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Author Topic: Self-defense for incels (males and females)  (Read 5374 times)

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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #60 on: June 06, 2023, 02:54:43 AM »
Useful! 8) :-*


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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #61 on: June 09, 2023, 04:49:57 AM »
Oh yes! 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #62 on: June 09, 2023, 04:55:09 AM »
A test. Don't watch the answers before you answer by yourselves! And the answers will bu posted in the next post.

Let's begin:

1. Why is it important not to lean while defending the hook?

a. Leaning doesn't look cool.
b. It is important to lean.
c. You need to be close to your opponent so you can hit him.
d. You don't want to be pulled to the ground or fall on your face.

2. Why are pressure point attacks useful?

a. They look cool to deliver.
b. They utilize the body's nervous system.
c. They are easy to engage.
d. You don't need to engage.

3. If you counter an opponent’s right cross with an outside straight elbow to the shoulder pressure point, what kind of engagement is this?

a. Direct with a counter to the pressure point.
b. Indirect engagement with a grapple initiated.
c. Both direct and indirect engagement.
d. Neither

4. What is key to making effective pressure point attacks?

a. Attacking fast.
b. Attacking pressure points in combinations.
c. Utilizing strikes to get to the pressure point.
d. Getting to the point of nearest engagement before utilizing a pressure point attack.

5. What is the concept of “Weapon replacement”?

a. Replacing your attacks with different types of attacks.
b. Using the type of attack that suits you.
c. Changing the weapon in your hand.
d. Using an object to help you fight.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #63 on: June 09, 2023, 04:56:03 AM »
Are you ready for the answers?


1. d
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a

 :) 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #64 on: June 09, 2023, 04:57:27 AM »
Next time -- about the fairly advanced techniques.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #65 on: June 09, 2023, 05:36:37 PM »
I answered correct 4/5. 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2023, 05:51:40 PM »
Oh yeah? Good, not bad. 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #67 on: June 09, 2023, 06:08:32 PM »
Ground Survival and Fighting Techniques

Yes, I know many of you will be like "Oh~, sh@t! Not MMA again! Not wrestling again! I hate fighting on the ground!" but the reality is that you should be prepared for the worst! 8) So, let's do it!

You may find the training involved in this techniques is fairly advanced. Not the kind of training you would do if you were a beginner. It's advised that you get your skills up to a certain standard before jumping directly to learning the skills shown about this. Learning to control your body on the ground requires stamina, strength, and flexibility, which is something you will discover when you try out these lessons.

These lessons cover techniques to help you get out of close range combat. The last thing you want is rubbing sweat with each other in a fight. Trying to survive on the ground is a whole different game. You are restricted in various ways. You have no room to move back, you are restricted on angles, your strength is reduced, and so on. ??? :(( Fighting on the ground relies on strength, flexibility, technical skills, understanding body weight transfer, and learning to control your opponent to keep at the range required in order for you to apply your technique. Is that clear?

We will go through a few scenarios from defending yourself whilst on the ground. The common attacks covered are: body slam, ground and pound, chokes, and defending against a weapon attack. Pay extra attention to the lesson when training on the attacks, especially the knife stab lesson. You make one small mistake, and that’s the end of your life or the beginning of a nightmare.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #68 on: June 09, 2023, 07:28:09 PM »
How to Defend Against a Takedown

Do you know how to defend against a takedown?

Here! Before learning any of the other techniques in here, you must be able to properly defend against a takedown. If your opponent tackles you to the ground and you cannot land properly, you will most likely be at a disadvantage while trying to execute other techniques taught in this chapter. Safety precaution is important as injuries can easily occur if you land wrong in the wrong position.

When an attacker attempts to tackle you to the ground, you want to first grab onto him, as masters demonstrate. Next, hold your head against your chest while tensing your back and shoulders. Holding your head up will protect you from being stunned when you hit the ground, and gripping your opponent can help lessen the impact from your fall.

