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Author Topic: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website  (Read 85622 times)

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Some answers I gave there (in Voat.co)
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2015, 01:05:37 AM »
  Some of the answers I gave in Voat.co to people who are wrong or/and who are bad haters:

 To someone nicknamed LethalFeline:

It's not a SEO site, it's omnilogy website: S=Science, E=education, O=omnilogy. 90%+ is about science, love, food, etc.
I made 10 subverses and I follow the rule to post there at least once a month.
I am a scientist from Europe, who is living in China and I am in the education field, not in the spam field.
P.S. Because I live in China it's impossible to post here new threads, links, etc. and I can't PM you. The reason is the Google's CAPTCHA. All my submissions I made via TeamViewer (using relatives' PC in Europe). I POST AN E-MAIL ABOUT IT TO Atko already.

P.P.S. Instead of downvote like a robot everything what I explain here, better come to my AMA ( https://voat.co/v/ama/comments/243357 ) and see what I am writing there and ask me, if you wish, in order to get sure I'm not what you think. Don't kick out the educated and hard-working people from Voat.co!

 To someone nicknamed Stavon:
No! I do not sell any SEO! I'm just a teacher and I do not sell SEO services. Let me explain it (often people misunderstand it) -- that site's 'SEO' means S = science, E = education, O = omnilogy. It's an omnilogy community (about love, science, food, etc.) More than 90% of the website is nothing to do with the SEO (as 'Search Engine Optimisation'). If you take a closer look, you will see that's about everything (omnilogic). Thank you for your post! I hope now we are clear and we can continue enjoying this Voat community. :)

Yes -- FREE ads. I don't sell ads, nor SEO. Believe me, please! OK, See down the rest of the boards: Food, Psychology, Philosophy, Drinks, Food, Plants, Animals, UFO, Homes, Health, Electronics, Love, Stars, Russian boards, Chinese boards, earn money... The ratio 'SEO' : others is probably 1:50, at least. ONCE AGAIN, I swear in my dead mother and in my health, that I do not sell SEO and it's nothing about spamming here. I'm sorry that I make you feel bad and I lost some of your time! Please, forgive me.

The purpose is a scientific website helping others. There is a lot of real content, for example you can see more than 100 pages with recipes that my own wife cooked and posted there for years. Or my scientific and philosophical articles (at least 1000!) I checked the VOAT.CO spam rules and I do not spam, because I post links to DIFFERENT websites (not only this one!!!), take a look, please:Submitting only links to sites you operate (or are associated with), without submitting other, unrelated links, is considered spamming. Link to this rule: https://voat.co/help/faq So? No problem.

No, it's omnilogic -- about many sciences. We do not sell anything, i.e. no online marketing. I don't know why you think that unique articles with unique photography is not 'real content'. I can't get your definition about it. OK, I will read the rules. Thank you very much for all the good attention and all the good things you did to me here!
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Some from my answers in fatpeoplehate (in voat)
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2015, 03:27:53 AM »
 Some of my answers in there (v/fatpeoplehate and v/fphdiscussion):

 To someone nicknamed Thinchick:
Hi! :) Thanks for the comment. Well, to tell you the truth I don't hate fat people, but I do not like fat bodies and with this material I wanted to show that as I said already "it shows the age isn't an excuse for being fat" (because some of the fatties said they're fat, because they're getting older. :D )... This is what I found useful to share and to motivated us to keep in good shape, no matter how old we are (I'm in my late 30s now.)

 To someone nicknamed Phillyshitlord:
Hate is an extreme feeling and I can't hate (well, maybe it's only in some very rare cases), but I dislike, so I think it's enough. Thank you for your biggest answer here!

 To someone nicknamed The_White_Baron:

Yes. I'm a scientist and I'm very objective. I don't think I can love after so many disappointments in my life and after so many hurts. Just like this -- I prefer to live without extreme feelings, especially without the negative ones, because I think my health is important.

The therapy is for the people who suffer from their conditions and/or for the ones who are dangerous for the community (socium). I don't think that I need a therapy in order to become a hater, for example. :)

 To someone nicknamed Harry_Areola:

Which rules do you mean exactly? (I learned Dialectic logic and Formal logic.)

