philosophical
anthropology 2000) and these things like bias, logic, human psychology, etc. are exactly the matters that I study and love a
lot. It's nothing to do with the confirmation bias. I'm trying to use the inductive way to show you, step by step,
ads/commercials, which are good. So, I use some concrete examples. And you're avoiding my examples. I ask you for YOUR
examples (till now I saw only one about the cars and it didn't confirm that the ads are bad for the economy). You said there
are some 'lies', 'lack of information', etc. It's easy to see as left wing 'Conspiracy theory'. I lived in Socialist country,
I studied Marxism-Leninism and I do understand the points of view that are anti-capitalistic (I'm also not a fan of the most
capitalistic systems), but even in the socialistic societies, where I lived and live, the ads are something positive. We had
many socialistic ('communist') ads before, for example -- take a look A SOVIET AD from 1986: 1986, USSR ad If you dislike my
idea to discuss some concrete ads and to show me how they're lies and lack of info (only 'noise' you said), then show me some
economist or another scientist, who is explaining this theory; I'll be glad to learn more about it. But, if it's only your
theory, based on experience in design, then we're talking only about a private theory, which I can understand, but I can't
accept as true (according to the Correspondence theory of truth).
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Page 41
Is that common over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Is that common in Texas (if it's really in Texas) or some guys just collected some rare pics?
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Marlene Dietrich couldn't pronounce the word 'moths,' and the film crew only gave up trying... after 235 takes. in
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Really a difficult word.
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Suspects in Cologne sex attacks 'claimed to be Syrian refugees' in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago
One man asked and I will repeat his question here: "What the hell did Merkel and her similar politics expected from SO MANY
and SO YOUNG people, who are MALES? Just to masturbate there, watching the white FEMALES?!" And another one added: "Now is
cold. Can you imagine what's going on in summer, when the locals where short skirts?!!!" And I like to add that except MALES,
YOUNG and MANY, they're also Muslims. For them the non-Muslim women are nothing that deserve respect (many of the Muslim
Arabs call the non-Muslim women just 'sharmuta', i.e. 'whore'...). The problem is the religion + the culture + the male
hormones + the big amount of migrants.
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World's oldest living animal, Jonathan the Tortoise, gets a new lease of life after vet puts him on a healthy diet... at the
age of 183 in Nature
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I like this submission. Valuable! Thanks!
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6 Rappers Who Skateboard in Sports
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I think you may post it in s/music. It will be more related.

By the way, if you want you may make your own sub about
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Top 10 Skateboarders Of All Time in Sports
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
In my opinion it's not spam, because you're posting in the related subs. I welcome you!
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Mark messages read when clicked in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
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Research: valuing your time more than money is linked to happiness. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Yeah. Plus I don't think all people are like this.
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'Skimur' in some languages in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
There are some world brands in Chinese with 4 characters like: Lamborghini--- 兰博基尼, Mercedes -- 梅塞德斯 and Honeywell --
霍尼韦尔, so it's not a problem, but I do agree that less (shorter) is better.
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This dessert. in Gifs
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Very cool, but you submitted it twice.
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Top 10 Skateboarders Of All Time in Sports
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
We deleted/reported some real spams these days. It was in Polish language (at least I think it's Polish or something similar
like Czeck) and totally unrelated to the sub. In this case Joshua is submitting only one site links till now, BUT in related
subs, so I think we can accept it as not spam. The similar case is -- yes, he submits
links only to one and the same website, but he strictly keeps the sub ('s/funny'), i.e. he is on-topic. Give people more
liberal rules, more freedom to submit their websites, as long as they're on-topic, otherwise many of them are going to leave
Skimur and it's not good for this young website (maybe you noticed already it's growing very slow and, if we are not liberal
and friendly enough, it'll never grow enough, so I think we report and delete only the blatant spam and the spambots; @pknopf
said he isn't against the self-promotion too, i.e. according to his spam rules, probably Joshua isn't spamming; at least I
think so).
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How many feel/think the same as me about living in Japan or South Korea? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Well, nothing very special or remarkable.
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Fajne życie przez internet w zakładzie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Thanks! It's my pleasure.
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Germany 2020 in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
It's a caricature and it's related with the recent Cologne New Year Eve attacks. Latest news:
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Visited links remain "visited color" regardless of what computer you use in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Good suggestion.
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Fajne korzystanie przez internet w budynku in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
@pknopf, @LonesomeFrog.
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Fajne korzystanie przez internet w pałacu in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
@LonesomeFrog, @pknopf
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Fajne życie przez internet w zakładzie in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
@LonesomeFrog, you may add me as a moderator here (I offered it yesterday, because I think we're in different time zones --
I'm in China.)
permalink delete reply edit report
Ability to delete your account in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I don't think it's necessary.
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Indian Islamic cleric says on live TV that he will kill a non-Muslim if they insult Islam. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago
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Yeah, it's called FASHION. Maybe you've heard of it? Pfft. in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
High fashion!
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Indian Islamic cleric says on live TV that he will kill a non-Muslim if they insult Islam. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago
I hope you have some good laws in India against this kind of people!
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[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Not news. Removed.
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[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Not news. Removed.
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Doing God's will. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Nice! I don't comment all of your submissions, because often there is nothing to add.

But I do enjoy them!
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Page 42
Can understand them? I can't. in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
P.S. I forgot to explain about the earnings -- well, if you don't know, when a website has some ads (for example Google
AdSense), then every visit and/or click may bring some money (like 1 cent or something like this). So, if you have some
traffic like 50 000 visitors daily, you may have some good online income. The idea is -- you have a popular website/page and
you share my page/site; I get money, I share the money with you. Simple, honest, decent earnings, but... noooo. Currently no.
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When Diogenes was capture by pirates & sold as a slave to a Corinthian, he was asked his trade. He replied that he only knew
how to govern men, & that he should be sold to someone who needed a master. in HistoryAnecdotes
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Yes. I know this. He is one of my colleagues -- a philosopher.
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how not to sexiness. in HowNotTo
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
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Capuchin Monkeys Demonstrate Evolutionary Root of Spiteful Behavior, Researchers Say in Nature
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Useful and interesting article. Thanks!
permalink delete reply edit report
A brief history of religion. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
A good one!

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bowiem aktualnie wstęp wart do aktualnych in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Polish language spambots, I think.
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Girl, 12, killed in eviction confrontation between father, [Pennsylvania State] constable in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Yes, you're right.
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The 'approve' button? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Good! (In these cases I really need some 'thumb up' emoticon.

permalink delete reply edit report
The 'approve' button? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago*
OK. The next question -- when I click the 'Unmoderated links' it shows:
Error. An error occurred while processing your request.
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The 'approve' button? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
So, we /the mods/ don't need to click/check it every time?
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Girl, 12, killed in eviction confrontation between father, [Pennsylvania State] constable in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Pity. So lovely and pretty girl...

Thanks for participating in Skimur and sharing these important news! (I read your
others submissions, too!) Welcome!
permalink delete reply edit report ignore reports
Have you noticed any active users disappearing? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago

I like this answer!

