I think many of these forums are toxic because the moderation is subjective and the management is not good. I mean forums full of incels with hate or degenerates who want "raw free speech" like when there was Voat. No respect, no values, no ethics... Stay away fro these types and care about your mental health and stability.
And so is r/shortguys. I've been there and I was like wtf because I can't imagine how self-loathing a person can be.. It seems to me that they treat being short as if it were a death sentence(or even worse.. yeah) and they think a bald ugly homeless tall criminal is better than a shory guy. They also hold other toxic bs ideologies that being handicapped is better than being short. Yeah you are not misreading. That's really what some of them think.
Of course I won't say being short is actually cool but my god self-acceptance is a helluva important thing people need to learn. If you have too low acceptance of one flaw you have, either be it shortness or else, you can't live happily and suffer forever, and, imo to those members, I think even if they were tall they would be obsessed over other things like muh jawline muh teeth muh wealth.