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Author Topic: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website  (Read 85842 times)

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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #255 on: March 05, 2016, 08:05:45 AM »
The rank is calculated using a proprietary methodology that combines a site's estimated average of daily unique visitors and its estimated number of pageviews over the past 3 months.
Traffic Ranks are updated daily. A site’s ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews. Unique Visitors are determined by the number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day. Pageviews are the total number of Alexa user URL requests for a site. However, multiple requests for the same URL on the same day by the same user are counted as a single Pageview. The site with the highest combination of unique visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Fair enough.


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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #256 on: March 05, 2016, 09:02:05 AM »
I will be very honest with you on this one. I left with no intention of returning. There's nothing there I left behind. I've not really much interest in that site or I'd still be there. The flooding of the site with the undesirables from Reddit completely sank the site from what was once a promising future.

The future it now promises is just not my sort of place, so I don't worry about what it does. I'm good with that. It will be what it will be. The future that is its future is not the promise of other sites. I don't want to be there when they harvest what they have sown as those to me seem the real sour grapes.
When you put down the good things you ought to have done, and leave out the bad ones you did do — well, that’s Memoirs. ~ Will Rogers


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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #257 on: March 05, 2016, 11:34:54 PM »
Very good posts! Applauds! :)


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"Weeee! Voat is flying now. It feels like Freedom." How childish!
« Reply #258 on: June 19, 2016, 03:07:32 PM »
How childish (silly and immature) and nearly idiotic:
Weeee! Voat is flying now. It feels like Freedom.

And, yes:
If you can, please donate to help us keep Voat running and free. As a thank you, we will display a donor badge on your profile.
You can also donate Bitcoin. On checkout, please mention your Voat username if you want the donor badge.

In a nutshell: "Give us money and get nothing." ;D Very clever...


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Fat people hate, lolicon and so on
« Reply #259 on: July 10, 2016, 03:02:30 AM »
  Only the fact that they allow idiotisms like fat people hate (voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate) is enough to show all the immature, deviant and evil nature of voat.co. If fat people hate isn't enough, then the racism, pedophilia (like lolicon) and so on are there to make it quite clear.
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Atif Colo Admits That "Downvoting is being abused"
« Reply #260 on: July 12, 2016, 01:29:57 PM »

Downvoting is being abused

He (the Bosnian Muslim Atif Colo) is showing again how slow is he. At last he admits that "downvoting is being abused" on Voat.co!

I can't expect more from a person like this Bosnian Muslim, who banned this website with a lie ('spam'), who is allowing bad, evil things like racism, hatred and sorts of pedophilic subverses! He is just slow, irresponsible and not good!
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A person had 3 accounts banned in Voat.co (Censorship coming from Atko.)
« Reply #261 on: July 12, 2016, 01:37:28 PM »

Downvoting is being abused

He (the Bosnian Muslim Atif Colo) is showing again how slow is he. At last he admits that "downvoting is being abused" on Voat.co!

I can't expect more from a person like this Bosnian Muslim, who banned this website with a lie ('spam'), who is allowing bad, evil things like racism, hatred and sorts of pedophilic subverses! He is just slow, irresponsible and not good!

A person had 3 accounts banned in Voat.co! He said "I've had 3 accounts banned from posting for absolutely no reason and it's being done in a shady way. Voat is using censorship. It's coming directly from Atko too." Atko is Atif Colo (a Bosnian Muslim). That person shows that every account he uses is being banned. He explains that "This requires direct action from @Atko himself, so the owner of this site is using shady tactics to censor people. This is censorship." He also adds that "I'll post YouTube videos with screen recording software to prove everything. I'll make sure everybody knows about this." So I decided to help him or her to spread the truth and I inform about it our members, visitors, readers, friends and supporters here.

More about it: voat.co/v/whatever/comments/1160403 and voat.co/v/SJWHate/comments/1160407.


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Voat all
« Reply #262 on: September 24, 2016, 02:20:18 AM »

Voat all... down and down (declined)

I see some people are searching for voat all. Voat (voat.co) is down and down. As I saw its Alexa's rank tonight: it declined... down and down. Voat all, all voat... ;D So, just don't waste your time with that!