Because I dislike obesity and I obey the rules here, plus I contribute well to this community. Look, hate itself is an extreme feeling and I can't hate anybody and anything (well, maybe it's only in some very rare cases), but I dislike, so I think it's enough.

OK, let see these concretely: N'2: "No dissent / No being fat" -- ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA.ORG: "Dissent is a sentiment or philosophy of non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissent !!! Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License !!!) My philosophy is the same as yours -- it's not healthy to be fat, we have to advise people not to be fat; my aesthetic standards are non-fat, i.e. I like sporty and slim females; I do regular sport (I'm an MMA and kung-fu adept and I have already more than 34 years practice in the Martial arts) and I avoid trash food, etc. I AM PRETTY SURE I DO COVER MOST OF THE CORE POINTS OF YOUR PHILOSOPHY. And now, let's take a look to N'4: "No fat sympathy". WELL, AS I SAID I DO DISLIKE OBESE AND I DO THINK THAT OBESITY IS A DISEASE (or at least a DISORDER), ALSO I DO SAID, that my aesthetic points attract me to the sporty and/or slim people from the opposite gender. Where someone can see sympathy here?! (I don't know what is your respectful major, but if you have some psychology education, you will know that dislike and symphaty are not the same.) I hope you will understand my answer, you will accept we're in the same side, and you will keep one of the best rules: RULE NUMBER 3: "Keep the peace!"

Oh, you're very wrong and very rude. I don't want to continue this dialogue and I'm going to report this post!

AM GOING TO REPORT YOU FOR CURSING ME AND BEING RUDE!!! You also break the rule about keeping peace! I haven't dissent, because I DISLIKE fat people!!! YOU'RE A LIAR! I SENT YOU ALREADY, READ MORE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissent I'm going to report you too and I will open a special thread about you and about your rude, unacceptable behavior!

No, I made an ON-topic thread in the right subverse, because I do keep the rules. I'm not a BOY, I'm a scientist from Europe, working in China in my late 30s. I'm not stupid and I do sent reports to all of the moderators here. If you continue to break the rules, I'm going to continue to send the reports to the admins, too and to the higher levels! I do keep the rules and there is nothing about the hate -- just TO DISLIKE FAT, TO BE AGAINST THE OBESE is enough, according to the current rules! Call 'chump' your parents and stop the insults, please!


1. I'm not a troll. I do participate here keeping the rules and THE ONE WHO IS TROLLING ME IS YOU!!!
2. I'm not fatty loving! I said I do dislike fat and obese! You're a liar!!! And I do reported you in a special thread + I sent reports to all of the moderators here! Id you do not stop to follow me and to disturb me, I'll report you to the administrators, etc.!
3. Chump? NO! The chumps are your parents, because they didn't educate you right!!!

Dead parents or alive parents -- some of them GAVE good education to their kids, some of them -- DIDN'T!!! You behave RUDELY, you're CURSING and you're INSULTING! That's why, no matter you parents are dead or alive, my reasonable conclusion as a scientist is that they didn't educate you in a good way! A 'complete piece of shit' is not me, but your parents, because they didn't give you right education! AND I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU AGAIN FOR THIS IDIOTIC LANGUAGE!!! You have NO education and it's obvious!!! I left Europe, because I love China -- it's GREAT ANCIENT CULTURE and the SINOLOGY is my hobby!!! Your knowledge of China and your conclusions about China are wrong (as usual!!!). So, I'm going to report you about the PERSONAL ATTACKS, TOO!!!

Wrong. Dislike is enough. Dislike is not showing dissent. It's just different level (non-emotional) of the same opinion. About the mercy -- I don't think this is a relevant category in this debate. Yes, I do understand the rules very well. So, please, read the RULE 3 (and keep it.) Thank you!

Paging @The_Penis_Wizard This Harry_Areola is insulting me and curse me AND HE CAN'T UNDERSTAND THAT I DISLIKE FAT and I do obey the rules here. Also I do contribute well to this community with different posts and communication. Please, take some measures! Thanks!

I SAID I DISLIKE FAT PEOPLE and I don't hate anybody. Hatred is a crime in many countries (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime) and I'm not a criminal!!! DISLIKE is enough to be here; I also keep the rules and I do contribute well here!

Please, educate more yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech AND DON'T MAKE PROBLEMS TO THIS WEBSITE AND TO THE PEOPLE HERE!!! I will report your insults again!!!

