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Author Topic: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?  (Read 7238 times)

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Zhang Jie

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Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« on: April 24, 2023, 03:39:29 AM »
I mean it seems to me only America is using IQ tests to assess the personnels, soldiers, and placing the students by their IQs.
Even the most academically discriminating country China does not place the students by their IQs but by their grades.


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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2023, 06:38:56 AM »
 Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
 Take a look:
IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.
 Take another look:
23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year
 Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. ;D
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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2023, 06:41:03 AM »
But the grades and the IQ are related. Not totally but you can't be a low IQed and to have good grades, can you?
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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2023, 06:43:42 AM »
I don't know, not sure but is it related to the incels? If not, tell me to move it to another board. Otherwise, tell us what do you mean? High IQcels something?

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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2023, 06:55:41 AM »
Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
 Take a look:
IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.
 Take another look:
23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year
 Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. ;D
Another hearsay about the reason why they are obsessed with IQ is that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations becomes more 'scientific' since IQ tests are backed up by Psychometrics, though I think it is a piece of tremendous bullshit since you don't need to do so because America does not care about black people's human right lol. You can explicitly refuse to hire them.

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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2023, 06:56:48 AM »
But the grades and the IQ are related. Not totally but you can't be a low IQed and to have good grades, can you?
The first argument is contradictory to the second argument. I think unless your IQ is too low like below 80 which is considered as retarded, you can have good grades, since I've seen one example some time ago.

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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2023, 06:58:15 AM »
I don't know, not sure but is it related to the incels? If not, tell me to move it to another board. Otherwise, tell us what do you mean? High IQcels something?
Yeah this topic is related to IQcel. Like China is obsessed over height, America is obsessed over IQ.


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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2023, 06:28:48 PM »
Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
 Take a look:
IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.
 Take another look:
23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year
 Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. ;D
Another hearsay about the reason why they are obsessed with IQ is that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations becomes more 'scientific' since IQ tests are backed up by Psychometrics, though I think it is a piece of tremendous bullshit since you don't need to do so because America does not care about black people's human right lol. You can explicitly refuse to hire them.
It's political again. And it's not good to accuse one country that doesn't care about one of its group because there are people who care and people who doesn't care. They have got constitution that implies the rights; they have even positive discrimination (which occur when someone is hired or promoted because of their belonging to an underrepresented group.) I suppose the black people situation is similar to ours Henan (河南) people or Uighur people. Yes, there are Chinese who doesn't care or hate them but we can't say about "all China" or "all America". There are people everywhere people who cares.

And what's the problem of the IQcels? The low IQcels understandably have problems. ;D But the high IQ are 'privileged'.


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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2023, 08:06:05 PM »
Not sure. A simple explanation may be: Probably it's their way to avoid the idiocracy. (If you didn't watch the movie "Idiocracy" (2006), I suggest you to watch it. It shows what may happen in the future if the Americans continue to neglect the education, knowledge, etc.)
 Take a look:
IQ scores have decreased in the US for the first time in decades, new research from scientists at Northwestern University and the University of Oregon suggests.
 Take another look:
23% of adults in the U.S. have not read a book in whole or in part in the previous year
 Just a reminder that the average USA citizen isn't very brainy. Of course, there are many clever US people and I am not one of those Europeans who'll say "All the Americans are stupid." but just want to tell you not to idealize them because if you're there you're going to face some of those who're not reading books. ;D
Another hearsay about the reason why they are obsessed with IQ is that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations becomes more 'scientific' since IQ tests are backed up by Psychometrics, though I think it is a piece of tremendous bullshit since you don't need to do so because America does not care about black people's human right lol. You can explicitly refuse to hire them.

that the excuse that can flush black people out of the positions of high paid occupations
Wow! You're implying that the black people are low IQed. For many (black people and non-black people) is may sound racist. I know the percent of well educated, hence higher IQed black people isn't the highest but it's because of the social, economical, subcultural reasons. (Just making it clear that we're not racists here and we're trying to represent the objective picture. We don't and we can't mean that all black people are low IQed). The second problem about this -- can you support this claim that there are policies or attempts of the non-black Americans to flush balck people out of the positions of high paid occupations? I know some people, especially some of the black people themselves will claim the same but are there statistical facts about it because it's not good to point at something so serious without proofs.

