Stop forum spam
We're getting better at
stop forum spam. Probably most of our regular visitors can see our improvement in this
spam-fighting field.
Here are some
stop forum spam advices from me for you:
I'd like to suggest some useful ideas against the forum spam.
1. One of the best protections is the one with pictures, because as far as I know the spambots can't assembly the pictures of that kind of captchas.
2. Another very good protection is to put questions like "What is the 3rd letter of the word
spam?", "If you have 2 brothers and five sisters, then how many children are there in your family?", "Eight + 112", "Twenty - 11" and so on.
3. Selecting pictures, for example selecting only the cats' pictures, like this one over there -- -- here you can find also a very good idea -
antispam games!
They’re fun, free, and could be on your site in less than five minutes.
5. Use combinations of antispam techniques like these mentioned right here right now. For example we're using a combination of
Visual verification ("Type the letters shown in the picture") and 2
questions ("
What is the color of ?" and "
What is the color of ?").
Now you're able to stop forum spam and not only this kind of spam.