More importantly, though, holding onto your opponent until you hit the ground will place you in a better position to control his movements. When you hit the ground, you must immediately turn over to one side (it does not matter which), and hold your knee or shin against your attacker’s torso. This will halt or slow his advance on you if he is trying to punch you or reach for your throat. When you hit the ground, you should also form the thinking man pose, holding your fists against your head to form a cage of protection against any potential punches. With the opposite leg, you can kick him away in order to stand up and flee or prepare for another attack. When you stand up, you should first stand on one knee because it is a stronger stance to defend from in case your attacker is already coming for you again!
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #69 on: June 11, 2023, 04:13:52 AM »


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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2023, 02:39:47 AM »
 8) :) :P
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #71 on: July 22, 2023, 04:21:48 AM »
How to defend against the body slam

Fighting on the ground is not a good place to be, so if you do end up being in that position, having some ground skills and thinking smart is the key skill to surviving it without massive damage.

By the way, how often have you heard the term fair fight? Usually a fair fight is one in which neither combatant attacks the opponent's weak points such as the kidneys, the back of the head, or the groin. Scratching, biting, or throwing dirt in the opponent's eyes would also be considered unfair or underhanded.

But in the unfortunate event that you are defending yourself, it's important to remember that self-defense is not a fair fight or some kind of tournament. Your goal is to survive and escape the altercation with as little harm as possible. If attacking vital points on the body is what it takes to survive, then so be it! Attacking someone's groin or eyes may seem brutal or unfair, but in self-defense, if someone is attacking you, they have sacrificed the right to any measure of fairness. They mean to do you harm, and you must act accordingly. Never be afraid to employ the severe measures. It may save your life or the life of a loved one.

As masters demonstrates attacking the soft points – the eyes, nose, or groin – as a means of self-defense is an essential technique, especially when defending against an opponent who is stronger than you. If you have managed to lock your assailant into a ground armbar and cannot finish the technique due to his superior strength, he may either break free of your hold or lift you off the ground and body slam you. Both of these outcomes place you at a severe disadvantage. 

In order to turn the situation in your favor, while still securing the opponent's arm with one hand, reach out to his face with the other and crush his nose with your palm, pressing your thumb and forefinger into his eyes. This can also be more of a strike if you are able to see the attacker's face well enough to deliver a well-aimed blow. Either way, the pressure to the nose will cause the opponent's eyes to water, blurring his vision, and obviously the pressure to his eyes will further disturb his vision and distract him from resisting your armbar or trying to body slam you.

If the assailant is still resisting you or trying to lift you, re-secure his arm with one hand and reach out with the other to strike or grab his groin with as much force as possible. Again, the goal here is to distract him with enough pain that he will succumb to your armbar, allowing you to deal with his arm and roll away from him to stand back up and prepare for further defense. If you are able to successfully hurt the assailant's arm, you can also strike at his torso with your leg once or twice before rolling away in order to give yourself more time to escape or prepare for another attack. Understanding this technique is vital to other strategies and defense techniques that will be discussed later I hope.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #72 on: July 22, 2023, 05:00:25 AM »
How to defend against a choke on the ground

This technique utilizes the same leg control methods you learned in the previous part (how to defend against a body slam). You must practice each of the techniques in each part equally and in order as they all build upon one another. You will find that your movements will flow fluidly as if like an expert. If you do not practice each in succession, you will likely be unable to carry out these techniques effectively. In this part you will learn to put the key points into place when trying to defend a choke on the ground.

If you are on your back with an attacker on top of you attempting to choke you, there are a few strategies you can employ. First, if the opponent is between your legs, try to control him by holding your knees up against his torso and squeezing your legs together. Holding him with your legs and knees will keep him from being able to use as much force when trying to choke you. While holding him, press your chin into your chest and tense your neck as this will also prevent him from choking you as easily. These preventive measures will also protect your windpipe from being crushed, and you should still be able to breathe a little. It is important to press your chin against your chest as you can still be choked into unconsciousness due to blood restraint even while your neck muscles are tensed.

If your assailant is still attempting to choke you, use one of your hands to resist his grip and thrust the other hand against his throat. This will also keep him from being able to use too much force in his attempt to choke you since he will risk being choked himself. You can also strike at his throat, which will break his concentration.

