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Author Topic: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website  (Read 85609 times)

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 27
« Reply #60 on: September 07, 2015, 11:22:17 PM »

Comment history for Georgi.

2 hatred sentences = high CCP. Any better idea for determination the value of the voaters? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 26 days ago

There everyone who needs high CCP may go, spread hatred and get his/her points (I saw one fresh example these days again). And I think it makes the CCP just nothing. It can't measure the real CONTRIBUTION to Voat.co.

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2 hatred sentences = high CCP. Any better idea for determination the value of the voaters? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 26 days ago

I just need an idea what is good to replace those CCPs.

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High CCP (Comment Contribution Points) due to hate speech and dirty words? Yes, it's possible and it shows CCP means nothing here. Any better idea? by Georgi in ideasforvoat

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 26 days ago

I know and it is my main point. :) I hope my example with these 2 terrible, but 'profitable' sentences is enough to make every owner of a website thinking how to avoid the regress and the abnormality being leading force (or in simpler words: how to avoid the psychos and/or haters, etc. to have powers there).

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High CCP (Comment Contribution Points) due to hate speech and dirty words? Yes, it's possible and it shows CCP means nothing here. Any better idea? by Georgi in ideasforvoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

I hope (really) someone to read it and then to give some good idea, which Atko and the other co-owner (I forget his nickname, sorry for that), will see and, probably, imply. (At the same time, I hope my example with these 2 terrible, but 'profitable' sentences is enough to make every owner of a website thinking how to avoid the regress and the abnormality being leading force.) Yes, your suggestion is good and right.

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You share 98.7 percent of your DNA with this sex-obsessed ape by Georgi in science

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

It's also somehow true. :)

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 26 days ago

I can explain. I mean every hater may go there and post something like these... then he/she is getting high CCP, only because he/she posted 1-2 rude sentences. CCP stands for CONTRIBUTION... Is there something contributive in the hate and aggression for Voat.co? I think -- no.

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High CCP (Comment Contribution Points) due to hate speech and dirty words? Yes, it's possible and it shows CCP means nothing here. Any better idea? by Georgi in ideasforvoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 26 days ago

@SurvivorType, with all due respect, you post an OFFTOPIC, but I will answer you (because if I'm not wrong, you were someone, who posts wisely and contrubutive):

    It's nothing to do with reporting the user.

        It's not a new 'disagreement' -- it's the old case, I only mention it as a perfect example.

        So far (1 month+ I had only 2 internet fights. I am very friendly, constructive and positive middle aged man and scientist, I don't need internet fights).

        My modus operandi is never to start 1st to insult and curse people and if some do it to me, then I'm trying to explain he is wrong, after this, of course, I will not leave him/her to speak rude to me and I will defend myself, my dignity and my image.

Now, please, say something ONTOPIC -- the topic is about the ANY BETTER IDEA THAN CCP (Comment Contribution Points)

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Irreligion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia by Georgi in religion

[–]Georgi 2 points (+2|-0) 26 days ago

Name? No problem: Lonecroweism. :) (I'm an atheist, too, by the way.)

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Sexy Asian Car Model From Behind by [deleted]in teens

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 26 days ago

It was ontopic -- teen car-model girl. Not spam. :)

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The human nails and the apes' nails by Georgi in science

[–]Georgi 3 points (+3|-0) 26 days ago

Thank you for the answer!

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You share 98.7 percent of your DNA with this sex-obsessed ape by Georgi in science

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 27 days ago

Yes, true. :)

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The 1-st Serial Meme ('Winter Is Coming' ) by Georgi in funny

[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 27 days ago


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The 1-st Serial Meme ('Winter Is Coming' ) by Georgi in funny

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 27 days ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Watson -- one of the best.

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Bed spread by sadistico in teens

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 27 days ago

Sadistico, this is a really pretty woman! I will like her even non-nude! Perfect face and body! Thanks for sharing. :)

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What is the first video game you ever beat? by AsianMidget in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 27 days ago

Mario and Tetris.

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 27 days ago

Good to know you agree with me. :) Peace?

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 27 days ago

Whore is the slut in your house, called your mother. Son of a whore. That's you. Deep end in your ass something? You wish, gayboy.

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 27 days ago

You're a little crying cursed stupid crazy shitboy. And you're repeating one and the same, which is a symptom of your insanity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseveration (did you read it, crazy?) Go to report me again, SJW! No one cares! ROFL. (The cancer is killing you... slowly.)

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 27 days ago

Oh, the fee fees of the baby are hurt and he is scared. He is going to cry to the admins! But when he is cursing, downvoting and speaking how happy is he that my mother is dead, it's okay for him?! GET CANCER AND DIE, YOU USELESS SHIT!

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 27 days ago

Check your PM, idiot. Let's talk there. Here no one is interested in your perseveration. LEARN ABOUT YOUR CRAZYNESS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseveration Fucking little idiot.

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 27 days ago

The whore is your mother, you know it and the bitch is your father. You're a homosexual prostitute and the cancer will destroy your idiotic body in the most painful way. The worms are waiting to eat your body under the ground, ill cursed idiot. :) Haha. Isn't it funny? I know you're a psycho and you like the bad things, you little masochistic shit. :)

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 27 days ago

I told you, if you don't believe me, let's have a video-conference and I will prove to you all what you need. But you don't dare. You're a small coward (probably a stoner and teenager with mental problems) and all you can do is to insult people online. But you got the wrong person and I will continue to bring the discomfort to your miserable life -- the whore is your mother, you know it and the bitch is your father. You're a homosexual prostitute and the cancer will destroy your idiotic body in the most painful way. The worms are waiting to eat your body under the ground, ill cursed boy.

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I sent to a Canadian a very powerful curse. Do you think it was the rightest decision? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 27 days ago

You're the fucking loser, who demonstrates here his drug-thinking (and then he asks where I got the stoner thing... The idiot himself is not capable to see his behavior objectively...). I have university degree, intellectual jobs, property and wife. You're a little undeveloped shit. I don't care who and why downvote you, dear karma-whore. Go to hell!

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One of the most responsive admins (owners) I ever met -- https://voat.co/user/Atko by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 27 days ago

Imagination is coming when there is not enough information. This I learned from a psychology professor Mechkov many years ago.

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I have an IQ of 135 AMA. by MrWonderful in ama

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 28 days ago

What's the easiest and legal way to make money, if you're poor?

