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Author Topic: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website  (Read 83583 times)

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Re: Let me continue with FuzzyWords from Voat.co
« Reply #90 on: September 18, 2015, 01:44:39 AM »
Because that flussence from Voat.co is too crazy, too stupid and too worthless, let me continue with an answer to another one from there -- FuzzyWords, who posted about me in that v/SoapboxBanhammer. I'd like to tell this person these few words:
 FuzzyWords, we kept the rules -- up to 20% own links is not considering spam. We're not spammers, but yes, we're annoyed. And this is not funny.
And I sent him/her this PM: "Recipient: FuzzyWords | Sent: 2015/9/17 19:42:49
Hello! An answer to you
Here I post an answer to you: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg24967/#msg24967

From now on, we're posting our answers to people who talk to us or about us mostly there, because we'd like to finish our participation in Voat.co. Too much criminal threads, innuendoes, downvote brigading and admins who doesn't care about it! I"
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Re: An answer to the insulter, downvote brigading, criminal behaving flussence
« Reply #91 on: September 18, 2015, 02:07:39 AM »
  flussence -- the insulter, the downvote brigading and criminal behaving person said (in v/SoapboxBanhammer) that he left a turd on my doorstep a few days back and he thinks I ate it. Well, I eat normal food. I think that he is the one with the coprophagy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophagia  ;D
 Now let see that post that he calls with the faeces name (from v/Poor):

1. He thinks that I'm now "running away" with "my tail between my legs"
 I think that the one with the tail is flussence, because he is some sort of crazy animal. ;D

 2. He thinks that this website is "insignificant, insipid, barren search engine optimization spam site" and even that the others websites that we're related and/or operate and/or own are SEO spam. ;D ;D Such a stupid guy, isn't he?
a) This site  is omnilogic, it's not just a SEO site. It's SEO, non-SEO (philosophy, photography, etc.)
b) The significance isn't bad, at least everyone who wants to know it, may see it at Alexa.com: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/seo-forum-seo-luntan.com#trafficstats
c) We're not spamming. We kept the rule "up to 2 of 10", but he is too stupid and can't understand that anti-spam rule.

 He'll grant me "a final reprieve, from now" "until such time" "my accounts" "are inevitably self-deleted out of cowardice, or banned."
 He's insane, isn't he? ;D
a) We don't care about bans from a place like Voat.co, which allows crazy people like you, to post insults, criminal threads, etc.
b) It's nothing about the cowardice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowardice), we just don't want to contribute anymore for Voat.co and we're reposting our content here + we answer here. We're not free workers!!!

 Now read this funny thing: he wrote that instead of, as he has done from the very start, ignored absolutely every word I have written towards him, he may actually deign to spend more than five seconds reading what I have to say in response this time.  ;D ;D ;D He suggest me to try not to throw my "last chance" away with the first words out of my mouth, if I even have the willpower to show such meager self-restraint this time. 
;D ROFL! He thinks he's the center of the universe or something! Hahahaha!
 Then the crazy continues with that before that happens he'll give me a "post-mortem" of why I lost, if my "greed-crippled little mind can even comprehend it".
 Hehe, for this crazy idiotic little person working in a win-win mode and working not for free is "greed". Well, we're not idiots to work for free, because we haven't free food, free water, free electricity, free internet, etc. We have to earn some money, until we live in a world, where the money matters.
 Now some of the semi-stupid, stupid and very stupid statements of flussence:

1. We thought we could harass and bully FPH's mods into submission.
 We never thought like this. The problem with the FPH (v/fatpeoplehate) was that they don't keep the rule about keeping the peace and allow Harry_Areola from Voat.co to insult there, the main mod ban us with the reason "fat" (he/she even doesn't see us), he sent insulting PM about a dead mother and then we responded to this and we hoped Atko (Atif Colo) will take some measures, but nooooo...
 Of course, you're a stupid and crazy person, so you can't understand these "complicated" reasons.

2. We thought we could silence the people who called you out on that via weeks of the same harassment, stalking and bullying.
 We thought we could participate in a normal, human, intelligent, cultural, educated win-win way, but we met hostility, downvote brigading, curses, criminal threads, innuendoes, stalking, bulliyng, etc. Then we decided to answer all this, and as you can see we're answering STILL. We're not letting you to hurt us, without response. We are protecting our dignity, our face, our work!

3. We thought anyone would believe our barefaced, constant lies that your sites aren't blatant spam of the worst kind.

Because you're too crazy and very stupid, you can't see that it's nothing about spam -- it's about psychology, philosophy, food, photography and many others. The limited brain maked limited conclusions. ;D
 The funny thing is how often this crazy jerk and some of the other jerks are showing a screenshot only of the SEO part of the site, not ALL OF IT. They hope the other like them (stupid people) will believe that it's just a SEO site.
 Also, I never saw a rule that SEO sites can't participate there. The rule is clear -- up to 20%, no matter SEO or non-SEO sites. The stupid people can't get it.

4. We thought that if we doubled down on these idiotic, obnoxious tactics again and again, attacking users, berating them and calling them liars while simultaneously spreading our worthless spam, and our infantile attacks, across the site, we would receive favorable results.

 Impressive project of his own idiocy and criminal behaviour to us!!!
a) Our the only tactic was to keep the rules and to participate in a win-win mode.
b) We never attacked people first. Only when some jerk like you attacked us, we answered the attacks as we can, according to our free time, because we'll never leave you to attack us without our decent responses!
c) You're one of the liars -- for instance you posted that we have money scam here, right? LIAR!
d) You're the one, who sent criminal threads!
e) We didn't spread any worthless things. Many people upvoted our posts and submissions, but your downvoting brigade ruined it. And then we decided to stop participating there, to repost most of the things here and even to create a competitive Voat.co's website -- thebetter.xyz!

 5. We thought that our constant public displays of sycophantic behavior toward this site's admin would make him capitulate to our demands and grant you a shield, even as you abused his site right before his eyes and wasted his time and resources for your utterly greedy, selfish gain.

 Maybe this is one of the most idiotic things I read till now!
a) I saw your sycophantic post to the site's admin.
b) We posted only 1 (ONE!) post with good words about Atko, because he really responded fast that time. After this, we saw he is careless about the criminal threads and innuendoes of yours, so we posted already that we're disappointed and we even made a competitive website -- thebetter.xyz. You think this is sycophantic? LOL!  ;D ;D
c) We didn't abused any rule. Read and try to understand the real rules there, not the imaginary rules, produced by your crazy brain!
d) LOL! He didn't answer us. What time and resources, you sycophant! He uses his time to deal with the spam reports and to ban this site, without any reason! He doesn't keep his own rule! He is not responding to us, but has time to respond others about some child photos or something else! So, don't be so stupid and check more carefully his last Voat'co's activity!

 The crazy and stupid person continues to think that we think spamming is a legitimate, sustainable, or even profitable business; that we contribute nothing positive to society; as spammers we are intrinsically worth nothing. ::)
 Our response to this hallucination is that:
a) we don't think that spamming is a legitimate, sustainable or profitable business. That's why we don't spam.
b) we contributed a lot to the society. We even were the 1-st ones, who mentioned that the CAPTCHA is not working from China and other countries, where Google is banned, but you and people like you are not able to see the contributions we made, so we're not going to make any more!

 We think they owe you a f#cking thing, least of all our time.

 We have to explain to the stupid jerk, that we think and believe in the mutual benefits and the win-win cooperation. We're not free workers!