As usual you didn't get it. I bet you're NOT a scientist. READ MORE ABOUT THE "HATE SPEECH" and try to understand that FREE SPEECH is not 100% everything: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech#United_States Did you read AT LEAST ONE OF THE LINKS I POSTED HERE?! Worthless fuck?! NOT BE, but you and your parents who didn't give you any education!!! REPORT!!!

PROVE IT!!! Because all you showed here is just you're the chump! According to me 1st world nation is China, because it got: 1. highest GDP, 2. One of the most ancient cultures, 3. It keeps the most of the USA debt (i.e. USA needs money and China gives them. Clear?) The science, dear uneducated troll and insulter, is INTERNATIONAL and BELONGS TO ALL THE MANKIND! There is not major and minor. And I'm going to debate it in the v/science with you, if you DARE! I hope you're going to be banned here, because you're the one who: a )break the rules, b) insults, c) spreading fake reports and lies!!! Shame on you and your parents that they produced such a terrible, uneducated, rude, pathetic and LOW QUALITY person as you, troll!

Why I'm a fatty?!?!?!?! I'm a kung-fu and a MMA guy for years! If we meet someday, you're welcome to see my body and to have a very friendly sparing! Scum is not me, but you. Kid is you, because I'm in my late 30s and you're very wrong as usual! Yes, I'm a real scientist, not like you a 'wanna-be' one. I will invite you for the 3rd (THIRD) time -- don't offtopic here, let's open a thread in v/science and there to debate.

Depends of the point of the comparison. Let's go to the v/science and to discuss there in a moral, decent and responsible way, if you wish.

Not 'WE', but YOU!!! MOSTLY YOU. @The_Penis_Wizard, this person (as I reported him many times already) is making fake, abnormal and bad conclusions from everything I say here! Please, take some measures! About the Hate Speech in USA and Switzerland, I already mentioned. Here is about the Hate Speech in USA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech#United_States

 To someone nicknamed baddreamstonight:

I am not the one, who wants ban. Harry_Areola blackmails me with bans. (I don't know why, because I do keep the rules here 100%). I didn't report anybody (except the cursing, insulting rude Harry_Areola.) Of course, as a scientist in his late 30s I am trying to act as a mature adult, but what to do when someone is sending fake reports + curses + insults?! I think it's according to the rules and to the mature adult behavior to report him and to search some help. Isn't it according to the justice? **This website is hosted in Switzerland and see what the owners said about the laws: https://voat.co/help/faq Also, some useful links about the problem in Switzerland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech#Switzerland Try to get me wrong -- I just want to help.

 To someone nicknamed HomerSimpson:

Hello, Homer! I already reported to you all (the mods) that person. I admire the Free speech, but unfortunately, there are some laws and not everything is able to be said. You know that in Reddit already banned this board. In many countries (including the one this website is hosted -- Switzerland, there are laws against the hate speech). So, my point of view is just all of us here, to be careful and to be able to exist longer. I want peacefully to teach people to avoid obesity, to avoid fatness; as a responsible humanitarian and anthropological scientist it's a kind of duty for me and for my team. But the problem is I'm getting insults here just because I said I DISLIKE FAT AND OBESE PEOPLE?! Isn't it wrong?

Hello, again Homer! Thank you for your participation. Well, I can speak/read only English, Chinese, Russian and some other European languages (I'm a European myself), so I just picked up that one. Thank you for your clarifications! I'm not a lawyer and seems you are someone who deals with this matter good. I hope everything is going to be okay here, not like in Reddit, where they stopped this! (Please, tell that person to stop with the curses, insults, etc.! Thank you in advance!)

I read it and I don't mean the fat people themselves, I meant the laws against the discrimination at all. I worry a bit about the situation and I don't want this place to be shut down as it happened with the Reddit's one. I'm friendly and I'd like to contribute here. Please, don't get mad at me. Respect and peace!

 To someone nicknamed beetus_of_the_beasts

I ask about the TOP 5 -- I need a subordination of this attitude. But, thank you for the link. I think that thread is useful for me, too! Upvote!

 To someone nicknamed bethygal83:
Because I dislike the fat (the obesity). Dislike is enough to be here... Hate is just another form of disliking (it's more emotional).