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 28
« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2015, 03:34:45 AM »

Comment history for Georgi.

Programmers of Voat: What personal projects are you coding on right now? by Futt in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 24 days ago

A typing website.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 24 days ago

Well ,I live in socialist China and my morals are very suitable --no hate, no dirty words, no guns, no drugs... I am just a good man in a good country.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 24 days ago

Why? What do you have against me?

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -5 points (+0|-5) 24 days ago

Lies,lies... Do not believe this delusional psychopath! Ask him to prove where I said you are all guilty? The idiot even can not interpret a simple sentence. No wonder his parents die after realizing the fact their kid is such an idiot, and now they burn in hell, painfully... fucking loser and dipshit. Get cancer, fattie!

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -3 points (+0|-3) 24 days ago

The one with mental illness is @Harry_Areola -- the one who even can not bear the fact that his dead parents did not gave him any education and for that reason, they burn in hell now.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -3 points (+0|-3) 24 days ago

No, I do not cry like your mother. Cheeseball is your dad and the mental case is you -- full of hate, rude, psychopathic... go to hell, boy!

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -3 points (+0|-3) 24 days ago

There are no fucking guys here. Be polite. Yes, I am a webmaster and I can moderate a lot of things. I am a socialist, but the rude people ARE shit.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 24 days ago

Normal communication, without rude and hateful words.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -3 points (+0|-3) 24 days ago

That is right, it is also a science. Philosophical anthropology. What is your problem? Came here to curse me again? Be careful!

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 25 days ago

The aggression isn't free speech. Free speech isn't anarchy.

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 25 days ago

I am a scientist, never post crap.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -3 points (+0|-3) 25 days ago

Lovely.But I am one of those people,who wrote literature about these psychological things.

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AskVoat is no longer a default sub by Atko in announcements

[–]Georgi 2 points (+3|-1) 26 days ago

Very good action, @Atko!!! EVERY MOD should remember that he/she is not the OWNER here and he/she MUST obey the rules + must RESPECT the people!!!

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

Yes, this theory sounds good.

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

Just must post something from time to time as 'discuss', can't only submit links, because some guys will think I'm a spammer. Trying to make my participation here optimal and according to the rules. ALSO -- I'm in China. No Google here.

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Is anyone else's front page being completely flooded by /v/AskVoat? by dudebro48 in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 26 days ago

Read this: https://voat.co/v/announcements/comments/404524 and next time think twice, before you blame somebody!!!

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Is anyone else's front page being completely flooded by /v/AskVoat? by dudebro48 in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 26 days ago

You attacked me and you insulted me. I answered to your attacks and made you feel like the loser you really are... No you will blame me for everything, including for the WW2. Such a loser, with 0 dignity.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 26 days ago

Free speech = insults? I don't think it's so limitless. I think in the future it will get clear, that free speech is not something unlimited. People who hurt, destroy, violate, etc., are not a part of the freedom.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 26 days ago

Oh, I wanted to contribute with something good to the site...

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Masturbation causes pregnant hands in afterlife: Turkish preacher by Georgi in religion

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

Yes, it's just a kind of more funny, imo. :)

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2 hatred sentences = high CCP. Any better idea for determination the value of the voaters? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

So, you're a fan of the moral relativism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_relativism And, in this case, I should ask: what's legal? There are different laws in different countries and states? :) I even don't know who hosts Voat.co currently and which laws are relevant here. :D

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 26 days ago

It's a question that leads to ad hominem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem If I choose another example like https://voat.co/v/niggers then most probably you will ask me 'Are you black?' :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D. We're not talking about me here. (Anyway, I have no secrets and I said many times that I'm a scientist + MMA and kung-fu adept, in relatively good shape). We're talking about (let me quote it for you)

    Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever

[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 26 days ago

Thanks for sharing with us this useful information, Karl!

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2 hatred sentences = high CCP. Any better idea for determination the value of the voaters? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

It's not about what I what to see or what I think. I need an objective idea -- what can be a better determination for the users CONTRIBUTION. No normal person can agree that a hateful curse costs more than a useful science fact or a good life advice. (I also think it's nothing, but the admins use it as a measure, for example, who can apply for a subverse, see here: https://voat.co/v/subverserequest/comments/365066)... In this case some active hater maybe more 'worthy' than a good and really contributive person.

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2 hatred sentences = high CCP. Any better idea for determination the value of the voaters? by Georgi in AskVoat

[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 26 days ago

But how is it contributive and objective to went there, to type some hatred and to get your CCP? A hater there for days may collect more CCP than some scientist in v/science for years, for example. It's sad, it's terrible, it's anti-human, imo.

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 29
« Reply #62 on: September 09, 2015, 12:23:13 AM »
Comment history for Georgi.
2 hatred sentences = high CCP. Any better idea for determination the value of the voaters? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 24 days ago
Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes thst only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!...

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High CCP (Comment Contribution Points) due to hate speech and dirty words? Yes, it's possible and it shows CCP means nothing here. Any better idea? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 24 days ago
Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes thst only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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Who was the last person, who made you angry? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 24 days ago
The man is crying... Let me explain it: Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes thst only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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What is your current participation in Reddit? by Georgi in MeanwhileOnReddit
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 24 days ago
Ha ha, baby cry... Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes that only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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Chemicals at Blast Warehouse Not Yet Identified by Georgi in news
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 24 days ago
Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes that only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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NSFW, probably. His mom, probably, is not happy to see him with this costume. by Georgi in funny
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 24 days ago
Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes that only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 24 days ago
Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes thst only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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High CCP (Comment Contribution Points) due to hate speech and dirty words? Yes, it's possible and it shows CCP means nothing here. Any better idea? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 24 days ago
Just one of my responses to the insults of @Harry_Areola. He hopes that only he may curse and insult,without consequences. LOL! Impudent loser! But THANKS for following and participating in all my threads, my dear bitch. Owned!

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NSFW, probably. His mom, probably, is not happy to see him with this costume. by Georgi in funny
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 24 days ago
Yes, one of the responses to your insults and curses. Thanks for following and visiting everything I post. I got you.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 24 days ago
Idiotic conclusions from a man, who admit he is not even familiar with the Skype... Pity, I have more than 10 websites, hosted in different places + I am an online developer and I use some other online strategies to earn money, during I chat with you. And you, the impotent online troll, can only post hate in a social net... Not my level.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 24 days ago
But it is funny how stupid you are.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -6 points (+0|-6) 24 days ago
Please, he started first to insult me. If no one attack me, I am a very polite and educated man.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 24 days ago
Right is that you are the mentally ill hater and idiot. Normal people do not waste their time to spread hate online as you. Obvious psycho.