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voat pizzagate and pizzagate voat
« Reply #263 on: December 07, 2016, 05:49:18 AM »

pizzagate voat and voat pizzagate

It's something new -- voat pizzagate, pizzagate voat. (I'm talking about the v/pizzagate in voat.co). Something related -- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2016/11/23/fearing-yet-another-witch-hunt-reddit-bans-pizzagate/?utm_term=.0435248ce76b.
Yes, the reddit.com's r/pizzagate was banned:
This community has been banned

This subreddit was banned due to a violation of our content policy, specifically, the proliferation of personal and confidential information. We don’t want witchhunts on our site.

So, the so called pizzagate has gone to Voat.co following the decision by Reddit admins to stop/ban it over there, i.e. it has now moved from Reddit.com to Voat.co and this why we can notice some more traffic to voat.co these days, but I think in the future it will continue to drop/decrease, because you know that the administrators (owners) -- atko and puttitout permit there a lot of bad things, and they can't manage it well. Recently they're begging the voaters (their own visitors and members) again for more money! ;D


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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #264 on: May 12, 2017, 04:27:43 AM »
Because of the Reddit bans, Voat got more new users and that's the reason they're with some chance to become a leading website, but as far as they allow abnormal people there... I'm not sure.

Some deleted there (but archived)  posts of one of the abnormal ex-voaters (flussence):

"Reddits lack of code review allows an anonymous troll to get infantile insults displayed on the front page for almost a month

Nope. It looks like they're using some crowdsourced translation website for this, and then one of Reddit's own blindly imports the stuff in bulk. I can understand not even doing a cursory skim for the foreign languages, but English?

Someone put "Because its better then voat.co" (including typos) as the first random message displayed on the create-a-subreddit button, and it was shown to everyone who had their language set as Canadian English. Somehow, this stayed there for almost four weeks.


And a related comment from a voater 'dorven':

"There was one displaying the other day that said "...because you hate freedom." I thought it was just spez being an ironic assmunch, but I guess they just don't bother to do quality control. (I should have known!)"

I'm not familiar with the Reddit's codebase, but I think Reddit is a real leading website, which I can't say now for Voat (voat.co).

And another from the ex-voater "Lysergia": "So the question now is was there an influx of Canadians this past month?"

Another one from the abnormal ex-voater:

"Do you think the default subs here are going to be overrun by power users eventually?

I know quite a few people block the defaults already for various reasons. You've probably noticed that a large portion of submissions to those subverses are already made by a tiny handful of users, ones who tend to have SCP an order or two of magnitude higher than their CCP.

These types of users were the main reason for Digg's demise, and contributed heavily to Reddit's too when they started throwing their weight around toward the end. Do you think we can avoid the same fate? Or is it already too late?

Sorry if you felt targeted by the post, that's not the intent. I know you're pretty active and I don't think you're doing anything wrong.

There's a difference between people doing it for benign reasons and those who see it as a sport to maximize their imaginary internet points, but it's nearly impossible to nail down a simple mechanical definition of that difference. If it was that easy, the spam killers would have a much easier job...


Related from ex-voater "pompousjohn": "I don't think there's going to be a huge problem since there is a limit of 10 subs per user to mod. Yes default subs kind of give default mods an unfair advantage but I can't imagine we could get along without them.

As far as having higher SCP than CCP I think there's just a big vacuum for quality submissions here, even "meh" submissions that aren't just plain garbage get a lot of attention. I made a new sub last night on a spark of inspiration (v/crapperthoughts) and the intro post got more upvoats then my sub even has subscribers, which was shocking, I expected it to be completely ignored.

So, make a sub, somebody's gotta post, why not the top mod? You have to make one anyway. People respond you make more posts. You look at the scores, see what people like, make more like that, watch your sub grow, eventually if you stick to it you become a "power user" why? because you contribute stuff that does well. It's not like others can't do the same.

But you can't make 100's of subs and sit as top mod for all of them, there's a limit of 10. And no matter how powerful you are your votes don't have any more or less power than anyone else's so, it's not going to be like Digg where some votes have more weight, or like Reddit where one Mod can control a huge part of the front page.


Next from the abnormal ex-voater:

"Give username links a serif/"programming" monospace font and vary the colors according to account age, to foil impersonators

1iIl oO0 S5 mrn <== (some of) these are really hard to distinguish, especially in all-caps names.

Hopefully this makes the colors idea sound better. Instead of singling out all new users, it'd only draw attention to similar-looking names registered a long time apart.