 More -- the crazy insulter thinks so: that's not how the internet works and as long as good people exist on these wires, it never shall be.

 Except the worthless cliche, I wonder if he is really that crazy that he can believe that he -- the one, who sent insults, lies, innuendoes, criminal threads is a part of the "good people"?! Unbelievable impudence! >:(

 He thinks that we think you were winning. And we are absolutely wrong. ;D

I didn't know it's a game or war, where people can win or lose. But I suppose this is just another hallucination of the crazy person flussence.

 The crazy person, fulled with stupidity thinks that he can give us "a final mercy" ;D ;D ;D That made my day! ;D Final mercy! From the crazy and stupid liar with a criminal behaviour! Oh, yeah!!!

 He wants us to allow him to spell out the truth about our "obsessive greed" that  "has blinded us". ;D
HA-HA-HA! Submitting 20% own links is greed?!  ;D We even think it's very beneficial to the Voat.co, not for us so much. Many people will never agree to play in this rule -- most of the people like at least 50/50, not 20/100. Agree?

 He thinks that it was they (probably he means he + the other jerks from the downvote brigafe) who played us and our "accomplices in crime for the gullible, uneducated, insignificant fools you actually are."

 The crazy little fool, really is obsessed of the "winning", "playing", etc. Also, he hallucinates, it's pretty clear: what accomplices?!!! Who is uneducated?! (we are all with some college or university degrees)! Who is insignificant, except the crazy flussence from Voat.co?
 About the "gullible" -- I tend to agree. We believed that at least the admins will keep the own rules, but we're wrong about it.

 More -- the person, who spread innuendoes and criminal threads, the person, who is so stupid call us  "fools". Typical projection(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection) ! More from his projection: "The fools we knew you were all along. The fools you know you are, but refuse to admit even to yourselves, because you're such desperate, greedy pathological liars."
 You can't call "greedy" someone, just because he/she/they don't want to contribute for free. You can't call "greedy" someone who earns a few cents per day, too. About the desperate and liars -- yes, that's you. As I said -- psychological projection.

Now something very funny:
It was we who have scammed you: to effectively work, for far below minimum wage, for our own free personal amusement.
  ;D ;D ;D
a) the far below minimum wage = greed, according to the crazy, stupid man. Understandable.
b) yes, we effectively worked, but we reposted almost all here, so we didn't lose something from our effective work. We're not that stupid to leave the unique content there, once we saw the admins don't deserve it! (And you know already why!)

 The crazy stupid guy thinks that we are not their enemy; we are playthings to them: nothing more than the butt of a running joke. We have become a stale meme, and are in the process of being discarded.  ;D
 We are not going to be enemies of people with mental diseases. We're understanding that they need help, not enemies. :)
 We're glad that some of these mental disordered people had fun with us. About the discarded -- well, we said it clearly -- we're not going to participate and contribute there anymore. We made a competitive site thebetter.xyz and we reposted almost all of our unique content here. This is the right thing!

The crazy, stupid and pity creature thinks that we are nothing. And we lose.
 I dare to bet that everyone of us has more education, more experience and more knowledge than him. At least we're not a free workers, we have degrees, we're hard working and we can produce websites! :)
 Pity loser, flussence... He even posted a copy-pasta, because he is lack of ability to create something by himself... pity, pity ill loser.

Around 1 month ago, he admitted that he has "a nasty case of social anxiety". I think he knows some of his own problems, but not all...
Seems he is also a racist. He sent me: "f*ck off nigger" (the censorship is mine). I answered him: "Recipient: flussence | Sent: 2015/9/17 18:16:34
I'm a white person from Europe, but even I was black, it doesn't matter. We're not racists. Seems you're also a racist shit! GET CANCER AND DIE!!!"
And the crazy stupid racist, insulter, downvote brigading idiot answered with another "nigger". Now you know I was right about him!
The guy really has some mental disorder. I see now he thinks (according to his recent post in Voat.co) that some of us is "donating 1% of the proceeds from his spam to autism research for every gory BDSM pic he gets PMed"... It's not funny, it's sad that the nowadays medicine can't cure well the serious psychiatric problems... :(
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kevdude -- another stupid post of his
« Reply #92 on: September 20, 2015, 01:22:13 AM »
I'll answer to that disappointing person kevdude from Voat.co here: I believed in you, but you are just one of the people, who prefer to insult and to hurt, not to help! Shame of you! If you want to discuss something about your stupid behaviour in the /v/SoapboxBanhammer/, come here!
 And yes, your guess is idiotic!
And I sent him this:
Recipient: kevdude | Sent: 9/16/2015 8:10:27 PM
Your guess is idiotic!!!!!

I hoped you're someone different, but you're just one of the trash here! Your guess insulted me very much! I gave you a decent answer there: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg24942/#msg24942 If you want to debate, welcome there! I'm not going to participate in this sick way anymore: we're attacked, we're insulted, we're an object of lies, hate and downvote brigade and at the end... you suppose I'm someone like those there?! You're bad, you're insane!
DON'T forget the criminal threads, too!!!
  This kevdude from Voat.co is really stupid. He post a thread (in v/SoapboxBanhammer), where he screenshoted my answer to him and said that I PM'd him my autism. LOL ;D!!! The person has no idea what's the meaning of this word ("autism"). Let me educate him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism
 Well, it is not easy to learn and to become clever, right, kevdude? ;D
Another stupid post of kevdude in Voat.co: in v/ProtectVoat he posted that after calling someone out, he (kevdude) had a user he has never heard of PM him a tinyurl link. Then the stupid guess of kevdude is that it was either me sending him spam or "this retard sending me sick crap". He deleted it without checking! No checking, but at his guess is that it's me or another person! And he thinks that I'm able to send him spam!!! Stupidity, lies, rudeness and so on. I despise this person!
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About Atko (Atif Colo) again and about why some people are leaving Voat.co
« Reply #93 on: September 21, 2015, 01:24:31 AM »
  I'd like to say that Atko (voat.co/user/Atko) is one of the most responsive administrators (and owners), according to me (to my online experience). I'm 39 now and I am actively online from 1998. During this not short period I was a user, a moderator in a few forums, an administrator and a webmaster; an online tutor, an online translator. During all these years I had to deal with many admins and/or site-owners. It's very, very rare to meet someone so busy, but at the same time, so really RESPONSIVE like Atko. (I sent him already around 4 PMs so far and he answered me, politely and fast, every single time, no matter what was the issue, the problem or the question!!!) So, I want publicly to say these good words about him. He is in my "TOP 5 favorite voaters" currently. :) 8)
This is something new. We have to add something about Atko, about the administration of Voat.co and about our ideas here:


@Atko (Atif Colo) cares more about the spam reports, than about the criminal threads and innuendos (lies), and he doesn't keep his own rules. Read and judge by yourselves:

I reported to him (and to @Puttitout) the threads and the innuendos of @flussence. (And I made some public posts about it here!). No response from @Atko, but he found time to deal with the spam reports. (If you care, I'll tell you that @Atko even don't keep his own anti-spam rule 20/80 from http://www.voat.co/help/faq -- we kept this rule, but we got our Science-Education-Omnilogy website www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com banned by him! And he didn't give us any explanation about it!)

