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Author Topic: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad  (Read 30293 times)

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Brocel assuming i have a gf
« Reply #150 on: July 05, 2022, 05:34:51 AM »
Brocel assumed that I have a gf. Well, when someone is assuming something like this, I have to take it positively; as a compliment, I suppose. Well, I wish I had a gf. A real gf... But I haven't.

Sad or funny? The brocel said "Shopping in the women's section. :feelshehe: For your gf? :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelsugh::feelssus:"  :P And I explained honestly that in fact it's in a local sportshop where I use dumbbells like that in my right hand for free because I have no money for gym and I just go to use free stuff like this. (In the shops, supermarkets, in the gardens, at home.) Once you have the wish to gymcelling and to be a decent gymcel, the poverty can't stop you!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #151 on: July 05, 2022, 07:22:55 PM »
They're thinking too much...


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"A billionaire can afford to gamble $100 000, a poor man can't afford to gamble". = "A Chad can afford to have many flaws, an incel can't afford to have any flaws".

 Those who are familiar with me know that I majored in human love and I'm one of the rare incelologists who're focused to help incels with an honest metapill method based on the philosophy of atleastism.
 And now directly ontopic: why the incels (and nearcels) should avoid fake maxx-es like "thugmaxx" and "dark triad maxx":
 1/ Yes, there are some females who do like thugs and criminals, BUT they like only the ones who're with a Chad, GigaChad or at least Brad looks.
 2/ If a man is not a thug or a criminal but he's a Chad, GigaChad or at least Brad he will be even much more attractive for most of the females if he's not a criminal or a thug but something socially useful like: a fireman, a policeman or even a cook.
 3/ Once you're an incel if you're a bad person they'll even dislike you and hate you more. Here is the hierarchy:

A good Chad > a bad Chad > a good incel > a bad incel.

 Believe it or not, when it comes to long term relationship, most of the women, if you give them the choice to live with a dangerous Chad who'll beat them and kill them or to live with a good incel who will treat them well, they'll choose the incel (if there is no other choice like a good Brad, a good Chad or a good Norman, of course).

 An analogy with the males and the imaginary witches. No normal man likes witches. :D But if the witch is very pretty and sexy some males will like her. And still, if there is a good Stacy, they'll choose the good Stacy or even a good Becky, not a witch who will poison them, kill them, eat them, etc. :)

 Well, what's the conclusion? The Chads (and people like them -- pretty boys, GigaChads, Brads, etc.) have attraction capital (handsomeness) so for them some real flaws (like lacking confidence, being poor or being stupid) are not a big issue when it comes to attract a female. But if you're an incel (no attraction capital), you can't afford the luxury to have flaws like being stupid, being jobless, being too shy, etc.
 Every good thing makes you closer to the chance to ascend. For example, you're a 2/10 incel. After you gymmaxx your body you'll become a 3/10. After you make successful moneymaxx and edumaxx you'll hit at least 4//10 and with some more personality improvements like more confidence, more social ties and others, you'll become a person who almost every female will think is at least a Norman or even high-tier Norman. In some cases, some females may perceive you even as a low-tier Brad or a real Brad (depends on the regions and the personal aesthetic tastes).
 So, the long story short: if you're an incel don't -minn yourself with things like being a bad guy, dirty, criminal and so on, instead -maxx yourself and become a better version of yourself. Try to be the best version of yourself!
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If you have no idea what to talk with a girl (if you're lucky enough to date one)

Don't panic! A dozen of topics

  If you have no life experience related to dates, it’ll become obvious as soon as you start talking with a girl that it's your first time. Some of the girls may value your virginity and lack of experience but others will find it not attractive and too feminine. Even they are neutral about this and they focus more on your face and body and/or your personality, money, ethics, etc., you better don't make them bored and learn some topics.

Here comes the easy and interesting part! You'll be probably surprised how easy and at the same time interesting for most of the girls may be these 12 topics which will be enough to complete a first date time (around 30-50 minutes) without any effort from your side