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Study shows that we all have the same personality on the Internet in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I disagree. The personalities are very different. Can anyone compare some racist from v/niggers or some hater from
v/fatpeoplehate with the normal people online? Can anyone say the radical islamists are the same personality as the true
permalink delete reply edit report
Have you noticed any active users disappearing? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
If we're talking about not that active (with a few posts) -- yes, they're disappearing. From the active I can notice only one
currently: -- last post "20 days ago".
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David Bowie Dead at 69 in Music
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
R.I.P. David Bowie!
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Anyone else not a fan of drinking? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I dislike hard alcohols like whiskey, vodka, baijiu, etc.
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Captcha for new members in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Probably. I'm almost everyday/night online.
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Captcha for new members in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
And other countries, too. I can't find some info now, but at least this shows 25 countries: Even only 5-6 countries less is a problem for a website; the best is a
website to be accessible worldwide.
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6 Rappers Who Skateboard in Sports
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
If you want, ask @pknopf -- he may assist you to create your favorite sub!
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Captcha for new members in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I haven't lists. About the math questions -- they're good, but the better is if you can combine them with other tasks like:
"Copy and paste these letters: JDSAJJDFTOSS", "Left the box empty.", "Where is Washington?" It may reduce the spambots
activity with 90% and more (according to my experience). The CAPTCHAs stop only a small percentage of them.
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'Merkel out!': German far-right vents fury after Cologne attacks in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
And not only the far-right. Many others, too. Because it's not just a political problem. It's a cultural, criminal,
psychopathological, etc. and it involves people from different political orientations.
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Captcha for new members in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
This is more helpful:
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Captcha for new members in ideasforskimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago*
Seems it works here, yes. By the way I'll share what helped us a lot, when the CAPTCHA didn't -- the good way to stop many
(not all, but many) of the spambots is to ask them answer simple questions and doing some tasks like these: "35 + 88 = ?",
"Spell 'skimur' without the quotes." and "Which is the biggest continent?"
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Is that common over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I see.
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Is that common over there? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Yes, at home sounds normal and reasonable (where it's legal); but on the street already reminds something like Northern
Iraq... Thanks for the answer!
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Page 43
Do you still go to Reddit or Voat? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I'm interested only about this 'fight club' rules? Is it some slang or idiom? Just the meaning, pls.
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Our THE END of participation! We're proud to be a part of the's down! in whatever
[–] Georgi 0 points 1 month ago
By 'down' I mean its traffic (visitors) is getting down, i.e. decreasing. You may see here: delete reply edit report
Could this be humanity’s LAST century? Expert says 're-engineering our children’ will lead to the creation of a new species
in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
The problem is that most of the new species are like this one -- a very 'special new': The degenerates are more than the geniuses. I recommend this film: delete reply edit report
Our THE END of participation! We're proud to be a part of the's down! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Ha-ha! It's a very interesting example: when even the sex can't keep one around, then the problems are really big!

serious. It's a good and funny'hit'. Upvote!/
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Our THE END of participation! We're proud to be a part of the's down! in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
We had already some similar dialogue, but it's okay to speak again about it. I do /mostly/ agree with it and what I'm adding
is: Of course, if a community like this has a choice, the better is the users to be normal people (i.e. people, who do not
organize brigading, do not send criminal threads, do not spread hatred against other people, etc.), but... the traffic is
traffic /a website with more visitors is more expensive, than a website with less visitors, even when those more visitors are
mainly degenerates/. The ideal variant (which is impossible; the ideal is impossible by definition) is when only the normal,
valuable members are participating, but... /Btw, when it comes to websites -- the best variant is a website with many
visitors, but without comments -- for example -- many are using it, but nobody bothers you with
their problems and complains.

I mean it from the webmaster's point of view./ What else? Ah, yes -- the troubles these ones
are able to make here. I strongly believe about that anti-brigading concept/tool (I remember the admin posted something about
it. If we really have it here, then the problems are 99% solved, because without the downvote/upvote brigading they are
almost powerless /do you know how many accepted our challenge to come in our forum for debates? So far 0! No downvote effects
= nobody./)
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Our THE END of participation! We're proud to be a part of the's down! in whatever
[–] Georgi 0 points 1 month ago
Fast is very good, too (WHEN it's organic.)

Maybe this is a good example: delete reply edit report
Our THE END of participation! We're proud to be a part of the's down! in whatever
[–] Georgi 0 points 1 month ago
Of course, if a community like this has a choice, the better is the users to be normal people (i.e. people, who do not
organize brigading, do not send criminal threads, do not spread hatred against other people, etc.), but... the traffic is
traffic /a website with more visitors is more expensive, than a website with less visitors, even when those more visitors are
mainly degenerates/. About the point that it didn't grow organically -- very right observation and conclusion. That's why I
think so: is nothing special and it'll most probably went back to its insignificant level, when more people leave it.
It's dropping day by day.
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Logo design: Part 2 in Announcements
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago*
2! I like the smile -- it's positive (and makes it more anthropomorphic, i.e. close to the human and/or human perception).
The letter 'S' on the chest is good, because of that psychology thing we talked about already. Sorry to be so short, have to
go now! Good luck!
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Our THE END of participation! We're proud to be a part of the's down! in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I saw today another topic here about do you/we visit Voat and Reddit. This is our FINAL participation in and we made
it very clear. We can't stand all these:
things over there. The main problems are not only those bad, evil, irresponsible, etc. voaters, who are spreading their
'poison' over there. The main problem are the admins/owners (Atif Colo -- the Bosnian Muslim and that other one Put
-'something'!), who allows all this to happen and seems they're okay to have a website full of haters, racists, downvote
brigadiers, insulters, criminals and other anti-human trash!
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Do you still go to Reddit or Voat? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 3 points 1 month ago
Good to hear/read about! And, yes, if we want this ( to get really big and we to be a part of an internet
giant, we should post more here and less in other websites, because the content is one of the most important things for the
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Do you still go to Reddit or Voat? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
To Reddit only when the search results of the search engines are showing something I need or in some similar cases (like a
link from another website). In only when I need to delete and repost something (I almost finish with this -- my goal:
no any free content for Voat from me, because they doesn't deserve it /I explained already many times why, but if someone
wants I may explain again/; all I delete and/or repost). It's traffic rank is decreasing more and more: (currently: 13,639).
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36 Hilarious and embarrassing photoshop fails in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Usually they start with some copy-paste (duplicated content) without links and then they're posting spamlinks.
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Starting the rebrand. This will be one post of many. Starting with the mascot. What do you guys think? in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Now I read more. I see there is another bird-suggestion. Well, the 'more round' idea is good. I'll suggest another one, which
is a good compromise: make the lovely robot to wear the skimmer image on his chest OR just to wear a T-shirt with the skimmer
image! I think it's even interesting -- a robot with human clothes. And the most important is that the necessary skimmer
image will be there (for that positive psychological effect I mentioned below.)
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Dogs that have made poor life decisions ! in Aww
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
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36 Hilarious and embarrassing photoshop fails in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
It's a bot-post?
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Frankie Boyle on religion. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
This bush thing -- only 2-3 explanations: mental disorder, lie and both.
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Starting the rebrand. This will be one post of many. Starting with the mascot. What do you guys think? in Announcements
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
It's lovely, but I think a bird will be more related and psychologically helpful for the popularity. 'Skimur''s good
association is a skimmer. Make something like this: delete reply edit report
The Terminator could become REAL: Intelligent AI robots capable of DESTROYING mankind in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago*
My logic here: these people, who produce the high-tech 'toys' are unable even to destroy something like the ISIL (this not
very advanced organization exists already so long and it's still in good condition),_Iraqi,_and_Lebanese_insurgencies.png can you imagine when it comes to the mankind?
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What was your childhood nickname? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
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This country... Why is this a thing? Why does it cost so much? A plastic hook? in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Not only in that country. Here it's very common too -- some unreasonable price and... when the sells are not good, you are
seeing the same price reduced to some normal (or around it) level.

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This country... Why is this a thing? Why does it cost so much? A plastic hook? in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
And why you're against this useful product 'shit on a stick'?! It's so brandable!

Kidding. Good answer.
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Do you visit Skimur daily? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
As I said my dream is to have a mini or a middle movie company some day. If I have, I'll invite you!

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Do you visit Skimur daily? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Me too. I just visit it and posts or/and comments /it depends/.
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Do you visit Skimur daily? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Right. And we watched the newest 'Star Wars' -- everybody is there -- Solo, the robots, etc., but no Yoda. You're just not

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'Star Wars' in Chinese cinema in pics
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
It's from a local big cinema nearby.
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Page 44
My first Indian dish in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 27 days ago
From time to time I like this kind of cuisine.
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Meanwhile, in Australia in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 28 days ago
Responsible. I think it's right. Didn't find it funny, but I like this!
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Went for a ride through the local countryside, got this pic of the landscape in pics
[–] Georgi 3 points 28 days ago
Good. I like 'just took' photos. Like 'LIVE' on the TV.