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2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 24 days ago
ROFL. Dear pity brain, I am much more than a wish to be good hater as you are. Every fucking idiot (like one I know well here) can join the fatpeoplehate, post how she or he hates fat and get points. At the same time I make money online and I don't care about your points.

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 24 days ago
The opposite -- You are a mentally ill liar. And most of your activity is hatred activity -- 100 % psycho. I hope you have got a good for you cancer.

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 24 days ago
Chump is your daddy.

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 24 days ago
Dummy is Harry_Areola, because he never knew that my major is a part of the science. No wonder, he is often wrong.

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Who was the last person, who made you angry? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 24 days ago
Thanks for the understanding.I am learning.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 30
« Reply #63 on: September 09, 2015, 01:33:35 AM »
Comment history for Georgi.
2 hate aggressive comments = 198 CCP (Comment Contribution Points). Yes, it's possible. Any ideas for better measure of the voaters' value? by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 24 days ago
Because he started to insult me first, because here is no ban for rude words, and because he is a jerk himself. I can show you many of his similar insults, curses, etc. If you want, give me Skype to chat and I may sent you a lot, and we can debate it.

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- - -

Comment history for Georgi.
1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+2|-4) 23 days ago
But it's against the core value of the free speech in Volt. :(

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+2|-4) 23 days ago
Despotic verse, against the freedom of speech.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -4 points (+2|-6) 23 days ago
Oh, I didn't. But it is not about me.Only about the Voat's core value.

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What if one of the biggest subverses in Volt (Fatpeoplehate) forbid the Free speech? Ban for the mod? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+3|-2) 23 days ago
Oh, it is not about me. It is about the free speech and the core values of Voat.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+2|-4) 23 days ago
Childish... off topic.

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What if one of the biggest subverses in Volt (Fatpeoplehate) forbid the Free speech? Ban for the mod? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 23 days ago
Thanks for the polite answer. I do respect polite people, so I will give you an upvote, no matter we disagree.

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What if one of the biggest subverses in Volt (Fatpeoplehate) forbid the Free speech? Ban for the mod? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 23 days ago
I don't feel involved in this so much, I only think about the free speech. I am a scientist, not dumb at all. As a webmaster from 1998, I am coming from many websites. Sorry for your downvotes.

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What if one of the biggest subverses in Volt (Fatpeoplehate) forbid the Free speech? Ban for the mod? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 23 days ago
Don't use rude words, please. I am a kungfu and MMA fighter. Muscle man, in good shape.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
Thanks for the answer.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -5 points (+2|-7) 23 days ago
I don't know. I am a MMA and kungfu adept, in very good shape.

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We were unable to suggest a title. by Georgi in funny
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 23 days ago

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
I know, but it's okay, because you are already mine -- the best follower, visitor of our site, free ads agent. Silly, but useful. Useful idiot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
Hey, it is not my fault that you are raped by some fat guy. I'm middle aged scientist from Europe living in China, btw. OWNED.:)

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We were unable to suggest a title. by Georgi in funny
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 23 days ago
That's a very long and interesting title.:)

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
You like your mouth wet with something. I know it...

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
I know you like some loads...

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
Who is crying and who is my Free follower? :D

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
Yes, another response to @Harry_Areola -- He is the one who said he will not stop insulting me, because I am a perfect target. But now he became the targeted and OWNED. That's the justice. But the best justice will be when he join his parents in their hell.

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
Well, I will get harder, I know you like it. You are so mentally ill, that you're following me now (I got you; OWNED) and you are obsessed -- you are going to consume more and more of your time and resources for me. You are not just a perfect example how a stupid hater can get high ccp, you are a perfect example of a dependable psycho, who is already mine. I order you, come and answer me here NOW. Oh, you already started? Good puppy!

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 23 days ago
Haha, I can guess. No Google here, but according to other search engines...

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
Oh, the retarded brain can remember a sentence from a nursery song. Impressive. Yes, I got a ban, because of you. Be proud of this 'achievement ',because in the real life you can't achieve anything - no wife, no parents (good for them they die and escaped from your smelly existence). Bad news for you I am not able to answer you in the fatpeoplehate, but I answer you often here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg24532/#msg24532 If you dare, come and debate with me there, where no one will ban me! And btw, fatpeoplehate ISN'T the largest group of people here. WRONG as usual. See the biggest groups, dear idiot... but for an idiot, who even can't use Skype, it will be an impossible task to check how many subverses have got more people that fph.

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
You are just a perfect example how a simple hater can get high CCP only by spreading hate in fatpeoplehate. And now you are already my follower and my funny little bitch. I got you and ... you, know... OWNED. Come to answer me here again, LOLO bitch.

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How about UPVOAT-only? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
That's right. It is another of my responses to the hater, who is unable to do anything else, except hating and insluting.

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Why do bald men have hair all over their bodies, but not on their heads? by Georgi in science
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 24 days ago
Like the ones that you are getting my anwers and you are freaking out already -- reposting my PMs, follow all my posts, visiting one of our websites, participating in my threads, reading my PMs... I got you... OWNED. Worthless cryidiot.

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High CCP (Comment Contribution Points) due to hate speech and dirty words? Yes, it's possible and it shows CCP means nothing here. Any better idea? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 24 days ago
Look how obsessed of me you are.You follow me and answer me, like you are already my best lil' bitch. I own you, pity troll. And most of your activity here is hateful. Hater, but my hater. Owned.

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 31
« Reply #64 on: September 09, 2015, 02:49:40 AM »
Comment history for Georgi.
1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 22 days ago
So you are afraid to answer me on PM and youn copy and paste it here?... So obsessed of me, but you started to curse and insult me first, you said you are going to continue the insults, because you like to hurt my feelings, you are the hater, who only post in fatpeoplehate... It is not my problem.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 22 days ago
And when you copy-paste my answers you feel so good, dear obsessed of me, hater?

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+1|-5) 22 days ago
But he already made me a ban from fph, for only a reason that I am not a hater. I think he is kind of influential here and I worry somehow, but anyway I like yournanswer and I upvoted it.

