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Author Topic: Self-defense for incels (males and females)  (Read 7196 times)

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Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« on: January 28, 2023, 06:01:26 PM »

Self-defense for incels

I mean it, incels, femcels... self-defense for all of you.

Now, when my English is already getting better and sometimes even rocks  8) ;D (just kidding), I am here to help you guys with your self-defense.

It's obvious that many of the incels are not big and/or strong. If they were big (and especially big and strong), they'll probably not be incels because for some women being big (tall) and strong (bodybuilding type) is enough to start up a relationship. Right? Well, maybe some gymcels are big and strong already but it will be useful for them too; I suppose so.

I'll try to systematize some self-defense points in this thread (below).
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2023, 10:13:27 PM »

Introduction to Self-Defense

The self-defense training that I suggest here is a nearly complete guide to protecting yourself on the street (and not only). The easy-to-understand training info will be included in this course and will teach you almost everything you need to get yourself out of a difficult (maybe even life-threatening!) situation if you are attacked while you are outside the safety of your home or, sometimes, even in your home! Some areas are dangerous you know it. :(

Self-defense training should be practical, close to the street, to the environment you will encounter, and should works on applying techniques face-to-face with your partner. By practicing through a variety of scenarios and using drills to improve your reactions, you will be able to act instinctively when you are under threat (and be able to do what needs to be done to protect yourself or those you care about).

It will be like a personal guide through the world of self-defense and will explain how to escape, and to make sure your attacker can’t continue to bother you, and, in the ideal scenario, will probably never want to bother anyone ever again. ;D

The user-friendly style of this course (because it's normal incels without hate oriented) makes it something like your real-life personal trainer but online. It will be with you during almost each scenario and training exercise to coach and guide you, helping you to complete almost each task. Not all self-defense is created equal. This modern realistic approach to training provided, brings you the "secrets" of the ancient art of war applied to dangers you are likely to face these days, at the present. This is your easy step-by-step course, provided here, making it easy for anyone, anywhere to learn self-defense (and also to gain confidence and awareness) when they are in danger.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2023, 10:13:53 PM »
Waiting for it. Especially because I don't want to be raped. It's like a nightmare for many people -- being raped from some ugly, bad person! :'( Don't believe those crazy incels who think that every person (female) likes this idea. Yes, maybe there are some crazy women but most of the normal people don't like to be forced and to do something with a person who they don't like!


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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 10:14:10 PM »
Good, good! 8) 8)


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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2023, 02:48:27 AM »
About me:

My ability and good luck to have gained access to the good masters in China and abroad (sambo, kungfu, wing tsun (aka wing chun), TKD, JKD, Judo, wrestling, BJJ, MMA) and a personal, unrelenting dedication to being  one of the best makes me one of the candidates to share some mastery of the martial arts with the rest of the world and especially the good incel community over here! 8) 8) 8)

I can say, as a martial arts person that it's my sincere desire, for all of the incels and femcels worldwide, to gain the skills they need and to improve the quality of their lives by following the principles of the simple martial system. It's possible for any one, whatever their starting point is, to achieve a much more balanced mind and a stronger body by adopting the core principles of hard working (training) and remembering the martial arts' moves. I follow one of the most effective, practical and simple systems in the 21st century. So, the incels, femcels, just follow me! ;D

And straight to the point [in Chinese: 开门见山 ("Open the door, see the mountain.")]:
The principles (of self-defense)

Many martial arts and fitness schools as we see advertising self-defense classes. More and more people are becoming aware of taking control of their own personal safety and investing their time (and, well, money) in self-defense classes in case the worst may ever happen and they get into a heavy fight. But are their money (and time) being wasted? What should a useful self-defense class entail? Are martial arts and self-defense the same thing?

Well, most people think that self-defense is like individuals throwing high-spinning kicks (like those in TKD) or yelling loudly while breaking boards in crisp white karate gi (karate uniforms). While this can be 1 element of self-defense training, the term "self-defense" actually comprises many different factors, only one of which is physical skills necessary to prevent or stop an attack.
Remember that self-defense is also a state of mind -- it is about being able to spot things that are out of the ordinary, picking up on subtle cues that a potential situation may occur and getting yourself out of the harm's way. Self-defense is about getting back to your home and normal life safely it is not about taking out 2-3-4 or 5 guys all at the same time as a complete superman. Be realistic and reasonable.