Thanks for sharing! I'm not into apps at all, so I can't help
about it, but I can thank you and upvote it.

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I didn't know I'm so art oriented! I didn't know I may like art so much! (Relatively NSFW) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 28 days ago
Some of them are really pretty, not only sexy. One of my favorite is this: delete reply edit report
A Drug to Cure Fear in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 28 days ago
Oh, that's precious to communicate with people from different parts of the world (as far as they're not hostile, rude or
primitive, of course). I also learned interesting things from you (for example -- the word 'tex-mex' I knew Texas and Mexico, but I had no idea there is a a fusion of US cuisine and
Mexican cuisine. Really.)
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Charlotte Rampling Says Oscars ‘Boycott’ Is ‘Racist Against Whites’ in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 28 days ago
I feel very good, when I read something like this -- the problems are really not related to races or nationalities -- it's
all INDIVIDUAL. I already mentioned about my ideal -- the cosmopolitanism in my previous topic, so, surely -- the race is
something we never should thinking seriously as a 'problem'. Well, the CULTURE may be a problem -- for example look at those
jihadists (there in ISIL are different races -- for example not only white, but also yellow from West China -- Uygurs)...
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Cucumber, Black Olive, and Mint Salad in cooks
[–] Georgi 2 points 28 days ago
Super yummy!

And, because I like sour very much, if I make it, I'm sure I'll add vinegar, too! (the lemon juice is never
enough for me...)

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A Drug to Cure Fear in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 28 days ago*
Almost the same -- before our army was mandatory ( -- for those, who wonder 'what
the hell is that') and the payment there was symbolical. My father said something like half a dollar per month AND the
'funny' part is that MOSTLY the soldiers never got this 'salary', because of 'this month some of you comrades broke some
bowls and some plates, so your salaries are going for new cookware!'... Later on, when it was my turn, I was lucky enough to
be already in a 'post-communist' reality, where I had the choice and the chance to serve (as a pacifist and 'army-hater' as
many others) in ALTERNATIVE CIVILIAN SERVICE (if someone wonders:, as a sanitarian (including in a military hospital, where many of
the patient-soldiers wondered how I'm also a part of the army; it was something new at those time over there)... So, let's
say I had different army experiences (from relatives like father, grandfathers, cousins) + my own. And I can imagine the
feelings/the ideals, etc. But for me the ideal is a world like a global village, where the nations are symbolic, i.e.
something like here now (let's hope it may lasts forever): till today, nobody mentioned so much his/her own citizenship and
didn't criticized others for being 'foreigners'. Here many of us, most of the time, feel like just PEOPLE from/in THIS
website ('skimurers', for example). It's so nice and peaceful and TRUE, because from the biological and social point of view,
we're EXACTLY THE SAME -- we're Homo Sapiens and after that something like nationalities... I do prefer the cosmopolitism
( -- much safer ideology than the local/regional patriotisms, which are easy to
get close to the nationalisms, which is already dangerous. Just feel good to chat about it; sorry, if for someone it was
bored time!

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A Drug to Cure Fear in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 29 days ago
No. I was thinking about the fighters of the ISIL, who are getting 50% less: and then many of them are leaving: and I was thinking about one
neighbor of a friend in BG, who wanted to join some mission in Afghanistan only because of the salary. The money (or other
benefits like the opportunity to rape women) were the main motivator for a big part of the members of many armies (for
example the Ottoman army). Without money and/or something else, only the forced and the brain-washed are in the army (the
patriots, if there are still any, are something similar to the second category). That's why I think only fearless is not
important. Tell the fearless soldier, that there is no more salary and he is free to fight or not to fight and see the
decrease of any army around the world. If even the Islamists (one of the most brain-washed) are leaving after 50% less money,
can you imagine the average soldier? It's not natural for a man/woman to risk his/her life. And when for this risk there is
no payment/benefit, most of the normal people are leaving (and also -- most of the abnormal, too). If you add a fearless
factor -- probably some will stay, but how long without money or something? As a pacifist, I think the wars are something
terrible and being in a war (if you can not be) is something stupid. There was an European philosopher who said something
like "There is nothing more stupid than this I to go to fight and die with another man, just because my king and his king are
angry to each other!" (Now the situation around the world is almost the same -- 100 or 200 men are controlling all of the
rest of the mankind and because of them a lot of this mankind is often in war. Well, I'm not one of these, who is going to
die for 100-200 men's interests. I love the life.)
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These are the world’s best countries. (Sorry, America — you’re No. 4.) in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 29 days ago
Every team has different measures. For some teams, for instance, the GDP is important, for others -- the quality of the
air/pollution/ecology is more important... If it's me, I'll count things like:
levels of radiation
price of the pills and medical services : salaries
I'm pretty sure that many others will not count the earthquakes or the diseases, but will count do you have enough 'free
speech', because for them it's more important to speak, shout, disturb, insult (I saw some call it 'raw free speech'), than
to live healthy and safely. Different values. For me Singapore is 1000 times better than Germany, especially the nowadays
Germany with its migrants' problems...
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Start your iPhone dating app business with Agriya in News
[–] Georgi 0 points 29 days ago
Not news. Removed!
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These are the world’s best countries. (Sorry, America — you’re No. 4.) in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 29 days ago
Really? When I see Luxemburg and Singapore so down there, I doubt about it. Btw, 'best' is subjective. For example if someone
ask me which is the best music and food, I will say 'Japanese and Korean' and I am pretty sure that many of you will say
"What?! No." Anyway, thank you for sharing these things here! It's useful and it's interesting.
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Russia Shockingly Adds Hillary Clinton To Terror Sponsor Watchlist in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 29 days ago
I hate this (the politics), but just a question: isn't it one of the US competitors of Hilary (I think it was Donald Trump),
who was the 1-st who said that she and Obama are the creators of ISIL? /Yes: So, in this case Russia is doing nothing shockingly, just repeats something old. Of
course, maybe Russians got more data than Trump and they can add something new, I don't know. I even didn't read carefully
the article. My point is just: nothing shockingly here. Trump already informed the US and the world.
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A Drug to Cure Fear in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 29 days ago
In my case -- 1 bottle of wine or 4-5 beers and the problem solved. Fearless!

And more strong, I think -- the last time I
broke an iron door (I didn't know it may happen -- the case was simple: I wanted to close the door.

) Hey, about the
military: I don't think the fear of the soldiers is the problem. The problem is many of the armies already prefer air
strikes, missiles, etc. Distant war. According to some traditional minds -- it's a coward behavior and/or it's even no
dignity. For others it's a modern and advanced way, etc. Also -- most of the countries around the world DO NOT do wars. Take
a map and you'll find that most of the countries do not war and if they do (and if they use the more traditional way), their
soldiers usually have no problem with the fear, if their salaries are okay.
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No Doubt - Don't Speak in Music
[–] Georgi 2 points 30 days ago
I like this song and it's a nostalgic like, because it's from my teenage time.

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US Presidents Before And After Their Terms In Office in Politics
[–] Georgi 2 points 30 days ago
Me too -- they make it for more pageviews (which is one of the factors for better ranking online, like in that AND
(as you noticed already) for more ads' impressions (which, usually, equals more earnings). Good for the owner of the website
and time consuming for the users. But this one was interesting enough, so I decided to share it here. I just wonder how big
is the stress in this job, because it's responsible obviously.
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Sweet n Sour Cucumbers in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 30 days ago

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Sweet n Sour Cucumbers in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 30 days ago*
Yummy! But why twice
3/4 c sugar ?
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15 countries in arrears to UN including Venezuela lose vote in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
You see? Even in the UN: no money -- no vote...
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The smallest bananas in the world? in soapboxbanhammer
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
Well... probably we may compare it with the lack of cheese and feta in the most of the Chinese supermarkets and shops. What I
mean is -- in every place you may see lack of something you want to buy. But the good is that you may see many local

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Could this be humanity’s LAST century? Expert says 're-engineering our children’ will lead to the creation of a new species
in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
I see. Here we have some locals + some from the Philippines. Only the Philippines' looks pretty Cavendish. The locals are
smaller, greener. Also once I ate very small ones!

