Trust me, nowadays the Internet has way more influences than you can imagine.
A perse positive teenager can be a blackpiller after he sees blackpillism views that if a man is under 6' he is not man/he can't get a true love from any girl/he is just a garbage, integrated by some extreme examples like a 5'5 man with an annual income of 200, 000 dollars education background of Ivy League dominant presence 8/10 face is still lonely just because of his height, false logical reasoning(like since the affinity to tallness is one of people's natures, being short is 100% over), emotional contagiousness, etc., (and ofc it's same with a perse negative teenager being able to be a bluepiller), because teenagers are very 'renderable'. That is why during the WWII, those horrible dictators were brainwashing those poor kids because they knew that.
So, if you are a teenager, you should be really careful with what forum you are reading! If you find a forum depressing, gaslighting, extreme, etc..., never read it again! Because 100% this forum is not a good one!
Btw, we need to have our children, who will be teenagers one day, ingrained with right views of value, instead of being a blackpiller/bluepiller. Kids are parents' biggest treasures and if they are good parents they should not let their kids to be cognitively dissonant.