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Author Topic: Self-defense for incels (males and females)  (Read 5411 times)

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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2023, 04:34:47 AM »
Some review:

1. What is the purpose of controlling the opponent with your legs? Answer: Controlling your opponent with your legs prevents him from exerting as much force downward onto your neck because he cannot use his own weight to his advantage.

2. What are the soft points you can attack when grappling with an attacker who is stronger than you? Answer: The eyes, nose, and groin are the primary soft points you should attack.

3. Aside from tensing your neck and pressing your chin to your chess, what else can you do to prevent against being choked before striking the opponent? Answer: You can attempt to pry your assailant's hand(hands) away from your throat with one hand while you strike his throat or face.

Simple, isn't it?
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2023, 04:35:30 AM »
Have a test now! 8)

1. Which of the following is not a soft point to attack?

a. Eyes
b. Nose
c. Ribs
d. Groin

2. When the opponent attempts to lift you off the ground to body slam you while you are attempting to lock him into an armbar, you should:

a. Tense your muscles and brace yourself for impact.
b. Attempt to break his wrist in order to distract him from trying to lift you.
c. Release his arm and run away.
d. Reach out to his face with the other hand and crush his nose with your palm, pressing your thumb and forefinger into his eyes.

3. It is important to execute the rest of the technique very quickly after employing the appropriate preventive measures (tensing muscles, chin to chest, resisting grip with one hand) because…

a. You can still be choked into unconsciousness due to blood restraint.
b. You want to startle your opponent with your speed.
c. You want to engage muscle memory.
d. Your opponent might begin a different attack.

4. If your assailant is still attempting to choke you after you employed appropriate preventive measures, you can:

a. Attempt to grab his groin.
b. Attempt to bite his hands.
c. Use one of your hands to resist his grip and thrust the other hand against his throat.
d. Use your knee to strike at his stomach in order to wind him.

5. When on the ground with the assailant on top of you, you have full control of his lower part of his body. He pulls out a knife to stab you. What should be your first line of defense?

a. Block the arm with the knife, diverting it away, followed by a grab.
b. Grab the hand with the knife with both hands to shake the knife off.
c. Block the hand with the knife and poke him in the eye.
d. Try and grab the knife.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2023, 04:54:32 AM »
Answers: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. a  8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2023, 05:29:06 AM »
Defense against edged weapons

The edged weapons are so frustrating! :( But don't worry because there are many tools to utilize when an adversary comes up to you and has an edged weapon (such as a knife.) This is very different than hand-to-hand combat, because now the threat level is increased and there is a higher chance of death. If you have not trained for such an occurrence, then this can be an overwhelming situation for you.

Seeing a weapon can make a person hesitate, which can be a deadly mistake in any situation. Masters explain the moves and the purpose for doing each one as they progress along. They often go over each series of moves several times to make sure you visually can see each step and are able to follow along as they demonstrate. This is important for you to notice the things that are most important, such as making sure your body is not in the path of the weapon.

As we continue the next half of the training, we will move on to disarming a firearm weapon – a more serious and life threating situation. It's important to understand that self-defense with weapons involved takes distance consideration from different approaches than basic hand-to-hand combat.

The walking stick can act as a long weapon for self-defense and is ideal to keep your assailant away. With precision in targeting the weaker points on the body, it can cause great pain, giving you a good distraction to either follow up with an attack or escape. Better -- escape!!!
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2023, 05:50:12 AM »
Knife to the throat defense

Dealing with an assailant armed with a knife is deadly. Situational awareness is imperative. The main goal (besides not dying) should always be to get the weapon out of your attacker's possession.

When he comes in for the slash, bring your knife side hand up to block the attack with an open palm. Make sure to grab his wrist to gain control. At the same time, your opposite hand should come up attacking his knife side shoulder with an open palm. This should stop his forward mobility and keep him from closing in, giving you a chance to disable the shoulder (classic Wing Chun or JKD attack while defending).

Now that you have a hold on him, using both hands, twist the attacker's wrist away from you and circle downward and to the front of you on the opposite side. This should twist up his arm, dropping his center of gravity, making it difficult for him to gain advantage. This should be done quickly after gaining control of his wrist to minimize the attacker's reaction time. At this point, you should have control of his wrist, and it should be thumbs up and in front of you. Switch your grip and give the thumb a hammer fist. The force of you coming down on the thumb and up against the hilt of the weapon should cause him to drop the weapon. Once you have disarmed, you should have enough advantage to attack or escape.   