I think that time you missed a topic, take a look please, maybe you may
feel it interesting:
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Japan Train Runs for One Passenger in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
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What was your funniest moment recently? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 1 month ago
This even sounds tragic!

I hate this feeling (when I can't sleep enough). I wish you soon to get enough sleep!!!
permalink delete reply edit report
Could this be humanity’s LAST century? Expert says 're-engineering our children’ will lead to the creation of a new species
in Technology
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
Not all bananas today are Cavendish. In our market we can see 2-3 more different like these: the concern above -- it's a popular concern, but most of the processes today are showing regress, not progress. It's
much possible tomorrow to read news about how many people were killed somewhere because of the oil, regilion, etc., than who
made some genetic improvement. In some countries many of the citizens are living worse than before. As an example -- in East
Europe 30 years ago I never saw/heard someone, who can't eat 3 times a day or have to stop his/her central heating. Now many
people there are living in cold winter without enough food and heat, and not enough money for medicines. Where is the
progress? The cellphones and the Internet? In other places (for example in China) I saw people in villages, who are living
almost the same way they lived 200-300-400 years ago. We know in Latin America there are tribes that are still in the Stone
age (or something similar). To summarize: the mankind is not progressing fast enough and in many cases it's even regressing,
so these worries are too early. For example I worry much more, when I see people DIE, because they CAN'T pay their leukemia
treatment in the hospitals. And this is in the 21-st century!
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Do you still go to Reddit or Voat? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 1 month ago
I see.
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Page 45
The privacy policy of this site in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago @pknopf
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Do I agree with the user agreement? in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago
@pknopf may take care about these in 5-10 minutes, I suppose.
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Skimur shows how wrong is the cliche about 'internet=rude' in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago
Yes: more people = more chance the abnormals/freaks/psychos to be part of the 'more people'

. And still -- the ban policy
is important and may reduce their participation.
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Skimur shows how wrong is the cliche about 'internet=rude' in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 25 days ago
100% right and I do agree. Now I'm very clear about it -- haters, racists and other kind of psychopaths ans sociopaths. Not
all, but most of them.
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Skimur shows how wrong is the cliche about 'internet=rude' in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 25 days ago
Yes. If we're lucky enough some day to got that much traffic (I mean the top best of, not the recent decrease), I
suppose after the 1-st few hundred bans, the situation will get normal.
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Skimur shows how wrong is the cliche about 'internet=rude' in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago*
before it got hit with all those users.
You're right. Only let me add: And after the admins are totally okay with all those hatred, insults, innuendos, racism,
criminal threads and the rest of the shit. If I was an admin there, those kind of people will stay in my site maybe only
around a few hours, before I ban them one by one.
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago
Oh, that's... I see.
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Skimur shows how wrong is the cliche about 'internet=rude' in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 25 days ago
Yes. I mean it shows (currently and till today), i.e. I am glad to see it's possible again.

About the future -- more
traffic (I hope and I'd like to use the idiom 'I pray'/because I'm something like an atheist/ for this) equals more potential
problems, that's for sure. About the summer now: it's interesting indeed. In some niches the summer is the worst period,
because most of the people are outside, going on vacations, parties... i.e. no time for Internet. The cold season/seasons are
better for the traffic of many websites. It'll be interesting to see what type is going to be Skimur -- summer or winter

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Coaching skills training in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago
And now I'll answer this question, in order to show our responsibility and liberal, respectful attitude for every potential
good user:
Yes, online classes are a good option, when you're busy!
Sure, be careful, when it comes to spend money. I do prefer the free online stuff.

I can't recommend you something about it. Just search more online (if your goal is really this, not just the SEO).
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Coaching skills training in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 25 days ago
Good to read your reasonable opinion! It exactly covers my one: there is (at least technically) a question, it's in the
question section ('askskimur'), she (he) is asking /it's up to us to answer or not, or just to comment/. Let it slide this
time. This shows our normal liberal and freedom attitude here, which is useful to attract more members. (Deleting/banning is
easy and not a problem, when it's necessary!)
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Dead gambler embalmed, propped up at poker table in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 26 days ago
I feel sad. For the father and his family mostly. I can't imagine what's the feeling when you raise a kid and he/she dies
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Diversity in Gifs
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
The homosexuality is an abnormality for many cultures, subcultures and concrete people (even they live in a countries, where
it's legal).
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Hottie in tumblr
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
Yes... and that hairstyle. I wondered, if he ever used a comb (seriously)...
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There are 4 ways to make a "K" sound in the English language. in Showerthoughts
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
You're right. For the foreigners many of the words are like the Chinese characters -- you have to remember how it looks like
and how to read it, because if you read it part by part (letter by letter) it's not it.

But, at least, the grammar isn't
that difficult as the Russian, German and others. It's a comparatively easy language.
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God in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
Ha-ha, yeah. Very clever example for the absurdity of the religion and especially the concept 'God'. Thanks for sharing!
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
I see. I think and feel almost the same. The only point I can't agree with the vegans is 'we must stop eat eggs, milk,
cheese'. In this case it's a kind of cooperation -- you give the chicken to eat and you protect it from the foxes and you eat
some eggs. I think it's the golden mean.
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Coaching skills training in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
Hi! Thanks for the report! Around 12 hours ago I started to deal with this case. I told her not to flood, not to post one and
the same, etc. Now we discuss the case with pknopf and, if he decides not to give her another chance, I don't mind to delete
it. I'll be glad to hear LonesomeFrog's opinion, too. My opinion is simple: just one more chance and that's all. (I really
don't know her -- it may be even 'him' or a spambot.)
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Coaching skills training in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
I thought, as far as it's related (there is a question in the text) to ask, to give her a chance to stay here and to have +1
member, but it's up to you -- if you feel it's more spam than more question, then -- delete. I'll keep close attention to
Cynthia and I'll be the 1-st one, who will suggest ban, if I see that she is only posting links to one and the same and/or
post irrelevant things. (I don't know this person/if it's a person, not spambot/ and I'm not the owner of that site in the
link, i.e. I have no private interest here.)
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 26 days ago
I also dream for a world without killing animals. But I do support using them (in fact -- cooperating) for milk, cheese,
eggs..., i.e. I do not support the vegans, but I like the ordinary vegetarians.
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Coaching skills training in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 27 days ago
Well, it's a classical link-building strategy. I'd like to say it's well-done, because it's in a related sub + anchor +
enough content (but if it's duplicated, i.e. copy-pasted in many places) the SEO effect will be not what you need.

suggest people to give chance to Cynthia as far as she/he is ontopic here; as long as don't post blatant spam like -- flood
with one and the same content, posting in irrelevant subs, etc.
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 27 days ago
Maybe, except if someone from one of the neighboring provinces invite you to have some... cat meat! (I heard it's very
popular there...)
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 27 days ago
So, you're also a flexitarian.
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Meanwhile, in MURICAW, FUCK YEAW in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 27 days ago
'Muricaw' is...?
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 27 days ago
You mean you do not like to touch your food with hands or what is this OCD about? I didn't understand it, but I'm interested
in this stuff (food, psychology, anthropology).
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How picky of an eater are you? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 27 days ago
I don't eat these (which are popular around me):
dog meat
snakes Everything else is okay; I am a flexitarian (semi-vegetarian).
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Previous Next
Page 46
I have everything I need for a great valentine's day except... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 14 days ago
Oh... even the hands... delete reply edit report
I have everything I need for a great valentine's day except... in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 14 days ago
Do you realize what reactions you'll get, if a feminist read what you ask here? 'Cheap', 'on sale' + 'girlfriend' in a same
sentence? Ohhhh... I can't imagine what'll be the reaction.