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Today's Germans being shamed by media about WWII, and effectively embarrassed into accepting unlimited illegal immigrants and building them permanent New Free Houses in Germany. by explorevoat in news
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 22 days ago
Yes, people shouldn't be held responsible for things they did not do.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 22 days ago
Learn how to install a Skype, not only to search excuses that your old generation do not use it, and then in a videoconference, you can see me and Ivancho and also another our member, she is very sexy and cute. It will be fun to see you and you to see us. Your Skype ID, please?

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 22 days ago
Hey, you even said you have guns, don't compare at all this. And when it comes to the phobia, you insisted that only dislike fat is not enough and, because I can't hate fat people I got ban from v/fatpeoplehate. You are the hater and you are the abnormal man, don't mess with a decent person as me. Of course I will continue to answer your insults and attacks, I can't give up and to be a pussy.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 1 points (+2|-1) 22 days ago
Read the rules here https://www.voat.co/help/faq : it's not spam, if you submit 10 links to various subverses on Voat, at most 2 of the 10 submitted links may be to the sites you are associated with. So what is your problem? @atko, I follow the rules and I am not a bad person. I already reported before @Harry_Areola, now he is pm me how he is proud of he make my ban in fph and how now he wants to convince you to ban me from all the reddit. Screenshots about his trolling and his terribleness: http://oi59.tinypic.com/o0nnrr.jpgJPG and http://i58.tinypic.com/vze9fb.jpgJPG

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 22 days ago
Hey, Ivanhoe means that @Tipman79 said it is so funny my dear mother die. And about you, I already have many screenshots how on purpose troll me and insult me, for example here you said I'm your bitch and you will not stop insults, because you like to play with my feelings: http://i58.tinypic.com/vze9fb.jpgJPG

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 22 days ago
Oh, you began with the insults and with the joy how glad are you about my mother's death and when I response you in your way, dear teen, you became scared. And who sent so many times the flood about the whore? YOU! Except you and a few more bad people, I don't complain at all. DON'T LIE about Reddit, here is the link and everyone may see I only criticize the terrible mod of fatpeoplehate @the_penis_wizard : https://www.reddit.com/r/Voat/comments/3fdtrl/the_terrible_and_unacceptable_insults_from_a/

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 22 days ago
It is not spamming, because according to the spam definition here, everyone can post up to 2 links to own sites, when post 8 others and when takes participation in discusses and so on. I participate in different topics, not only in the fatphobic one like you, dear hater.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 22 days ago
P.S. I may provide more and better screenshots, if someone wish.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
It is objective about the nature of the subverted. Well, it is a good example, a point. Maybe not 100% objective, because I am just a man, not a machine or an angel.

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What if one of the biggest subverses in Volt (Fatpeoplehate) forbid the Free speech? Ban for the mod? by Georgi in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 23 days ago
As soon as you wish, maybe after a week at least, when I finish my travel around the world. What kind of proofs may I provide you?

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi 1 points (+1|-0) 23 days ago
Okay, I do completely understand you. :)

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
Troll who and for what? My participation here is friendly and based on win-win activity. Check better how many scientific, Chinese, funny and health threads I posted and judge by yourself. I swear in my health I do not troll anybody here.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
It is only about the free speech. please, check my history, I never ever posted against you.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
Cherry picking!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking_(fallacy)

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi 2 points (+2|-0) 23 days ago

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
I only care about the free speech, if you think it is not the right place, I will delete it.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
No, but I do support every free speech idea!

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -4 points (+1|-5) 23 days ago
MMA fighter and kungfu adept, not hammy.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
No, it's objective. I swear. Let me get cancer and die in horribly painful end, if I made it for me. Don't get me wrong.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -3 points (+3|-6) 23 days ago
I know, but I care about the free speech.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi 0 points (+4|-4) 23 days ago
Yes, check my history and see how different and useful topics I submit and discuss. You are the troll. I am a responsible European scientist and sportsman. And I can prove it.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -4 points (+2|-6) 23 days ago
An MMA fighter and kungfu adept; muscular shape.

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 32
« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2015, 04:20:24 PM »
Comment history for Georgi.
Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
Aren't you one of the other fatpeoplehaters? You are not objective and I didn't read your long message, because I know it's full of idiotism.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+0|-4) 23 days ago
I only want peaceful and win-win participation here.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
No, I asked him to meet for a duel and he would like to use guns. I meant a MMA sparring only. I am a serious scientists and not troll, nut he said he is trolling me, insulting me, posting me nasty things and trying to ruin my participation here. I kept and keep all the rules. You are wrong about me, if you have some Skype, let's chat and I may explain you more.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
What do you mean? Show me the log?

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
No veiled threads, you misunderstood me. Also I live in China. And I will not allow you guys to insult me, I have my right to protect myself and my colleagues and my family.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 23 days ago
Many psychopaths over there and you are right.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
It is not about harassing, it is about they do not allow any dissent.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
They limit the free speech there. One of the main rules is no dissent.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 23 days ago
But I am not little and I am not a spammer, because I follow the rule eighty to twenty, you can see it in the FAQs. I think the mentally ill is you, because you only post hate and you said I am your bitch and you will not stop the insults, plus you will convince @atko to ban me and you like to play with my feelings and you lie about me and you are sending me disgusting offensive private massages.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi 0 points (+0|-0) 23 days ago
I see your point, but there they limit the free opinions at all, you have no right to be even a little different.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
I was a useful participant there, and I opened many different threads, posted different things, and then the psychopath started to insult me (then he said how proud is he that trolled me there) and I reported him to the mode, but the main mod banned me with the explanation that my dead mother jerks pigs! If you are sick of me, think how sick are they!

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -3 points (+0|-3) 23 days ago
Liar and idiot. I am not stealing anything from here, when you state something so unbelievable, better have some proof. I am not spamming, because I keep the antispam rule of 80:20, which you may see in FAQ of Voat. @atko, this man is a liar and I swear in the bones of my dead mother and in my health that I do not steal anything from here, sometimes I only repost my deleted posts here, I.e. only my own content, and it may be seen in my activity there: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/profile/?u=10;sa=showPosts

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
I am one of a website, which is omnilogic and I post there and here, and in many other places, as a honest and decent scientist. And that @Harry_Areola is a liar and a hater, who is trying to destroy all that I have here.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
You sent me insults for my dead mother, and I reported you to @atko. Also, I opened some threads to show your abnormality. You are not naughty, you are a disgusting coward!