1. Block the slash with your knife side hand and grab the wrist while attacking the shoulder with the other.
2. Using both hands, circle the knife hand away from you and twist it up in front of you.
3. Use a hammer fist to his thumb to disarm him.

Practice this move as often as you can to commit it to muscle memory so when the time comes, there will be no hesitation.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #80 on: July 23, 2023, 07:06:06 PM »
Stomach slash defense

Masters keep these movements simple so that you may be able to react quickly and decisively when the time comes in real combat.

Using your knife side hand, low block the slash with the knife hand to the lower wrist. This keeps your assailant from completing the attack. Using your opposite hand, sweep his slash away from your body (making sure your body is not in the path). This must be done quickly, keeping his reaction time to a minimum in order to gain control of his elbow later.

Once the knife has passed by and is in your front view, switch the hands up and use your knife side hand and place it behind his elbow. It is important to gain control of his elbow to make sure he cannot slash the weapon back. This also keeps the knife in front of you.

Now that your opposite hand is free and the weapon is in front of you, bring a hammer fist down onto the top part of his hand to disarm your assailant. A hammer fist is used because it’s simple and destructive, and you can repeat the action many times quickly on any part of the body with minimal damage to your hand. At this point, you should have enough advantage to attack or escape.


1. Low block the attack with a knife hand to stop the attack.
2. Quickly use your opposite hand to guide the knife past you in front (making sure your body is not in the path!)
3. Gain control of you attacker's elbow to keep the weapon in front.
4. Use a hammer fist to disarm your attacker.

Practice this move as often as you can to commit it to muscle memory; that way when the time comes, you will be able to react quickly!
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #81 on: July 24, 2023, 03:42:42 AM »
Head stab defense

Like masters state, a great deal of moves and principles are going to be repetitious. The reason for this is so when the times comes, everything is going to happen so fast that you will not have time to think; only to react.  

When the attacker comes in to stab down on you, take your opposite hand with an open palm; sweep his knife hand in an upward circular motion while turning your body, guiding the knife away and in front of you.
Once the knife is past your head and in front, move your opposite hand and grab behind enemy's elbow to control his arm. This will keep the knife in front of you and keep him from trying to attack with it again. Controlling this arm is very important to the next step. Once you have his elbow, use a hammer fist to strike his knife hand at the vulnerable wrist point. This should disarm your attacker and give you a chance to disable that hand so he can no longer use it. This should give you the advantage to now attack or escape. Better escape!!!


1. Sweep the knife hand with your opposite hand.
2. With your other hand, gain control of your attacker's elbow.
3. Using a hammer fist, strike your attacker's knife hand at the wrist to disarm.

Remember to practice this move as often as you can to commit it to muscle memory so when the time comes there will be no hesitation!
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2023, 04:02:36 AM »
Stomach stab defense

This move is very similar to the head stab defense. Like before, when your attacker comes in, you will use your opposite hand to sweep the knife hand to the side (remember to turn your body with the sweep).   

Once the knife is past you, just like before, you will use your opposite hand to gain control of your attacker's arm. 

You must remember to place your opposite hand behind the upper part of his elbow; otherwise, it will be easy for him to break free!

With the elbow and arm controlled, you can use a hammer fist to you adversary's wrist to disarm him. At this point, you should have the advantage and should be able to attack or escape. Better escape!!! Hitting him at the wrist bone not only disarms your attacker, but also gives you a chance of hurting the wrist altogether.

So, remember:

1. Sweep the knife past with your opposite hand.
2. Control the attacker's elbow and arm.
3. Use a hammer fist to the wrist to disarm.

Practice this move as often as you can to commit it to muscle memory. This way when the time comes there will be no hesitation!
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2023, 05:00:05 AM »
Basic gun disarm

Oh... the disarming of a gun. Not so simple! The first thing to note is that confidence is crucial in these techniques, where miscalculations can be fatal. You have to be confident and accurate. You also have to be aware of how far or close your enemy is to you. Reaching blindly for a firearm will not only result in the enemy resisting and retracting the gun, but also potentially in them firing the gun at you in that instant. The first principle is the line of attack. You have to break from the trajectory of the gun and simultaneously gain control of the enemy's hands and arm. Especially when the enemy has the gun held with both hands, do not assume you can establish wrist control easily.