1iIl oO0 S5 mrn"

Related from the ex-voater 'musa_acuminata': "Serif fonts use extra lines to make the difference between similar letters like I (upper case i) and l (lower case L) visible. In such a font, the former would have small horizontal lines on the top and bottom, making it immediately recognizable as an upper case 'i'. Other variations may include a tail-like figure on an O, or a diagonal line through the number 0. S might have a similar tail, or 5 might have distict hard angles.

As far as the color idea, that would most easily be implemented as new accounts appearing as, for example, red, and then fading to colors higher up the spectrum as they age. All accounts above a certain age would share a final color, such as blue."

Next from the abnormal ex-voater:

"When someone keeps reposting recently heavily downvoted spam, copy the old score to the new messages.

If they do it on their first post, or while their account's at negative CCP, autoban them without posting the comment.

This effectively caps Amalek/MH101 to a maximum of one post per signup.

That's too simple; a troll could easily post a comment like "Yes" and send it to -50. It'd have to consider banned accounts only.

Yeah, it'd have to be less of a hair-trigger than that. Combine this with something like /v/ideasforvoat/comments/423369 and I think we might have a workable system.


Next from the abnormal ex-voater:

"Do you think AskVoats sudden new direction of superficially copying everything they can from this sub is real, or only a shameless attempt to claw back mindshare?

I'll wait it out and see. I predict another shitstorm with all the other mods still there.

I'm still not entirely sure what protectvoat's real objective is, they seem to mildly hate everyone equally. But I'm going to give it and @reow both the benefit of the doubt until either royally fucks up.


Related from the ex-voater 'bmw2go11': "The latter."

The next from the abnormal guy: "Blocking a subverse doesnt prevent people from pinging you in it"

The next one from the abnormal person: "Deleting ones own highest/lowest rated posts should cause an equal and opposite reaction.

This is more of a thought experiment than anything, but maybe it could be an alternative to the no-refunds deletions currently planned.

If you delete a comment, in addition to what currently happens, the system will pick a post at the opposite end of your comment spectrum and zero its vote total too (but keeping the message itself and its vote history unchanged).

In other words, deleting your posts always takes you closer to a neutral zero, and has a cost proportional to the value of your comment history. This would hopefully put a stop to casual whitewashing of post history; it'd also make life harder for the sort of people who currently abuse the site's "right to be forgotten" to get away with downvote-worthy things.

(also, getting that DDoS check page right when I click the submit button and losing the entire post is kinda annoying)

I thought I made it clear this would not delete the other message, only the votes.

I can see why this isn't a popular idea after thinking more about it; it's too complicated, both for the regular users and taxing on the server. Probably for the best that it got largely ignored."

Related from 2 ex-voaters: 'silvester' and 'Mokum':

Silvester: "And why would it do this? To what effect?

If I want to delete something, I don't want a system arbitrarily picking something else to also delete. I've deleted a post I've made in the past, not really paying attention to if it was up or down voated, but I certainly wouldn't want it to delete something else.

I missread."

Mokum: "not sure if you're aware, but deleting now makes it so the CCP/SCP stays -regardless of neg. or pos."

The next from the abnormal one: "For a few minutes, my vote counts in the top bar were almost perfect"

The next one from the same abnormal man: "(xpost /v/bugs) Blocking a subverse doesnt prevent people from pinging you in it

Some of the trolls have been using this tactic for the past month to flood the inboxes of those they don't like, including me and a dozen other /v/ReportSpammers volunteers. They set up proxy subverses, set the downvote limits on them impossibly high to grant themselves immunity to the consequences, then commence flooding the comments.

Now I'm not saying Voat is intentionally sheltering spammers and other forms of excrement, but they're obviously getting a free ride here as long as the higher-ups refuse to acknowledge the total shitshow this site has become. Do something about it already.

Fair enough."

Another one from the abnormal ex-voater: "Give us options to hide new users (< X days old) entirely

I'd be grateful to not have to waste time clicking a hidden downvoted comment only to realise it's the same spam as usual...

I kinda agree. It's more intended as a last-resort mercy for the guys doing most of the work at /v/ReportSpammers and getting their inboxes flooded with hate constantly. Would be off by default."

And more here from the abnormal:

"“ Dont stare into the beam. ”"

"for you"

"I still think nobody will outdo what /v/Moderatoria once had"

"I can swallow a whole 13 inch pizza in one sitting and feel no shame, only regret

Checkmate catholic atheists"

"maybe I'm too sober today :(

need to get shitfaced and go on a rampage."

