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Author Topic: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female  (Read 3524 times)

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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2022, 05:37:31 PM »
Okay, we got it -- no charity and compassion for Mazurro and Vortex. Don't fall to their level because they tend to insult the good incels, the scientific forum like this one and the females and if you follow their aggression you're getting angry and then... "Почему-то этот пост разозлил ее и она начала бросаться с кулаками на Вортекса!" It's funny but it's also degrading ourselves.

If this continues in a bad direction, I am going to lock this thread!
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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2022, 02:17:49 AM »
Don't worry. The guy is so funny that I even can't hate him.

Humor 100%:

This entire post and replies are like combination of Doogy and Chris Chan autism. The ignorance and lack of knowledge about reality makes it a satire.
Said the guy who demonstrates autistic thinking and who has distorted image of the reality in his head. :P

I will never be a f... to make kweenz feel comfortable.
Said the guy who feels discomfortable exactly because he can't have a "kween". He wants a kween so badly but he don't want to make them feel good. Smart if he wants to be a volcel.  ;D ;D ;D

They don't deserve that for everything I have been through, neither I want to maxx anything - which is just focusing on some random s... to leave f... alone.
Said the guy who obviously needs to work a lot if he don't want to die as a single obese ignorant person. He needs to learn more knowledge, empathy, improving his looks (body, weight, muscles, skin condition, style) and ethics. Otherwise, better not to reproduce, he can't be e normal husband and a normal parent.

The funniest part is that with my misogyny I still have higher chances of finding a partner than f... "cool incels"
Said the guy who is an incel with obvious mentalcel, hatecel and other issues. How he counts his chances? Even a Chad with this bitter ignorant character will repel most of the females. This person can't show at least one positive, attractive side of his human nature. Why then he is so sure that he has a chance? With some girl from a psychiatry maybe? Where is the normal woman who will like this one?

I at least force some emotions, where they force literally nothing except disgust maybe (which I also force).
Forcing negative emotions is the dumbest tactics ever. If you're not a Chad, this will minn you to the 0/10, boy. ;D ;D ;D A 10/10 Chad being so ignorant may decline to 6/10 but if you're now 2/10, you are degrading yourself to literally nothing. If you're ugly at least you should start to improve your character, your knowledge, your personality, your body and so on. This is what is the REAL chance. Being a hatecel loser brings you nothing.

It's not the hate which keeps anyone alone. It's looks.

Bad looks are a problem but bad looks + hate and ignorance are a double problem. If you don't start to improve your body, character and everything, you're really in "It's over" state. Maybe now you're even not a truecel. You maybe just a normie-tier hater. But if you continue in this rogue way, you'll become more bitter, more fat, more abnormal, more psychotic and you'll be a truecel for sure. Change something until you can.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2022, 02:31:14 AM »
@greybeard about this website
The site your shilling doesn't support https. Any incel that clicks these links or even posts there should be aware that anybody who controls your internet connection can see exactly what you are doing. Your ISP, gov and even roommates can now if they care to check

What's "your shilling"? My shilling, your shilling, his shilling, her shilling...?  :o This English isn't popular around me. But I remember it was a coin, isn't it? Look, I am a good student:

    a former British coin and monetary unit equal to one twentieth of a pound or twelve pence.
    the basic monetary unit in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, equal to 100 cents.
Bing source.

 No idea. Really. But let's talk about the https thing. We want to have it but the hosting answered us that it costs money and we decided to skip it. About the governments. I am not a hacker but we live (most of us) in China and I am pretty sure that with or without https the government can see and read whatever it will. And we don't hide something special. We help people to learn how to be good.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2022, 02:37:22 AM »
She loves you. Read her answer again if you wish. I don't really care. Good luck.
  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D That really rocks!

