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Author Topic: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is  (Read 2629 times)

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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2024, 12:50:13 PM »
Xenophobia, ageism, worse economic situation in China and especially in her area, stupid propaganda... There may be hundreds of reasons. But a person with normal education, manners and thinking can't just block you for nothing. Maybe her husband did it unaware that in fact you were texting her only because of their precious daughter?  :D

Don't you worry! If she (your One-it-is) is a really smart person then she will find a way to continue to keep in touch with you no matter what, as she promised. If not... then she just doesn't deserve you. You are a writer, a poet, a sportsman, an actor, a philosopher, a teacher and a nice, romantic, thoughtful person. If there is a woman who doesn't like you, sorry to say it, she has no idea what's she missing...


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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2024, 05:33:40 PM »
When I was her age I didn't like or I liked just a little some guys... Years later, now I feel very sorry that I didn't try to keep some of them at least as friends... When you're a teenager you are not that wise to know who worth it. Years later you know and you sorry for all those good boys and men you never gave a chance.  :'( :-[ I hope she is really that clever, smart and nice as you described her to us for so many years and she's not going to disappoint you!!! But even she does, I can ensure you that after 10 to 15 years she is going to find you again because when she is 26+ she will see your real potential and real values. Meanwhile you don't stop to upgrade yourself because we all saw you getting better year by year. You will really mog (being better and being more attractive than) most of the men she knows in three years, I promise.💚💛🧡❤️✔️👍
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2024, 07:56:55 PM »
 I believe in her but with these strange parents... I am not very sure what's going to happen... From my side, everything is optimal: I am ready to help, I do respect her and even her current boyfriend, I am always ready to help her with everything in my power: send some money, help about some homework, teach her everything (from philosophy and sports to foreign languages!)... but only if she wants it, of course.

All I need now is she to be happy and, anytime when she is free, just to send me a sentence or an emoji. :)☺️😊😄
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2024, 02:45:22 PM »
If her mother blocks you it's already a bad sign. Expect everything... Obviously a dysfunctional family like many others in China and other countries. Hope that she's not like her mother.
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2024, 01:29:21 AM »
 Well, from my side everything was, if not perfect, at least close to the optimal possible. I am sorry to see it but sometimes there are people who will never be just and good to you the way you deserve it. :(

Whaever, my new lyrics that I prepared for some future songs:

"I miss you night and day. I love you all the same. I'll do my very best to give you joy and rest.❤️"
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 05:45:00 PM by MSL »
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2024, 06:56:11 PM »
 This is the text that I am going to send to her mother:

"首先,如果我对你有什么不对的,我要向你表示最诚挚的歉意!我一生都在努力变得更有教养、更强大、更有吸引力、更有用。我在许多领域都取得了成功,在其他领域,我仍在为成功而奋斗。我不喝白酒,不抽烟,不玩非法赌博,我帮助不同的人,我有一颗善良的心;我的父母是医生,我毕业了5种专业,会几门外语的。尽管我不喜欢现任领导人,这也是我离开中国的原因,但我仍然对中国人民和党怀有深厚的感情。这些年来,我满怀人性、真挚的感情和愿望,给你发送了有用或有趣的照片、句子和祝福。我意识到,由于我是外国人,你可能对我不太有好感,但我希望我们至少可以继续交流一点,现在你无缘无故地拉黑了我,这对我来说是一个苦涩的惊喜和震惊。我做错了什么?选择柬埔寨?  (如果是这样,我保证等我有钱了就搬到另一个国家,这样你就不用担心了。)或者有人认为我对你有感情?(如果是这样,我赶紧指出事实并非如此。我真正、深深地、完全地喜欢并且永远会喜欢的唯一一个人是你的女儿。我提供的一切,从免费教她到帮助你,如果你在国外想要任何东西,那只是因为我对她纯粹的钦佩。)现在我已经诚实地说了一切,没有任何误解,我希望你能原谅我;如果你不喜欢我,至少你不会无缘无故地恨我吧!"

In English: "First of all, I want to express my sincerest apologies to you if I have done anything wrong to you! I have been trying to become more educated, more powerful, more attractive, more useful all my life. I have succeeded in many fields, and I am still struggling for success in others. I do not drink liquor, smoke, or play illegal gambling, I help different people, I have a kind heart; my parents are doctors, I graduated in 5 majors, and I know several foreign languages. Although I do not like the current leader, which is why I left China, I still have deep feelings for the Chinese people and the Party. Over the years, I have sent you useful or interesting photos, sentences, and blessings with humanity, sincere feelings and wishes. I realize that since I am a foreigner, you may not have a good impression of me, but I hoped that we can at least continue to communicate more or less, and now you have blocked me for no reason, which is a bitter surprise and a shock to me. What did I do wrong? Chose Cambodia? (If so, I promise to move to another country when I have money, so you don't have to worry.) Or does anyone think that I have feelings for you?  (If that is the case, I hasten to point out that it is not. The only person who I truly, deeply and completely like and ever will like is your daughter. Everything I offer, from teaching her for free to helping you if you want anything from abroad, is only because of my pure admiration for her.) Now that I have said everything honestly and without any misunderstanding, I hope you can forgive me; if you don't like me, at least don't hate me for no reason!"