"But you can ping many inboxes. Spread the nutbutter around

@homersimpson @amalek456 @she"

"pfft, I wasn't calling you decent."

"It was probably /u/forurbutthurt"

"ISIS is pretty much a 100% chance"

"Because even in the distant future, speech synthesis software will still suck."

"This reads like the navy seals copypasta."

"He sure is ragingly insecure about his sexuality, ain't he?"

"The ones I went to back in the day did that. Retards were present but didn't interact with the rest; they had constant supervision and were kept in separate rooms. The conspicuous ones were, anyway."

"Wow, you mean I can cause tangible, measurable bodily harm to someone purely by typing words at them through a screen? Through the power of ASCII alone I can hold someone's head underwater, maybe even poz them up the shitter?

I can finally stab people in the face over the internet?! Fuckin' sweet. Time to give SJWs the brutal murdering they deserve.

oh wait"

"I think I'll pass."

"I agree with your definition, but unfortunately the one that often gets used and acted upon today is a synonym for crab mentality."

"But what if the human has recessive genes and the kid is completely fish?"


"It's because statistically, more people think you're an asshole than agree with you. Try some reflection instead of looking for excuses to blame others for the deficiencies in your own shallow personality."

"I wonder if I can get banned from way over here...


"You're a stuck record."

"That's an awful lot of projecting you're doing based on zero facts.

Then again, I guess you'd capitalize on the one skill you have."

"That makes you just as guilty for remaining here, no?"

"Most of your upvotes come from /v/niggers and none of them have broken three digits.

Pathetic, delusional liar."

"All I see is a whiny fascist getting his just desserts."

"If only. That'd mean they've solved the mystery of being able to launch millions of tons at escape velocity within their pocket change budget.

It'd also backfire horribly for you, because that'd mean they could afford to colonize the planet."

And a copy of a part of his post/submit history (from 2015):

"Submission history for flussence.
/u/houndsandcats mh101 account (voat.co)
submitted 17 hours ago by flussence 5 points (+5|-0) to ReportSpammers
/u/broseif mh101 account (voat.co)
submitted 1 day ago by flussence 5 points (+5|-0) to ReportSpammers
/u/eldsvard is namesquatting /v/cancer for SJW purposes, posts a bare minimum to keep it ineligible for request, ignores pleas to link to any on-topic subverse, and deletes all on-topic discussions. (self.ProtectVoat)
submitted 2 days ago by flussence -4 points (+5|-9) to ProtectVoat
/u/RagBagger has invaded /v/religionofpeace to spam, the sole mod there has been inactive one month. (voat.co)
submitted 2 days ago by flussence 5 points (+5|-0) to ReportSpammers
/v/NFLGAME, /u/kalukaka, and using *google search redirects* to post spam now (voat.co)
submitted 2 days ago by flussence 7 points (+7|-0) to ReportSpammers
/domains/todaystechnews.cf/, /v/TODAYSTECHNEWS, /u/orandsouza -- all on a single page for your convenience. (voat.co)
submitted 2 days ago by flussence 5 points (+5|-0) to ReportSpammers
7 The Certificate Authority Racket (2014, but the article is still valid today)
The Certificate Authority Racket (2014, but the article is still valid today) (tkware.info)
submitted 3 days ago by flussence 7 points (+7|-0) to AllThingsTech
/u/esita7jahan (and their alts) is still at it... (voat.co)
submitted 3 days ago by flussence 4 points (+4|-0) to ReportSpammers
History is written by the victors, and boy are you spammers some *sore* losers. (voat.co)
submitted 3 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to bestofvoat
Besides having a few domains banned, has anything actually ever come of all this work? (self.ReportSpammers)
submitted 3 days ago by flussence 5 points (+5|-0) to ReportSpammers
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/realnews! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to freenews
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/PrettyGirls! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to prettygirl
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/Jokes! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to joke
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/cooking! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to cook
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/cars! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to car
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/bestof! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to bestofvoat
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/aww! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 3 points (+3|-0) to Awww
REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/vegan! (voat.co)
submitted 4 days ago by flussence 1 points (+1|-0) to vegans
Dont break middle click on image expandos (self.ideasforvoat)
submitted 5 days ago by flussence 11 points (+12|-1) to ideasforvoat
Im getting the "please wait 30 seconds" message frequently at random today, and it wont go away until I refresh the page its on and try again. (self.bugs)
submitted 6 days ago by flussence 5 points (+5|-0) to bugs
One of /v/ReportSpammers most prolific contributors /u/dannydale has left the building after being jumped on by pedophiles for calling out /u/hecho (self.ProtectVoat)
submitted 6 days ago by flussence 14 points (+18|-4) to ProtectVoat
/u/ivancho75 is donating 1% of the proceeds from his spam to autism research for every gory BDSM pic he gets PMed (self.SoapboxBanhammer)
submitted 6 days ago by flussence 17 points (+18|-1) to SoapboxBanhammer
Publish a database dump of all MH101 accounts, so we can crowdsource a more effective way to kill their spam (self.ideasforvoat)
submitted 10 days ago by flussence 17 points (+20|-3) to ideasforvoat
I have to say (self.SoapboxBanhammer)
submitted 11 days ago by flussence 10 points (+12|-2) to SoapboxBanhammer
URL shortener: tr.im (looks like multiple spammers use it) (voat.co)
submitted 11 days ago by flussence 9 points (+9|-0) to ReportSpammers