WE WERE SUPPORTIVE AND WE GAVE SOME GOOD IDEAS TO VOAT.CO! We were glad that he is a responsive admin and we posted about him some good words here and in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, but after we saw he can't keep his own rules and he doesn't care about the criminal activities in his own Voat.co, we are getting more and more disappointed and we think more and more about the idea to create a competetive website.
How many of you are going to join a better social network: without witch hunt, without hate and without downvote brigades, where the admins will keep their own rules? WE ARE READY TO CREATE IT IN A FEW DAYS, IF MANY OF YOU WANT A BETTER PLACE!
This is what I posted there a few minutes ago. It's about Atif Colo (Atko) again (and about why some people are leaving Voat.co):

"OF COURSE people are leaving Voat.co, Arotaes_Forgehammer!!! The normal people!"

Yes, @Arotaes_Forgehammer people are leaving Voat.co. The normal people! Who from the normal people can stand these:

ONE: @Atko cares much more about the spam cases, than the real problems as:

1.1. Downvote brigades (he thinks this is a social problem and he doesn't think that he can resolve it easy via removing the downvotes OR just punish the downvote brigadeers!)

1.2. Lies and innuendoes, and criminal threads! (I will remind you only our case: @flussence posted about us lies and innuendoes that we have scam in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com!!! And he posted several CRIMINAL THREADS! But @Atko didn't get any measures!)

TWO: @Atko doesn't keep his own rule about the spam -- no matter how strict we kept that "up to 20% own links", he added seo-forum-seo-luntan.com in the spam list, also without any explanation!!!

(After all these we got very disappointed and we created a Voat.co alternative -- thebetter.xyz, as probably you know!!!)

The normal people are leaving this LACKING OF JUSTICE AND NORMALITY website, because of these and some more similar reasons! @Atko (Atif Colo) and that @Puttitout CAN'T moderate and administrate responsibly this website -- their priorities are wrong, Atko even responses to his voaters rudely from time to time (or just do not response), and that's why, step by step, the site is going to lose its popularity and many of its users (because not only the normal and clever, but also many of the abnormal and not clever people CAN'T STAND ALL THESE PROBLEMS!!!)! You are welcome! (One of the scientific team, an European.)

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'Atif' -- the meaning of this name is 'The Kind One'
« Reply #94 on: September 21, 2015, 04:43:12 AM »
  I supposed that 'Atif' is a Muslim name and I am right: "Atif (also spelled Atef, Arabic: عاطف‎) is a masculine Arabic name generally used in the Muslim world, it means The Kind One."https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atif https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License


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Re: An answer to the insulter, downvote brigading, criminal behaving flussence
« Reply #95 on: September 22, 2015, 01:47:05 AM »
  flussence -- the insulter, the downvote brigading and criminal behaving person said (in v/SoapboxBanhammer) that he left a turd on my doorstep a few days back and he thinks I ate it. Well, I eat normal food. I think that he is the one with the coprophagy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophagia  ;D
 Now let see that post that he calls with the faeces name (from v/Poor):

1. He thinks that I'm now "running away" with "my tail between my legs"
 I think that the one with the tail is flussence, because he is some sort of crazy animal. ;D

 2. He thinks that this website is "insignificant, insipid, barren search engine optimization spam site" and even that the others websites that we're related and/or operate and/or own are SEO spam. ;D ;D Such a stupid guy, isn't he?
a) This site  is omnilogic, it's not just a SEO site. It's SEO, non-SEO (philosophy, photography, etc.)
b) The significance isn't bad, at least everyone who wants to know it, may see it at Alexa.com: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/seo-forum-seo-luntan.com#trafficstats
c) We're not spamming. We kept the rule "up to 2 of 10", but he is too stupid and can't understand that anti-spam rule.

 He'll grant me "a final reprieve, from now" "until such time" "my accounts" "are inevitably self-deleted out of cowardice, or banned."
 He's insane, isn't he? ;D
a) We don't care about bans from a place like Voat.co, which allows crazy people like you, to post insults, criminal threads, etc.
b) It's nothing about the cowardice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowardice), we just don't want to contribute anymore for Voat.co and we're reposting our content here + we answer here. We're not free workers!!!

 Now read this funny thing: he wrote that instead of, as he has done from the very start, ignored absolutely every word I have written towards him, he may actually deign to spend more than five seconds reading what I have to say in response this time.  ;D ;D ;D He suggest me to try not to throw my "last chance" away with the first words out of my mouth, if I even have the willpower to show such meager self-restraint this time. 
;D ROFL! He thinks he's the center of the universe or something! Hahahaha!
 Then the crazy continues with that before that happens he'll give me a "post-mortem" of why I lost, if my "greed-crippled little mind can even comprehend it".
 Hehe, for this crazy idiotic little person working in a win-win mode and working not for free is "greed". Well, we're not idiots to work for free, because we haven't free food, free water, free electricity, free internet, etc. We have to earn some money, until we live in a world, where the money matters.
 Now some of the semi-stupid, stupid and very stupid statements of flussence:

1. We thought we could harass and bully FPH's mods into submission.
 We never thought like this. The problem with the FPH (v/fatpeoplehate) was that they don't keep the rule about keeping the peace and allow Harry_Areola from Voat.co to insult there, the main mod ban us with the reason "fat" (he/she even doesn't see us), he sent insulting PM about a dead mother and then we responded to this and we hoped Atko (Atif Colo) will take some measures, but nooooo...
 Of course, you're a stupid and crazy person, so you can't understand these "complicated" reasons.

2. We thought we could silence the people who called you out on that via weeks of the same harassment, stalking and bullying.
 We thought we could participate in a normal, human, intelligent, cultural, educated win-win way, but we met hostility, downvote brigading, curses, criminal threads, innuendoes, stalking, bulliyng, etc. Then we decided to answer all this, and as you can see we're answering STILL. We're not letting you to hurt us, without response. We are protecting our dignity, our face, our work!

3. We thought anyone would believe our barefaced, constant lies that your sites aren't blatant spam of the worst kind.

Because you're too crazy and very stupid, you can't see that it's nothing about spam -- it's about psychology, philosophy, food, photography and many others. The limited brain maked limited conclusions. ;D
 The funny thing is how often this crazy jerk and some of the other jerks are showing a screenshot only of the SEO part of the site, not ALL OF IT. They hope the other like them (stupid people) will believe that it's just a SEO site.
 Also, I never saw a rule that SEO sites can't participate there. The rule is clear -- up to 20%, no matter SEO or non-SEO sites. The stupid people can't get it.

4. We thought that if we doubled down on these idiotic, obnoxious tactics again and again, attacking users, berating them and calling them liars while simultaneously spreading our worthless spam, and our infantile attacks, across the site, we would receive favorable results.

 Impressive project of his own idiocy and criminal behaviour to us!!!
a) Our the only tactic was to keep the rules and to participate in a win-win mode.
b) We never attacked people first. Only when some jerk like you attacked us, we answered the attacks as we can, according to our free time, because we'll never leave you to attack us without our decent responses!
c) You're one of the liars -- for instance you posted that we have money scam here, right? LIAR!
d) You're the one, who sent criminal threads!
e) We didn't spread any worthless things. Many people upvoted our posts and submissions, but your downvoting brigade ruined it. And then we decided to stop participating there, to repost most of the things here and even to create a competitive Voat.co's website -- thebetter.xyz!

 5. We thought that our constant public displays of sycophantic behavior toward this site's admin would make him capitulate to our demands and grant you a shield, even as you abused his site right before his eyes and wasted his time and resources for your utterly greedy, selfish gain.