Look, before (most of the) fights turn physical, there is usually an element of verbal and non-verbal contact like: eye contact, yelling, pushing and shoving, and so on, before, at some point maybe, a punch (or kick) is thrown. Being able to diffuse situations before they even begin (and spotting potential signs of escalation) is really what self-defense training should be about! Isn't it?

Imagine the scenario:

You're in class and a Chad is coming drunk and obnoxious. He starts getting in your face, telling you what he's going to f*ck your one-it-is Betty while sticking his finger in your chest. You have been training in JKD and gymmaxxing for nine months now – maybe it’s time to test your skills? Would you:

A) create distance between yourself and the Chad, put your hands up in a non-confrontational way and tell him that he's the coolest in the school and he can f*ck anybody he wants?

B) Get back in the Chad's face and try to test your newfound JKD skills out?

If you picked "A" – well done! This is really the real self-defense side. Self-defense is about not getting into fights! It is about de-escalating situations and preventing conflict in all circumstances. (The physical fighting is always the last resort as, chances are, you are going to be hurt, even if you win the fight.) Even grandmasters of martial arts do not easily go to fight everytime when some freak is trying to pick a fight wth them. Then why you should?

There are also the legal sides to think about, which many people who teach self-defense do not think of. Yes, many self-defense classes go straight to the last resort and aim to really injure an attacker by striking or breaking a bone, when really, depending on the circumstances, this would only land you in a jail or another punishment. Legislation surrounding self-defense differs from country to country, but usually, an element of necessity in having to defend yourself is needed, as well as an aspect of reasonable force.

Got it?

1. Necessity -- do you need to physically defend yourself at that time? Or can you leave the situation? Going back to our class scenario – if there was room for you to maneuver your way out of classroom and move, would it be necessary for you to physically defend yourself? Or, alternatively, are you backed into a corner with your back against a wall, with no possible way to escape? Which situation would show necessity?

2. Reasonable force -- is your reaction to the situation reasonable? Do you show reasonable force in defending yourself? The Chad at the classroom pushes you and threatens you. You punch him in the face, kick his belly, knock him out and stomp on him as he is passed out on the floor. Alternatively, the Chad pushes you up against a wall, preventing your escape. You push him too to make a gap and run through it, escaping the classroom. Which scenario shows reasonable force?

Easy as pie.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2023, 04:56:33 AM »

How to spot signs of potential trouble

How to Spot Signs of Potential Trouble? That's the Question! So you should know that self-defense is really about spotting signs of potential trouble before it even begins and before the thing gets physical. But what can be some signs of potential stress? What are some signs that someone is about to get physical and a situation may potentially escalate to the point of violence? There are the visible signs and subtle signs, and fights can gradually build up or they can erupt in a split second. The fights that explode in a split second are hard to spot and deal with, and at that point, there is no room for de-escalation.  :(

You are in the fight, and your survival mode kicks in. "Fight or flight" occurs, heart rate increases, adrenaline is released, and a physical battle is happening. Fight to escape, don’t fight to win! A Japanese master said "The meaning is not to win or to lose, it's to survive." Fight to find an escape route and use it. This is the best meaning of self-defense. No matter how good you are, it only takes one blindsided punch to be knocked unconscious or worse. Cover the head, use significant gross motor movements, such as hammer fists, kicks and punches and escape!

The fights that build up over time are a little easier to stop and de-escalate.  :)

Let’s say, you spot some Tanner staring at you from across the . Would you:

a) Meet the gaze and stare back in a dominant way?
b) Smile and turn back to the group you are with, keeping an eye on the Tanner staring in your peripheral vision while laughing and joking with classmates, showing you are in a group?

If you picked "b", you did well. Returning the gaze can be an act of defiance and escalation. But it can also sometimes show confidence. Here you return the gaze briefly, smile in a friendly way and turn back to your group while still keeping an eye and showing the potential danger that you have a group of mates and are not on your own.

What if this doesn’t work, however? The Tanners yells something over to you.

You can’t hear what but know it isn’t complimentary! Would you:

a) Walk up to the individual and say “Sorry, Tanner, what did you say”?
b) Pretend not to hear anything, but still keep an eye in your peripheral vision and keep with your group?