 To someone nicknamed AOU:
Hey, we should't be rude. @The_Penis_Wizard, we're here to discuss and to oppose the fatness, the obesity, etc. We're not here to insult each other.
I dislike the fat and the obesity. So my place here is okay. You and another one (or maybe you're one and the same?) are breaking the rule about the PEACE!!! I SAID MANY TIMES I KEEP THE RULES AND I DO PARTICIPATE HERE FOR GOOD! Don't use idiotic words like 'get the fuck out'! I'm an educated person -- a scientist and a martial arts sportsman! I do not deserve this kind of abnormal speech!

年龄有什么关系?!我是一名科学家。而且我是个好人,社会主义的人类学的哲学家。 我真的不明白为什么你们对我这样要做的。有什么问题?!来,文明一点聊聊吧!








THIS IS: 1. NOT A BLOG. 2. I DO NOT SPAM, I KEEP THE RULES FROM FAQ https://voat.co/help/faq : **" To be on the safe side, if you submit 10 links to various subverses on Voat, at most 2 of the 10 submitted links may be to the sites you are associated with.

To someone nicknamed Duress56:
Yes, we're working in the field of the psychology, sociology, philosophy, etc., so for us (and for me personally it's a very interesting case). It's about the perception, the changing values, the ontology, the emotional dependence, the subculture, etc., you have no idea how useful are some of the answers for a study like this.

 To someone nicknamed baddreamstonight:
How about the HATE SPEECH, which is a crime in many countries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech Don't get me wrong -- I dislike fat and I am against the obesity (and that's why I'm here), but I don't want some of us to go to the jail.

 To someone nicknamed DietCokehead1:
WRONG!!! I'm not a dissenter! I SAID I DO DISLIKE FAT AND OBESE! @The_Penis_Wizard, DietCokehead1 is wrong!

 To someone nicknamed LawyersPlayDota
Exactly what I mean/feel -- toned is the right word! Upvote.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2023, 01:01:08 AM by Alexa »
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Part 2 of some of my answers over there
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2015, 06:26:32 AM »
  Here comes the part 2:
 To someone nicknamed baddreamstonight:
I keep the rules. Harry_areola insults and curses, and spreading lies. No, I didn't say that. I said I dislike fats, so it's enough. I want to keep the peace, that's why I reported it to all of the moderators. I'm very peaceful. I'm a sportsman -- kungfu + MMA. Very well shaped and ready for sparing with everyone. :) I'm not a troll. I posted regularly and different things in order to support the community. :) I did only true reports with links (and I keep screenshots to prove it.) AS A SCIENTIST for me the TRUTH is in the 1st place! I do not use any fake accounts. Everyone can bold or italic, it's easy. :)

 To someone:
We just have to be with females we think are okay for us. If we dislike fat women, we should not be with them. This is the simple logic.

 To someone nicknamed Harry_Areola:

According to the laws it's not a crime to be with every kind of women. I can't be with fat women and I dislike fat women, but if someone wants, it's his/her free will and you're not the one, who can stop them. This website is according to the Swiss law, I will quote you something from the owners of Voat.co: ("our policy is to not meddle and not censor content unless said content is illegal in Switzerland."), so, as far as in Switzerland it's OK for some people to be with fat women, we should admit it and we should behave according to this laws!

I do not know anything about the changing screen-names. My major is humanitarian and I'm not very good at elctronics, that's why I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Troll? It's you! I do follow all the rules and I explained it many times already. I said I do DISLIKE fat and obese people, it's okay and it's enough. I do not hate anybody, because I live in peace with myself and as a scientist I should be objective as much as I can. YOU'RE A LIAR, I DIDN'T SAY THESE THINGS!!! YOU NON-STOP FAKE THE INFORMATION ABOUT ME! SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, call the moderators to judge by themselves! Later, I will call the owners, too, because I already called all of the mods here and I do post a thread in the v/fphdiscussion about your rude and unacceptable behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not a fatty, because I'm a kung-fu and MMA adept. But, I think you are and you project it on me!

NO. The reason is that you posted to me:




I dislike fat and obese. It's enough. And I keep the rules here. I didn't say you're all guilty. YOU'RE A LIER! I WISH YOU BAD LUCK FROM NOW ON IN EVERYTHING!