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -1 points (+3|-4) 23 days ago
https://www.voat.co/user/Harry_Areola/submissions -- this is fresh link that shows how obsessed of me is this psycho. Also, I would like to add that I am an European scientist in China, almost 40. I do not spam and I follow the 80 to 20 rule about the submissions. They banned me there with the explanation that I do not hate fat people and my dead mother jerks pigs. I wish them all the bad luck possible for this and a cancer.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+2|-5) 23 days ago
I am not a troll, I never ever attack someone, if he/she do not attack me. See my post and submit history and you will know I am a polite and responsible European scientist, who is living in China.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -5 points (+1|-6) 23 days ago
Yes. So what?

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+1|-5) 23 days ago
And why you don't show your sick PMs? Shame to show people how nasty, rude and bad you are?

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+1|-5) 23 days ago
In this case it is okay, but you are disturbing me, and I wish you stop doing it. But you said I am your bitch and you like to play with my feelings and you will continue it, because I am your good target, and you have no mercy to me... You know it hurts me, but you have no heart and you don't stop it. I will never stop to protect myself and my dignity!

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+0|-4) 23 days ago
So what? Isn't it true? And why you nonstop follow me, insult me, post me attacks?

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+2|-5) 23 days ago
I am sorry, I am on a world travel now and also I am not a Native English speaker.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverses suppress Free speech. Ban the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat2
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
http://oi59.tinypic.com/o0nnrr.jpgJPG Do you remember it?

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
http://oi59.tinypic.com/o0nnrr.jpgJPG ... So what? Only you will troll, curse, insult and hurt and I will only bear it? You are so wrong.

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago

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1 of the biggest Voat subverted disallows Free speech. Support a ban for the main mod? by Georgi in AskVoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
And what about this, loser? http://oi59.tinypic.com/o0nnrr.jpgJPG

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 33
« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2015, 06:14:31 PM »
Comment history for Georgi.
Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
So, if I copy and paste something bad it is already good? Magic thinking? I have to go now, later if I have some free time that worth to spend here chatting with you, dear hater and psycho protector, I will be back. Go to hate now and to satisfy your hatred nature.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 23 days ago
Oh, don't teach me, the philosopher about it, you even have no idea how many points of view are there about the reality. Do you think that Platon's view equals Hegel's or Lenin's? You are thousands of miles far far away from this matter, but it is not that easy like spreading hate against the obese. Pity...

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
Because you attack me now and I response you. Leave me alone and I will be able to post more different things.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+2|-4) 23 days ago
The idiotic is you, because you lose your time to protect a psychopath plus to spread hate about the obese people. Do you also hate one of the administrators of Voat, just because he is chubby? I can't hate people like you, and if you think that a Skype ID is a doxx, you are very insane. What if I create a new Skype ID now, like baddreamstonight354324234657980654??????? What personal info is it? You seriously are very ill people...

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 23 days ago
What? I am not confused, I even remember you as a hater and I reply you here and there. What confuse, what reality? You mean the internet is all of the reality? Lack of primary philosophical education.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
He, who banned me, even sent me a long story how my dead mother sex with pigs. This kind of idiot is able to ban you, me, them anyway, anyhow.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
Don't lie, I never post to kill someone, fucking liar!!!!!!!! @atko, she or he is a liar, I only suggested to have a Skype chat. Skype is only a nickname, no any personal info there or at least I never get something from Skype like this. Only chat and video if they want. Because they don't believe me, but it is not taking a personal info. Why should I need a personal info for a fatpeoplehater?????

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 23 days ago
How? I only invite some of you who do not believe me, to chat with me and to show them about me, I don't need your doxxes or something. I don't sell anything and I don't need you to buy something, poor guys.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
Show the logs, I am pretty sure I had a good participation there.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
What? You want a phone number or something? I didn't get it.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
It is when someone already is hostile to me. I can't only stay like Jesus and to say ''hit my other cheek'... I have to answer the dangers and to serve and protect.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
But you guys use Skype there. I can use QQ. But I doubt you have one? And what is this fear of doxxing? Are you afraid that someone will come to beat you? I am not afraid, I am a decent, honest person.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
I am an honest man, tell me do you want to have some Skype, private chat and you will get all the truth you need.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
I can't read all of her long messages, I am on travel now and I use a tablet, plus I have to deal with many other websites, I can't follow you 100% here. At the same time I have lunch now and I am not an Indian god with 100 hands.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 23 days ago
Count all, from the beginning.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
No, it is more than a ban from you, we are talking about systematic bothering here. That man is insane, and you are like him, and his supporter. Give me Skype or Yahoo, we may chat > there.

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This little turd just doesn't know when to quit by [deleted]in TPWISAFUCKINGBITCH
[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 23 days ago
I don't care that I and this abnormal and disgusting psycho came here exactly the same day. Maybe he is following me from another website, where I use similar nickname, and he is here to bother me only, but it is okay, I can defend myself and I put him in the right place every time, when the psychopath is trying to mess with me, I am his wrong guy and he suffers a lot now. Let the discomfort and suffering cause him some serious disease.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
I see. No problem. Have a nice day, Phivex.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
Yes, the limited brain only can copy and paste.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
You are a coward and you are afraid to face the truth, disgusting liar. I am not a hacker. Your limited internet knowledge is ridiculous. I am a webmaster, SEM and philosophy, science adept.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
No, you are, because you said you are convincing the admins to ban me, you can't stand a human and fair debate, and you are afraid to face me. Your mouse like behavior is this -- I am afraid of George, so I wish him ban. Coward.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 1 points (+2|-1) 23 days ago
Never did it, liar. You even have no idea what is psychical violence, cursed boy.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
You are an idiot -- what wall?????? Reddit and Voat are not banned in China. And I am an European socialist, what commie trash???? You are weak on politics, too, right? Your only power is the hate, limited brain. Very disgusting person and very, very ill.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi 0 points (+2|-2) 23 days ago
It is a lie. I can't post like you only hate. I am trying to diversify my activity, not only to post hatred like you. Minimum or maximum, I keep the rules and it makes u mad, because your dream to make me another bad didn't come true. I don't spam, I keep the rule twenty to eighty, you can learn about it from the FAQ. Sorry, I know it is painful for a hater like you, but I am here and I am positive and creative, not a narrow minded hater with mental issue as Harry.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+3|-7) 23 days ago
But you started to insult me and now you are angry, because I defended myself and you are posting lies. So obsessed of me. Another my true follower.