Btw, exactly the St. Valentine's day is a perfect time to find
a girl-friend! I'm serious.
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Trump wants to populate Mars with "worthy people" in funny
[–] Georgi 1 point 14 days ago
Hi! Long tome no see. How are you? Off-topic: I wonder from which website do you get most traffic currently? The situation
looks not very good:
here: and here: delete reply edit report
Christopher Hitchens explains why Christianity makes no sense, in 3 minutes. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 14 days ago
I can't watch it from here, but I like the title -- especially the part 'makes no sense'. As far as I know the religions --
all of them (in almost all aspects) makes no sense.
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North Korea Floats Poop-Filled Balloons Into South Korea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 15 days ago
And, if we read the article carefully, we'll see that the title is just a 'bite' to attract more visitors (one of the dirty
Among the materials found in the balloons were propaganda leaflets, the majority of which attacked the K-pop music barrage
and the president of South Korea, Park Geun-hye. Also in the bundles were cigarette butts, human feces, and used toilet
Find the differences: 1. Poop, 2. Leaflets, cigarette butts, human feces, used toilet paper.
According to the photos there, I think the point were the leaflets. When it comes to North Korean news, I'm always in doubt,
because many of these 'news' are fake/jokes like that own with the man on the Sun (did you hear about it) or propaganda (from
one or another side). The pure North Korean news are something rare. We started a small project about North Korea's news and
till now we found only 2 probably true news: North Korean news.
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Update on 2016 Firefox Release Schedule in Technology
[–] Georgi 2 points 15 days ago
I dislike the updates, too. Everything seems (for us, as users) pretty well and... boom! UPDATE!!!... It's kind of annoying
for many people I know.
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Happy Chinese New Year (aka 'Spring Festival') in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 15 days ago
After almost 12 year in China I'm something like semi-Chinese.

So, I think it's something like 'my' holiday, but to tell
you the truth even some native Chinese feels tired of it, because of the crowd and some other little troubles. I like it just
so-so. Here is a part of chat between me and a young Chinese woman, who can speak some English:
She: new year is a kind of busy.I am a little bit tired for that. 2016-2-7 0:32:15 Me: 2016-2-7 0:32:15 I know... all the
festivals around the world are like this... people do it like robots (机器人). So, I prefer to be above it (beyond it). I
celebrate only things I like. Currently I like only Halloween (万圣节), because it's pretty and lovely like a fairy tale. And
nothing else. She: 2016-2-7 0:34:13 yes I like national day .it has a long relaxing holiday 2016-2-7 0:37:16 Me: 2016-2-7
0:37:16 Yes, the holidays are also a good point.

Thank you for your wishes! Glad to see you and @Ghost around every time!
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Happy Chinese New Year (aka 'Spring Festival') in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 15 days ago
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Purpose of /s/devstuff in devstuff
[–] Georgi 1 point 15 days ago
Okay. Thanks for the clarification, electrithm!
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Google Removes Millions of Bad Ads in 2015 in ScamWatchers
[–] Georgi 1 point 15 days ago
That's good! Glad to know it. Thanks for sharing!
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Happy Chinese New Year (aka 'Spring Festival') in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 16 days ago
Most of the services will be unreachable during these days. Some of the working ones will charge more money. The railways and
highways are full of travelers and migrant workers... not the best time, but there are some benefits like -- vacations, red
packages full of money (mostly for the kids) and less crowd in most of the cities. I think your partners are very familiar
with all these, so they don't expect your shipping to come during the Festival's days at all, and I suppose all of these guys
are not working now.
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DailyMotion Without an Adblocker in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 18 days ago
WOW. Interesting. Is there some program tool that can show all these for a certain website? I'd like to check some of our
websites, that's why I ask about it.
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Decaf, amirite guys? in Gifs
[–] Georgi 1 point 19 days ago
Different -- including 'tea' from small roses. About the real tea -- I also like green tea and some similar kinds like Kuding
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Really? in Politics
[–] Georgi 2 points 19 days ago
I'm impatient these elections to pass and to have again an Internet/TV free of these political news. You know my opinion is
people lose too much time and energy for the politics, instead of doing something better for them. From a more professional
point of view, I'd like to see how many people will leave some websites (how the traffic will decrease) (because, as I read
in many places, they're there only to make political propaganda before the elections -- some are paid, some are just
volunteers, natural.)

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Decaf, amirite guys? in Gifs
[–] Georgi 3 points 20 days ago
I don't drink coffee at all. No this habit. From time to time -- tea, but not coffee.
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New Zealand apparently under attack from vampire chicks. in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 21 days ago
Crazy people all around the world...
permalink delete reply edit report in HowNotTo
[–] Georgi 2 points 21 days ago
@statelessnfaithless probably will delete it, because it's nothing about the 'how not to', i.e. spam.
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FYI If you want to see NSFW links in skimur you need to allow it in your settings. in Skimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 22 days ago
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U.S. warship sails near island claimed by China in South China Sea in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 22 days ago
I didn't plan to discuss it, but if already there is a comment, I'll post the Chinese point: Just to have here some balance of the points of view/the
interpretations. The good side of all this is that the current China is not like the current Turkey to open fire soon.
Otherwise, can you imagine? Anyway, for us -- the common, poor people, the best is to think how to earn more money -- the
politics only wastes time and resources. When you have a problem -- everyone asks for money, no one gives you for free
something just because you're very educated or informed about the politics and geopolitics, and military. So, I end this
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What are your thoughts on moderators being able to lock topics on Reddit? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 22 days ago
It's okay. But if someone locks a topic too much, it's not okay for the content generating. As we know -- more content
usually means more traffic. Less traffic usually means less capital (including money).
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What do you think should happen to inactive mods? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 22 days ago
As fas as I remember @pknopf had already a good method: he said he'll try to connect with the mod in question and if he/she
is not answering, then somebody else may take the sub. Currently these subs are empty (even no bots there to post some spam),
so it's not a problem.

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Police kick in opera singer's door after confusing singing with screaming. in OffbeatNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 24 days ago
Right! Safety first! Better safe, than sorry!

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Choosing right revenue model for successful running of service marketplace website in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 24 days ago*
ERROR: Could not read CAPTCHA token file.
So, I'll take away my upvote.
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Choosing right revenue model for successful running of service marketplace website in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 24 days ago
Good article.
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Chai in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 24 days ago
'Chai' means 'tea' in many languages.
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Page 47
Anyone here speak a foreign language? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 8 days ago
The 2 Japanese alphabets are just a piece of cake. I think you'll have no problems to learn them, but when it come to the
characters -- there is the nightmare. I learned some Japanese long time ago and I gave up. Most of them are more complicated
than the nowadays Chinese characters. For example the Japanese 日本工業規格 in Chinese is just "日本工业规格".
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Anyone here speak a foreign language? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 4 points 8 days ago
Yes. I do. My current level:
English (good)
Russian (very good)
Chinese (good)
Macedonian (average)
Arab (some)
Korean (some)
Tatar (some)
Turkish (some)
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R.I.P., Trifon! in Sports
[–] Georgi 1 point 9 days ago
Good footballer and decent citizen -- Trifon Ivanov. R.I.P., Trifon!
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150,000 penguins die after giant iceberg renders colony landlocked in Nature
[–] Georgi 2 points 9 days ago
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A very pretty one (no idea how old is she, but looks like a teen). in teens
[–] Georgi 1 point 9 days ago
It's not a NSFW photo. No idea why this tag is there. Whatever.
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Why fruits and vegetables taste better in Europe in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 9 days ago
I think you're very right about it!
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What's the unhealthiest thing you like to eat? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 10 days ago
Fried potatoes. (According to some people everything fried is unhealthy, so I count it in this way, but I'm not 100% sure.)
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Refrigerator Cucumbers in Cookbook
[–] Georgi 2 points 10 days ago
Very good one. That's the way I like it.