 Good emotions, this is important when we're trying to be useful and to give help, knowledge and support of the intelligent incels who want to ascend. People who're not clever enough and who don't want to learn and just insist that the only truth is the blackpillism that turns them in rotting losers and minns themselves to the lowest possible levels, well, there is really no hope for them -- this is their choice, to to self-destroy their future and all of their potential. The sad thing is that most of them are even not truecels, there are even Chadlites. Some of their brocels sometimes are telling them the truth: "You're a fakecel!"
 Well, about this incel, I am not sure -- with this attitude, stubborn pessimism and fatalism and rudness, he's probably a 100% mentalcel and if he's not maxxing his chances (which he rates higher) are not going to be good at all.
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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2022, 03:28:34 AM »
By the way, he's not 100% lost. I noticed that he's edumaxxing and going to gymmax. Like this, if later he really improve his knowledge + body + personality, maybe he will get some Becky. But currently, even a landwhale is not possible for him. Women with self-respect can't accept just nobody.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2022, 04:58:07 AM »
I think I took a right decision not to continue with him. If he reads I'll answer him only here. He
Lmao, it's one of the most autistic circlejerks I have ever seen. I wonder what you are trying to get from it, but whatever, weird fetish.

Autistic is projective, dude. You're projecting your own autism to us here. Believe me that we're much more educated than you. You're just getting to know what's an university but most of us here are graduated in humanitarian fields and we understand the matter much better than you. Maybe 10-20 years later you may realize how childish you are now and if at that time you ascend (because of our good ideas, not because of your degradation caused by the blackpillism) you'll be lucky.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2022, 05:11:11 AM »
We can wish him to become a more educated, responsible and balanced person. Because even he gets good diploma and good body, if he keeps this low levels of compassion, understanding, hate and selfishness there will be no woman for him. We all know that the females already are picky and they are not going to stand him if he continues being like this. But I think that he may chance for good even slow. Some guys just need more time because they're slower.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2022, 05:06:47 AM »
I will do whatever Alexa is doing in the first post in this thread.
My DM's are open and you can message me whenever you like!
Over it.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #38 on: December 14, 2022, 05:51:26 PM »
 Good girls are over there.  8) But the problem with many of those incels is that they're so doubtful that they're even not going to give it a try. You see that one, for example? He thinks that you'll cheat his money, steal his precious name and address (so-called doxxing) and other horror-movie like scenarios. ;D They just stopped believing in good and in hope.
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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2022, 02:57:19 AM »
Good girls are over there.  8) But the problem with many of those incels is that they're so doubtful that they're even not going to give it a try. You see that one, for example? He thinks that you'll cheat his money, steal his precious name and address (so-called doxxing) and other horror-movie like scenarios. ;D They just stopped believing in good and in hope.

I'm not interested in money lol. I already have enough.
What would I need with his name or address? NOTHING. There's no reason for me to do any of that.
Over it.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #40 on: December 15, 2022, 03:03:03 AM »
 Yes, I know that and I do believe it. But his brain is so scared (post-traumatic result), he saw or met so many traumatic situations like cheaters, liars and so on, that he's not going to try at all because of the phobia he developed.
 Of course, if someday he got lucky to meet a really good girl who cures his previous pain and give him some hope, he may start to believe again, but till that time... if he's not going to change a bit his attitude (to become more friendly) and to work hard (developing his body and his brain), there will be no girl for him. And this is in fair.
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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2022, 03:50:16 AM »
Who are we even talking about anyways?
Over it.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #42 on: December 15, 2022, 04:10:09 AM »
Some guys like these, for example: click here.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2022, 04:49:24 AM »
I am trying it! Great experience! Never saw so hot photos!

And never had chance to say to a girl she is my dearest girlfriend in this way!  :-*
I am so needy.


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Re: Virtual charity for the good incels from a female
« Reply #44 on: December 16, 2022, 05:48:01 AM »
I am trying it! Great experience! Never saw so hot photos!

And never had chance to say to a girl she is my dearest girlfriend in this way!  :-*

Umm..... ok.
Over it.


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