Masters demonstrate advancing step to the opponent's side while wrapping your arm around the opponent's arms at wrist level. Your target as you shoot your arm forward is not the wrist, but as you see demonstrated, it is the opponent's eyes or neck. This is because stepping through the target is essential when securing control. If you step and aim your arm for the opponent's shoulder or to his side, your step may not have enough penetration, and he can easily pull back and regain control of the gun. Also, that strike with your arm extending to the eyes can serve as a decoy or attack if necessary. You'll notice that the elbow is swung around at that same level as you lock the wrists with that arm to establish wrist control. Be aware that your rear hand does establish contact, control distance, and grab the side of the arm that you advance step to, as you move forward. Without that, you won't have the points of contact that you need to establish control.
One thing to note is that many gun wielding assailants like to wield single handedly, leaving a free hand to defend. When practicing the disarming technique, it is a good idea to practice stepping to the outside leg of your attacker. This allows you to keep the free hand out range, and utilize proper wrist control, as well as hand trapping if possible, to control a rear attacking hand. Bear in mind that the gun is your main concern, and strikes from the other hand are secondary.

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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #84 on: July 27, 2023, 03:45:50 AM »
Using a walking stick to attack

Here we go, you see, there is a way how a walking stick can be utilized as a defense weapon. Bear in mind, pressure points and vital spots are crucial attack points for utilizing a stick or staff. There are two types of attacks to focus on: swinging attacks and jabbing attacks. Due to the cane's structure, the base or the handle is best utilized as a hilt for jab strikes. As masters demonstrate, holding the handle in one hand and grabbing the shaft of the stick, you can use a jabbing strike by thrusting forward to vital points such as the solar plexus, groin, neck, etc.
The stick can also be used like a bat, with the handle being the striking mechanism. In demonstrations, you see points like the knees, hands, and other vital and soft areas. You can transit between the two types of attacks, maintaining distance as you do so. You can also attack with the stick held horizontally, pushing forward to your attacker's chest or facial area. You have to be mindful of the distance and the hand positioning in all of these scenarios, because at all costs, you want to avoid a situation where you are wrestling for control of the stick. This is why counters to an advancing attack are priority over offensive ones.


1. Gun assault is very serious. Therefore, confidence in the techniques is crucial to any application.
2. When establishing arm control at wrist level for a disarm, the gun is priority, not free hands.
3. A cane or a walking stick can be used for defense, with proper care to distance control and vital pressure point attack areas.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #85 on: July 27, 2023, 04:14:25 AM »
Again some review. Ready? Start! :)

1. What should your aim be when you have to deal with a knife attack? Disarm the weapon and then try to escape.

2. Why is it important to gain control of your attacker's elbow? So he/she can't strike back.

3. Why should you strike your attacker in the wrist? So he/she can't grab the weapon any more.

 Don't forget! 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2023, 02:10:51 PM »
Have another simple test now:

1. What part of the arm do you first make contact with when defending a knife attack?
a. The wrist.
b. Forearm.
c. Hand with the knife.
d. Biceps.

2. What part of the body should you attack to release the weapon?
a. Head.
b. Foot.
c. Thumb/hand.
d. Wrist.

3. What must you be able to do before disarming the weapon from the attacker?

a. Control his/her arm.
b. Hurt him/her badly.
c. Knock him/her out.
d. Distract him/her.

4. When confronted with a gun, what should you be considering to do to have a chance to survive?

a. Punch the criminal in the face and fight back.
b. Run.
c. Give the criminal whatever they want and call the police.
d. Both b and c.

5. When making an advance step to control the hand of a gun assailant, where are you aiming your overhand?

a. His/her chest.
b. Behind the back.
c. His/her hands.
d. The level of his/her neck.

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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #87 on: July 28, 2023, 02:30:32 AM »

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. d

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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #88 on: July 28, 2023, 04:47:22 AM »

Fighting without fighting

Do you remember when Bruce Lee in a film said he's using a style called fighting without fighting? 8) :)

Well, the ultimate level of dealing with a scenario where a fight is about to break out is resolving it without laying a finger. Fighting without fighting is a win-win, right? No one gets hurt, and you walk away with your limbs attached and no medical bills. Master Wong's ideology of fighting without fight is taking precaution, planning your journeys, being aware of the environment, and knowing how to behave in public places. If you can put all these into place before you make a journey, you have increased your safety by 80%.