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The world can't afford another financial crash – it could destroy capitalism as we know it in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 11 days ago
I just found it online; it's not my rehosting. If you (and the others around) would like to see the full one, have to visit
this: (It's the original link.) Probably @pknopf and the
other skillful guys around have to find a way to remove this bug -- when we share a photo, let it be 100%, not only the part
of it.
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America is lending smartphones to immigrants caught at the border in News
[–] Georgi 2 points 11 days ago
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“Star Wars” brought record quarterly profit for Walt Disney in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 3 points 11 days ago
Hi and welcome! I removed 2 of your submissions, because they were spam. Avoid spam, in order to avoid the ban here! Thanks!
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Expectations and Reality of Binary Options Trading in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 11 days ago
Not news. Removed.
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Best costomized binary option trading platform for making money in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 1 point 11 days ago
Not world news. Removed!
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The world can't afford another financial crash – it could destroy capitalism as we know it in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 11 days ago
And one more: enter image description here
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The world can't afford another financial crash – it could destroy capitalism as we know it in WorldNews
[–] Georgi 2 points 11 days ago
In fact, it's not a capitalism. It's something like neo-feudalism. See here: delete reply edit report ignore reports
Christopher Hitchens explains why Christianity makes no sense, in 3 minutes. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 12 days ago
God supposedly will not reveal himself to you without you having faith first.
But no matter how many faith someone has, there is no revealing at all.
(And thanks for your time and explanations here! Thanks a lot!!!)
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how not to delivery of sand. in HowNotTo
[–] Georgi 2 points 12 days ago

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When you're 37 and still don't wanna have kids. in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 12 days ago
I see.

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The Oatmeal knows what's up. in Childfree
[–] Georgi 2 points 12 days ago
Yes. Now you know the right place!

He-he! Thanks for posting here!
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Facts are for pussies who don't have any faith. in Atheism
[–] Georgi 2 points 13 days ago
So, I wonder how we may be sure it's a true paper or just a fake paper to attract more visitors?
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When you're 37 and still don't wanna have kids. in funny
[–] Georgi 2 points 13 days ago
Very good, but, why not in: ?
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Cat versus bathtub. in Gifs
[–] Georgi 2 points 13 days ago
And there is a big lizard.

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That's interesting, isn't it? in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 13 days ago
Now I saw another similar one -- I really didn't know these websites exists. Glad to know it,
because I think the people in the prisons are still people and it may be very good for them. Humanism.
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I have everything I need for a great valentine's day except... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 14 days ago
Yes, it's a problem. In my point of view the biggest one is that AT THE BEGINNING many (most?) of them 'play' as good,
supportive, feminine... and the real neurotic nature shows up later (usually too late). So, I do agree that it's necessary to
have more time to know the person better. Btw, what's the situation with the spoiled women? (The ones, who are too selfish
and like 'princesses' in the bad meaning) Are there a lot of them?
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I have everything I need for a great valentine's day except... in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 14 days ago
Yeah, I remember this fact. What I mean is that on that day many women are ready to start a relationship (or at least to
try), if they haven't already one, just because they feel more lonely than in the average days. Of course, you can post this
on FB.
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Page 48
A Friendly 'Good-bye' from us (Georgi and Juanita) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 days ago
That's good, indeed. But I really can't (and I don't want to) imagine the same bitter experience (like the one from
-- being next to someone, who is so anti-human and destructive. Let say this: My wife is yellow raced (Mongoloid race). It'll
be not just disgusting, but shameful and too dirty for me to be in the same place with some teen-skinhead from Europe or some
KKK-granny from the US, who'll speak how they want to beat/kill 'chinks' and 'yellow monkeys'. The fact I'm part of a
community/site, where 'the next door' are spreading racial slurs, hate speech and other discrimination is embarrassing for me
(and even pretty dangerous, because some jerks may make fake report about me here, that I'm related to these illegal in China
/and not only in China/ ideas /nazism, racism, etc./ and then my life will get very hard, I suppose. Even now it's not very
easy, because I'm poor.

...) So, I hope all this was useful. I'll put the end here. /And if I notice again answers/posts to
me (or about me, even when I said, I'm not going to participate here, like in the case with @MetalPhoenix, who is still
answering me and I answered him there), as usual, I'll reply them in our website, because I keep my word and when I say
"bye", it's really "bye"./ Best wishes and friendly feelings to you and to you all!
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A Friendly 'Good-bye' from us (Georgi and Juanita) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 days ago
I decided to answer to all of you only in this topic. Others, who are trying to answer me in other topics like @MetalPhoenix
will get their answers only in our forum (I post an answer to him over there already, he is informed). Sorry, for the
'advertisement' here, but I'd like to make it clear -- yes, there is no right click (to prevent some content stealing), but
the registration and the posting is okay and you're already in, as I see.

Thanks for it! The rest of the points -- I
answered to pknopf, and if you wish, please read it:
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A Friendly 'Good-bye' from us (Georgi and Juanita) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 3 days ago
Thank you, indeed! As I mentioned in our website again, you're a cool person and I have nothing personal against you. The
only thing I disagree is the 'Open door policy' (if I can use this political metaphor as a figure of speech) -- when
everybody's welcome and when there will be absolute freedom for them to spread the discrimination ideas and/or mental
disorders (like necrophiliacs, who enjoy watching dead kids, for example), then it's totally against my core values (no
discrimination, peace, friendship, no hate) and it's senseless to co-exist with those people. (Also, it'll be a kind of
professional shame for me, if the other teachers, students and parents of the students see me in such a website -- imagine
what kind of educator I will be in their eyes, if they see me in a website allowing terrible for them things like /for
example/: "Chinks are monkeys" /racism/, "Fatties are not people!" /sizeism/, "Your mother jerk pigs!" /insults, verbal
aggression, obscene/, "I'll kill you, fag!" /criminal threads/, "You're a foreign agent and spy." /innuendo, lies/, and many
others like these that I already met in and I'm not willing potentially to met here, especially, when there are
ultra-liberals like @MetalPhoenix, who thinks that I want to be a policeman here and he's leaving. No, I'm leaving, because
I'm the one, who is not in the right place. He is exactly in the right place, because for him everything like these rude,
criminal, psychopathic things are totally okay, totally legal and this is what he calls 'freedom', i.e. anarchy, without any
rules and limitations, a jungle /from my point of view/).
Now about Reddit (I started to answer you only, because I wanted to give you the due respect about your question, not just to
speak about the moral and laws.) -- they grow up in their thinking and they started to forbid the racism, the sizeism, etc.,
because they see it's a dangerous game to allow it in their website. Also, they saw that the serious investors would not
invest there to lose face and they decided to clean up the trash. Well, there are still subs with "shocking or highly
offensive content", full of mentally disordered people like zoophiliacs (enjoying sex with animals!), necrophiliacs (enjoying
watching pictures of dead kids!) and others... so, I can't say it's a perfect place, but the improvement is visible and I
feel it better than before, but I don't participate there, too, mostly because of the downvote brigades and the shadow bans,
and the unpredictable/unreasonable mods, no matter how cleaner is now Reddit.
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A Friendly 'Good-bye' from us (Georgi and Juanita) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 days ago
Thanks for your honesty. I'll summarize it in this way: it's like a building, where you live with good neighbors NOW. But the
owner of the building (in our case -- @pknopf) is keeping is as 'open doors' for everyone. It's very possible in the future
(just possible, but enough) some bad people to come here (psychopats, sociopats, racists, haters, trolls, criminals). They
will be in their 'rooms' (subs), but they're free enough to visit your rooms, to stalk you in the common rooms, etc. You
can't just close your eyes for them. And, in my case, I'll feel sick and disgusted to share the same participation in a
website with those anti-human creatures. As a free citizen, I have the freedom to choose which websites are okay for me, and
which ones do not answer my nature. @MetalPhoenix thinks I want to be the local police here and to stop the freedom of the:
haters, liars, psychos, racists, criminals to enter here. @pknopf is going to let them here (if they come). And why I should
stay here? It's logical to leave, because I'm not that ultra-liberal. I can't stand the discrimination, the hate speech, the
shitposts and everything else you can see nowadays in Voat (and which is potentially already here). I hope I made my point
clear, because I'm also very open and as honest as possible.
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A Friendly 'Good-bye' from us (Georgi and Juanita) in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 days ago
Well, I tried in and all I got was downvotes (not able to participate actively, because of the limitations after a
sum of downvotes), more attacks, more hostility. And what I got? Wasting of time. Here will be the same -- my words are not
going to change them. And I'm not hoping to change them at all. (@MetalPhoenix thinks I want to control and to change
something -- he was wrong. As he may see, I left this place and these are my final answers over here.) Thank you for the good
words, but I haven't to rethink something, because @MetalPhoenix said he's leaving, if I try to forbid the haters, the
racists and so on abnormal people to make here subs. The owner of Skimur @pknopf confirmed his ultraliberal wish to let the
hatred groups to create here communities... So, who am I to disagree? The best I can do is to went back only to our omnilogy
forum (, where the best is we disallow haters, racists and other aggressive, destructive, evil
subjects to spread their discrimination and hate. Shortly: if I was the boss/owner of Skimur, I'll not leave, but I'm just a
user like you -- I have no power (and I have no right) to tell pknopf who to invite and who not. His wish is: 'Everyone is
welcome.' Let it be.
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Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 4 days ago
I said I'm leaving Skimur and you posted me an answer + you're asking me to just stop... The best in this case is: I'm not
answering you here anymore, BUT I posted you a perfect answer in our forum:!%29/msg26560/#msg26560 So, if you wish,
chat with me there. I'll answer you from now on only there, because I don't want to leave the impression, that I'm running
away from this controversy.
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Let's decide it NOW, not when it's TOO LATE: Hate speech in Skimur? Yes or NO? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 5 days ago
Sad, but she is leaving, too. (I'm leaving. And I'll say a friendly good-bye in a special topic, after a few minutes). You're
a great man, @yoda and you're one that I'll miss most, but it's not the end of the world -- my Skype is 'conradbest' (in case
you or someone else needs me or just would like to chat from time to time).

