I checked the recent activity of the hater with the mental problems nicknamed '
Harry_Areola' (from
Voat.co) and I found out that he posted again about me. At once I'm going to answer him here:
1. He thinks that it is funny how after he make this post (that I already answered above) he received my PM. He claims they are 'several crazy PMs', but it's not true, because I sent him only 1 PM to inform him, that I'm answering him here and he had a new answer.
I don't think that it's funny. I think it's sad that he is a man with mental problems.
2. He wasn't called me in that thread with the @ (If you don't know, it means, that if you put an @ in front of the nickname of somebody, he or she, will be informed about your post.) He didn't put an @, because, I suppose, he is afraid, I will react at once (as I did, in fact). He is a coward and he refuses to chat via Skype (he even has no idea how to use it; can you imagine?!) and he is afraid to meet me; what a joke, he even doesn't dare to come here and to debate with me as a true man (true person; true human)!
3. He thinks that I'm definitely some 13 year old Chinese spammer!

I don't know how this idea came to his damaged brain:
3.1. I'm in China, but I'm not a Chinese. I was born in Europe and I'm an European person, from the EU, who is currently in China. Not every person in China is a Chinese. Some persons in China are foreigners. For instance, some of the foreigners are Koreans, others are Australians, etc.
3.2. I'm not a spammer, because the rules there are clear about it -- if only up to 20% of your submissions are your links, then it's not spam, plus I post every time in related subverses (/v
s). What spam?! You wish, but it's not spam, dear disgusting hater!
3.3. I'm a middle-aged scientist (a philosopher-anthropologist) and I told/posted him about it many times, but he believes that I'm just a 13 year old... It's a well-know psychiatry phenomenon called 'delusion':
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delusion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License 4. He thinks that my 'fee fees' are still hurt and now I'm trying to weasel my way back in there under another name. What a mental case, indeed! As you may see, very paranoid hater, with serious mental issues (his posts are sort of an evidence about it)!