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Author Topic: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad  (Read 30290 times)

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"How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization"

by Geser Kurultaev

And the book is ready: "How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization" by Geser Kurultaev
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2020, 03:16:04 PM »
Congratulations! :)


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Answer 1 to an incel
« Reply #17 on: February 29, 2020, 04:50:48 PM »
An incel nicknamed "Imaginary-Hyena" said in Reddit, that just because I mean that the book is for those incels "who really want to stop crying, complaining" means that: "Right off the bat, this right here tells me that you really don't empathize with us and don't really care."

Here I'll answer him:
1) I really empathize with the incels, because it's hard to be an incel and because in most periods in my life I'm something like this (an incel or a nearcel). And I never met a true, 100% love.

2) I do care, otherwise, why my first English language book will be exactly about the incels. Also, it's not against them, it's about helping them. It's written with good intentions and with great hope to help as much as possible!

 I'm glad you said that "I'm not crying or complaining right now. I don't think everyone hates me." This is a good beginning and I hope that you'll be able to improve yourself in all possible and right ways! Be happy!  8) :) (thumb up)
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Answer 2 to an incel
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2020, 05:21:03 PM »
An incel nicknamed "Ohokanotherthrowaway" said in Reddit, that "I can't find this on Google. And I am still laughing about you thinking incels will pay $1 to read a book saying they're wrong and their entire ideology is bullshit.

I very much doubt this is real.
Answering here:

1) I don't know about Google, but the direct link to this book is here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1. As you may see, it is real.

2) The 1 dollar price was the lowest possible. I promised to be cheap. I don't want to exploit people's money, but at least to earn something for the labour I already did and for the value I provided.

3) Who said that the book is about "You're wrong!" and "Your ideology is bad!"... and who said that there is some ideology?! Every person, including incel, has own point of view and there is no one-and-only ideology. Even in the incel pills theory, there are different "pills" made by incels -- white, black, purple... It's a meta-ideological book.

Be happy!  8) :)
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Re: Answer 2 to an incel
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2020, 02:19:51 AM »
He didn't answer here but preferred to send a PM over there. I'll answer here again:

"Saying "nuh uh" isn't an argument."

Well, it's true, but my answer was much more than just a "nuh-uh".

"30 pages isn't a book."

It's a short and quick guide. The purpose was to not waste time and to be straight to the point. And there is no standard how many pages there will be for a book. OK, let's say 1-2 pages isn't a book, but 30 pages are already at least a mini-book. And who cares about the quantity, when here the purpose is the quality.

"That's a pamphlet. 30 pages isn't labor."

Come on, the labor already has a quantitative measure like this?! 30 pages isn't, but 31 or 41 is? Who stipulated it?!

"I can write thirty pages in an afternoon, so charging $1 for an afternoon's work is silly."

You probably can write it as a quality, but not as a quality. And who says that an afternoon's work doesn't cost at least $1?! Do you know that some people even earn $6 and much more dollars per HOUR? Don't be silly. Nowadays payments per hours could be much more than $1. And you're talking about an afternoon!

"Beyond this, I think you're full of shit. "

It's rude and it's not true. It shows that you're not going to be reasonable and positive.

"I very much doubt your story about being an  "expert in love"."

Nobody said it. I just majored in this (my thesis is "About the Different Aspects of Love").

"The way you communicate sounds like a scammer ("hello dear" is a common opening for scammers)."

I didn't know that this kind of polite way is common for scammers. Seems you have more experience/knowledge about it. But all I do is to be just polite and to give you answers. I don't scam anything. All I talk is about a very cheap book of mine, which is potentially helpful for some persons.
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Adding about that Ohokanotherthrowaway
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2020, 03:12:46 AM »
Adding something about that, nicknamed "Ohokanotherthrowaway". He posted an answer to a user nicknamed "IllusiveGamerGirlA": "It's 30 pages and the OP communicates like a scammer who has broken English. He actually sent me a PM that says "hello dear" and is full of broken English. I very much doubt the book is quality if it's only 30 pages and costs $1."

