Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
Take a look: IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.,education%20in%20the%2018%20to%2022%20age%20group.
Take another look: 23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year,this%20number%20has%20held%20relatively%20steady%20since%202014.
Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. 
Another hearsay about the reason why they are obsessed with IQ is that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations becomes more 'scientific' since IQ tests are backed up by Psychometrics, though I think it is a piece of tremendous bullshit since you don't need to do so because America does not care about black people's human right lol. You can explicitly refuse to hire them.
that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations
Wow! You're implying that the black people are low IQed. For many (black people and non-black people) is may sound racist. I know the percent of well educated, hence higher IQed black people isn't the highest but it's because of the social, economical, subcultural reasons. (Just making it clear that we're not racists here and we're trying to represent the objective picture. We
don't and we
can't mean that all black people are low IQed). The second problem about this -- can you support this claim that there are policies or attempts of the non-black Americans to flush balck people out of the positions of high paid occupations? I know some people, especially some of the black people themselves will claim the same but are there statistical facts about it because it's not good to point at something so serious without proofs.
because America does not care about black people's human right
It's like another serious accusation. Everyone may say something like "Japan doesn't care about Ainu people's human rights." or "Australia dosn't care about Aborigines people's human rights." and you can probably find examples of discrimination or some local problem but to accuse the whole country (or all its people isn't good and responsible). This is exactly the same wrong logic when it comes to China -- "All Chinese (汉族) hate the minorities (少数民族), you're a Han(汉族的)-Chinese, so you're bad!" When you're in the USA and some radical human right activists start to keep you responsible for the (true or false; you know some of the problems are true but there are also media produced fake baseless ones) problems of the human rights of Uigurs, Tibetans, Mongols, etc. are you going to feel good?
Or a similar analogy -- there are incels who really doesn't care about the females. And if some anti-incels know you're an incel and start to call you "Incels = don't care about us = you too!" are you going to accept that you're a heartless incels too?
The "incorrect summary" like "America doesn't care about the black lives." or "If you're an incel, you're a subhuman.", or "If you're a Chinese you're an anti-American." are leading to nowhere.
Just think about it: if the black Americans have much more human rights than the Koreans in North Korea and the Chinese in China, what is that talk about "America doesnt care about the black people"? Can a Chinese citizen go to play in a casino or own a gun shop? Of course not. But in the USA there are black men who go to play in casinos, who own legal gun shops and so on. (
I am not saying the guns are a good human right, I am just giving you examples, that the blacks in USA are having more freedoms and the laws there are mostly more liberal than the ones in North Korea, China, Iran, etc.)