Overview of the 3 Safety Zones

Sometimes, you are randomly hit by surprise and, if it is unavoidable, you only have your skill and knowledge to save yourself. Master Wong's system helps you understand three safety zones that are similar to the traffic light system.  It covers do's and don'ts that you are advised to follow if you want to increase your chances of safety. After finishing this part, you may already be planning the way you roll in life. The 3 zones explained in this part are:

a) Green Zone – Know yourself!

b) Amber Zone – Know yourself and know your ability!

c) Red Zone – Know your surroundings!

Here, you will see some bullet point examples and statements to follow. Do read and think about a time where or when in your lifestyle you could be in danger.

    Out at night, late getting home, or a dusky start or end of the day! Don’t be alone, don’t walk down that alley, avoid that forest or heath. If you are going to be in this position, make sure someone knows how long it will be until you communicate with them again.
    Why do you need cash anymore? Avoid carrying cash in any situation; use that plastic. Don’t leave anything on display!
    Don’t rely on your ability to kick butt. Lock your car and never leave your motor running. Keep those windows and doors locked. Carry a car window smasher and seatbelt cutter for emergencies. Check fuel, oil, spare tyre; safety is key!
    Always walk towards on-coming traffic and make sure that you see the front of the cars parked down the road; you can then see if someone is in the vehicle! If you are walking with the back of a car or van facing you, the doors can be used to block your escape route. This makes you an easy target, no matter how tough you think you are.
    Always have a plan of where you are going; be organized and prepared at all times. You should know where to go in case of trouble. Choose appropriate clothing for the activity with your personal safety in mind.
    Carry a mobile phone with you at all times. Keep it charged as much as possible; if you are in trouble you can quickly call emergency services. For this same reason, have someone to call, like a parent or a friend. If you are a witness, overwhelmed or attacked and able to take a picture on your phone, you may just deter a criminal from committing the crime further. Most criminals focus on easy targets.
    Walk with a swagger; okay, maybe not like you own the place, but do walk with confidence. Keep that chin up, shoulders back, see everything. Make it clear that you know who is around you. If you walk past someone, look them in the eye, smile and say something; make it clear you have noticed them.
    Take full responsibility for your journey. Don’t rely on others, and don’t share that taxi home. Keep hydrated before you go out. Do you actually know where you are going? What clubs or pubs you are visiting? Does a loved one know? What is your estimated home time? Make sure you let others know what’s happening.
    Here is a sensitive one! If you are unfortunate and sexually assaulted, you need to keep any clues you have. Don’t shower, clean or use any restroom.
    If you can scratch the offender, you will have their DNA under your nails. Use that phone, call the emergency services, and then call someone to come and support you.
    Do not leave cash or jewelry lying around your home; keep valuables out of sight, and where possible in a secure place!
    Do not walk and talk! It’s a welcoming light! Avoid using your phone in isolated places. Texting can distract you from what is happening around you. When you are out and about, switch your mobile to vibrate mode rather than keeping a ring tone on.
    Don't share your personal information with a new acquaintance. Though making new friends is part of the fun of going out, you should avoid giving too much personal information to someone you just met. Don’t tell people where you live or where you are staying or which way you go home. Do not mention that you came alone. Say you are waiting for friends to arrive or someone is picking you up soon. Not everyone is a nice person. Sad, but true!
    If you meet someone you like, make plans to meet in a public place like a coffee shop, restaurant, or at an amusement park, rather than giving out your home address or place of work. Taking it slow doesn’t just keep you safe, it also puts you in control so they come to you.

Some specific Green zone advice for young people and college/university students

    Personal attack alarms are not just for females; statistics show nearly as many males are attacked as females.
    Keep the money you need to get home separate, so that you don’t spend it.
    Alcohol is a factor of big % of all crimes! Watch how much you drink. It is much easier to do something risky or foolish when you’re drunk; and you’re much more likely to lose your keys, cash or phone when you’ve had too much to drink.
    If you are new to an area, or nervous, why not use a GPS tracker app with a friend or family member or MapQuest. There are loads of communication apps and location services that you can use to help you navigate safe routes. It will come in handy if you are unfortunate to get kidnapped. This may allow those looking for you have a better chance of tracking and finding you.
    Travel with a friend; safety in numbers! Attackers and criminals can all of a sudden become very weak and overcome by large numbers of people. Also, if you are hurt, someone can go and get help. Criminals are less likely to attack you if you are in a group.