 1. Do you have some hobby? (Some of the girls who really like to do something -- like drawing, yoga or writing -- will be glad that you can listen about it and maybe will spend at least 5 minutes to tell you about the thing that they like to do most. Of course, if the girl isn't very bright she may gave an answer like "I just like to sleep." or "No, I haven't." but still you already asked her something meaningful.)
 2. Do you have a favorite number? And a color? (After you receive these answers you also may tell her what numbers, colors, etc. do you like.)
 3. What does your mother/father do? Do you like to spend time with your parents? Are you getting well? Any brothers or sisters? (Sometimes this family related topic may be a great idea because some girls will start to talk about their family members for a long time and all you need to do is to listen and to remember what she's saying otherwise you'll be disrespectful and disappointing if you forget something simple like "My father is an engineer in the capital." Unfortunately, sometimes you'll receive an answer like "My mom passed away.", "My dad is an ass... he left me when I was 2 and moved to another country with her lover!" and then you should be ready to say at least "Sorry to hear that!")
 4. Do you like it here? What do you think about our town/city/country? Have you been abroad? Do you like to travel? (These topics also may complete at least 10% of the time of your first date.)
 5. Who is your favorite actor? Singer? (If she is a fan, she will be able to talk long about them. Never criticize her idols because you'll make a bad impression and she can take it as a personal offense!!!)
 6. What do you like to eat? And what do you like to drink? (You also can share, honestly, what do you like/dislike. Of course if she's a vegan or something like this and you're not, don't lie and say your true preferences but still, don't bash her ideology like "You're a vegan? Are you kidding me?! Pigs are made for steaks! And eating meat is a part of the human history and evolution! You're going to get ill.")
 7. Do you read news? Interested in something like politics, activism? (In case you meet some girl like this, you'll have 0% problems with the topics. Only the recent news may complete the 100% of the time of your first and second date. :) )
 8. What do you want to do in the future? (Like job, projects...)
 9. What is your dream? (You also may share your dreams. If you haven't some serious dream. Think earlier of something like "I want to have my own business." or "I wish I can become a popular manga author." and "I want to build a gym for the poor people.")
 10. Do you like animals? And plants? What is your attitude towards the nature? Do you have any pets?
 11. What kind of persons do you like? What do you like most in a person? What do you hate most?
 12. Well, if the above suggestions you already used and there is still time to the end of your first date, before you suggest to see her off or something, you may add some minutes to your first date with the phrase "Now you can ask me something; whatever you want. I have no secrets, usually." :)
 That's it. You see? You can do it even without any experience if you prepare well with this dozen of questions for your first date. Good luck to all the good incels around the world!
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If you understand "The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky" story, you'll understand why you should maxx yourself

by Geser Kurultaev (philosopher-anthropologist and incelologist)

  There are some hopeless incels who stick to the pessimistic blackpill theory and think that every effort is not only useless but meaningless so they just waste their time to ldar (or LDAR, i. e. "lay down and rot") instead of struggling.
 Some of them are just lazy guys who prefer the effortless lifestyle -- they think that it's worthless to maxx (improve) themselves just for a female. Well, in this case we're talking of volcels. It's like a poor person who refuses to start working even when he has a chance to work some well paid job, i. e. he's a voluntarily poor man.
 Others are just sure that this is the right path (the one of least resistance) -- their logic is "If my efforts are in vain and they don't bear any fruit, I will naturally give up." These incels aren't volcels but they're victims of the pessimism. You see, if you're some 0/10 or 1/10 incel (due to some disability or deformation which are incurable) then you may be right to be very pessimistic. But if you're just some obese incel (fatcel), not very tall (shotcel), bald (baldcel) or something like this which makes you just somebody between 2/10 and 4/10 you are wrong to be pessimistic because you have some potential which may make you a person who is 2-3 levels up (you can become a 5/10 or even a 6/10 person which is already something between a Norman and a Brad; the most lucky and hardworking incels may become even Chadlites without any doubt if they maxx right).
 So here is the story: A TRUE STORY!
"The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky"
I had to meet often (because of my job) two very different young women. The first one (the Stacy) was born attractive and she was even lucky to have parents who're people who every man can like. The second one (the Becky) wasn't so lucky because she wasn't born very attractive and her parents were bossy and could make every man to feel uneasy. Maybe many incels and especially femcels will conclude that Becky is doomed but she proved the opposite. Just in 2 years Stacy didn't learn anything special and she spent her time in shopping and adoring her favorite singer idol. Meanwhile Becky learned 2 foreign languages. Stacy didn't take much care about her body and get a bit fatter which minn-ed her to Stacylite (from 9/10 to 7/10) but Becky spent a lot of time eating healthily and going to gyms so she became a high-tier Becky (from 4/10 to 6/10). So just in two years the difference between the Stacy and the Becky become minimal. Well, yes, maybe most of the males will still choose Stacy not Becky but in most of the cases it'll be for a short-term relationship. Every a bit more responsible man who is thinking about his future will choose Becky for long-term relationship because he sees that she's getting better and better, she is using her potential and she maxx-es while Stacy minn-es.
 At the very beginning I was like "Oh, the Stacy is the one I like for sure!" But later, I started to think "Hm,... Becky is the better and the reasonable choice."

* * *
So, what's the moral of the story? It's always try your best no matter how big your success is going to be after that.
 So, here is the analogy, for those, who still didn't get it: instead of LDARing you better start to maxx somehow: get stronger, get smarter, get richer, get healthier... And in the long run, you're going to become from someone who is far away from the Chad to someone who is close to the Chad (and even someone who is surpassing the Chads who minn-ed themselves with alcohol, inactivity, drugs, crimes, etc.) Develop your best version of yourself. I know you can.
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #155 on: July 11, 2022, 04:07:27 AM »
Another good name is the story of the "Minn-ed Stacy and Maxx-ed Becky".


