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Author Topic: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in  (Read 1389 times)

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Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« on: March 01, 2024, 07:15:53 PM »
I've spent some days knowing about Japan. I gotta say Japan is an extremely good country!
The immigration is not costly at all due to the low exchange rate of JPY, Japanese are very polite and agreeable and the living quality there is awesome!(The welfares are good, the govern is not stupid and not totalitarian, the wage-price ratio is very high, etc.)
If you are a shortcel, congratulations! Japan is one of the countries most respectful to shortcels! Japanese society is not obsessed with height and the guys moving there can do way easier in dating because Japanese women are not highly requiring at all! And it's the same with uglycels.
What may be deterrants for you to accomplish the immigrations are the high difficulty of learning Japanese well, the difference in the cultures, and the stresses of working are not breeze...


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Is really Japan the best place to geomaxx
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2024, 09:13:25 PM »
 Very good topic (because I like all those soft-maxx topics like geo-maxxing, gym-maxxing, edu-maxxing, etc. :) ) Japan-maxx (Japanmaxx) is a sort/kind of geomaxx (geo-maxx). But is really Japan the best place to geomaxx? 🤔
 First, I'd like to emphasize that I'm a person who likes the Japanese things a lot (I like almost everything related to Japan) and I'm not against it. But, second, I'd like also to draw attention to some cons (disadvantages) of Japan:( Sadly, there are some serious ones that every incel (or noncel) who wants to go living there should consider well.
 Here I'll create a short list:

  • Earthquakes. Many, often. Some of them pretty devastating.
  • As a result of the above -- tsunamis and more radiation (remember Fukushima?)
  • Cold winters. An average winter temperatur -4°C (72°F) and can reach a low of -25°C (-13°F) in the Japanese inland areas.
  • Very unlucky geopolitical location -- too close to too aggressive enemies like North Korea, Russia and, more or less, China. Sometimes the relationships with South Korea are also not good due to some disputes.
  • It's not cheap there. I will add more about it when I comment some of the friend's statements later.
  • The work is usually too exhausting and some people die of overwork death known as karoshi (過労死) and  karōjisatsu (過労自殺) --which is when workers commit suicide due to the mental stress.

 Some concrete comments:
The immigration is not costly at all due to the low exchange rate of JPY
I am sure that it's not costly for a person like you but it will be costly for most of the people from China, East Europe, Latin America, Africa... See only this example and tell me how a person with a salary USD 200 (yes, it's the average salary in many countries) or even RMB 5000 will move to live to Japan when only to rent an apartment costs this much: "The nationwide average monthly rent, not including utilities, for a one room apartment (20-40 square meters) is between 50,000 and 70,000 yen. "Soutce: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2202.html So, the average price is around $400 per month. It's around $5000 per year. If you want a bigger apartment maybe it will be around $8000 per year. (Now, think about it: one of my Bulgarian friends said that all his life he was able to safe only $10 000. It means that this person will spend almost all his savings only to rent an apartment for him and his kid, for example... And some people even haven't this much. Another one even has debts and 0 savings in the bank (a person with doctor's degree). With a salary around $ 555 there you can just pay the bills (electricity, water, taxes, food, some simple clothes... and no money for savings... So... if you think from a perspective of an average rich Shanghai person, oh yes, Japan isn't costly, but for people in Guizhou, Hainan, Tibet or Gansu (in China) or people in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Cambodia, Philippines, Nicaragua, etc. it's very costly!)
Japanese women are not highly requiring at all.
Compared with who? With those women in Shanghai, yes, maybe. But you can't compare them with the women from countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, etc. The Japanese women are richer, they're from a very developed country, etc., so they're not so easy (most of them are not going to low their standards for some really ugly and/or poor man). So, for the uglycels and/or poorcels Japan is not a good geomaxx destination. Japan is a good place but only for the richer people. If you're not enough rich (and especially if you're not enough attractive, educated, etc.) better don't hope too much that Japanmaxx is a real -maxx for you.
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Re: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2024, 01:56:47 AM »
For you who maybe spend $10 000 every week or more it's of course not.
not costly at all
  :-X Tell this to people in Vietnam where the average salary is $247.41 (month) or to the people in Pakistan where it's $287 (month) or maybe to the people in Ethiopia where it's $205...

You see, your thinking is rich-centric. You think you're rich enough and the rest of the incels are rich too. Don't you know that most of the incels are poor? (There are not many rich incels, if there are, they're just standardcels or extreme cases of uglycels, disabledcels and other 0-1/10 unfortunate guys.)