And let's finish it with some more comments of this abnormal ex-voater:

"It's fun to note that, while it does happen (frequently from targeted attacks [why do the enemies of that site have those images ready to post?]), 8chan is an order of magnitude more proactive about removing that stuff from its site than Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, Google etc."

"Professional Redditor encounters a mirror"

"Can we get the actual Onion to do a piece satirizing Reddit now? I think it's well past ripe for one."

"Practice what you preach. Stormfront is that way -->"

"And you're just a prat."

"That's a whole lot of waffling but half of it is argued from ignorance, or flat out wrong, and the other half has no substance whatsoever."
« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 04:31:13 AM by Internet »


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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #265 on: May 13, 2017, 04:10:16 AM »
The most important is to keep as objective as possible point of view to voat.co and to the voaters (and ex-voaters). For sure many of them were/are abnormal and not good, but there were some good or just appearantly normal people.

So, let's show some of the archived posts of these more normal and better ex-voaters.

Lysergia: "Submission history for Lysergia.
Hydrographic flames applied to a helmet (i.imgur.com)
submitted 16 hours ago by Lysergia 102 points (+102|-0) to gifs
Extremely short landing in an Alaskan bush plane due to high winds (i.imgur.com)
submitted 18 hours ago by Lysergia 45 points (+45|-0) to gifs
Anyone else loving VOAT: Limited Drama Edition? (self.whatever)
submitted 18 hours ago by Lysergia 15 points (+15|-0) to whatever
3 Thank the man for his service!
Thank the man for his service! (i.imgur.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 3 points (+4|-1) to ShitAmericansSay
2 Gyroscope in action
Gyroscope in action (i.imgur.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 2 points (+2|-0) to EngineeringGifs
99 Homemade Gyroscope
Homemade Gyroscope (i.imgur.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 99 points (+99|-0) to gifs
DOJ Helping Law Enforcement Agencies Fight Back Against Asset Forfeiture Reform (techdirt.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 74 points (+74|-0) to news
During 4-Day Labor Day Weekend, 145 Shot to Death and 302 Wounded by Gunfire (allgov.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 3 points (+5|-2) to news
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Win Court Ruling over Defendants Access to Private Accounts (allgov.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 4 points (+4|-0) to news
55 Man arrested for not drunk driving
Man arrested for not drunk driving (i.imgur.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 55 points (+55|-0) to NotTheOnion
1 "It's 9/11 week. Use coupon code "muslim" at our site for $25 off any gun. Come in Fri for a free car wash and beer!"
"Its 9/11 week. Use coupon code "muslim" at our site for $25 off any gun. Come in Fri for a free car wash and beer!" (twitter.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 1 points (+2|-1) to ShitAmericansSay
235 Oil companies don't advertise like they used to
Oil companies dont advertise like they used to (i.imgur.com)
submitted 19 hours ago by Lysergia 235 points (+240|-5) to pics
K2 (i.imgur.com)
submitted 1 day ago by Lysergia 166 points (+167|-1) to pics
48 Artwork from Burning Man
Artwork from Burning Man (i.imgur.com)
submitted 1 day ago by Lysergia 48 points (+51|-3) to pics
198 An album of factory machine gifs
An album of factory machine gifs (imgur.com)
submitted 2 days ago by Lysergia 198 points (+199|-1) to gifs
68 Extreme colors on a tree
Extreme colors on a tree (i.imgur.com)
submitted 2 days ago by Lysergia 68 points (+69|-1) to pics
10 New synthetic perspective view of Pluto
New synthetic perspective view of Pluto (pluto.jhuapl.edu)
submitted 2 days ago by Lysergia 10 points (+11|-1) to pics
New Pluto Images from New Horizons: Its Complicated (pluto.jhuapl.edu)
submitted 2 days ago by Lysergia 43 points (+45|-2) to space
Declassified: CIA Helped Produce Hollywood Blockbuster That Grossed over $100 Million (theantimedia.org)
submitted 3 days ago by Lysergia 24 points (+27|-3) to news
Lynchs Justice Dept. Opens Door to Corporate Prosecutions (allgov.com)
submitted 3 days ago by Lysergia 6 points (+9|-3) to news
NFL Odds (self.NFL)
submitted 4 days ago by Lysergia 5 points (+5|-0) to NFL
FBI Errors Lead to Discovery that DNA Evidence May be Far Less Foolproof When It Includes More than One Person (allgov.com)
submitted 4 days ago by Lysergia 35 points (+35|-0) to news
Major Tech Firms Continue to Resist U.S. Government Demands for Text and Email Access (allgov.com)
submitted 4 days ago by Lysergia 26 points (+26|-0) to news
Israelis Linked to Settler Terrorism were from U.S. Families (allgov.com)
submitted 5 days ago by Lysergia 8 points (+11|-3) to news
Mislabeled U.S. Meat Found to Contain Different Animal Species, Including Horse (allgov.com)
submitted 5 days ago by Lysergia 10 points (+11|-1) to news

