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Author Topic: Protest in China(Maoming city) against a chemisrty(aromatic hydrocarbon) project  (Read 1514 times)

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Protest in Maoming city(Guangdong province) against a chemistry(芳烃, aromatic hydrocarbon) project.

  According to http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2014-03-31/015629827499.shtml there was a protest against a chemistry project. It's related to the 芳烃, which in English is "aromatic hydrocarbon"http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8A%B3%E9%A6%99%E7%83%83. According to the pictures, as you can see, it was an illegal, violent protest. I also like clean air, but I don't like this kind of criminal protests (fire, broken cars, etc.)


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Additional comments + translation in Bulgarian
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 03:18:47 PM »
Protest in Maoming city(Guangdong province) against a chemistry(芳烃, aromatic hydrocarbon) project.

  According to http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2014-03-31/015629827499.shtml there was a protest against a chemistry project. It's related to the 芳烃, which in English is "aromatic hydrocarbon"http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8A%B3%E9%A6%99%E7%83%83. According to the pictures, as you can see, it was an illegal, violent protest. I also like clean air, but I don't like this kind of criminal protests (fire, broken cars, etc.)
  1. Additional comments: I know not every protestor is a criminal and that often in these cases there are provocateurs and/or real criminals. I never participate in any protests. I'm against the natural pollution very much!
 2. Translation in Bulgarian: Според китайския голям сайт по-горе (sina.com.cn) е имало нелегален протест в град Маомин, който се намира в провинция Гуандун. Протестът е срещу химически проект, свързан с арениПовече за арените в Уикипедията - http://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8 И понеже на автентичните снимки, публикувани от граждани, се вижда насилие и агресия - огън, съборена кола, смятам че, колкото и да съм привърженик на чистата природа и конкретно на чистия въздух и здравето, то не бива да се стига до такива ексцесии и е трябвало първо да се иска разрешение за протеста, за да му се осигури по-доброто провеждане. Иначе аз, конкретно, в протести не участвам..
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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