 In Bulgarian: "Първо искам да поднеса най-искрени извинения, ако съм те засегнал несправедливо с нещо! През целия си живот се старая да ставам по-образован, по-силен, по-привлекателен, по-полезен. Успях в много полета, а в други продължавам да се боря за успех. Не пия твърд алкохол, не пуша цигари, не играя незаконен комарджилък, помагам на  различни хора и имам добро сърце; възпитан съм от родители, които са лекари. Имам 5 специалности и владея няколко чужди езика. Към китайския народ и партията изпитвам дълбоки топли чувства и досега, въпреки че не харесвам настоящия ръководител, заради което напуснах Китай. През всички тези години, с много човещина, искрени чувства и желание ви изпращах полезни или интересни снимки, изречения, пожелания. Давах си сметка, че вероятно нямате положително отношение към мен, защото съм чужденец, но се надявах да можем да продължим да комуникираме поне малко, а сега, когато без причина ме блокирахте, това за мен бе горчива изненада и шок. С какво сбърках? С това, че избрах Камбоджа? (Ако е това, обещавам да се преместя в друга държава, когато имам повече пари, за да не се притеснявате.) Или може би някой си е помислил, че имам емоционални чувства към теб? (Ако е това, бързам да отбележа, че не е така. Единственият човек, който много и истински харесвам и ще харесвам винаги, е дъщеря ви. Всичко, което съм предлагал - от това да я уча безплатно, до това да ви помогна, ако искате нещо в чужбина, е било само заради нея и чистото преклонение, което имам към нея.) Сега, след като казах всичко честно и без недомлъвки, се надявам да ми простите и ако не да ме харесвате, поне да не ме мразите безпричинно! "
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2024, 07:38:48 PM »
Did you send it? How... once she blocks you?
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2024, 08:12:51 PM »
 From another account.  :) And that's all. If she blocks it too, well, it is up to her already. I just made politely myself clear and, with the due resect, exprssed my true feelings, thoughts and so on. If she still thinks/feels something wrong or bad about me -- let it be. I am not like Zhang Jie Shanghaicel to create dozens of accounts and to care who will read or not read my stuff. I am a normal man and I send messages only once after I see someone has a probem with me.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 11:27:47 PM by PageRank »
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2024, 08:25:05 PM »
If it was the crazy psycho-criminal ZJ from Shanghai till now he would send at least 26 messages from 26 accounts and the content will be about his hallucinations of the body mooncakes, his idiotisms about a countdown timer that is a clock, a beer ad that is tiger fight gambling and lies about their grandparents, all of this written in bad English and filled with shill pro-Xi propaganda.
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2024, 03:44:18 AM »
What is to love for real?  True love?  Here it is: to be ready to spend 100 dollars for a gift that She really needs, than to spend it on food, drink, books, cinema... Love is real when seeing Her happiness and gratitude is a greater joy to you than anything else you like and enjoy!

Какво е истински да обичаш? Истинска любов? Ето това: да си готов да похарчиш 100 лева за един подарък от който Тя истински има нужда, отколкото да ги изхарчиш за храна, пиене, книги, кино... Любовта е истинска тогава, когато да видиш Нейното щастие и благодарност е по-голяма радост за теб, отколкото всичко останало, което харесваш и на което се наслаждаваш!

什么才是真正的爱?   真正的爱情?   就是这样:准备好花100美元买她真正需要的礼物,而不是花在食物、饮料、书籍、电影上……,爱是真实的,当看到她的幸福和感激时,比起任何你喜欢和享受的东西,这对你来说是一种更大的快乐!
« Last Edit: September 24, 2024, 09:56:15 PM by PageRank »
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2024, 12:00:26 PM »
 I sent her a present that she was dreaming about -- a pretty smartwatch. The problem is the smartwatch is now in the school's locker and I don't know if she'll be able to get it without any trouble (in case the phone number is not right, for example, because I used the one which is in her online chat account and there is some probability that it's not her present phone number...) but I am doing the optimal I can do.
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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2024, 02:31:15 AM »
Any good news?


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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2024, 06:22:58 AM »
 Yes. Seems like her mother doesn't influence her contacts with me and my favorite person is going to keep in touch with me. :) I am so, so, so happy! 😊

 Also, she wanted to refuse my present but at the end of the day she agreed 👍💯 and she was very thankful and so polite, as usual, saying so many times sorry for my troubles and soendings. I told her that I am happy and giving her a good gift is my real happiness. The happiness doesn't care about money.
送给你好的礼物是我的幸福😊🍀😄 幸福不会管钱。

 And also I sent her a link to my recent "Wangzhe" comedy, she evaluated it as very funny and... Now I am really happy again!!! ☺️

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Re: The most romantic things for and from the One-it-is
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2024, 06:32:35 AM »
I am double happy! First, right now I banned the sickcel schizophrenic low IQist and low EQist Zhang Jie from Shanghai and deleted his crazy criminal posts.

Second, I am so impressed of how MSL successfully has his Oneitis back in his life even in such a hostile parent situation. Gosh, it's so romantic!!!


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