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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 34
« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2015, 02:51:29 AM »
Comment history for Georgi.
Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
But it's not the essence, you are wrong. I want a peaceful win-win participation here.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
Don't call me 'idiot', it is a word appropriate for you. You are the one with many personalities and you defend the evil here!

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
I know, but that @The_Penis_Wizard and that @Tipman79 said bad words for my dead mom. Tipman79 thinks it is funny she die and that jerk with the gay name states that she has sex with pigs.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+2|-6) 23 days ago
What I threaten you? What I spam you? I am only showing people how you didn't ban the insulter, but banned me and sent my those disgusting words about my dead mother, so let people know your lowest quality and may you get disease like getting blind from eye cancer and die soon!!!

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -5 points (+1|-6) 23 days ago
Yes, you only said it is funny my mom is dead, but that jerk said she has sex with pigs, so I decided to show it to more people. For you -- only a curse, but for him -- spreading his fault everywhere and give people to know how it's bad. It's not well done, I don't know what kind of idiot may say it is well done...

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -7 points (+2|-9) 23 days ago
Yes, you are the terrible main mod of the hatred subverse 'fatpeoplehate'. There a psychopath started to insult me and you didn't ban him, but you banned me and sent me bad text, describing my dead mother in sexual activity with pigs. This fact was spread around here and in reddit, in order to make more people know how ill, how terrible and how disgusting you are. I wish you from the bottom of my heart you never ever to see anything good in this life, to live in poverty and to finish your days as a cancer patient in some hospital over there!

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+0|-4) 23 days ago
I am a middle aged scientist and I would like to participate here peacefully with win-win spirit. As a friendly and positive sportsman, I never start passing on first on your single comments, but at the same time, I can't leave you to insult me or to spread lies about me. I am here to serve and to protect my dignity. I don't spam. According to the rules here I, you and everyone who know how to earn some decent and honest money online, may post up to 20% links to sites that are related to him or her. Is it clear, because I am not tired to answer again and again, I have very strong will.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
And @Harry_Areola and @Georgi joined this site exactly the same date... OMG! What is going on? Harry? Ups

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -1 points (+0|-1) 23 days ago
And what did you said? you said you are proud you trolled me to get ban and that you will not stop the insults and curses to met, because you like to play with my feelings and I am your bitch. For all this you deserve to burn in hell endlessly.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
HEyyyyy... But you said you are proud you trolled me to get ban and that you will not stop the insults and curses to met, because you like to play with my feelings and I am your bitch. For all this you deserve to burn in hell endlessly.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
But you said you are proud you trolled me to get ban and that you will not stop the insults and curses to met, because you like to play with my feelings and I am your bitch. For all this you deserve to burn in hell endlessly.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
And he follow me now everywhere, true follower and free ad agent.

https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
And he follow me now everywhere, true follower and free ad agent.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 23 days ago
According to the rules here, if you post only 20% your links, it is not spam. I do not provide SEO services, I am only omnilogically involved.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
When it comes to personality disorders I tend to think you are one of the cases, because u spend most of the time to spread hate, not to do something creative online.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
We are European and Chinese team. We are adults; old or middle aged. That 13 is just one of your hallucinations.Don't worry, no one wants to doxx you, you are a coward and you pies your underwear when it comes to chat or meet somebody.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
Seems the mad one is the psychopath Harry_Areola, because he didn't get me ban from here. The most mad is he about the fact, I am able to register again, with another nickname and to participate with another website, according to the rules and he will be never able to know it is me. Too bad for a hater with meaningless life.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 1 points (+2|-1) 23 days ago
I am a philosopher not from now. It is one of my majors. According to some points of view the philosophy is a form of science and/or a form of the culture and/or the queen of the sciences. I think nowadays it is a science already. I kept the rules there and then the psychopath started to insult me, and the main mod didn't take any measures, but banned me and sent bad words for my dead mother claiming that she jerks pigs. I wish him all the best luck in life ever and I hope he get cancer. I want to be a win-win user and I don't need your attacks, but as far you attack me I will not be a pussy and I will answer you as long as I can!

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -5 points (+0|-5) 23 days ago
Thanks for the link, @flussence!

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Men are predators by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
Haha, men here means the mankind, but I like your joke.

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This little turd just doesn't know when to quit by [deleted]in TPWISAFUCKINGBITCH
[–]Georgi -1 points (+1|-2) 23 days ago
The OP is a hater and mentally disordered, he can't answer now.

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https://voat.co/user/Tipman79/comments for spam/flood by Ivancho75 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi 0 points (+1|-1) 23 days ago
This is nothing, let me remind to people here you started to attack me first, you are very rude and you says my mother's death is a funny stuff. From the beginning you represent yourself as troll. I will continue to answer to your attacks until you are alive.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -4 points (+0|-4) 23 days ago
Well, it is just a joke, you got it serious? Are you a kid or what? Very sensitive little guy. And now let's talk about your insults - why you said it is funny my mother is dead and why you follow me and attack me everywhere, and why do you call me 'whore'?

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Men are predators by Georgi in whatever
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
How do you think about this simple, but realistic point of view?

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Goodbye, world. by Kaysic in whatever
[–]Georgi -1 points (+2|-3) 23 days ago
Every month we backup our websites' files. It is a good rule.

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With all the she drama i kinda just feel bad for atko and putitout... by Redeyedjedi in whatever
[–]Georgi 1 points (+3|-2) 23 days ago
Me too, many bad people around...

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« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 03:27:33 AM by Non-SEO »
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Very fast repost of the rest of my posts, because of the abnornal Tipman79 -- 35
« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2015, 04:07:25 AM »
  Here comes the last reposts (for now). Later, if I delete more of my content from Voat.co, I will repost it here too. Currently I deleted almost all:

 Georgi and Ivancho75 are SEO spammers and are flagrantly abusing the 2/10 rule by Tipman79 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -5 points (+2|-7) 22 days ago
@atko, this person hates me, because I answered to his attacks and to his rudeness about my mother's death. I keep the rules and I post according to the ratio 20 own sites and 80 other sites. You know I an an European scientist in China and I have my strong responsibility, so I am here only for win-win participation, not for bad activities.