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« Reply #156 on: July 11, 2022, 04:35:59 AM »
I learned the opposite of "LDAR". It is "SUAG" (it stands for "Stand up and grow"). I think the incels should know it and to start understanding that there are many ways and choices. It's not only "Blackpill! It's over!" :)


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #157 on: July 11, 2022, 04:52:47 AM »
racoon4 (a brocel from incels.is) asked "what kind of shitty forum is that". If someone can improve it, let improve it.  ;D

Don't mentioned it. Some incels are really just trolling; many of them are just still kids or teenagers and they'll say irresponsibly things that they even don't really think and (or) don't really understand.

For example, I think the best way is to ignore such baseless trollings.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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You see. The point is that all of us can improve (maxx) themselves and achieve better bodies, knowledge, skills and so on. if we want, of course. If we're lazy or too "blackpilled" then nothing can help our self-destruction.

I want to tell the youngcels and those who are just young incels and younger incels that: I'm a bit elder (maybe the age of your parents) so I'll support it with examples with my female classmates. Only 1 of the Stacies continued to take care of herself (viitamins, gyms, no smoking...) and she's still a sexy girl (doesn't look like woman). Some of the Beckies did the same and now they look also younger and better than some young girls. But most Stacies and Beckies became landwhales (obese to overobese) so... the conclusion is clear. With the men is the same -- because I do maxx, now I still look like some last year college student or postgrad. But most of my male classmates are grandpa or uncle style big belly guys.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #159 on: July 11, 2022, 05:05:09 AM »
No, guys, really think about it: how brainwashed or stupid you have to be if you don't understand that if you add some sport (muscles), education, money, skills, life experience and so on you're going to be and to look much better than the incel you're now and that you'll mog even the failed Chads at some point?
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention


We need more studies like this to make people understand that the violence comes only from the crazy and stupid incels. Normal and educated incel is not going to ruin his life with violence because his inceldom already is making him miserable enough. The normal and educated incel is searching ways to ascend or at least keeps calm.

Once again, incel or not, the crazy or stupid one is going to cause problems. Incel  or not, the normal and educated is going to help himself or at least to keep calm.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention


We need more studies like this to make people understand that the violence comes only from the crazy and stupid incels. Normal and educated incel is not going to ruin his life with violence because his inceldom already is making him miserable enough. The normal and educated incel is searching ways to ascend or at least keeps calm.

Once again, incel or not, the crazy or stupid one is going to cause problems. Incel  or not, the normal and educated is going to help himself or at least to keep calm.

A brocel named InMemoriam comment my comment that "the study is clearly states thats violence can be the result of prolonged untreated mental disorders, it has nothing to do with incels being educated:feelswhat: additionally mental disorders are highly due to genetic heritability:feelsUgh: could you care to explain what you mean by ''normal'':feelswhat:"

I answered this: Simply: there are crazy and abnormal people amongst every group (Islamic people, communists, Russians, German, etc.) because of a minority of terrorists or killers, it's not in fair to blame all of the group. For example, 10 incels are killers but this doesn't mean that all of us are killers. 20 incels are abnormal (psychiatric issues) but it doesn't mean that all of us are freaks.

And yes, the education MAY help to increase your self-control and at least to search help when you feel you're going insane. The uneducated person even can't make the difference between good and bad, normal and abnormal.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #162 on: July 11, 2022, 05:51:41 AM »
To add this: The same crazy thing is happening with bigger groups. For example, because of 20 crazy gun owners in the US who shoot innocent people, all the gun owners have to suffer and meet consequences.
Because of one Putin (and some around him with power), all the Russians have to meet consequences.
Because of few brainless incels, all the incels are blacklisted...

It's not in fair. It's NOT in fair!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Do you agree with the theory
« Reply #163 on: July 12, 2022, 05:54:52 AM »
Well, there is a theory that pretty boys are more smv-ed that the Chads. How do you think, brocels, incelologists and other fans of the theory?
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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From a Prettyboy to a Chad
« Reply #164 on: July 12, 2022, 06:57:08 AM »

Pretty Boy VS Chad

 Well, this is one of the interesting questions: Pretty boy (Prettyboy) or Chad? Who are going to choose the girls? And the women?
 Okay, look. It's obvious that both are around 7/10 (at least). So it's really depends on the concrete female's taste. When it comes to girls and younger females, logically they'll prefer the younger one. Well, not always.
 According to me personal experience, when I was young and pretty boy, I had more chance to receive compliments and to get a girlfriend. When I got older, even after I improved my masculinity and body shape, it became harder to impress most of the females.

 So, I still can't get the 100% right answer, I suppose there are different answers according to the different areas.

 And never forget that there are MANY other factors as: status, capital (money), character, luck, personality, concrete psychology and former experience.

 Some visual info from me, if the admins' stuff and cPanel is okay with it or just send me a PM.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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