"Comment history for Lysergia.
Voat is under maintenance or experiencing heavy load by toats in whatever
[–]Lysergia 1 points (+1|-0) 16 hours ago
CCP warning at 1200 CCPPNG

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Voat is under maintenance or experiencing heavy load by toats in whatever
[–]Lysergia 2 points (+2|-0) 16 hours ago
Can't upvote anything


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Anyone else loving VOAT: Limited Drama Edition? by Lysergia in whatever
[–]Lysergia  2 points (+2|-0) 17 hours ago
Yeah I utilize this as well. It could be partly why I'm not noticing as much but I think it was mostly the kids going back to school. They're getting their fill of drama in class now.

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Thank the man for his service! by Lysergia in ShitAmericansSay
[–]Lysergia  2 points (+2|-0) 18 hours ago
Yeah well you gotta push that mindset to keep the war machine going.

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Anyone else loving VOAT: Limited Drama Edition? by Lysergia in whatever
[–]Lysergia  2 points (+2|-0) 18 hours ago
Yeah that was handled quickly and was off my radar by the end of the day. And that's honestly nothing compared to the civil war that was going on before that.

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Oil companies dont advertise like they used to by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  4 points (+5|-1) 19 hours ago
That would totally make sense. You can't even find advertisements like this today but I bet they steer clear of any environmental reference unless they're talking about how much they care about it.

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DOJ Helping Law Enforcement Agencies Fight Back Against Asset Forfeiture Reform by Lysergia in news
[–]Lysergia  4 points (+4|-0) 19 hours ago
If it was used properly it wouldn't be that surprising. I can't believe the law was drafted in a way that allowed them to take money from people that have nothing else on them that indicates they are a drug trafficker.

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Artwork from Burning Man by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago
No problem. I believe those drugs influence this art tremendously and I think everyone should experience some type of trip at least once. It's not really about doing it a lot or regularly; just experiencing it once can really be a life changer.

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Man arrested for not drunk driving by Lysergia in NotTheOnion
[–]Lysergia  12 points (+12|-0) 19 hours ago
Why couldn't the cops just drive him home?

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Oil companies dont advertise like they used to by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  11 points (+11|-0) 19 hours ago
This giant glacier has remained unmelted for centuries. Yet, the petroleum energy Humble supplies — if converted into heat — could melt it at the rate of 80 tons each second! To meet the nation's growing needs for energy, Humble has supplied science to nature's resources to become America's Leading Energy Company. Working wonders with oil through research, Humble provides energy in many forms — to help heat our homes, power our transportation, and to furnish industry with a great variety of versatile chemicals. Stop at a Humble station for new Enco Extra gasoline, and see why the "Happy Motoring" Sign is the World's First Choice!
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Oil companies dont advertise like they used to by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  22 points (+22|-0) 19 hours ago

Edit: It's in Life Magazine

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How Subarus Flat 4 Boxer Engine Works by subiesNstogies in EngineeringGifs
[–]Lysergia 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago
Does the WRX STI have this engine?