Yes, it's okay with these majors, learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_science

The special kind of idiot is YOU! No idea what's science, no idea what's the matter of dislike/hate, no idea how to behave normally... just get cancer and fade away! Mentally disordered loser!

... Please, read more, before you make conclusions. Of course, in the last 24 hours you spread a lot of lies and disinformation about me. I don't believe anymore that you're able to have a decent and honest communication with me!

I also suppose he is using 1+ accounts. Someone to check it, if it's possible.

The opposite -- YOUR TROLLING has been exposed. I posted here very peacefully and fruitfully, UNTIL you didn't come to insult me, to curse me, and to lie about me!!! Shame of you and may the life give you all the unhappiness you deserve!

Another wrong interpretation. He started to insult and curse me, because he thinks that I do like fatties. I explained many times, I DISLIKE FAT AND OBESE. And I keep the rules. He is sending me now insulting PMs, too explaining how the mods support him and laugh at me.

Call 'little bitch' your mother for not giving you good education!!! I dislike fatties, I said it already!!! You want to ruin my participation here. OK, but I hope you will suffer all your life and I wish you a lot of diseases!!!

LIE!!! I'm not a troll. I'm posting responsibly and I do contribute well here. Harry_Areola is the troll, who often chases me, curses me, insults me and he is the only one who had been reported!

No. Why is that? I keep all the rules here and I do participate often, I do contribute well. What's the problem?

 To someone nicknamed LeanMeanShitQueen:

I already posted in the proper place, see: https://voat.co/v/fphdiscussion/comments/362464 BUT he continues to insult me, to troll me, to curse me, SO I JUST HAVE NO CHOICE (I also reported him to the mods, but he sais they do support him and now he is sending me shitty private messages to make me more and more angry!)

 To someone nicknamed Super_Kapowzler:

This is what I said to him too in other words.
To someone nicknamed Duress56:

Hi. I'm not. I'm a scientist in my late 30s from Europe (currently working in the PRC). Thanks for the post. :)

 To someone nicknamed FupaSlayer:

I don't know how the fat sound, but according to that he often calls people 'fat' even when they are MMA and king-fu adepts, I think that he is a fat person, who is making a projection (according to Freud). So, in this term, yes, I think 'he sounds fat'.

 To someone nicknamed devland:

'Disliked' is okay, but I can't stand his insults, curses and fake reports.

 To someone nicknamed Nofatpeople:

Bad joke. My mommy got cancer years ago and passed away. I'm a 39 years old scientist and I hoped that we can have a fruitful, friendly and nice participation here.

 To someone nicknamed Ivyscott89:

All began when he started to complain why I said 'I dislike fat'. He thinks that I had to post 'I hate fat'... For him DISLIKE is not enough. He needs me as a hater. Well, I'm not a hater. I just dislike fat and obese and I'm a scientist, who is willing people to be healthy, not fat, happy, etc. So much about the qualities. :)

 To someone nicknamed AOU:

I do appreciate the different opinions. I do like free speech, because I like the socialist core values and the democracy. But I'm against the curses, insults, etc. He claims he is a scientist as me, but who is this scientist, who will curse, insult and use dirty words (like somebody from some ghetto) all the time?!?!?!??!?!?!

In fact it's describing the posts of the one who lies, who curses, who insults.

I keep all the rules. What's the problem?

Because a member of this subverse asked me for the males percentage and I decided to help. Sorry, if it's already posted here!

 To someone nicknamed Donutsinmyholes:
I don't mind to curse him back, but as a scientist I think it's not right + I do respect the community and the mods, so I don't want to make this place dirty.

 To someone nicknamed 12_Years_A_Toucan:

I dislike fat people and the obese. It's enough. I don't hate at all. Hate is too emotional dislike. I just dislike.

Okay, I keep the rules at 100% and I do not like fat people and obesity; I do participate here and contribute. I do reported the one who curse and break the rule 3. Where is my mistake?

 To someone nicknamed Broseph_Brostar:
Why do you think so?! It's stupid and senseless. I'm a scientist in my late 30s and I do keep the rules, I do contribute here well... What the hell makes you think so and post insults?! Please, don't do it.

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« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2015, 04:41:26 PM »
  I think the fatpeoplehaters intentionally or unintentionally are ignoring many simple facts.