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Let's decide it NOW, not when it's TOO LATE: Hate speech in Skimur? Yes or NO? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 5 days ago
Thanks a lot for your fast and responsive answer (as usual), dear @pknopf! The most important for me was that you admit that
if a community does establish itself (like FPH)
it will just exist here. For me it means, Skimur potentially may become a 'Voat Number 2' (a place that many of us left,
because exactly of those problems -- the hate, the lies and innuendos, the aggression, the discrimination).
So, I wish to say a friendly 'Good-bye' and 'Thanks' for the /really/ good time here! I'll make an official announcement
about it. (I leave as a friend, no bad feeling to you or to other people here! I just can't afford to be in a place, which is
potentially able to host hate, discrimination, rudeness and other things against my core values.) Good luck!
permalink delete reply edit report
Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 5 days ago
Ethnocentrism?! I'm a person from Bulgaria (East Europe) and I live in China (multi-ethnic country) and my wife is a Chinese
citizen... and ethnocentric? Funny conclusion, especially for someone like me, who is pacifist and with international values.
Adam and Eve? Sins? Mythological/religious creatures. Not interested. I value only the science and the materialistic-
scientific dialectical philosophy. Thus those analogies are making no sense for me -- our forefathers are mammals, not some
near-East mithological Adams and Eves... Growth? You call the degradation in the US, where even in the schools people use
guns, where rappers are singing how will fuck mothers and so on growth?! It's degradation, not growth. Some wise Americans
said the US were a good country, but it's not anymore. And the degradation is obvious. Inequality?! You call allowing
DISCRIMINATION (via hate speech) 'equality'? To curse and insult blacks, fats, males... etc., DISCRIMINATION is equality?!
Your values are really confused, you can't see where is the wrong and the right, the good and the bad. (If you're frank, of
course, because I may suppose it's just a well planned attack against me to leave this place. Just a thought. And I AM
leaving for your information -- no matter your motives, you showed me that it's not a place for me, if its potential future
is Voat Number 2: full of discrimination against different people, full of hate/aggression and other things you value...)
Here, in China, is exactly the opposite you think: THEY DO NOT ALLOW REPRESSIONS against others based on: skin color/race,
size (fat/slim), etc. You like the discrimination, the aggression, the hate speech... for you it's 'freedom'. Freedom to be
evil?! NO, THANKS! And as far as I'm leaving, because of you (you're, anyway, the reason to get clear picture what will be
here probably, @pknopf admit, that if there haters made a group, he's not going to stop them, I DON'T WANT TO BE A PART OF A
HUMANISM, MY PACIFISM AND MY HARMONY ORIENTED CULTURE.) I didn't answer you 100%, because I don't want to waste time. Now,
I'll post a bit more to say a friendly 'Good-bye' to this community and that's all. Thanks once again for your help to see
exactly where Skimur is and where it may go soon! Bye!
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Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 5 days ago*
Of course. I'm here everyday, I can read whenever you post; we're not in hurry. Only one suggestion now -- you can combine
your answers with your opinion about "Hate speech in Skimur -- YES or NO?" (what I mean is I made a topic about it, thanks to
you /Really -- thanks!!! Because it's very important for me and for us, I think/ -- ).
Have a good work! I'm also going to watch some movie now. See you next time!
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Let's decide it NOW, not when it's TOO LATE: Hate speech in Skimur? Yes or NO? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 5 days ago*
Well said. I expected some reasonable opinion from you and I'm not surprised, but anyway -- admirations! I'd like to repost
one of my answers here, because it's from another topic, but related to all this. Here we go:
[–] Georgi 1 point 41 seconds ago It's not true. You can see that even in the world politics when someone attack another
one, usually, the attacked answers. I don't know what kind of monk (spiritual) one have to be (or what kind of low IQ) to
ignore the insults. Also, allowing insults is bad for the education of the young generation. It copy critique-less every
model behavior and the result is we have more and more young degenerates around. The responsible people should avoid insults
and strongly oppose with different possible means them -- otherwise the aggression is more and more and the degeneration of
the societies is inevitable. In many laws the insults are crimes and you can't just call the people bad names. The insult is
a form of verbal aggression. Yes, maybe it's not horrible, but it's not good at all. It's something destructive and leads to
nowhere. The dialogue degenerates and the level drops down. We can't accept the insults as a value. The value should be
positive, developing, progressive. (And I speak it as a very simple and normal person -- non-religious, a-political, i.e. as
a very pure and comparatively independent mind majored in philosophy and anthropology). The bold, italic and CAPS in my case
are just to underline/stress on the importance of something, nothing more. (Usually I used different colors before for this
goal.) There is no unlimited freedom. And why do you think that TO SAY ANYTHING includes: lies, insults, innuendo, jihadism,
racizm and everything that going to hurt and to enlarge the aggression?! CAN'T WE SPEAK OUR MINDS AND IDEAS WITHOUT IT -- AS
A NOBLE, TRUE MEN (HOMO SAPIENSES) -- without lies, without discrimination, without profane slangs?
-You're only 50% right that > The very fact that it bothers you so much speaks to your relationship with the world around
The wrong is that I don't try to control anything. I live in a country, where the control is in the Communist Party of China.
It's not my goal to control it and it's not my goal to control China. The right is that when I came in China I saw (at least
on TV, radio, online and many places offline) a society with LESS aggression and MORE harmony. No KKK, no skinheds, no
fatpeoplehate and other pervert phenomenons from the West. (I don't mean China hasn't many other problems, but the point now
is that I saw a society, where the harmony and the civil way is POSSIBLE. And I lived for many years in a Socialist Bulgaria,
where we could speak freely about 99% of the things /except the politics/, and we doesn't need aggressive words, lies,
threads in order to express our speech.) About the hate speech and the crimes -- please, read the article in Wikipedia (well,
it's not the best scientific source, I know, but it's pretty enough for a daily conversation like ours) and you'll see that
the laws worldwide accept many aspects of the hate speech as a crime: again -- I live in China and here I do obey 100% of the local and central government. I'm a-political and I even don't
have a company now. I don't control anything and anybody, and I don't want to. (My ideal is a family or private business -- I
don't want to have people to control -- workers and I also do not want to deal with bosses.) The problem is not that I want
to control -- the problem is I don't want the:
abnormality evil (bad, destructive) idiotisms and schizophrenia (and other mental disorders)
to come here and to made this place a bin. My wish and hope for normal status of this forum isn't control wish, it's just a
human-oriented and progressive wish. The same as, if I see a dog shit on the street, I'll try to avoid it and to inform the
cleaner around to clean it, not to enjoy it, right?
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Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 5 days ago
It's not true. You can see that even in the world politics when someone attack another one, usually, the attacked answers. I
don't know what kind of monk (spiritual) one have to be (or what kind of low IQ) to ignore the insults. Also, allowing
insults is bad for the education of the young generation. It copy critique-less every model behavior and the result is we
have more and more young degenerates around. The responsible people should avoid insults and strongly oppose with different
possible means them -- otherwise the aggression is more and more and the degeneration of the societies is inevitable. In many
laws the insults are crimes and you can't just call the people bad names. The insult is a form of verbal aggression. Yes,