 Maybe this is one of the most idiotic things I read till now!
a) I saw your sycophantic post to the site's admin.
b) We posted only 1 (ONE!) post with good words about Atko, because he really responded fast that time. After this, we saw he is careless about the criminal threads and innuendoes of yours, so we posted already that we're disappointed and we even made a competitive website -- thebetter.xyz. You think this is sycophantic? LOL!  ;D ;D
c) We didn't abused any rule. Read and try to understand the real rules there, not the imaginary rules, produced by your crazy brain!
d) LOL! He didn't answer us. What time and resources, you sycophant! He uses his time to deal with the spam reports and to ban this site, without any reason! He doesn't keep his own rule! He is not responding to us, but has time to respond others about some child photos or something else! So, don't be so stupid and check more carefully his last Voat'co's activity!

 The crazy and stupid person continues to think that we think spamming is a legitimate, sustainable, or even profitable business; that we contribute nothing positive to society; as spammers we are intrinsically worth nothing. ::)
 Our response to this hallucination is that:
a) we don't think that spamming is a legitimate, sustainable or profitable business. That's why we don't spam.
b) we contributed a lot to the society. We even were the 1-st ones, who mentioned that the CAPTCHA is not working from China and other countries, where Google is banned, but you and people like you are not able to see the contributions we made, so we're not going to make any more!

 We think they owe you a f#cking thing, least of all our time.

 We have to explain to the stupid jerk, that we think and believe in the mutual benefits and the win-win cooperation. We're not free workers!

 More -- the crazy insulter thinks so: that's not how the internet works and as long as good people exist on these wires, it never shall be.

 Except the worthless cliche, I wonder if he is really that crazy that he can believe that he -- the one, who sent insults, lies, innuendoes, criminal threads is a part of the "good people"?! Unbelievable impudence! >:(

 He thinks that we think you were winning. And we are absolutely wrong. ;D

I didn't know it's a game or war, where people can win or lose. But I suppose this is just another hallucination of the crazy person flussence.

 The crazy person, fulled with stupidity thinks that he can give us "a final mercy" ;D ;D ;D That made my day! ;D Final mercy! From the crazy and stupid liar with a criminal behaviour! Oh, yeah!!!

 He wants us to allow him to spell out the truth about our "obsessive greed" that  "has blinded us". ;D
HA-HA-HA! Submitting 20% own links is greed?!  ;D We even think it's very beneficial to the Voat.co, not for us so much. Many people will never agree to play in this rule -- most of the people like at least 50/50, not 20/100. Agree?

 He thinks that it was they (probably he means he + the other jerks from the downvote brigafe) who played us and our "accomplices in crime for the gullible, uneducated, insignificant fools you actually are."

 The crazy little fool, really is obsessed of the "winning", "playing", etc. Also, he hallucinates, it's pretty clear: what accomplices?!!! Who is uneducated?! (we are all with some college or university degrees)! Who is insignificant, except the crazy flussence from Voat.co?
 About the "gullible" -- I tend to agree. We believed that at least the admins will keep the own rules, but we're wrong about it.

 More -- the person, who spread innuendoes and criminal threads, the person, who is so stupid call us  "fools". Typical projection(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection) ! More from his projection: "The fools we knew you were all along. The fools you know you are, but refuse to admit even to yourselves, because you're such desperate, greedy pathological liars."
 You can't call "greedy" someone, just because he/she/they don't want to contribute for free. You can't call "greedy" someone who earns a few cents per day, too. About the desperate and liars -- yes, that's you. As I said -- psychological projection.

Now something very funny:
It was we who have scammed you: to effectively work, for far below minimum wage, for our own free personal amusement.
  ;D ;D ;D
a) the far below minimum wage = greed, according to the crazy, stupid man. Understandable.
b) yes, we effectively worked, but we reposted almost all here, so we didn't lose something from our effective work. We're not that stupid to leave the unique content there, once we saw the admins don't deserve it! (And you know already why!)

 The crazy stupid guy thinks that we are not their enemy; we are playthings to them: nothing more than the butt of a running joke. We have become a stale meme, and are in the process of being discarded.  ;D
 We are not going to be enemies of people with mental diseases. We're understanding that they need help, not enemies. :)
 We're glad that some of these mental disordered people had fun with us. About the discarded -- well, we said it clearly -- we're not going to participate and contribute there anymore. We made a competitive site thebetter.xyz and we reposted almost all of our unique content here. This is the right thing!

The crazy, stupid and pity creature thinks that we are nothing. And we lose.
 I dare to bet that everyone of us has more education, more experience and more knowledge than him. At least we're not a free workers, we have degrees, we're hard working and we can produce websites! :)
 Pity loser, flussence... He even posted a copy-pasta, because he is lack of ability to create something by himself... pity, pity ill loser.

Around 1 month ago, he admitted that he has "a nasty case of social anxiety". I think he knows some of his own problems, but not all...
Seems he is also a racist. He sent me: "f*ck off nigger" (the censorship is mine). I answered him: "Recipient: flussence | Sent: 2015/9/17 18:16:34
I'm a white person from Europe, but even I was black, it doesn't matter. We're not racists. Seems you're also a racist shit! GET CANCER AND DIE!!!"
And the crazy stupid racist, insulter, downvote brigading idiot answered with another "nigger". Now you know I was right about him!
The guy really has some mental disorder. I see now he thinks (according to his recent post in Voat.co) that some of us is "donating 1% of the proceeds from his spam to autism research for every gory BDSM pic he gets PMed"... It's not funny, it's sad that the nowadays medicine can't cure well the serious psychiatric problems... :(
  More insanity from flussence:
  • He is stalking me, insulting me, sending threads, sending insulting PMs, etc. and he claims that I stalking him! What a crazy individual!
  • He sent a flood of fake spam reports, so he get many bans in some of our current subverses there.
  • He is getting normal answers, but then he is insulting us and then he's getting ban. Recent example:

    In v/Awww he is posting "REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/aww!"

    I answer that "All the subverses are real."

    The crazy person answers that my "scientist" credentials are not real.

    I suggest him a normal idea: "Give me your Skype ID, we may have a friendly video chat, and I will show you my diploma. Deal, coward?" (Yes, he is a coward and his answer again proved it. His answer was insulting: "Eat shit and die, spammer.")

    Then I gave him a reciprocal, decent answer: "NO, you and your parents must eat shit and die, spammer, flooder, insulter, degenerate, PSYCHO, downvote brigadeer, coward! GET BANNED HERE!!!" (Yes, his parents ARE responsible for producing such an insulting, hurting and disgusting individual!)

    Then he repeats the insult, without proper punctuation "eat shit and die, spammer"...

    At the end he got ban there. And my final words were: "Enjoy your BAN, idiotic crazy creature! Burn in hell!" What better I could do in this case?!
  • He is trying to provocate me to answer him there outside of our comparatively downvote safe subverses or without editing the main post (submission). Right now I told him: "flussence, dear stalking psychopath, who is sending threads, insults, fake spam reports flood, etc.! I WILL EDIT AS MUCH AS I WISH (it's NOT spam, sick brain!), because I don't want to fulfill your dream to put the fucking ccp under -100 and then to shut me up! YOU WISH CENSORSHIP, BECAUSE YOU'RE A SPINELESS COWARD, who can NOT debate WITHOUT restrictions!!! I answer you in our site, come and debate there without downvotes, if you dare! Here we may communicate only in these ways! Deal with it!!!" (As we know, when the ccp is low there, the limits are on. That's why we prefer forums like this one, where the downvotes don't imply some automatic limitation to the participation.)
  • He thinks only he can send criminal threads, insults, etc., but when we answer him, it's already "harass me"/"tactic of harassing users"! So subjective and crazy moron!
  • And more, but I may post about it later, if I find some time!
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An answer to the Canadian alcoholic-hater and downvote fan Tipman79 from Voat.co
« Reply #96 on: September 22, 2015, 01:58:03 AM »
 This is my public answer to that terrible, abnormal Tipman79 from Voat.co:
Our name isn't Atif (Arab-Muslim name), we're Ivan and Georgi (Christian and Bulgarian names) and we're MEN. (Tipman79 thinks Bulgarian is not a man.)