This part goes into more protective detail; it looks into the consumer, domestic and social situations. When you leave your home, you need to adopt a specific mentality; anyone around you could be a potential threat! Until you get to know strangers, keep your mental guard up until you familiarize yourself and develop trust. This being said, how is your domestic situation? Is it safe at home? Is your partner a threat? Is your neighborhood a safe area? We all have the ability to move, relocate or do anything we dream.

    Dress appropriately for the surroundings you are in. Don’t make yourself a target by showing expensive mobile phones, jewelry, valuables or skin.
    If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street. If the person continues to follow you, move swiftly towards an open shop or restaurant even a lighted house. Are there any CCTV areas near you?
    Don’t be afraid to yell for help, make a noise, or even shout "FIRE!" (everyone looks to see a fire but not necessarily to help). Move towards other people and confront the person. You can take your phone out and start to film this person to deter them. Remember, an easy target is what they are looking for.
    If a dating partner or loved one has abused you, do not meet him or her alone. Do not let him or her in your home or car when you are alone. Contact the authorities. Don’t allow them to take over your mind.
    If you are traveling with valuables, try not to show them off. A very expensive diamond necklace can remain in a pocket until you reach the venue. Don't carry a heavy purse or wallet either. These may attract thieves to steal from you and assault you. A black tie ball requires different clothing to a walk in the park at night. Don’t forget, not everyone is as happy as you wish!
    Try to observe the features of the person who confront you, including hair, eyes, ethnicity, heritage, birthmarks or distinguishing features, gender, height, and build. This will later help the police catch him or her. Take a picture on your phone if you can.
    Keep track of what you’re drinking, as well as how much. Drinks do get spiked with drugs; do not leave your drink unattended or accept a drink from a stranger. If you do, go to the bar, order a bottled drink, don’t take your eyes of the bottle. Place a thumb or finger in the neck.
    Be very suspicious of emails, texts or phone calls requesting personal information, passwords, PIN numbers or account details. Do not give out such information unless you are 100% sure of the validity of the request. Even then say you will contact the company they claim to be! Banks and other organizations will not ask you to confirm personal information online or via a text.
    When you move home, take the trouble to inform all the organizations you deal with of your new address, and arrange for the post office to forward your mail. You don't want a bank statement, new credit card or any other personal mail to be sent to an address you no longer live at, where anyone could take and open your post.
    Keep a safe record of your bank or credit cards, driving license and passport details. Some banks and credit card companies offer a registration service.
    If you lose your card or suspect it has been stolen, contact the bank or the credit card company immediately. When destroying old cards, cut through the chip and magnetic strip. Banks are starting to offer Apps to support this security for you; have a look.

It is a hard world we live in now. That being said, it is still beautiful, so here is some more advice to follow. Take time to not just read, but also to think about when you may have placed yourself at risk.

