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Author Topic: If you've ever been said to be 'too manish' because 'she' prefers gayish men?  (Read 2241 times)

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Yes, it was a slang problem. Zhang is still learning English, he can't get all the slangs correctly. Try to understand.

Yes, ethnic, first read carefully.

Zhang, to like teens is not a problem but to be too overemotional like them or to believe them that being a mannish male is ugly is already a big problem. Less blackpillers and less teengirls = better understanding of your life and the reality of the love. As long as you don't want to gay-maxx (no pressure, I know you don't).


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Mister, you can't expect something different when you talk with predominantly teen age people. Talk to others and you will see it's not all like this. K-pop is a dominant subculture? Where?! Only in the heads of teens around you...

Okay, it's your choice to want be around them and to dream of a that young girl. But don't get surprised when the results are incelish for you and when we, mostly grow ups in this forum, react with humorous or surpring or just care for you comments.

Remember - to he rules are good here and of you or we don't break them we enjoy free communication.


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you want to keep slandering me as a pervert who is like that I won't care

Proof who did slandered you as a pervert! I received good money from the forum so I cate about the lies! You are kindly requested to send a proof who slandered you as a pervert! The lies are not welcome here and the hallucinations too!


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Zhang, take a good care to read again well if someone really called you a perv and give us a link or a screenshot! You said you are a very honest man but before you already made two wrong claims (MSL is locking three topics + ethnicel insults you with a singular noun. Both false!) Now you are claiming that somebody called you a pervert? Where, who? Prove your honesty and your adequate perceiving of the reality now!


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You see, no real problem... The guy just overreacted again... And made a fake accusation again. ;D ;D ;D ;D

But come on, he is going to buy me a beer, right?


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I already answered your beer question. Even such a small amount like CNY 4, according to the Gay, he is not willing to pay you.
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.


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Zhang, she prefers "gayish" boys because maybe she is 1/2 of your age. Did you try talking with older women? Of course if you are talking with teens they will reject you. First you are not so attractive as the shredder idols (who you call gayish, but they have better masculine sides than you: better bellies, jaws, height, biceps, needless to say money too), second you're expecting too much from too young girls who still study the life, their own tastes, emotional properties and so on...

Third, your personality. If you behave so sensitive, easy to get hurt, what they think of you: 😭 it's an uncle who is like a boy!!! I want a boy who is like an uncle!!!

You are body wise a boy, but age wise an older bro or uncle, and emotionally something in between... How a teenager girl may like you? She is really thinking of excuses like you are too "mannish" or she really doesn't know what a true man is... You are in the wrong social environment.

Now feel free to "see" somewhere I call you bad names. If you really see unexciting things, take care. NOT trolling you.
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.

Good incel

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"I mean it's pretty obivous that kpop cpop and jpop cultures are dominating the whole world"

Brocel, they're not dominating the whole world. They are dominating only the preteens and the teens in some parts or regions of the world.

Brocel, even J. Chow isn't popular outside of Taiwan and China.

Did you ever hear of ExNN band? Or Infected Rain band?

Ever heard of the most popular Indian band Euphoria?

Even your China fellows feel strange when you state your Chinese fems are into feminine androgynous guys...  ??? Brocel, face it, it's only those little little preteens and teens you stick to who like those types of guys. There are not representing the vast majority of the females.

"like the person I sent here months ago"

Your obsession. Get over him.

"so I'd imagine that many men hitting 30 who do not like gayish men have ever been said to be 'too manish' because 'she' perfers gayish men like those kpop stars and got rejected while being with high testosterone which barks on the wrong tree..."

Brocel, I ensure you that 30+ men are mature enough to hit on more mature girls not those preteens and teens you're talking about.
Seems it is only your problem. The 30+ oldcels complain their liked women prefer Chads... Only you complain that girls like ladyboyish, boyish and gayish guys. It's clear why: you are draming of a teen gf. Otherwise you will complain against the Chad's not against those semi-males who are not even a 0.5% competition to a well developed Norman.

"I am really wondering if any of you has this experience, and got frustrated by it and keeps wondering why women nowadays like those men with various feminine traits like a feminine voice, 'gayish' personality, etc.?"

No, brocel. We're not so into these "women". We like 18+.

"As MSL said, this phenomenon was analogous to a person who loved beef not even considering if seafood was good, namely, gayish man becomes their dominant type so that they would degrade the rest of types, including men of The Rock's type.
But luckily, only teenagers and 0.x% of adults prefer that type, so that, unless your targetted group is teenagers or those 0.x% of adults, better not be gayish like those kpop stars or that person I sent here!"

Oh, again THAT person. Brocel, when you will forget about him?! And when you know it's only teens why you are frustrating? Think more.
Inceldom sucks...