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Anti-fat bias
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2015, 05:08:39 PM »
  I think the fatpeoplehaters intentionally or unintentionally are ignoring many simple facts.

  I think we should take care for our health and we should help people to avoid obesity, but I'm against the hatred, no matter how I dislike fat. I'm against the bias, because I'm a serious scientist (Anti-fat bias -- learn more about this bias: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-fat_bias)
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Part 3 of some of my answers over there
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2015, 04:55:18 PM »
  Now I have some free time to add more of my answers over there (some of them, as I mentioned before, I delete and only repost here):

 To someone nicknamed baddreamstonight:
Okay, then what I can do?!
Wrong. I didn't broke the rules. I don't hate, but I dislike. It's just another level, non-emotional. :) No, I didn't dissented. I do support the anti-obese movement and my aesthetics is to like non-fat. I didn't try that, I only mentioned about that if you spread a lot of hate maybe soon someone can close this 'sub' like this happened in Reddit. I just want to help. I didn't raised storm -- that bustard did it, I only protect myself and that's all. I haven't second account. I explained it already, but you're not reading. READ AGAIN ABOVE. I reported to the mods a few times. I follow the rules well. No, I didn't lie the mods, I sent them the correct links and I keep screenshots. I have any kind of proves. Dug grave? Because of a subverse?! Because of an online thing?! Man, you really have no idea how rich is our offline life here... Holly ^@&#@...

To someone named homersimpson:
I don't get it. What's wrong if I post a reasonable question?!

I don't know why some people only follow me and downvote, attack me... It makes hard to contribute in this subverse.
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The downvoates in voat.co
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2015, 06:20:01 PM »
 As I already posted to a voater (rexgao) -- I think that the downvotes are a problem there (in Voat.co). These days I got many downvotes from some psychopath/-s, just because 'I don't hate fat people'. Anytime, anybody, without any reason is able to downvotes, even just for fun!
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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2015, 09:36:02 PM »
 None of us seem to have thought of it... (I mean -- Voat's v/fatpeoplehate)


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About Atko
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2015, 04:24:19 PM »
  I'd like to say that Atko (voat.co/user/Atko) is one of the most responsive administrators (and owners), according to me (to my online experience). I'm 39 now and I am actively online from 1998. During this not short period I was a user, a moderator in a few forums, an administrator and a webmaster; an online tutor, an online translator. During all these years I had to deal with many admins and/or site-owners. It's very, very rare to meet someone so busy, but at the same time, so really RESPONSIVE like Atko. (I sent him already around 4 PMs so far and he answered me, politely and fast, every single time, no matter what was the issue, the problem or the question!!!) So, I want publicly to say these good words about him. He is in my "TOP 5 favorite voaters" currently. :) 8)
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« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2015, 02:56:33 AM »
  I think the fatpeoplehaters intentionally or unintentionally are ignoring many simple facts.

  I think we should take care for our health and we should help people to avoid obesity, but I'm against the hatred, no matter how I dislike fat. I'm against the bias, because I'm a serious scientist (Anti-fat bias -- learn more about this bias: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-fat_bias)
And now about the weightism: Weight stigma, also known as weightism, weight bias, and weight-based discrimination, is discrimination or stereotyping based on one's weight.
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Welcome back fancy pants!
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2015, 03:02:34 AM »
Welcome back fancy pants!
:D ;D