Again, here the answer is "b". Simply ignoring the individual may still be enough to de-escalate the situation and show that you aren’t bothered, won’t rise to the bait and are still in a group of people and not vulnerable.

OK, but what if the guy walks over, shouting as he comes across and invades your personal space something about you were flirting with his 2/10 girlfriend? You have no idea what his problem is. Do you:

a) Show dominance: Stand up to the guy, get in his face, yell that you're an incel but you're not giving a sh*t about his landwhale girlfriend and start getting in his personal space?
b) Back up, apologizing if there is some misunderstanding about her and wait for your mates to intervene?
c) Turn to face him; hands up in a non-aggressive manner? Angle off slightly and calmly explain he has the wrong guy and you haven’t flirting with anyone's girlfriend as you're an uglycel and have no chance of getting any female attention?

If you chose "c", well done, only maybe don’t mention the fact you are an uglycel and repel females. Just calmly explain he has the wrong guy. The hands are up in a non-aggressive stance for CCTV purposes, but equally, you’re ready to strike or to cover the head if a fight occurs. You’ve angled off to make it a little harder for the guy to hit you, and you are preparing for physical contact.

But still, what if... he pushes you back saying how he is going to smash your face in…This is where it gets tricky. What do you do?

Is a pre-emptive strike valid here? You have tried to de-escalate, explain yourself and calmly show you don’t want to fight. Arguably, a pre-emptive strike could be used here to get yourself out of the situation but this then goes down to reasonable force and necessity. Never forget about them!!!
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Basic Fitness-maxx
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2023, 05:05:08 AM »
If you're not at least a gymcel you should know something simple: no matter what self-defense, martial art or whatever techniques you know, train, adopt... if you're weak they're highly likely not going to work! If you're not seriously gymmaxxed you should be at least fit enough (fitnessmaxxed)!!! It's a must.

So, there we go: all those push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, stretching exercises (to improve your range of motion and decrease your risk of injury), dumbbell exercises and stuff. Build mucles mass and flexibility! Start right now!

To be continued.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2023, 03:22:40 PM »
And here we lost most of the blackpilled lazycel because they don't like the efforts. Playing online games and complaining in the blackpilled incel communities is easier than the fitness-maxx, pushups, situps, etc  ;D


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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2023, 12:58:00 AM »
Learn self-defense because there are also many attacking incels (some of your 'brocels' may be against you too). It's a well-known fact that some incels are dangerous people.


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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2023, 02:59:16 AM »

Most effective stances and body positions

What you should learn is how vital body positioning prepares your body to have an advantage over your opponents, whether you are defending or attacking. How you line up your lower body and upper body position puts you in full control of how you want to deal with the attacker. The matter is to understand why it is important where you place your hand and feet and how effective this is in combat. The principles behind these moves are the same for incels and femcels (males and females). I work with three basic rules: surprise, speed and violence of action. As you continue to learn self-defense, you will understand why.

Well, it is good to know where your hands are and to give a submissive appearance to your attacker at first. This will give your assailant a false sense of security and will draw him into your circle, where you can deal with him more effectively. It will give you a small level of control, but control nonetheless.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2023, 03:04:19 AM »
Waiting for it. Especially because I don't want to be raped. It's like a nightmare for many people -- being raped from some ugly, bad person! :'( Don't believe those crazy incels who think that every person (female) likes this idea. Yes, maybe there are some crazy women but most of the normal people don't like to be forced and to do something with a person who they don't like!

Look, most men, when attacking a woman, will invade her personal space (to try to get a hold on her.) There are particular set of moves which will allow you to keep your attacker from getting a grip on you. These series of moves work with the hands coming from the centered position to block the advance of your attacker.

The most important thing here is positional awareness of your hands. In the particular series of moves, for an incel/femcel/noncel it comes in with three strikes to the midsection to manipulate his/her opponent to open up his centerline so one can work with his/hrt target more easily. Upon the last strike, you want to sweep your opponent's arms downward with your hands to control and open him up completely. This allows you to move into his personal space for the grab.
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2023, 01:17:52 AM »
Now, when all those are clear, let's continue it with more information about the effective stances and body positions. Thinking about the body position awareness we should know that:

You start to practice by keeping your hands at your center (where your navel is), one on top of the other. As your experience increases, you may choose to spread your hand apart more to your thighs or side. In these positions, it will be easy to be aware of where your hands are as well as minimize the distance they have to travel to block (or parry) an attack coming from any direction because they will be in the center of the attack zone. 8)

From this position, if your attacker should try to subdue you from behind with a bear hug, you are able to resist him or her because you have the strength of both arms working against him given that your hands are together. It also makes a bear hug easier to break because of the force of both hands. If your hands are at your side, the leverage and force is not really there.