  Let me make it clear -- @Tipman79 (a Canadian alcoholic, hater and downvote brigade participator) posted that I'm Bulgarian, so I'm not a man. I don't know why some people prefer Atif (Muslim name of Atko), not Ivan, Georgi and other Christian, Bulgarian names. It's their right to prefer Muslims, Arabs, Pakistanis, etc. BUT we're from Bulgaria -- an European, Christian country in South Europe (above Greece and under Romania), and we're not going to feel shame, because of our Christian religion or our country with 1334 years European history! We're pacifists, we're educated (not religion fanatics) and we're not racists. BUT we're not feeling any shame, that we're from an European-Christian-old country and we have traditional Christian names (Ivan and Georgi), instead of Muslim names like "Atif".

@Atko's name is "Atif Colo". Atif is an Arabic and mostly Muslim name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atif
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About the last ban of the abnormal flussence from Voat.co
« Reply #97 on: September 22, 2015, 03:15:49 AM »
  flussence -- the insulter, the downvote brigading and criminal behaving person said (in v/SoapboxBanhammer) that he left a turd on my doorstep a few days back and he thinks I ate it. Well, I eat normal food. I think that he is the one with the coprophagy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprophagia  ;D
 Now let see that post that he calls with the faeces name (from v/Poor):

1. He thinks that I'm now "running away" with "my tail between my legs"
 I think that the one with the tail is flussence, because he is some sort of crazy animal. ;D

 2. He thinks that this website is "insignificant, insipid, barren search engine optimization spam site" and even that the others websites that we're related and/or operate and/or own are SEO spam. ;D ;D Such a stupid guy, isn't he?
a) This site  is omnilogic, it's not just a SEO site. It's SEO, non-SEO (philosophy, photography, etc.)
b) The significance isn't bad, at least everyone who wants to know it, may see it at Alexa.com: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/seo-forum-seo-luntan.com#trafficstats
c) We're not spamming. We kept the rule "up to 2 of 10", but he is too stupid and can't understand that anti-spam rule.

 He'll grant me "a final reprieve, from now" "until such time" "my accounts" "are inevitably self-deleted out of cowardice, or banned."
 He's insane, isn't he? ;D
a) We don't care about bans from a place like Voat.co, which allows crazy people like you, to post insults, criminal threads, etc.
b) It's nothing about the cowardice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowardice), we just don't want to contribute anymore for Voat.co and we're reposting our content here + we answer here. We're not free workers!!!

 Now read this funny thing: he wrote that instead of, as he has done from the very start, ignored absolutely every word I have written towards him, he may actually deign to spend more than five seconds reading what I have to say in response this time.  ;D ;D ;D He suggest me to try not to throw my "last chance" away with the first words out of my mouth, if I even have the willpower to show such meager self-restraint this time. 
;D ROFL! He thinks he's the center of the universe or something! Hahahaha!
 Then the crazy continues with that before that happens he'll give me a "post-mortem" of why I lost, if my "greed-crippled little mind can even comprehend it".
 Hehe, for this crazy idiotic little person working in a win-win mode and working not for free is "greed". Well, we're not idiots to work for free, because we haven't free food, free water, free electricity, free internet, etc. We have to earn some money, until we live in a world, where the money matters.
 Now some of the semi-stupid, stupid and very stupid statements of flussence:

1. We thought we could harass and bully FPH's mods into submission.
 We never thought like this. The problem with the FPH (v/fatpeoplehate) was that they don't keep the rule about keeping the peace and allow Harry_Areola from Voat.co to insult there, the main mod ban us with the reason "fat" (he/she even doesn't see us), he sent insulting PM about a dead mother and then we responded to this and we hoped Atko (Atif Colo) will take some measures, but nooooo...
 Of course, you're a stupid and crazy person, so you can't understand these "complicated" reasons.

2. We thought we could silence the people who called you out on that via weeks of the same harassment, stalking and bullying.
 We thought we could participate in a normal, human, intelligent, cultural, educated win-win way, but we met hostility, downvote brigading, curses, criminal threads, innuendoes, stalking, bulliyng, etc. Then we decided to answer all this, and as you can see we're answering STILL. We're not letting you to hurt us, without response. We are protecting our dignity, our face, our work!

3. We thought anyone would believe our barefaced, constant lies that your sites aren't blatant spam of the worst kind.

Because you're too crazy and very stupid, you can't see that it's nothing about spam -- it's about psychology, philosophy, food, photography and many others. The limited brain maked limited conclusions. ;D
 The funny thing is how often this crazy jerk and some of the other jerks are showing a screenshot only of the SEO part of the site, not ALL OF IT. They hope the other like them (stupid people) will believe that it's just a SEO site.
 Also, I never saw a rule that SEO sites can't participate there. The rule is clear -- up to 20%, no matter SEO or non-SEO sites. The stupid people can't get it.

4. We thought that if we doubled down on these idiotic, obnoxious tactics again and again, attacking users, berating them and calling them liars while simultaneously spreading our worthless spam, and our infantile attacks, across the site, we would receive favorable results.

 Impressive project of his own idiocy and criminal behaviour to us!!!
a) Our the only tactic was to keep the rules and to participate in a win-win mode.
b) We never attacked people first. Only when some jerk like you attacked us, we answered the attacks as we can, according to our free time, because we'll never leave you to attack us without our decent responses!
c) You're one of the liars -- for instance you posted that we have money scam here, right? LIAR!
d) You're the one, who sent criminal threads!
e) We didn't spread any worthless things. Many people upvoted our posts and submissions, but your downvoting brigade ruined it. And then we decided to stop participating there, to repost most of the things here and even to create a competitive Voat.co's website -- thebetter.xyz!

 5. We thought that our constant public displays of sycophantic behavior toward this site's admin would make him capitulate to our demands and grant you a shield, even as you abused his site right before his eyes and wasted his time and resources for your utterly greedy, selfish gain.

 Maybe this is one of the most idiotic things I read till now!
a) I saw your sycophantic post to the site's admin.
b) We posted only 1 (ONE!) post with good words about Atko, because he really responded fast that time. After this, we saw he is careless about the criminal threads and innuendoes of yours, so we posted already that we're disappointed and we even made a competitive website -- thebetter.xyz. You think this is sycophantic? LOL!  ;D ;D
c) We didn't abused any rule. Read and try to understand the real rules there, not the imaginary rules, produced by your crazy brain!
d) LOL! He didn't answer us. What time and resources, you sycophant! He uses his time to deal with the spam reports and to ban this site, without any reason! He doesn't keep his own rule! He is not responding to us, but has time to respond others about some child photos or something else! So, don't be so stupid and check more carefully his last Voat'co's activity!