MY ANSWER: 1) I do not communicate like a scammer, because I don't need to scam. I'm an honest and open scientist (a philosopher), who is just writing books (e-books) currently!
                       2) English isn't my native language, but I'm learning is day by day. I do nearly my best. When it comes to writing, help, philosophy and science, the language (and/or foreign language isn't the most important point!)
                       3) You may doubt as much as you want. The problem is that "30 pages" (a quantity) and 1 dollar (a price) are not enough arguments to doubt or not about something!
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2020, 03:15:48 AM »
Just a suppose, I think he or she (Ohokanotherthrowaway) just jealous that he/she didn't write the unique book first. Sounds a bit pity and miserable... and, of course, sort of angry... ::)


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A new answer to that person
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2020, 03:35:10 PM »
A new answer to that person. I think that he just has to follow my answers here. Right now I'll post the third answer to him:
 I'm not going to answer you there, because seems you intend to harm me, not to help me and I don't want "dramas" in there. If you wish, come here feel free to express yourself.

"Christ, you have a REALLY shaky grasp of the English language."

When I'm in a hurry, I don't need to be 100% good at English. Also, I'm not a native English speaker, but my English level is enough for what I do. When you have no arguments about the matter, you like to search for language flaws? Pity...

"That's another hallmark of a con man."

What a strange hallmark -- only people with perfect English are the good ones?! So lingocentric! ;D 

"I think that there's no way you wrote a book that will actually help incels if you can't even write a simple PM without messing up second grade English."

Your thinking is worse than that of an average first-grade person. And probably you have no idea of proof-reading and stuff. But it's okay. Not everyone can be well-educated.

"Either you're a con man trying to sell a worthless book you crapped out without any real effort or you're an idiot with a second-grade education or both.
So which is it?"

The book is written with a lot of effort and seriousness, based on my knowledge, experience and philosophical degree. I have a university education. So, if you don't get it and you are implying such a terrible false dilemma, it means that you have serious cognitive (and maybe more other) problems.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2020, 05:08:48 PM by SEO »
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2020, 05:09:30 PM »
Looks like a hater...


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Let me add this
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2020, 05:44:47 PM »
Yes, I think so.
Before, when the book wasn't yet published this one started to speak like this: "If incels won't listen to any woman who disputes the blackpill why would they listen to you, some "bluepilled cuck normie" who is also telling them their blackpill is garbage, but this time in a book that they have to buy?"

I tried to be polite and answered just with a "Trying. :)", but he/she continued: "Do you not see how bad of an idea this is?

People have to want to buy a self help book in the first place. Why should any incel buy your book when they outright refute anyone who tries to help them?

If you wanted incels to read it you should make it free then at least they don't have to offer up their hard earned NEET bucks to buy a book that tells them that they're wrong about everything."

I decided not to pay attention to these wrong words, but after he/she started to be more and more aggressive, I had to start to answer, here.

So, let me add this:

1) To publish a book that may help isn't a bad idea.
2) Who says that all of the incels are the same and don't listen to women, don't read books, don't need/refuse help, etc.? Baseless assumptions.
3) The book is "meta-pilled" and scientific, based on realism and atleastism.
4) The least possible price is a must because I'm not rich and I can't afford to write for free. Also, this minimal price is not a problem for someone, who will pay it to learn and help his/her life. It's worth it.
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About SOME of the incels
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2020, 06:47:13 PM »
Let me represent an opinion about some of the incels which are also haters and not constructive people. Maybe this one mentioned above is one of them? But he is not important.

Read this: a book, even a good book like this one, won't help some of them. The thing we need to understand is that some of them (some people even tend to think -- "the majority of them") don't want to change.
Even the ones that seem like just sad, lonely guys who need a break don't want to put in any effort toward changing themselves or their lives, then how we can help? They just want to be victims, uniquely devoid of actions, and able to blame all their shortcomings on everyone and everything else, i. e. self-pity is what they do prefer in fact. So, until and unless they want out, they can't be helped.