Another effective technique that you can employ at this point is a ground armbar. Using the hand, thrust against the opponent's throat, and strike one of his elbow joints until you cause his arm to bend. Using your opposite hand, reach up to his head and pull it down to your side, sliding your leg over his head in order to place him in a ground armbar position. At this point, you should focus on securing his other hand with both hands in order to execute a ground armbar. If he attempts to lift you for a body slam, you can refer to the techniques described in the previous post.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #73 on: July 22, 2023, 05:26:36 PM »
How to defend against a ground pound

And when it comes to ground survival fighting techniques we surely should know how to defend against a ground pound... ground and pound... that's scary, isn't it? ;)

So, by now, you have learned how to be controlled and safe when getting to the ground. Masters show you how to adjust your body movements to help you get out in a ground and pound situation.

In the same way you would begin to defend against a choke on the ground, if you are on your back, and an assailant is attempting to punch you while you are down, use your legs to grip his torso and control him. Grip him with your knees and lower legs in order to keep him from exerting significant momentum into his punches. You may be able to simply grip him for a moment and push yourself away from him in order to flee or stand up to prepare for another attack.
Alternatively, as masters demonstrate, you can attempt a counter attack and hurt or severely damage your opponent's arm. While still gripping the opponent with your legs, assume a thinking man pose with your arms, holding your fists against the top of your head and pressing your elbows together. This pose will create a cage of protection around your head and provide a better opportunity for a counterattack. Once you assume this position, block your opponent's strikes with your arms and look for an opportunity to secure one of his arms by grabbing it after deflecting a punch as masters do. Once you secure his hand, with your other arm, strike the assailant's throat in order to temporarily disable him from punching you with the opposite, unsecured arm.

Once his arm is successfully secured, using your other arm, pull the opponent's head down into your torso while lifting the appropriate leg over his head in order to lock him into a ground armbar. If this is executed properly, you should be able to thrust the opponent onto the ground with your leg, and his momentum from the fall should allow you to easily stress or break his arm as you thrust your torso upward against his elbow in the armbar technique.
Well, you might come away thinking this technique is too complicated or relies too much on strength, speed, or luck. That is untrue. This technique is merely a compilation of other techniques you have learned up to this point. You know, self-defense techniques are similar to music. You learn one chord or series of notes at a time until you understand how to improvise and play them in different orders at random. A self-defense situation will be random, and you will need to improvise in one way or another. This is the type of technique that teaches you improvisation and how to use previous, more basic techniques in a more complicated or difficult situation. That's it. 8)

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How to Defend Against a Stab
« Reply #74 on: July 22, 2023, 06:48:40 PM »
How to defend against a stab

Defending against an attacker holding a knife is extremely dangerous and should not be viewed lightly!

In a knife fight, you or the assailant will likely come away with some kind of cut or stab wound if you do not possess appropriate extensive training and self-defense skills! Discussed below are a few basic strategies you can use while defending against a stab while grappling on the ground.

Similar to other ground techniques discussed in previous parts, while on your back, you want to control the assailant's advances with your legs, holding your knees against his torso. When the assailant attempts to stab at you, you must first stop and deflect the blow by blocking it with your palm or forearm, and in the same motion, you take hold of the opponent's arm with the opposite hand, drawing it down and to the side, away from your body.

After securing his arm with the opposite hand, strike your assailant's face with your free hand while bringing the knee up and against his arm, creating an armbar. It is crucial that the knee be brought up against his arm as you strike; the strike will enable you to succeed in creating an armbar even against a stronger opponent. Regardless of whether you are able to hurt his arm in the armbar technique, it will cause him significant pain, which should allow you to secure his wrist and twist the knife away from him. At this point, push him away with your legs, and either run away with the knife or prepare to defend against another attack. Better run!!!

Instead of attempting to secure his wrist and take the knife away, you can still control his arm with the armbar and simply kick him away in order to stand to your feet or run away. Better run!!! This more basic technique is still heavily advantageous because the assailant will likely have a hurt, broken or significantly strained arm. At this point, he will be easier to escape from or control due to his injury.

Regardless of whether you take the knife away, the crucial parts of this technique are the leg control and deflection. You must practice securing your opponent with your legs and deflecting blows while on the ground to properly prepare for situations like this. If you can't adequately block punches or halt your opponent's advance with your legs, this technique will not work, and you'll likely not walk away from an encounter like this. :(
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