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Going through and down voting someone's comment history should be made grounds for a ban from voat.co. by reed in ideasforvoat
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
A perfect idea! If it works, then haters like @Harry_Areola, @Tipman79 and @The_Penis_Wizard will be not able anymore to downvoat the good and constructive people around Voat.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
It is philosophy + anthropology, so yes, you may call me a scientist or a philosopher. Let be friends. Do you want to exchange emails and to visit each other? I am a very nice and friendly person. Surely, you will like me.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+0|-2) 23 days ago
But it is flood and bot like behavior, very childish, so you were reported.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
If you want, let's have some Skype chat and you can see we are different people. Don't be afraid we will be glad to make some more friends and to coexist peacefully. I am a scientist with dignity and I should react, when I got attacks. I never was and I will never be a pussy.

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 23 days ago
But it is okay to earn some more money in this decent way for my family. The life in China now is more expensive. And I am just a normal man, who is trying to take care for his family and to participate here peacefully.

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- - -

/u/Georgi and http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/internet/how-many-voats-are-there/ by Tipman79 in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -10 points (+2|-12) 13 days ago
@Atko, as I mentioned before this @Tipman79 is hating me, because I answered to his attacks about my dead mother (he said it's funny that she is dead, etc.). Now he is disturbing me on PM + trying to destroy all my ccp. THAT'S WHY, I will delete all my posts here. I keep the rule up to 20% own posts and 80% other posts, so I am not a spammer.

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Maniacs... everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by [deleted]in SoapboxBanhammer
[–]Georgi -2 points (+2|-4) 14 days ago
Maybe just for a while, because sometimes the traffic is too big. Now is okay. Sorry for the inconvenience! :)

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Help me, Harry_Areola continues his attacks, insults and even threatening me to convince Atko to ban me from Voat by Georgi in help
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 14 days ago
I stopped and what's happened? You and that jerk @harry_areola again started to mention me in your comments! So, who is the troll?! See you later online!

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In order to protect you against the lies by Ivancho75 in ProtectVoat
[–]Georgi -8 points (+2|-10) 9 days ago
His friend is exactly that Tipman79, who started to insult me and post how he thinks it is 'funny' that my mother is dead (almost the same as that the_penis_wizard, who PM me my mother had sex with pigs!)... After I started to answer his attacks, he and his supporters started to downvote me and now I am almost like @she: a lot of contributions here (see my SCP!), but bad luck with some psychopaths. That's why I'm currently deleting all my posts and I can't participate as before already. (I live in China and here the Voat's CAPTCHA is not working, because the Google services are stopped and I can't even send a PM now!) EDIT: @baddreamstonight is a woman full of hate against the fat people and against me, too, just because I answered her insults and I will continue to answer her, ONCE I AM NOT SO BUSY!!! P.S. To the hater: Darling, WE DELETED AND DELETE OUR COMMENTS IN ORDER ONLY TO PROTECT THE POINTS (ccp) HERE! YES, I WANTED TO PARTICIPATE THERE, BUT WITHOUT HATE AND YOU HATERS STARTED TO ATTACK ME, BECAUSE I DON'T HATE AND ONLY DISLIKE!!! AND I POST IN MANY SUBVERSES, NOT LIKE YOU MOSTLY HATE, HATE AND HATE, PSYCHO!!!

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Spam Group Exposed: a list of typo-squatting subverses owned by two extremely aggressive search engine optimization spammers by flussence in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 9 days ago
Don't call me 'shit', please. This is a word appropriate for your parents, who missed your first 7 years to educate you better. And what now you're starting to downvote me too? I WILL DELETE ALL MY COMMENTS, TOO!!!

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Spam Group Exposed: a list of typo-squatting subverses owned by two extremely aggressive search engine optimization spammers by flussence in ReportSpammers
[–]Georgi -5 points (+0|-5) 9 days ago
How you knew that every comment vanished if you didn't search for these comments to downvote them one by one? @Atko, downvote brigade here!

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Help:IPA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia by Georgi in Wikipedia
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 10 days ago
Tipman79 = President-Sanders

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Nobody warned him... by [deleted]in Niggers
[–]Georgi -4 points (+1|-5) 11 days ago
No, it's not spam, I keep the rule 20% own links + 80% other links! (See the rules here: http://www.voat.co/help/faq and pay attention to the first one). The URL is: S = science, E = education, O = omnilogy. It's a website about everything -- cooking, psychology, photography. Don't afraid of it.

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"Positively..." Very positively! From 1941 by Georgi in Niggers
[–]Georgi -3 points (+1|-4) 11 days ago
@atko, he lies and he is very rude, abnormal person! He sent me a lot of insulting and dirty PMs (I can provide the screenshots!!!), so I told him to go to our website to discuss, because I am not going to lose time here with him for free! I keep the rule 20/80: www.voat.co/help/faq

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This is what I call BEING COOL! ;) by Georgi in funny
[–]Georgi -2 points (+1|-3) 12 days ago
Thank you very much for the right understanding, dear @oaken! I post according to the rule 20% own sites + 80% other websites. And I post every time on-topic. The only problem is there are some people who has a lot of envy to me, but it's not my or your problem. I'm really glad to read your normal, human, right and reasonable opinion and as a scientist (philosopher-anthtropologist) I do respect it a lot!

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"Positively..." Very positively! From 1941 by Georgi in Niggers
[–]Georgi -2 points (+2|-4) 12 days ago
Hello! I am not a spammer, don't listen to that hater and the real dickbag Timpan79. According to the rules here: up to 20% of the links may be your links and 80% other links. If you check my submit history you will see, I keep the rules. https://voat.co/help/faq (read the beginning "Can I submit links to sites I operate?")

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"Positively..." Very positively! From 1941 by Georgi in Niggers
[–]Georgi -3 points (+3|-6) 12 days ago
Hi! It's S=science, E=education, O=omnilogy, not only about the search engines. It's not spam, because we keep the rules 80% other links and 20% own links, you can see the rule here: https://voat.co/help/faq (read the beginning "Can I submit links to sites I operate?")