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Yes, I was said. And my friend too.

But I don't think most of the girls like K-pop or J-pop. Not sure but Jay Chou (周杰伦) has more fans than the rest. And he's a real Chinese man (Chang type).

Even the core K-pop fans will say "yes" if you are hardworking, talented and good-looking like him.

His charisma is so strong that the anti Taiwanese Chinese girls are saying something in this meaning "Kill or kick out all the Taiwanese people, keep Taiwan island and keep Jay Chou".
Jay Chou is not a Chang at all, to note. He is at best a Chang-lite, at least I've very rarely come upon Chineses who said he was handsome, ntm nowadays because he has obtained too much estrogen he goes soyish...(yeah you can search Jay Chou now... it will get you thrilled...)
Back to the topic, you as well as your friend were said to be '太有男人味了'??? Damn this really happened... i am really wondering their exact words.
Like '你长得不够娘啊。太爷们儿了。我不喜欢!'?

Brocel, it happens only have n two cases:

One, when you really deal with too young girls or pop freaks.
And two, when they don't want to tell you the truth "I think you are ugly." They use it as a positive excuse "You are too man, I am a lesbian." Or "You see, you are damn handsome but too masculine, I into less that great men like you!"

In fact, they think you are not male enough, they see you as a low T guy, they just get rid of you...
Inceldom sucks...

Good incel

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Brocel, are you still seeing things that don't exist? :'( You sadly reminds me Russia that sees enemies, attacks or hostility ebverywhere and then starts own real attcks against innocnt countries.

You doing the same. You are claiming/saying something that isn't true at all, people around start to search where, when and who did it. When the modertors ask you for a proof you either give them links or screenshots to inexistent materials or keep silent like right now. After that you again will be frustrated why we are saying you lied. How on Earth you call this? Nobody calls you pedo, nobody calls you perverted person and you think someone does!!! What a doctor of psychopathology would say about it? Hallucinations? Fake memories? Compulsive lying?
Just give me one normopsychological reason for this!
Inceldom sucks...


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Zhang said I am a creep and I sleep under his bed!

Need proofs?  I don't give you. You just believe me that Zhang said so.

Familiar? This is his way. He will accuse you, me or all of the forum but forget about proves.


K, now... Ontopic thing: define bro, what are "mature women"? Seriously? Surely they are not those 6th graders that are brainwashing you that an incel must gay-maxx or jpopmaxx before get a woman  :D
And how the 30-40 years old ate the same? They also care how good you are in playing "World of Tanks" :-X and they are telling you that they like men with tits? Do't gaslight me with this crap. I don't know ifI mog you or not but at least... I chat with women 26 and older who are talking reasoable stuff like travel, buying propery, paretal care, improving skills, saving time methods and so on, not talking bss about how to be better gamer, how cool is some trans guy or how a low T middle age man is too man up-ed.

No wnder you are still an incel. By the way do you think that in Japan they will allow you to date a teen girl? Do you know how many forign guys there drop in that trap? They were even brught to the Japnese courts by the parents.
I am so needy.


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I think you and we all got it from which female brain you will receive such a childish notice. If you didn't, once again: from the childish female brain, i.e from a girl, not from a woman.

Now I would like to change a bit the point.

You pointed several times here that you are depressed.

Why is that when you are in the top of the (as minimum) 10% in the world?

You are going to have more money than even the elite professionals in many countries. And if you can't find a wife you will surely betabuxx one. So you have and will have a better life, better options than 90% of the global population and... You are depressed?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 02:50:02 PM by Non-SEO »


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It's just because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth that's why ...

Ups! 🫸 Wait!!! This is an English idiom! I have to explain it because he doesn't get the English slang about Lollies and accused people calling him "pedophile".

Free English lessons for Zhang:

1/ When I said that you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth it means not that I call you a monster (or whatever your imagination may born) but that I mean your are luckily born in a wealthy family.

2) Lollie ====>  most often refers to some young or young-looking girl character in Japanese anime and manga. Thus when someone is saying you're liking lollies it means that you are liking this type of girls (usually not referring to babies, toddlers and other pedophilia related ages!!!)

Learn well, ascend fast!
I am so needy.


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Now he knows well the slangs and the idiom. You see how useful it is for him: first he received answers and support (including about his depression), then free English class and also courage to ascend. The last bit not least, he learns the importance of the proofs and evidences. What a great source of Omnilogy knowledge we are.
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 Zhang knows how to create good topics 👍😊 :)!
 Not bad, indeed -- if you read them (the comments) objectively, no emotions involved, you will see deep analysis of that “我爱娘的”, also good wishes and support to your ascending, depression fighting and support, free English learning and really good patients from this side, including that slang misinterpretation. I am impressed how well this thread was developed.👍
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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