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Increased Media Coverage of Gun Attacks Leads to Record-Breaking Summer Gun Sales by axolotl__peyotl in news
[–]Lysergia 0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago
Glad to see you posting on Voat. I was just going to post this because of how concerning it is. Soon TPTB will not need any help persuading the average US citizen into supporting gun control legislation.

Edit: looks like you never stopped posting.

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Artwork from Burning Man by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago
Yeah it's actually some really good artwork. You should try taking LSD sometime and see what inspires these artists.

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Artwork from Burning Man by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 19 hours ago
I bet the FBI agents were walking around burning man butt naked "collecting evidence". Anyone with their clothes on there is too suspicious.

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Artwork from Burning Man by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  1 points (+1|-0) 1 day ago
I don't get it.

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K2 by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  6 points (+6|-0) 1 day ago
Route taken in 1954 during the first ascent JPG

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New synthetic perspective view of Pluto by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 1 day ago
Doesn't say what it is. It's based on the photos that were sent back though so it's mainly real.

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Declassified: CIA Helped Produce Hollywood Blockbuster That Grossed over $100 Million by Lysergia in news
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 2 days ago
They use titles that get them hits.

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New synthetic perspective view of Pluto by Lysergia in pics
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 2 days ago
More information

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New Pluto Images from New Horizons: Its Complicated by Lysergia in space
[–]Lysergia  7 points (+7|-0) 2 days ago



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Declassified: CIA Helped Produce Hollywood Blockbuster That Grossed over $100 Million by Lysergia in news
[–]Lysergia  0 points (+0|-0) 3 days ago
It was Zero Dark Thirty in case you were wondering.
Afraid to go to some websites?

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Jewish American troll arrested by FBI was a /r/TopMindsOfReddit/ poster by 721r in MeanwhileOnReddit
[–]Lysergia 2 points (+2|-0) 3 days ago
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if FBI walked the kid right into this by buying into his trolling. I bet I could get any one of the MH101 guys to do the same thing.

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Jewish American troll arrested by FBI was a /r/TopMindsOfReddit/ poster by 721r in MeanwhileOnReddit
[–]Lysergia 2 points (+2|-0) 3 days ago
I found a funny bit in the article

In conversations with Fairfax Media, which were also cited in the affidavit, Mr Goldberg had said he did not expect any jihadist to actually carry out an attack because: "These guys are pussy keyboard warriors".
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Running for President of Voat by Techius in whatever
[–]Lysergia 1 points (+1|-0) 4 days ago
I'd vote for you

permalink  context  full comments (100)"

Colorado Board of Health Refuses to Allow Marijuana for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Tells Veterans to Stick to Opioids(allgov.com)

"MDMA and marijuana should both be schedule 3 so medical research can take place. Marijuana has many medicinal benefits and MDMA assisted psychotherapy is supposed to be very good for PTSD."

First Flyby gif of Pluto(i.imgur.com)

"This is a rendering based on the data that was released so far.

Here's a real picture from behind. JPG

I believe many more pictures will be released over the next year and we will eventually have a better idea of what the flyby was like.

Are you serious?

edit: don't downvote @zambeezy it was a joke.

No problem. Space is awesome. Watch the ISS fly overhead sometime."

Oil companies dont advertise like they used to

An album of factory machine gifs


Central Banks Nervous as Alternative Currency with David Bowies Face Goes Viral(theantimedia.org)

Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses the importance of scientific literacy (youtube.com)

My 2003 325xi(veuwer.com)

1 year ago the founders and CEOs of different bitcoin companies guessed what the price would be today. Why didnt anyone get it right?(foundersgrid.com)

"Pretty much. I thought those guesses were pretty funny."

"Im about to strangle you out of your own consciousness"(youtube.com)


More comments:

"Advantages of full legalization:

(1) Reduce violent crime
(2) Improve seller accountability and drug safety
(3) Reduce drug availability to children
(4) Reduce nonviolent prisoner population
(5) Real crime can be dealt with
(6) Encourage genuine treatment for addicts
(7) Prevent drug overdoses
(8) Protect individual rights"

""A person downvoted" would be more accurate. Not many people seem to disagree with his comment."