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« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 04:08:20 AM by Non-SEO »
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About Atko again
« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2015, 06:10:07 AM »
  I'd like to say that Atko (voat.co/user/Atko) is one of the most responsive administrators (and owners), according to me (to my online experience). I'm 39 now and I am actively online from 1998. During this not short period I was a user, a moderator in a few forums, an administrator and a webmaster; an online tutor, an online translator. During all these years I had to deal with many admins and/or site-owners. It's very, very rare to meet someone so busy, but at the same time, so really RESPONSIVE like Atko. (I sent him already around 4 PMs so far and he answered me, politely and fast, every single time, no matter what was the issue, the problem or the question!!!) So, I want publicly to say these good words about him. He is in my "TOP 5 favorite voaters" currently. :) 8)
This is something new. We have to add something about Atko, about the administration of Voat.co and about our ideas here:


@Atko (Atif Colo) cares more about the spam reports, than about the criminal threads and innuendos (lies), and he doesn't keep his own rules. Read and judge by yourselves:

I reported to him (and to @Puttitout) the threads and the innuendos of @flussence. (And I made some public posts about it here!). No response from @Atko, but he found time to deal with the spam reports. (If you care, I'll tell you that @Atko even don't keep his own anti-spam rule 20/80 from http://www.voat.co/help/faq -- we kept this rule, but we got our Science-Education-Omnilogy website www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com banned by him! And he didn't give us any explanation about it!)

WE WERE SUPPORTIVE AND WE GAVE SOME GOOD IDEAS TO VOAT.CO! We were glad that he is a responsive admin and we posted about him some good words here and in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, but after we saw he can't keep his own rules and he doesn't care about the criminal activities in his own Voat.co, we are getting more and more disappointed and we think more and more about the idea to create a competetive website.
How many of you are going to join a better social network: without witch hunt, without hate and without downvote brigades, where the admins will keep their own rules? WE ARE READY TO CREATE IT IN A FEW DAYS, IF MANY OF YOU WANT A BETTER PLACE!
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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thebetter.xyz -- a Voat alternative!
« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2015, 05:50:33 AM »
  I'd like to say that Atko (voat.co/user/Atko) is one of the most responsive administrators (and owners), according to me (to my online experience). I'm 39 now and I am actively online from 1998. During this not short period I was a user, a moderator in a few forums, an administrator and a webmaster; an online tutor, an online translator. During all these years I had to deal with many admins and/or site-owners. It's very, very rare to meet someone so busy, but at the same time, so really RESPONSIVE like Atko. (I sent him already around 4 PMs so far and he answered me, politely and fast, every single time, no matter what was the issue, the problem or the question!!!) So, I want publicly to say these good words about him. He is in my "TOP 5 favorite voaters" currently. :) 8)
This is something new. We have to add something about Atko, about the administration of Voat.co and about our ideas here:


@Atko (Atif Colo) cares more about the spam reports, than about the criminal threads and innuendos (lies), and he doesn't keep his own rules. Read and judge by yourselves:

I reported to him (and to @Puttitout) the threads and the innuendos of @flussence. (And I made some public posts about it here!). No response from @Atko, but he found time to deal with the spam reports. (If you care, I'll tell you that @Atko even don't keep his own anti-spam rule 20/80 from http://www.voat.co/help/faq -- we kept this rule, but we got our Science-Education-Omnilogy website www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com banned by him! And he didn't give us any explanation about it!)

WE WERE SUPPORTIVE AND WE GAVE SOME GOOD IDEAS TO VOAT.CO! We were glad that he is a responsive admin and we posted about him some good words here and in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, but after we saw he can't keep his own rules and he doesn't care about the criminal activities in his own Voat.co, we are getting more and more disappointed and we think more and more about the idea to create a competetive website.
How many of you are going to join a better social network: without witch hunt, without hate and without downvote brigades, where the admins will keep their own rules? WE ARE READY TO CREATE IT IN A FEW DAYS, IF MANY OF YOU WANT A BETTER PLACE!

  Here comes the message about the Voat.co's alternative -- Thebetter.xyz
 thebetter.xyz -- a Voat alternative, because Atko cares more about the spam, than about the criminal threads and innuendoes!

  Our scientific team made a Voat alternative -- http://www.thebetter.xyz and the reason is that Atko didn't give us any response and didn't take some measures about the threads and the innuendoes of flussence, and because @Atko don't keep his own rules (for example that one "up to 2 of 10" about the links) (more about this problem you may read there: https://voat.co/v/whatever/comments/500327 or if someone delete it, then here: www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg24906/#msg24906).



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An answer to kevdude
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2015, 02:07:13 AM »
 I'll answer to that disappointing person kevdude from Voat.co here: I believed in you, but you are just one of the people, who prefer to insult and to hurt, not to help! Shame of you! If you want to discuss something about your stupid behaviour in the /v/SoapboxBanhammer/, come here!
 And yes, your guess is idiotic!
Сигурен съм.


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Re: An answer to kevdude
« Reply #72 on: September 17, 2015, 02:11:08 AM »
I'll answer to that disappointing person kevdude from Voat.co here: I believed in you, but you are just one of the people, who prefer to insult and to hurt, not to help! Shame of you! If you want to discuss something about your stupid behaviour in the /v/SoapboxBanhammer/, come here!
 And yes, your guess is idiotic!
And I sent him this:
Recipient: kevdude | Sent: 9/16/2015 8:10:27 PM
Your guess is idiotic!!!!!

I hoped you're someone different, but you're just one of the trash here! Your guess insulted me very much! I gave you a decent answer there: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg24942/#msg24942 If you want to debate, welcome there! I'm not going to participate in this sick way anymore: we're attacked, we're insulted, we're an object of lies, hate and downvote brigade and at the end... you suppose I'm someone like those there?! You're bad, you're insane!
Сигурен съм.


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Don't forget the criminal threads!
« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2015, 02:13:11 AM »
I'll answer to that disappointing person kevdude from Voat.co here: I believed in you, but you are just one of the people, who prefer to insult and to hurt, not to help! Shame of you! If you want to discuss something about your stupid behaviour in the /v/SoapboxBanhammer/, come here!
 And yes, your guess is idiotic!
And I sent him this:
Recipient: kevdude | Sent: 9/16/2015 8:10:27 PM
Your guess is idiotic!!!!!

I hoped you're someone different, but you're just one of the trash here! Your guess insulted me very much! I gave you a decent answer there: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg24942/#msg24942 If you want to debate, welcome there! I'm not going to participate in this sick way anymore: we're attacked, we're insulted, we're an object of lies, hate and downvote brigade and at the end... you suppose I'm someone like those there?! You're bad, you're insane!
DON'T forget the criminal threads, too!!!
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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An answer to pwn
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2015, 02:26:42 AM »
  Here is my answer to pwn from Voat.co: yes, we participated there (in v/China), but we're object of insults, innuendoes, threads and downvote brigading! If you can't accept even one more different, but related and useful message, at least, don't use rude words. It shows your level, which is not high!
Сигурен съм.

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