 The crazy and stupid person continues to think that we think spamming is a legitimate, sustainable, or even profitable business; that we contribute nothing positive to society; as spammers we are intrinsically worth nothing. ::)
 Our response to this hallucination is that:
a) we don't think that spamming is a legitimate, sustainable or profitable business. That's why we don't spam.
b) we contributed a lot to the society. We even were the 1-st ones, who mentioned that the CAPTCHA is not working from China and other countries, where Google is banned, but you and people like you are not able to see the contributions we made, so we're not going to make any more!

 We think they owe you a f#cking thing, least of all our time.

 We have to explain to the stupid jerk, that we think and believe in the mutual benefits and the win-win cooperation. We're not free workers!

 More -- the crazy insulter thinks so: that's not how the internet works and as long as good people exist on these wires, it never shall be.

 Except the worthless cliche, I wonder if he is really that crazy that he can believe that he -- the one, who sent insults, lies, innuendoes, criminal threads is a part of the "good people"?! Unbelievable impudence! >:(

 He thinks that we think you were winning. And we are absolutely wrong. ;D

I didn't know it's a game or war, where people can win or lose. But I suppose this is just another hallucination of the crazy person flussence.

 The crazy person, fulled with stupidity thinks that he can give us "a final mercy" ;D ;D ;D That made my day! ;D Final mercy! From the crazy and stupid liar with a criminal behaviour! Oh, yeah!!!

 He wants us to allow him to spell out the truth about our "obsessive greed" that  "has blinded us". ;D
HA-HA-HA! Submitting 20% own links is greed?!  ;D We even think it's very beneficial to the Voat.co, not for us so much. Many people will never agree to play in this rule -- most of the people like at least 50/50, not 20/100. Agree?

 He thinks that it was they (probably he means he + the other jerks from the downvote brigafe) who played us and our "accomplices in crime for the gullible, uneducated, insignificant fools you actually are."

 The crazy little fool, really is obsessed of the "winning", "playing", etc. Also, he hallucinates, it's pretty clear: what accomplices?!!! Who is uneducated?! (we are all with some college or university degrees)! Who is insignificant, except the crazy flussence from Voat.co?
 About the "gullible" -- I tend to agree. We believed that at least the admins will keep the own rules, but we're wrong about it.

 More -- the person, who spread innuendoes and criminal threads, the person, who is so stupid call us  "fools". Typical projection(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection) ! More from his projection: "The fools we knew you were all along. The fools you know you are, but refuse to admit even to yourselves, because you're such desperate, greedy pathological liars."
 You can't call "greedy" someone, just because he/she/they don't want to contribute for free. You can't call "greedy" someone who earns a few cents per day, too. About the desperate and liars -- yes, that's you. As I said -- psychological projection.

Now something very funny:
It was we who have scammed you: to effectively work, for far below minimum wage, for our own free personal amusement.
  ;D ;D ;D
a) the far below minimum wage = greed, according to the crazy, stupid man. Understandable.
b) yes, we effectively worked, but we reposted almost all here, so we didn't lose something from our effective work. We're not that stupid to leave the unique content there, once we saw the admins don't deserve it! (And you know already why!)

 The crazy stupid guy thinks that we are not their enemy; we are playthings to them: nothing more than the butt of a running joke. We have become a stale meme, and are in the process of being discarded.  ;D
 We are not going to be enemies of people with mental diseases. We're understanding that they need help, not enemies. :)
 We're glad that some of these mental disordered people had fun with us. About the discarded -- well, we said it clearly -- we're not going to participate and contribute there anymore. We made a competitive site thebetter.xyz and we reposted almost all of our unique content here. This is the right thing!

The crazy, stupid and pity creature thinks that we are nothing. And we lose.
 I dare to bet that everyone of us has more education, more experience and more knowledge than him. At least we're not a free workers, we have degrees, we're hard working and we can produce websites! :)
 Pity loser, flussence... He even posted a copy-pasta, because he is lack of ability to create something by himself... pity, pity ill loser.

Around 1 month ago, he admitted that he has "a nasty case of social anxiety". I think he knows some of his own problems, but not all...
Seems he is also a racist. He sent me: "f*ck off nigger" (the censorship is mine). I answered him: "Recipient: flussence | Sent: 2015/9/17 18:16:34
I'm a white person from Europe, but even I was black, it doesn't matter. We're not racists. Seems you're also a racist shit! GET CANCER AND DIE!!!"
And the crazy stupid racist, insulter, downvote brigading idiot answered with another "nigger". Now you know I was right about him!
The guy really has some mental disorder. I see now he thinks (according to his recent post in Voat.co) that some of us is "donating 1% of the proceeds from his spam to autism research for every gory BDSM pic he gets PMed"... It's not funny, it's sad that the nowadays medicine can't cure well the serious psychiatric problems... :(
  More insanity from flussence:
  • He is stalking me, insulting me, sending threads, sending insulting PMs, etc. and he claims that I stalking him! What a crazy individual!
  • He sent a flood of fake spam reports, so he get many bans in some of our current subverses there.
  • He is getting normal answers, but then he is insulting us and then he's getting ban. Recent example:

    In v/Awww he is posting "REMINDER: The real subverse is at /v/aww!"

    I answer that "All the subverses are real."

    The crazy person answers that my "scientist" credentials are not real.

    I suggest him a normal idea: "Give me your Skype ID, we may have a friendly video chat, and I will show you my diploma. Deal, coward?" (Yes, he is a coward and his answer again proved it. His answer was insulting: "Eat shit and die, spammer.")

    Then I gave him a reciprocal, decent answer: "NO, you and your parents must eat shit and die, spammer, flooder, insulter, degenerate, PSYCHO, downvote brigadeer, coward! GET BANNED HERE!!!" (Yes, his parents ARE responsible for producing such an insulting, hurting and disgusting individual!)

    Then he repeats the insult, without proper punctuation "eat shit and die, spammer"...

    At the end he got ban there. And my final words were: "Enjoy your BAN, idiotic crazy creature! Burn in hell!" What better I could do in this case?!
  • He is trying to provocate me to answer him there outside of our comparatively downvote safe subverses or without editing the main post (submission). Right now I told him: "flussence, dear stalking psychopath, who is sending threads, insults, fake spam reports flood, etc.! I WILL EDIT AS MUCH AS I WISH (it's NOT spam, sick brain!), because I don't want to fulfill your dream to put the fucking ccp under -100 and then to shut me up! YOU WISH CENSORSHIP, BECAUSE YOU'RE A SPINELESS COWARD, who can NOT debate WITHOUT restrictions!!! I answer you in our site, come and debate there without downvotes, if you dare! Here we may communicate only in these ways! Deal with it!!!" (As we know, when the ccp is low there, the limits are on. That's why we prefer forums like this one, where the downvotes don't imply some automatic limitation to the participation.)
  • He thinks only he can send criminal threads, insults, etc., but when we answer him, it's already "harass me"/"tactic of harassing users"! So subjective and crazy moron!
  • And more, but I may post about it later, if I find some time!
About the last ban of the abnormal flussence from Voat.co: yes, he received my ban with the words "You got NORMAL answer to your PROVOCATIVE post, and you still dare to behave RUDE?! What a psychopath!!! BAN!" I dislike this impudent, crazy behavior!
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An answer to the spamophobic MisterDave from Voat.co
« Reply #98 on: September 23, 2015, 04:35:27 AM »
  MisterDave from Voat.co is a spamophobic person -- he thinks that I/we spam even when we clearly and strictly keep the rule, that shows up to 20% own links IS NOT spam. Because he is afraid to debate in PM and he thinks it's also "spam" (I told you -- a spamophobic, not normal person), I'm going to answer him here, from now on. This is the last answer I sent him there, I will repost it here, too:

I think you're the real idiot, because you (all of you) already tried the WHOIS and at first you think I'm a Chinese, then -- I'm a Bulgarian. Lack of brain capacity to see the TEAM behind all this.
Sure, of course, you'll think that Atif banned us right, no matter how well and strict we kept the rule about the 20%! You're subjective.
You PLAY on Voat?!?!?! And you're doing all these efforts FOR FREE?! You really don't value your time.
About the "spirit" -- it was a joke -- every time, when someone CAN'T prove, that we're spammers, because we follow the anti-spam rule and their last hope is to point to some invisible "spirit". Well, it's ridiculous.
**I'm not a spammer, because I kept the rule here, which is very clear. The spammer is only in your head. Wishful thinking, you know? I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING, because I gave 80% FREE LABOR HERE! Do you understand HOW HARD is it to post 80% OTHER things in order to get 20% own/related links?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? It's a sort of EXPLOITATION! If it was IN FAIR, it should be 50/50!!! BUT STILL, we didn't complain and we tried to keep the rule! If for you 80% for 20% is still "a theft", you're someone, who is very, very delusional!**
>Oh woe is me, he used a bad word! Waaah wahh wahhh!
OK, if you're so rude, don't complain later, when my language also become adequate to your rudeness! I don't know is it some imperial habit for the anglos to think k only they can attack, invade, etc., and we, the rest have to obey and listen, but I'm not a son of slaves, and I'm ready to protect myself as much as I can!
YOU MADE FAKE REPORTS -- we kept the rule up to 20%, we made a lot of screenshots of this rule and your SPAM accusations are fake as hell! And yes, you did some harm already to us, the innocent honest educated people!
I spam your PM?! Are you INSANE?????? Read the SPAM meaning: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/spam **and stop with your spamophobia, you crazy anglo-saxon individual!!!**
FROM NOW ON, you will receive your ANSWERS ONLY IN OUR FORUM, if you are a coward and you don't want PMs.
About the sparring -- you're welcome to China! We are not fans of England and we do not visit that place.
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The PMs of the spamophobic MisterDave from Voat.co
« Reply #99 on: September 23, 2015, 04:52:36 AM »
  MisterDave from Voat.co is a spamophobic person -- he thinks that I/we spam even when we clearly and strictly keep the rule, that shows up to 20% own links IS NOT spam. Because he is afraid to debate in PM and he thinks it's also "spam" (I told you -- a spamophobic, not normal person), I'm going to answer him here, from now on. This is the last answer I sent him there, I will repost it here, too:

I think you're the real idiot, because you (all of you) already tried the WHOIS and at first you think I'm a Chinese, then -- I'm a Bulgarian. Lack of brain capacity to see the TEAM behind all this.
Sure, of course, you'll think that Atif banned us right, no matter how well and strict we kept the rule about the 20%! You're subjective.
You PLAY on Voat?!?!?! And you're doing all these efforts FOR FREE?! You really don't value your time.
About the "spirit" -- it was a joke -- every time, when someone CAN'T prove, that we're spammers, because we follow the anti-spam rule and their last hope is to point to some invisible "spirit". Well, it's ridiculous.
**I'm not a spammer, because I kept the rule here, which is very clear. The spammer is only in your head. Wishful thinking, you know? I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING, because I gave 80% FREE LABOR HERE! Do you understand HOW HARD is it to post 80% OTHER things in order to get 20% own/related links?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? It's a sort of EXPLOITATION! If it was IN FAIR, it should be 50/50!!! BUT STILL, we didn't complain and we tried to keep the rule! If for you 80% for 20% is still "a theft", you're someone, who is very, very delusional!**
>Oh woe is me, he used a bad word! Waaah wahh wahhh!
OK, if you're so rude, don't complain later, when my language also become adequate to your rudeness! I don't know is it some imperial habit for the anglos to think k only they can attack, invade, etc., and we, the rest have to obey and listen, but I'm not a son of slaves, and I'm ready to protect myself as much as I can!
YOU MADE FAKE REPORTS -- we kept the rule up to 20%, we made a lot of screenshots of this rule and your SPAM accusations are fake as hell! And yes, you did some harm already to us, the innocent honest educated people!
I spam your PM?! Are you INSANE?????? Read the SPAM meaning: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/spam **and stop with your spamophobia, you crazy anglo-saxon individual!!!**
FROM NOW ON, you will receive your ANSWERS ONLY IN OUR FORUM, if you are a coward and you don't want PMs.
About the sparring -- you're welcome to China! We are not fans of England and we do not visit that place.
As you know I'm finishing my participation here soon. This is just another person, who wants to deal with me and I deal with him!

MisterDave -- the spamophobic -- exposes my PMs there (in Voat.co, in the v/ReportSpammers).   Then I will expose his in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, i.e. here. As a coward, he thinks that debate via PM is "spam"... OKAY then, I will stop PM him, because he is reposting my PMs in Voat.co publicly! SO, I started to answer him and exposing his PMs in our website: seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg25062/#msg25062 COME AND DEBATE AS A MAN, MisterDave! Don't only here hide yourself behind the downvote brigadeers!!!
 AND HIS PMs now:

Sender: MisterDave | Sent: 2015/9/22 3:59:30
Is that correct, sir?
You may report it for spam if someone spams it.

I haven't spammed it. It's not even 5% of my submissions. It's one of only about 4 sites on the internet with news on that subject so it's hard to avoid linking it. Go ahead and report it as spam if it makes you feel happy, I'm confident your report won't be taken seriously. I've linked both Metro.co.uk and Mirror.co.uk more than narrowboatworld.com, perhaps you should report them too, just so that everyone knows what a total retard you are.

Sender: MisterDave | Sent: 2015/9/22 17:32:23
I answered to your impudent, rude post!!!
Look, I think that an almost 50 years old English man should be POLITE and GENTLEMAN, but you are using rude words, so I ANSWERED YOUR IMPUDENT BEHAVIOR! READ NOW!!!
I see no reason to be polite to thieves and others of moral and intellectual paucity. You're an advertisement thief.

@MisterDave, the real idiot is you, because you're posting publicly the whois info, and I sent you ONLY a PRIVATE message, to ask you about that WHOIS. Do you see the difference?

What difference? The only difference I see is that you had the details of an old man with a hobby news site who has never been on voat, and were imlicitly threatening to release them because you thought it was me.

And don't explain me about the Daily Mirror, please!
Ok, you explain to me, why you thought I was Tom Crossley because I posted links to NBW but you don't think I'm Trinity Mirror Publications because I posted more links to mirror.co.uk

YOUR IDIOTIC SPAM-REPORTER COLLEAGUE @flussence even thinks that iciba.com is ours!!!
He's not a colleague, colleagues are people who have the same employer and share a working environment. he's a web acquaintance, there's a difference. I'm under no obligation to change what he thinks. Don't explain to me about iciba.com please!

AND ALSO -- we're a part of the seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, do you think the website is only mine?!
I don't care if it's only yours, if it's your mother's, if it belongs to your whole special ed class, or if it belongs to the King of Spain. If I see spam, I report spam. If you spam, you get reported.