    Never let your bank or credit card out of your sight in shops and restaurants to prevent copying or cloning. In a restaurant, make sure you ask for the card machine to be brought to you or follow your server to the counter and watch the transaction. A financial attack is as painful as a physical one.
    When shopping on the Internet, check that the website shows a padlock or unbroken key icon. When you ‘check out’ make sure that 'https:' starts the web address; this means that a secure, encrypted connection is in place between your computer's browser and the website. The VeriSign Trust seal means that the website company's identity has been verified and that the website has passed a daily malware scan.
    When you are interacting with a stranger, be mindful of your personal space. Don’t allow them to block your exit route. What is your exit route? If you wanted to escape or move away, how or where would you do this? Can you see who is behind you? Think about the position you place yourself in a room. Don’t allow someone too close to you; this will give you time to react if something becomes a threat.
    Make sure you have your keys out as you approach your door so you don’t give someone the chance to come from behind and force you inside. You can also use your keys as a weapon for self-defense. Make sure you look around when approaching your door. Don’t have any bins or items near your door or path that provides shelter or hiding places for people.
    Your cards, your money, your jewelry, your car – are they worth your life? Get insurance, then it doesn’t matter if someone steals them. At least you are 100% safe and alive.
    If someone tries to rob you, dynamically assess the situation and remember your training! If you think you have the ability to defend yourself, it’s your choice, but don’t give up your life. One slipped blade will kill you. No matter how tough you are.
    If confronted, speak slowly and stay as calm as possible; a logical mind that is clear will see all options at a faster pace than one in a state of panic. There is nothing worse than showing you are scared. If you are confident, the people might retreat. Showing fear may build their arousal and increase your risk of attack. Look them straight in the eye, make it clear you have seen them. Speak loudly. Assure them that you will not cause any harm if released. Do not beg or plead!
    Stall for time by delaying the assailant as much as possible. Try to wriggle out of his grip and run for help, screaming. Screaming "Help!" will not do as much as screaming "Fire!" It will make people intervene. If you have physical skills, stay calm, and employ the tools you need from your personal self-defense toolbox.
    Install security software on your laptop (and desktop computer) and always carry it hidden inside a sports bag rather than in its own obvious case. Nowadays, university IT and learning centers are open around the clock and many students could be leaving these places in the middle of the night.
    Learn to physically defend yourself. Don’t just attend a course and think you are an expert. It takes thousands of hours to master something. Practice and make a lifestyle change.
    It is really important to remember that you do not have to suddenly earn a black belt in karate or carry a knife around with you; take your time and use a sensible head.
    If you're generally confident when you go out alone, knowing that you can take care of yourself can reassure you greatly. Train your senses so you will feel like you can look after yourself. Be more observant so that you will know if something is about to happen.
    If you travel or live in risky or dangerous areas, learn how to block punches, or think of how to avoid harmful incidents first.
    Developing a more street-smart attitude may seem silly, or pointless, but the simple knowledge that you can protect yourself will increase your confidence, which will help with your personal safety.
    Be careful; do not become paranoid! Remember that good people are like sunny days – there are plenty of them. Just because you're being careful doesn't mean you need to be afraid that everyone is out there thinking about how to get one over you. Be prepared; not paranoid. Remembering that there are more sunny days than days when lightning strikes is useful. Lightning is dangerous, maybe deadly, but rare!
    If a robber asks for your wallet or purse, do not hand it to him. Toss it away from you... Chances are that they are more interested in your wallet or purse than you; then they should go for the wallet/purse. Then run as fast as you can in the other direction.
    If you find yourself a victim, like in the movies, in the boot of a car, try and kick out the side lights, indicator lights or tail lights. Good chance you are a little wider than the gap, but you can put an arm out and wave so people see. Hopefully, someone will call the authorities.

Let people see you having a good time. If you want to stay safe and not make yourself a target, have a blast, whether you're with friends or by yourself. People will be less likely to take advantage of you if you look like the life of the party instead of hanging out by yourself in the corner. Remember to relax once you're in a safe environment; you won't have a good time if you don't. Once you've reached your destination, settle in and resolve to have a good time, no matter what.

This section calls for action. You must take note of the evolving dynamic situation you are in and act accordingly. You are now in the high risk section.