maybe it's not horrible, but it's not good at all. It's something destructive and leads to nowhere. The dialogue degenerates
and the level drops down. We can't accept the insults as a value. The value should be positive, developing, progressive. (And
I speak it as a very simple and normal person -- non-religious, a-political, i.e. as a very pure and comparatively
independent mind majored in philosophy and anthropology). The bold, italic and CAPS in my case are just to underline/stress
on the importance of something, nothing more. (Usually I used different colors before for this goal.) There is no unlimited
freedom. And why do you think that TO SAY ANYTHING includes: lies, insults, innuendo, jihadism, racizm and everything that
going to hurt and to enlarge the aggression?! CAN'T WE SPEAK OUR MINDS AND IDEAS WITHOUT IT -- AS A NOBLE, TRUE MEN (HOMO
SAPIENSES) -- without lies, without discrimination, without profane slangs?
-You're only 50% right that > The very fact that it bothers you so much speaks to your relationship with the world around
The wrong is that I don't try to control anything. I live in a country, where the control is in the Communist Party of China.
It's not my goal to control it and it's not my goal to control China.
The right is that when I came in China I saw (at least on TV, radio, online and many places offline) a society with LESS
aggression and MORE harmony. No KKK, no skinheds, no fatpeoplehate and other pervert phenomenons from the West. (I don't mean
China hasn't many other problems, but the point now is that I saw a society, where the harmony and the civil way is POSSIBLE.
And I lived for many years in a Socialist Bulgaria, where we could speak freely about 99% of the things /except the
politics/, and we doesn't need aggressive words, lies, threads in order to express our speech.)
About the hate speech and the crimes -- please, read the article in Wikipedia (well, it's not the best scientific source, I
know, but it's pretty enough for a daily conversation like ours) and you'll see that the laws worldwide accept many aspects
of the hate speech as a crime: again -- I live in China and here I do obey 100% of the local and central government. I'm a-political and I even don't
have a company now. I don't control anything and anybody, and I don't want to. (My ideal is a family or private business -- I
don't want to have people to control -- workers and I also do not want to deal with bosses.) The problem is not that I want
to control -- the problem is I don't want the:
evil (bad, destructive)
idiotisms and schizophrenia (and other mental disorders)
to come here and to made this place a bin. My wish and hope for normal status of this forum isn't control wish, it's just a
human-oriented and progressive wish. The same as, if I see a dog shit on the street, I'll try to avoid it and to inform the
cleaner around to clean it, not to enjoy it, right?
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Let's decide it NOW, not when it's TOO LATE: Hate speech in Skimur? Yes or NO? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 6 days ago*
P.S. I do not expect votes/elections here. I just want to know the owner's (@pknopf) position (point of view), because he has
the POWER and the RIGHT to decide it. Of course, it'll be 100% useful, if the ordinary users/mods like me, show their own
position about it (a feedback is never useless, right?).
permalink delete reply edit report
Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 6 days ago <-- something useful.
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Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 6 days ago*
Don't mess the free SPEECH with the insults, verbal attacks, etc. If I disagree with you and say "Fucking moron, I'll cum in
your mother's ass!", is it 'a speech'?! The barbarian behavior and the degradation has nothing to do with the speech itself.
I think we had similar conversation before -- the crimes are not free speech. An idiot over there threatened our family. A
criminal thread! Is it free speech?... Another idiot said that my dead mother jerks pigs... Speech?! THE CRIMES: RACISM
mean CRIMES, EVIL, AGGRESSION! Every freedom has its own LIMITS (and the jails are full of people, who doesn't know it.) And
it's not about MY moral authority. It's about the normal behavior around the world. IF here came people, who are talking how
my dead mother jerks pigs, who thread my family just because we have different opinion, who speak that someone is a trash,
just because he/she is black/yellow/white, etc. I AM THE ONE, who is gone. The anti-humanism has nothing to do with the
freedom. Freedom is not about to hurt others.
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Toshiba shares fell down by 11% after an unsuccessful report in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 6 days ago
You're right. I like to see new visitors, who comment here. Welcome!!! But keep in mind that some of the others are very
spamophobic and they'll think that linking in every post one and the same website is a form of linkspam. My advise is to post
comments without links and comments with links to other websites, except In this way I think you'll be more
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Google payed Apple $1 billion in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 6 days ago
Rich company.
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Samsung shares are sold by investors in News
[–] Georgi 1 point 6 days ago
It's one of the first Korean companies I heard.
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Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 2 points 6 days ago
I also think so -- we have to avoid visiting it and giving it in this way more rank/popularity, which may lead to benefits
like sponsors/money. I hope we're not people, who are willing to support in anyway a website/website owners, who do allow:
racist comments (racism)
hatred against the obese (sizeism)
insults, rude and obscene 'speech'
criminal threads
lies and innuendo. That's why I even suggested people to use or another way that doesn't bring visitors directly
to, BUT SOME PRO-VOAT downvoted this idea!
permalink delete reply edit report
Atko has a post deleted, whines, and proposes changes so his posts don't get deleted - despite it being a suggested feature
for months now. in whatever
[–] Georgi 0 points 6 days ago
Many in use to avoid sending traffic (visitors) to sites they don't want (like So, instead of
direct links to, you also can use that way -- doesn't deserve our traffic.
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Just 50 years ago, this couple would have been on the recieving end of this same bullshit and intolerance. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 7 days ago
And this map, too: delete reply edit report
Just 50 years ago, this couple would have been on the recieving end of this same bullshit and intolerance. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 7 days ago
And everyone, who thinks that the homosexuality is welcome around the world, let take a look at this map: truth is that many places do not accept it and even in countries, where it's legal, many people can't accept it as a
normal phenomenon.
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Just 50 years ago, this couple would have been on the recieving end of this same bullshit and intolerance. in whatever
[–] Georgi 1 point 7 days ago
The most normal is a kid to have a mother and a father. It's very natural and very traditional.
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Anyone here speak a foreign language? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 1 point 7 days ago
Russian at school. And then French (but only 1 year and now I remember only 20-30 words, that's why I don't count French at
all). Then I had to switch to English, because my family worked in Libya and there French wasn't available. And it was
probably the best for me, because French is popular only in some countries, but English is worldwide.

So, the timeline is
something like: Russian --> English + Arab --> Korean + Chinese --> Macedonian + Tatar + Turkish... My fails (started to
learn, but learned 'nothing') are: Japanese (difficult), French (didn't keep learning) and Chuvash (didn't find time to learn
it well and got only some primary knowledge). My advice is: learn only 1 or 2 foreign languages, BUT learn them very well.
Don't waste time for many others, because the result will be so-so in every one, but not necessary good at everyone.
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Anyone here speak a foreign language? in AskSkimur
[–] Georgi 2 points 7 days ago
It's good from time to time to re-learn the languages. No practice = less knowledge.
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