Nice, isn't it? At the same time we satisfy his curiosity about what people are posting here and helping him to improve his English for free (as he stated recently, he comes here "only" to improve his English; during our personal QQ chats he also insisted very much to use English, not Chinese, because he wants to improve his English, and, of course without caring that I also want to improve my Chinese and without willing to pay even a cent (or, speaking in Chinese currency units, "a mao") about the language improvement.) and we also don't have to waste time and energy to read, edit, delete his insane, criminal, disturbing, harming and self-harning posts.
As was mentioned already, it's good not only for us but fir him too because he wouldn't spend hours to post his 20+ useless posts, and (if he gets psychologically better, which is doubtful) to use this time for self-improvement, like the normal people.