    When you walk or jog early in the morning or late at night when the streets are empty, be sure you are familiar with the surroundings on your route and bring your phone.
    Try to park in well-lit areas with good visibility and close to walkways, stores, and people.
    Stay in well-lit, populated areas. Areas without decent lightning can be the scenes of incidents. If you use public transport to get home, sit near the driver on a bus or a tram, and in an occupied carriage on a train or the underground.
    Walking may not be the best option, but if you have to, do not walk home alone in the dark. Keep to well-lit, busy streets, main roads and footpaths. Avoid badly lit areas, parks, alleyways and underpasses.
    Always check a cash machine for signs of interference before you use it. Never accept a stranger's offer of help when using a cash machine. Do be aware of people crowding around you when using a cash machine, and preferably draw out money during the day. Place one arm on the wall at the same height as your head; this will stop anyone making you hit the wall with your head. Place one foot in front of the other; make sure you do this in a confident stance.
    Park your car in a safe location. CCTV? Before you get out of your car, think about where you have parked. Is it well lit, easy to see from the street? Is it the best place to park if alone? Avoid parking in dark alleys or very far away from the door of your destination. Remember where you parked. Mentally map your path to the door of the place you're going, take note of anyone on the street, and gather your things quickly.
    Upon leaving your car, check carefully that it is locked and you have left nothing enticing (like a laptop bag or an iPad) in plain view, even charger cables. Walk with purpose directly to the door and enter immediately.
    Lingering on the street is not a good idea; it allows potential attackers to see that you are alone. Keep anyone you noticed out on the street in your mind, and in the corner of your eye, if possible.
    Remember from the Green Zone: don't listen to your headphones or keep checking your text messages. Stay alert. Walk in the opposite direction of the flow of traffic so an abductor is less likely to get you in the vehicle.
    Know exactly where you're going, if you check your phone's map app every few minutes, you'll be making yourself an easy target, plus you are flashing $$$ worth of technology; easy sell!
    Quickly walk back to your car if you can drive home safely. Be calm, remember be aware, not paranoid. Take a close scan of the street and then go straight to your car, then home. If the guard or doorman, or a group of other friends you have met offer to walk you to your car, take them up on it. At the very least, let someone know that you're going home now, and ask them to watch you till you get in your car.
    Take a look around; know who is on the street with you. If you see an alley between you and your car, or trees, or areas someone could hide, walk in the middle of the street to give yourself plenty of room to move if you need to.
    Have your keys ready and unlock the car as you are taking your last steps towards it. As you approach the car, do a quick visual check that nobody is near it. Get in, lock the doors immediately, buckle up, start your car and drive away. Don't sit in your car fixing your make-up or fiddling with your technology or texting someone. Get going.
    If someone is in the car with a gun to your head, do not drive off! Instead, gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your air bag will save you. If the person is in the back seat, they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes, bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
    Stay safe at home. If there is a disturbance outside, go in pairs or more. Don’t ever leave your home when you are alone. If you are worried for someone’s safety, call the emergency services straight away. Don’t make yourself a victim.

Know your surroundings are your penultimate lines of defense. After this, you are left to engage with physical self-defense. You are the person behind your actions! You must make sure you only use the reasonable force necessary to defend yourself or your loved ones. This does not relate to property. You should look into your in-country laws relating to self-defense and physical altercations. You will learn many techniques, which will act as tools for your self-defense tool box. You must use the correct tool for the correct job; no point using a 14 lb sledge hammer to place a picture frame in there!

If you end up using physical force to defend yourself, you need to ask yourself a few questions; why am I here, what went wrong, did I bring this on, could I have avoided this, am I justified in what I have done? Remember it is always a fine line, and you will be held up in the court of law to justify any actions. Keep safe and stay in the green zone.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #89 on: July 28, 2023, 03:54:57 PM »
An Overview

 Being prepared will give you the edge in any situation where you might be at risk. These guidelines will put you in a better position to protect yourself if something does go wrong. Maybe 99% of situations can be avoided through proper planning and maintained awareness.

Master Wong's system of self-defense should be used only when all other avenues to avoid conflict and protect yourself have been exhausted. Even then, you should exercise control over the amount of force you use so it is justified. Only use force that is reasonably necessary!

Our self-defense always starts from the covering position. We allow ourselves to be attacked first and do not make ourselves into the aggressor, which places us in a stronger legal position after any altercation. It will be clear from the evidence that we began our movement with a desire to be passive and defend ourselves.

These responses are preferable but will depend on local laws and customs. If the surroundings and restrictions change, your responses should change accordingly. If threat is critical, your response must be equally lethal to save your life.

You are instructed in how to deliver enough power to seriously injure somebody else, but it will be your decision based on your judgment of a situation as to the right course of action to take.

Ultimately your basic training is key for your health, your awareness and to have the ability to respond instinctively and effectively in a situation when you need to protect yourself or the people you care about from harm.

These categories correspond to the threat level:

1. Green Zone    (People have not interacted but made you aware.) (Kicking range.)
2. Amber Zone    (Real threat of personal injury or emotional distress.) (Punching range.)
3. Red Zone             (Real risk of serious or lethal bodily harm.) (Grappling range.)

Master Wong's System training has its foundation in the four pillars of mental progression.

Pillar 1: The purity of your intent.
Pillar 2: The focus of your will.
Pillar 3: The level of your awareness.
Pillar 4: The quality of your character.

Using these pillars as a guide will support your attitude and judgment and enable you to effectively use this system to enhance your life for the better. 8)
I want to improve my English.


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