I'd admire your post if it was some post about "Indonesia is the best place for you to geomaxx" because there even some poorcels are doing it. But to pick one of the most expensive countries in the world and to tell the poor guys how "not costly at all" is there, is making us to think that you are misleading them if they're naive enough to go there before check the Japanese prices... or to get bitter and jealous because "The rich ricecel is getting it all and can go to live a cozy life even in Japan, meanwhile I have no money to travel to the nearest town in my state!"
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Re: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2024, 07:31:05 PM »
But, cutie, who told you that
Japanese women are not highly requiring at all
? ;D Maybe if she's some 3/10 (low-tier) Becky maybe she'll be not highly requiring at all but what if she's some 6/10, 7/10 Japanese woman (I bet you'll like someone like them, not the low-tier Beckys, is that correct?) ... then, of course, she's not going to be "not highly requiring".

And don't forget that for a Chinese and especially a Chinese for the PRC it's not that easy to be attractive there because of the "Anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Chinese_sentiment_in_Japan. According to that poll it's 88% anti--Chinese feelings there. Maybe if you're a Singaporean passport holder or Taiwanese passport holder the negativism will be less but I still think that the average Japanese doesn't make big difference between a Chinese from the Mainland, a Chinese from Singapore and a Chinese from Taiwan, HK, Macau... Japan-maxx for a Chinese... sort of "mission impossible"  ;D I know only one Chinese man happily married in Japan (Japanese wife). I think for you a better geomaxx could be in country like Laos. Laosmaxx. 8)
A Lao man is on average 160.51 cm (5 feet 3.19 inches) tall and a Lao women are 151.26 cm (4 feet 11.55 inches) tall on average. In Laos the people are friendly, maybe even more friendly to the Chinese, than the Japanese in general. The prices are more affordable and the travel to Laos is easier. The country is warmer. And it's full of your favorite Buddhism things and stuff. Consider Laomaxx. 8) :-*


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Or Cambodia
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2024, 01:42:59 AM »
 Laos, sure but, I think better in Cambodia. The most of the Khmer people, or better, to say the Cambodian people (the Cambodians are mostly Khmers but of course there are some minorities too) do like the Chinese (or at least do not hate the Chinese). The average height of the females is about 1.53 m (males - about 1.63), so height wise it's ideal for mister Zhang. The weather is perfect, the nature is good (no cold winters, no earthquakes, no volcanoes, no typhoons), the prices (mostly) aren't very high, the rents are affordable, the banks are very good (especially some of them with their very good interest rates for the fixed deposits), in most of the places the crime rate is not high, most of the people are polite, nice, friendly or, at least, quiet and don't bother you.
 So, I also suggest strongly the Cambodia-maxx (Cambodiamaxx) which is a part of the well-known (in the incelology) SEAmaxx (SEA-maxx).
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Japan is the best place for you to geomaxx if you're rich
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2024, 02:33:39 AM »
Wow, man, you're really a very moneymaxxed guy if you perceive Japan as a cheaper destination... the better title should be: "Japan is the best place for you to geomaxx if you are rich". Richcels only. :P
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Re: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2024, 06:53:15 AM »
Perfect. When you're going there?


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Re: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2024, 08:12:34 AM »
Wow! Cute new avatar, man! Is that from some Japanese anime? It's really interesting to see your evolution: at first IQ (Psychometrics), then Buddhism, not Japan and it's stuff... So interesting. What will be the next? Or Japan is the last? Japan-maxx 100%?
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Re: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2024, 08:50:58 PM »
Wow! Cute new avatar, man! Is that from some Japanese anime? It's really interesting to see your evolution: at first IQ (Psychometrics), then Buddhism, not Japan and it's stuff... So interesting. What will be the next? Or Japan is the last? Japan-maxx 100%?
I don't even know from what anime it is from. I just googled it out.
Btw, thanks for your mindfulness of my 'evolution'! :P


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Re: Japan is the best place for you to geomax in
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2024, 06:18:52 AM »
Don't lie to yourself. It's not evolution it's devolution. I think the result of too much Buddhism and too much study plus inactive life and bad diet made you what you are now. What's the next level? Cheese ball?

A short man should keep himself in perfect condition. The more you lower your testosterone levels, the more you add up fat, the more you'll become rounder and rounder. You will be an oval shaped man. Like some of the Japanese Hikikomori, not like a Japanese idol. Take measures immediately.


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