When someone asks about your links, seems you're getting very sensitive, huh? Only you want to search and report spam? Let people take a closer look to your submissions, don't think you're someone so special!
Please take a closer look at my submissions, there's no spam, you're making yourself look even more stupid than you already looked. If you're going to try and report something as spam you have a moral obligation to get your facts correct as failing to do so might cause harm to third parties. Beyond that caveat, go ahead!

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Sender: MisterDave | Sent: 2015/9/22 17:52:49
And my SECOND answer!
I will never let you to insult and attack us! We have DIGNITY and we will defend ourselves AS LONG AS WE ARE ALIVE!!!
You are a spammer, spam is theft. You are a lowlife thief, there's no dignity in stealing for a living. Also, I appear to be insulting you with impunity, which means you're wrong again.

READ IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.P.S. @MisterDave, I think nearly 50 years old Englishman should be a gentleman, but you're using rude, offensive words,
Oh woe is me, he used a bad word! Waaah wahh wahhh!

For f's sake, grow up.

so it's my time for a reciprocal answer to you: **moron, you are posting publicly my WHOIS
I linked the whois for a spamvertised domain. No harm in that. If there had been no spam for that domain it would never have been linked.

, I only asked you in PM (it means PRIVATE message, if you didn't know it, stupid dick!!!) is that info correct. I sent A QUESTION to YOU,
I never solicited your question, you are spamming my private messages. You've been asked to stop PM'ing me (it means PRIVATE message, if you didn't know it, stupid dick!!!) but you didn't stop so you don't get any say in what I do with those messages. All your PM's to me will now be posted in /v/reportspammers. Keep digging yourself that hole!

you're EXPOSING our WHOIS publicly here to all the voaters, even when we keep the RULE 2 of 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't keep rule 2 of 10, you abuse the rules and treat them as a how to spam guide.

Do you realize the difference, crazy and stupid man?
Difference between what? Your spam is just spam, no different, just ordinary theft-of-advertising and trespass against a chattal.

You ask me to do something about you?!?!?!? Like what? Any ideas? @georgi NEVER refuses sparrings, for example. If you're in a good shape, you're welcome to visit him. :) **
It's you who keeps PM'ing me. If you want to spar, get yourself to England and then tell me where to meet you, I'll meet you in any boxing ring, dojo, car park, or I know some nice remote places up on the moors where we won't be disturbed! Otherwise, stop spamming and stop PM'ing me (it means PRIVATE message, if you didn't know it, stupid dick!!!).

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Sender: MisterDave | Sent: 2015/9/22 18:10:16
Is that correct, sir?
The spam reports here are a joke! Atif even ban WRONG sites and Atif didn't keep his own rules!
The spam reports are a joke because Atko doesn't ban fast enough, and because the site doesn't do enough types of ban. I told Atko this would be a problem for him about a year ago. The only wrong ban I've seen him make is a domain he mistook for a url shortener, an easy mistake to make and not one that prevents anyone posting content.

You keep the rules, but you don't keep the spirit of Voat. LOL! Sounds familiar?
Sounds familiar as you, but I don't know why you're saying it to me, you're becoming incoherent. If you're trying to say I'm gaming the 20% guideline you'll have to show where, the only domain making a substantial percentage of my posts is voat.co but you already knew that.

The retard is YOU, because you lose your time to report and to insult people WITHOUT earning anything.
I'm earning money while I'm playing on voat, my employer pays me for a full weeks work even when there is no work. You should not jump to conclusions, you keep getting it wrong.

I only wanted to show you that we also can see WHOIS and we're also able to send spam reports!
I'm sure you can, but you can't actually target the right person or domain name. Idiot.

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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #100 on: September 23, 2015, 04:54:36 AM »
 If he pay me a plane ticket, I may visit him for a good sparring! 8) Otherwise, he is welcome here!
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An answer to nadrewod from Voat.co
« Reply #101 on: September 23, 2015, 05:02:28 AM »
 That nadrewod from Voat.co thinks that I am really stupid... I also think that he/she/it is really stupid, but it's not the point. Why he/she/it thinks so? Because MisterDave (that MisterDave from Voat.co -- the spamophobia man) even told me what his real first name was... (It means, that we have to believe that everyone online is 100% honest! ;D)... I really don't care about his name/names! I only showed him, that we also can use WHOIS and to see the public information there. And we also can report spam.
 Then the stupid nadrewod gives a perfect sentence: "Just because you link to a site doesn't mean that you own it" HEY, this sentence you should show to the abnormal flussence from Voat.co, who thinks and reported as spam even some big, famous sites, we were linking there!!!
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Re: An answer to nadrewod from Voat.co
« Reply #102 on: September 23, 2015, 05:06:17 AM »
That nadrewod from Voat.co thinks that I am really stupid... I also think that he/she/it is really stupid, but it's not the point. Why he/she/it thinks so? Because MisterDave (that MisterDave from Voat.co -- the spamophobia man) even told me what his real first name was... (It means, that we have to believe that everyone online is 100% honest! ;D)... I really don't care about his name/names! I only showed him, that we also can use WHOIS and to see the public information there. And we also can report spam.
 Then the stupid nadrewod gives a perfect sentence: "Just because you link to a site doesn't mean that you own it" HEY, this sentence you should show to the abnormal flussence from Voat.co, who thinks and reported as spam even some big, famous sites, we were linking there!!!
And I sent him/her this PM:
Recipient: nadrewod | Sent: 2015/9/22 23:04:49
You are calling me stupid...
You're calling me stupid, maybe to provocate me to answer you? NO! I am finishing my participation in Voat.co. I answered you here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg25065/#msg25065 -- if you want, come and read there, and answer there, where you can't hide behind the downvotes! THIS IS MY LAST PM to you!!! From now on -- only there!!!
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Re: Is voat.co going to be a new Internet leading website
« Reply #103 on: September 23, 2015, 05:11:09 AM »
 They're feeling very uncomfortable here -- no downvote restrictions (i.e. you may downvote me 1873912739187 times and I will be still able to participate normally, without limits!). Also you can't downvote non-stop. Once per 24 hours! Pretty fair!
 So, here they should use ARGUMENTS, not rude speech, not criminal threads, not innuendoes and lies. So, it's a difficult (to impossible) for them to complete such a normal by the way, effort/task. They wish to hide and to censor as much as they can. For them the TRUTH is not important, the important is the POWER, the aggression, the force. Well, for us more important is the science, the facts, the truth itself. Different values. Very different!
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I'm not perfect
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2015, 05:18:24 AM »
They're feeling very uncomfortable here -- no downvote restrictions (i.e. you may downvote me 1873912739187 times and I will be still able to participate normally, without limits!). Also you can't downvote non-stop. Once per 24 hours! Pretty fair!
 So, here they should use ARGUMENTS, not rude speech, not criminal threads, not innuendoes and lies. So, it's a difficult (to impossible) for them to complete such a normal by the way, effort/task. They wish to hide and to censor as much as they can. For them the TRUTH is not important, the important is the POWER, the aggression, the force. Well, for us more important is the science, the facts, the truth itself. Different values. Very different!
  Well, they've got a lot of problems, but I'm not a perfect man, too. I forgot I sent already a last, informative PM to nadrewod... So, as a true man and a gentleman, I sent him/her my apologies:
You are calling me stupid...
Really? OH, I am really sorry! I forgot I posted you a last PM, to inform you where I will answer only. OK, I will make a list and I promise I will not make a mistake again. I respect your right to chose PM or not PM... Sincere apologies! Going on to answer you all there! Best wishes!
I really have to make a list. A fresh list... So far: MisterDave, nadrewod...
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)

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