"This guy probably voats PNG

More ReactionsPNG"

"This guy is a dick. He should have given his first name and just had a civil conversation. If he wasn't out there purely to attract cops and start shit then there would be no reason not to act normally. Personally if a guy like that was walking down my quiet street with a rifle I would want the cops to come."

"Fucking stones man. Can't god come down and replace the rocks with little beanie babies or something."

"I don't think anyone can really interpret this situation without seeing what this guy looked like from the officer's point of view. Was his hand resting in a weird position inside a baggy hoody pocket or did he have his fingers casually inserted into a pocket in his jeans? Either way he should have just taken his hand out. I guarantee you 95% of the people arguing for this guy would take their hand out of their pocket if they were in the same situation."



I want to know more about the dark region."


Much better article. Someone should post this one instead."

"All of the mods besides privatejoker have been inactive for 30+ days (most of them are closer to 200) and Atko said in an earlier discussion that they could be removed (besides privatejoker since he is active). He said to request a sub takeover in v/subverserequest.

I think the inactive mods..."

"The fact that he takes Buprenorphine doesn't really tell us much about his mental health. There's thousands of people that take medication for opiate dependency and live normal lives. You've likely talked to people that take it and didn't even know. Are you trying to say he was mentally ill because he took that medication or do you just think he decided to be a patsy to get out of a schedule 3 possession charge?"

"I inhale PG/VG every day and have been for the last 2 years. If I get cancer or stop being able to do physical activity every day I will let you all know."

"Oh man. I wouldn't advise playing slots but you gotta do max credits. You could have hit a jackpot and totally missed the payout because you use only 1 credit."
Thought Police(i.imgur.com)

Does this mean to say: "The next time somebody hacks a server and gets private nude pictures and many people post on reddit, ...""

Let the votes decide(pbs.twimg.com)

This could be the last picture of Pluto that we see before New Horizons passes by at 7,800 miles

Pluto and Charon from 43 million km. New Horizons makes its closest approach on July 14, 2015

Blue Ringed Octopus

THE MILK RAP - TheBatesBuster (Official Music Video)

Molly Crabapple: Locking up immigrants for profit (2015) - [4:56]

Next time -- more from these much better people. For example one of the best was 'She'.
I will not write about SEO, but about love, food, UFO, sport, psychology, paranormal and everything else I like.


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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #266 on: May 17, 2017, 03:58:43 PM »
  She... The person nicknamed 'She' was one of the greatest content contributors and a very intelligent human being, but she isn't a part of voat.co anymore and she is also an ex-voater as many other normal people, who can't stand in such an aggressive, disturbing, full of idiotisms and evil website.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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« Reply #267 on: May 23, 2017, 03:50:18 AM »
Something that I didn't know about voat.co. There is a /v watchpeopledie (v/watchpeopledie). :o :o

There is a /r in reddit.com, which is the same (i.e. r/watchpeopledie). ::) ::)

I'm not willing to watch 'watchpeopledie', but seems there are many guys, who want to.

Voat.co seems more popular now, but I think it just seems like this.


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Some of Reddit's incel community moved to Voat. No wonder.
« Reply #268 on: December 02, 2017, 04:18:17 PM »
I don't care so much anymore about voat, but I learned these days from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voat that in November 2017 some of Reddit's incel community moved to Voat (after that community was banned on Reddit).

According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//r/incels#Incels
A subreddit founded for "involuntary celibates", /r/incels' members often blamed their lack of romantic success on women. This lead to many members advocating sexual assault or violence against women, which the subreddit's misogynistic users referred to as "femoids" and "sluts"; notable posts included "reasons why women are the embodiment of evil". Women who attempted to discuss their issues, or people supporting them, were banned. The subreddit's users also targeted "normies" and "Chads" who were perceived to be protecting them, while admiring murderers such as Elliot Rodger, perpetrator of the 2014 Isla Vista shootings, who identified as an "incel".

In summer 2017, a petition on change.org called for /r/incels, to be banned for inciting violence against women. Following the October implementation of a new Reddit policy that prohibited the incitement of violence, the subreddit was banned on November 7, 2017. At the time of its banning, /r/incels had around 41,000 subscribers.

, so no wonder that an abnormal website as voat.co will accept something like this.


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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #269 on: January 17, 2018, 12:04:55 AM »
 Think Reddit is a cesspool? Check out Voat, its creepy little brother: https://mic.com/articles/120528/how-voat-became-reddit-s-creepy-alternative#.TYS69iQDm
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)

Tags: voat.co website 

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