Some update about that Chad (i. e. Chang, because he's an Asian guy and according to the incels' jargon a handsome Asian male = Chang).
Well, brocels, the thing is that he's a Chinese 18 years old Chad (Chang) who challenged me to fight him. Later he found out I'm much older than him (and tbh -- more experienced in martial arts) and asked me to become his teacher (sifu/shifu or something like this).

So, a sort of my student. If you're interested I can post here some of his photos (no face of course) and my photos and compare the genome.
Ahhh! Yeah, I forgot to explain about the genome thing. Well, the whole story here: I usually do not post ragefuel because I'm a science oriented and balanced guy. But this is too much!
He is taller than most of the people around him, more muscular, with more hair, with bigger bones (shoulders, fists, frame...) and has good-looking face, but still "I can't gain more weight. I want to be heavier. I hate my poor genome which is holding me back!"
WTH, man?! What we, the balder, the shorter the weaker and the uglier can say?!

Some brocels comments were like these:
"... it is a way for them to humble brag in a somewhat more socially acceptable manner."
"Fake and g@y."
"Such a foid." ("foid" = female human, i. e. a woman; a girl).
"... he can't gain weights, that must be depressing for him."
A brocel also asked me for details -- "How tall was the said Chang? How much does he heightmog you assuming you are 5'6 or 168 cm?" I answered him that I think I am 5.61 exactly and he's 5.90+
Well, tl;dr: me: less hair, less muscles, worse frame, smaller bones, 10 cm. shorter than him (and still never blamed my genome!!!) And the Chang with the "poor genome"...

I told him to be proud of what he got and not to underestimate his good genome. Many males can only dream to have this kind of genome -- taller, with bigger bones (including hands/fists), good-looking face.
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It's okay. I'll do it. I am a patient person.