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An answer to Harry_Areola
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2015, 01:35:31 PM »
  In a thread in the voat's fatpeoplehate, the hater, the internet lamer and the paranoic person (who has no any dignity) nicknamed 'Harry_Areola' posted that the OP (nicknamed 'smokratez') is me. Harry_Areola is not right (as usual) and I'd like to say, that I'm not smokratez. It's just another user who is criticizing some of the moderators there.
 I'll continue with my answers here to Harry_Areola and to some other people, in order to avoid the systematical downvotes there (which influence my participation) and in order to contribute more for this forum's content.
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An answer to baddreamstonight
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2015, 01:50:58 PM »
  There (in voat.co) is a not very clever hater, nicknamed 'baddreamstonight', who suppose that another voater (who is nicknamed 'smokratez') is me. The suspicions of that fatpeoplehater are based on "random attacks", "weird grammar", "obsession with manners", "bizarre comebacks", "doesn't understand rules" and "obsession with people using copypasta".
 Let me answer here (in order to avoid the systematical downvotes there, which influence my participation, and in order to contribute more for this forum's content.)
 1. I don't use 'random attacks', nor any attacks, if everything is okay; if no one attack me. Of course, if someone attack me, I have the right and the choice to answer his/hers attacks.
 2. I'm not a native English speaker and I'm still learning English and some other foreign languages (Chinese, Russian...). Maybe it will surprise you, hater, but not everyone in voat.co is a native English speaker, so some grammar errors are nothing unique.
 3. I haven't obsessions (including the one about manners), but I think the polite and human interaction is something necessary. A simple hater's brain, probably, can't get it?
 4. Bizzare comebacks? Me or you? Seems you're one of those, who can't forget me, because I'm not one of those, who will leave you without response!
 5. You're the one who doesn't understand the rules. As a philosopher, I do understand many things, including some simple, haters' rules over there, which are sort of idiotic, as well.
 6. As I said, I haven't obsessions. About the so called 'copypasta' (which is an internet slang) I want to say that no matter of the form, if the content is offensive, then it is. The rude, offensive, etc. content may be in many forms. The form 'copypasta' doesn't change anything.
 I will continue to answer you here!!!

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An answer to Tipman79
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2015, 02:06:26 PM »
  Over there (in Voat.co) is another hater (but, not fatpeoplehater), who is very upset, that I gave him my decent responses to his attacks, insults, etc.
 Let me answer him here again:
 Tipman79 (yes, this is his nickname there), really I honestly think that any of you that have been arguing with me can visit this site and read my answers. If you personally don't visit it, it doesn't matter. It's pretty enough for me, that I may give you my answer/-s here, without risk to get downvotes, which affect my participation in Voat.co!
 I don't spam, read the rules. Up to 20% own links is not considered spam!!!
 And when I answer here, I contribute with unique content for this site, which is something useful! Content is king. Do you know it?
 You can downvote my submissions instead, but most of them are very good and many other guys UPVOTE them, so you can't affect me, hater! Come and debate with me here, if you dare!
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Another answer to the hater with mental problems nicknamed Harry_Areola
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2015, 09:39:16 PM »
  I checked the recent activity of the hater with the mental problems nicknamed 'Harry_Areola' (from Voat.co) and I found out that he posted again about me. At once I'm going to answer him here:
 1. He thinks that it is funny how after he make this post (that I already answered above) he received my PM. He claims they are 'several crazy PMs', but it's not true, because I sent him only 1 PM to inform him, that I'm answering him here and he had a new answer.
 I don't think that it's funny. I think it's sad that he is a man with mental problems.
 2. He wasn't called me in that thread with the @ (If you don't know, it means, that if you put an @ in front of the nickname of somebody, he or she, will be informed about your post.) He didn't put an @, because, I suppose, he is afraid, I will react at once (as I did, in fact). He is a coward and he refuses to chat via Skype (he even has no idea how to use it; can you imagine?!) and he is afraid to meet me; what a joke, he even doesn't dare to come here and to debate with me as a true man (true person; true human)!

 3. He thinks that I'm definitely some 13 year old Chinese spammer!  ;D ;D ;D I don't know how this idea came to his damaged brain:
 3.1. I'm in China, but I'm not a Chinese. I was born in Europe and I'm an European person, from the EU, who is currently in China. Not every person in China is a Chinese. Some persons in China are foreigners. For instance, some of the foreigners are Koreans, others are Australians, etc.
 3.2. I'm not a spammer, because the rules there are clear about it -- if only up to 20% of your submissions are your links, then it's not spam, plus I post every time in related subverses (/vs). What spam?! You wish, but it's not spam, dear disgusting hater!
 3.3. I'm a middle-aged scientist (a philosopher-anthropologist) and I told/posted him about it many times, but he believes that I'm just a 13 year old... It's a well-know psychiatry phenomenon called 'delusion':
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delusion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License
 4. He thinks that my 'fee fees' are still hurt and now I'm trying to weasel my way back in there under another name. What a mental case, indeed! As you may see, very paranoid hater, with serious mental issues (his posts are sort of an evidence about it)! ::)
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