because America does not care about black people's human right
It's like another serious accusation. Everyone may say something like "Japan doesn't care about Ainu people's human rights." or "Australia dosn't care about Aborigines people's human rights." and you can probably find examples of discrimination or some local problem but to accuse the whole country (or all its people isn't good and responsible). This is exactly the same wrong logic when it comes to China -- "All Chinese (汉族) hate the minorities (少数民族), you're a Han(汉族的)-Chinese, so you're bad!" When you're in the USA and some radical human right activists start to keep you responsible for the (true or false; you know some of the problems are true but there are also media produced fake baseless ones) problems of the human rights of Uigurs, Tibetans, Mongols, etc. are you going to feel good?
 Or a similar analogy -- there are incels who really doesn't care about the females. And if some anti-incels know you're an incel and start to call you "Incels = don't care about us = you too!" are you going to accept that you're a heartless incels too?
 The "incorrect summary" like "America doesn't care about the black lives." or "If you're an incel, you're a subhuman.", or "If you're a Chinese you're an anti-American." are leading to nowhere.
 Just think about it: if the black Americans have much more human rights than the Koreans in North Korea and the Chinese in China, what is that talk about "America doesnt care about the black people"? Can a Chinese citizen go to play in a casino or own a gun shop? Of course not. But in the USA there are black men who go to play in casinos, who own legal gun shops and so on. (I am not saying the guns are a good human right, I am just giving you examples, that the blacks in USA are having more freedoms and the laws there are mostly more liberal than the ones in North Korea, China, Iran, etc.)
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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2023, 08:20:18 PM »
But the grades and the IQ are related. Not totally but you can't be a low IQed and to have good grades, can you?
The first argument is contradictory to the second argument. I think unless your IQ is too low like below 80 which is considered as retarded, you can have good grades, since I've seen one example some time ago.

They just overlap. You see, an IQ test is a test the same as an exam in the school which is also a test but more concrete. The marks (diploma) are something like a whole IQ test (even more than it if there are PE marks, which are showing your "PE Q", art marks, music marks, etc.) To me a diploma (if it's not fake or based on corrupted teachers) is showing more what you're as a person than an IQ test.
 Think about it: what is more important? To know if someone answers well about "Which object comes next?" (like in this one: ) or to know how well a person learned the subject "Logic" (the logic marks) in school? Or to know that someone found where is the triangle out of the squares compared to know his/her "Geometry" marks?
 And yes, there is a strong correlation between the IQ (and the EQ) and the marks. If you agreed that the low IQ people can't learn well, it means that these (IQ, EQ and the marks) somehow overlap.
 Let's define the "IQ": Intelligence quotient, which is a score that shows how well someone understands and interprets the world around them. If we use this definition, well, sorry but if you do understand and interpret the world well, then most of your marks should be good.
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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2023, 09:00:24 PM »
I don't know, not sure but is it related to the incels? If not, tell me to move it to another board. Otherwise, tell us what do you mean? High IQcels something?
Yeah this topic is related to IQcel. Like China is obsessed over height, America is obsessed over IQ.
If we're going to make these generalizations, I'd say that "China" (i. e. most of the adult Chinese I met) is obsessed over money. I saw tall but poor people without girlfriends but I never saw rich people who're single. Even those fat, short, old uncle type (or real uncles) Chinese do have women (some of them even more than just one; they like to collect more -- lovers, additional "wives"... the so-called "小三" ("thirdlet", a lover),  "小四" ("fourthlet"), "小老婆" ("weifelet") and others).
 Yes, there may be 60%-70% females who'll reject a rich shortcel but there are 99%+ who'll surely reject a poorcel.
 I don't blame them; this is the result of the not having enough and willing to have more. (It's popular in many other countries too. There are Western incels who said that the poor Chads in their places also can't get a girl and are in fact poorcels.) At least better than the opposite "be proud of being poor and obey the one in power willingly!".
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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2023, 09:12:49 PM »
Some Chinese and other females are leaving their foreign boyfriends too if they don't get rich. I know some women who tried hoping that the foreigners will be richer than the Chinese but later when they found that it's not the case, they left.


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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2023, 09:27:25 PM »
Brocel, you're really lucky if you're really a rich person. Well because the girls in your social circle are also rich they are even pickier than the average female and they'll search for more traits like "I want a tall man." but if you lower your standards and choose to be in a non-Shanghai area (for example, pick a town around Guiyang (贵阳) or something similar) you'll be not an incel anymore. You're a locationcel (mostly and firstly).

Till now only some women asked me "How tall you are?", most of the questions are: "What's your job?", "What do you work and how much do you earn?", "Are you rich?", "Do you have a company?", "What do you plan to develop as a business?"

My main problem is that I am poorcel and this is it: money > the rest.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!

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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2023, 11:40:57 PM »
Marks are better check because they show you in many subjects, for a longer time. IQ test is just once. I think if everything was about the IQ tests, then there will be no marks in schools. We will only take an IQ test once. ;D
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: Why is America so obsessed with IQ?
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2023, 01:48:26 AM »
Reminds me of this song my friend showed me where the lyrics were mocking and satirical.

It goes "I'm from the south and I'm relaly fucking stupid. I can't read. I can't write. i got a cleft lip and a lazy eye."


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