The wider your hands get from one another and the further away from your body they move, the easier it's for your attacker to grab a hold on one of them. Like stated before, with your hands at your center, this gives you a very passive appearance, which works with the three basic rules: surprise, speed and violence of action. This should help you about that: your attacker will not be ready for you or expect what you can do. Makes sense, right? 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2023, 04:12:55 AM »

Defending in Advance

It's good to defend in advance. Let's talk about the defending in advance from the centered hand position.

So, if your attacker comes in to grab you, just bring your hands up from the centered position in a scissor-like motion with open palms facing down, striking his/her throat with the knife edge of your hands. This will not only strike him/her, but will also stop his/her forward mobility. Using both your hands effectively gives you more halting force than trying to use just one. The scissor motion adds stability to help absorb his or her energy from the forward motion.

Once halted, shift your hands outward to his shoulders and push your attacker away. This is a very basic move and can lead into a variety of other strikes and grabs (once you have become more experienced with the moves.) For example, you could push your attacker away at the throat level but risk crushing your adversary's windpipe; or you could turn your opponent to one side or the other before pushing him/her away.

A 2nd scenario would be that instead of blocking at the throat level, you bring up your hands to his/her chest and halt him there. Then, as before, shift your hands to his shoulders and push him away. This is a good secondary tactic because the distance from your center to the block is less and, therefore, the tactic is quicker.   

A 3rd scenario is if your attacker comes in for a low grab, like your legs. Your adversary will drop his center of gravity. This will make it very difficult for you to block him at the throat or chest level without being bowled. In this case, drop your center of gravity to meet his (or lower would be better), while at the same time bringing your hand out from your center to block his grab. Drop your center by bringing one leg back and bending at the other knee. This will also bolster your stance, making it studier. It also will drop your head down, enabling a good head attack if desired. Once his forward mobility is halted, you can bring your hands upward to his shoulders and, as before, push your attacker away. 8)
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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2023, 02:32:12 AM »

Body positioning for a knee strike

Knees may be powerful.  8)

So, slide your hands up in an open palm position, slightly cupping them to the sides of your opponent's neck and trapezius muscle, making sure to keep them slightly to the front. The position of your hands at this point is key to maintaining control and stability. If your hands are too far at the front, your attacker will pull himself back or to the side to break free and attack you. If your hands are too far back behind his neck, then when coming up with the knee, he can slip forward and headbutt your face!!!

The exact position of the hands should be your palms on the sides of his neck and upper part of the Trapezius, making sure they're slightly to the front of the neck to keep him from slipping forward. Slightly cupping the hands here reinforces the hands, bringing additional stability and control. With your hands in this proper position, whether your opponent tries to move forward or side to side, your palms are there to control him. With your fingers around the back of the neck, the control is there in case he tries to pull back. You now have full control of his head and neck. With full control (of his head and neck), when you bring your knee up to strike, you can direct it properly, giving you added force and damage. Depending on which knee you want to strike with, or if you wish to alternate, you can move his head from one side to the other, which also makes it very difficult for him to headbutt you. This will give you the opportunity to slip past his blocking. Alternating your knees during practice will get you familiar with using both efficiently. 8)

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Re: Self-defense for incels (males and females)
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2023, 02:48:42 AM »

More about the knee strikes

Now, more about the knee strikes: many problems can arise when coming in for a knee strike, so control is an absolute must. Remember that,
1. Come in with a strike (or series of strikes) to open up your opponent's center line.
2. With your palms open, sweep his arms downward to control them and completely open up your opponent.
3. Slide your palms up the sides of the neck and slightly forward (cupping your hands).
4. Deliver the knee strike (or series of strikes).
5. Bring your hands back down to the controlling position.
6. Switch sides and repeat.

Another valuable point here is that when your hands are at the neck position, if things are not going as planned, you can shove your opponent away from you very easily because of the control you have.

Practice these moves as often as you can and as closely to real life as possible. That way, when it is real life, you will respond properly.

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