I will say again, it's not every incel, it's some incels. I'm just saying exactly what incels have said to me and to some other women and men. That they don't want help, and that "normies" know nothing. It's why many of us stopped trying to help. (Another reason to stop trying is when there is some hater like that one above!)

It's pretty sad to be discouraging you from helping, so you can try to help those who really can say "I'm doing a lot to try and change my life." They deserve help. The rest, well, until (and unless) they are willing to leave the toxic incel communities (some of them are non-toxic, but many of them are) and start to take some responsibility for themselves and their lives, nothing will help them. It's not easy and it's impossible without work. Most of the time -- hard work. So, as a wish: start working hard and keep working hard!


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Answer 3 to an incel
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2020, 07:09:31 PM »
Here I'll continue to answer. This time it's an answer to a person nicknamed "Asleep-Beat". Asleep-Beat said "First Page:
Be white.
Second Page:
Be above 6'
Third Page:

Of course, it's not true because the book's content isn't at all about it. But, if I take it seriously, I can explain:

1) "Be white" isn't the panacea (a solution for all difficulties) because most of the people in the world aren't white, but most of them still are not incels. It's a fact. Even you're not white (and even in your area it's a very important thing to be white), there are still plenty of things and opportunities to improve and to become more attractive.

2) "Be tall." The same thing. Most of the people around the world aren't tall, but still, they (most of the non-tall ones) are able to attract others. You can improve your body (muscles), your look, your knowledge, your job, etc. and then at least some of those who are shorter than you and those who are the same height will like you (in some rare cases even taller than you, once you have more values).

3) Congrats? Only once you improve enough yourself in the fields you can: better health, better look, better education, better muscles, better heart (ethics) and so on. There are many things (if you're willing) to choose from.
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Answer 4 to an incel
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2020, 07:56:14 PM »
Another answer to an incel who said that the book is a cope: "Cope. There is no escape from inceldom."

It's very pessimistic and it contradicts the reality, which is: almost every day we can see people, who are ascending (they're having a short-term or long-term relationship) and some of them even report it online. Most of the incels are able to improve themselves to levels when at least one person will like them. It depends on the level, situation, place, etc., so it's not the same easy/difficult for everyone, but to say that it's "no escape" is just wrong. An example: if you're a disabled person, probably it's impossible or nearly impossible. If you're a homeless person, it's also nearly impossible. But if you're just an average ugly person, then it's a lot to improve: get more muscles, lose weight, buy better clothes, improve your health (including the hygiene), educate yourself, find better job... and then at least one person is going to find you attractive (or at least acceptable). There are many things that an incel can improve and then he/she will become at least a "Norman" (a "normie"), which is enough because the "Chads" (the very attractive males) are rare and not everyone is dating "Chads" (even if they really do prefer "Chads").
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Answer 5 to an incel
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2020, 09:00:17 PM »
Some rude person nicknamed "fakename19385894" said "This is the dumbest shit ever posted here. Fuck off." (in r/shortcels) and I will answer here:

1) A book can't be dumbest if it's a serious book.

2) It's written with good intentions.

3) No need to be so rude!

4) Try to be at least a bit more positive and optimistic (or realistic).
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Answer 6 to an incel
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2020, 10:05:15 PM »
An incel nicknamed "Dizzywatcher" sent a comparatively rude question: "How will a fucking book make me 4" taller?" and at once I'd like to clarify it here:

1) It's a serious book, no need to put such a stupid adjective in front of it.

2) Who said that the book is going to make you taller?! But it has a chapter about the shortcels and what is best for them.

3) Most of the people around the world aren't tall, but most of them manage to have a partner. Let me self-quote:
2) "... Most of the people around the world aren't tall, but still, they (most of the non-tall ones) are able to attract others. You can improve your body (muscles), your look, your knowledge, your job, etc. and then at least some of those who are shorter than you and those who are the same height will like you (in some rare cases even taller than you, once you have more values).
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