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Author Topic: My weird though: Poorcel has upsides  (Read 645 times)

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My weird though: Poorcel has upsides
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:11:06 AM »
Well, if you're poor you repell people that want money from you. I have nice idea. -maxxing is not enough nor most important. The most important part is to talk with many people (and hygiene obviously... xD). You may find then someone you can make healthy relationship with. Honestly, I don't want to be rich because that, even more, I want to be between poor and middle-class (atm poor). I have very uncommon idea: I wrote some manifestos and want to hang them on the city. I want to spark independent thinking in people. What society lacks is people with good values. Who we need to blame for this? Well... ourselves too! We take incorrect approach to find love. We comply, instead of sparking will to improve in others. Let's create more kind society so there will be more people we can make relationship with. being poor means you must be stronger to survive. reject richness, embrace poorness!  ;)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 02:27:47 AM by Alexa »


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Re: My weird though: Poorcell has upsides
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2022, 04:52:41 AM »
I am not a grammar nazi (and I am not very sure I understand well now this incel problem) but only to correct that double L: "incel". "Poorcel".  :) :-*

Just saying. Trying to be helpful around~~  :) :)


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Re: My weird though: Poorcell has upsides
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2022, 05:23:00 AM »
Yes, sorry for my english :P


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Re: My weird though: Poorcell has upsides
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2022, 05:40:54 AM »
 I think your English is pretty good. By the way, words like "incel", "poorcel", "ascend", "gymmaxx", "moneymaxx" and so on are English slangs so even some native English speaker don't understand them (if they're not incelologists or members of incel communities).
 I will read your theory later and I will comment it for sure! Glad to meet intelligent incels here! 8)
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Poorcel has upsides
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2022, 06:11:05 AM »

Poorcel has upsides

 About the poorcel has upsides.

"Well, if you're poor you repel people that want money from you..." -- obviously more and more materialistic, money-oriented... this is the pure result of the capitalistic reality. If the capital/money isn't so important, they'll value other things more... I still remember the old socialistic times in the country I was born where the free education and medical care made many people to focus on things like poetry, art and so on. That time a poet or a painter could be more precious than just a rich man (for many females). Of course, there were those who wanted the money but not so many as nowadays.

 "I have nice idea. -maxxing is not enough nor most important. The most important part is to talk with many people (and hygiene obviously... xD)." -- this is what is known as "social-maxx". It works sometimes (depends on your IQ, EQ and the quantity of the people you try with).

 "You may find then someone you can make healthy relationship with. Honestly, I don't want to be rich because that, even more, I want to be between poor and middle-class (atm poor)." -- it's good that you're not greedy! Congratulations! I do admire it. But in the harsh capitalistic reality the problem is the health. Even with 100% health-maxx, someday, you may need some surgery or something... and then they hospitals are going to "eat you up". If there are free hospitals and free education, well, just being "ATM poor" is okay, once your brain is rich.

 "I have very uncommon idea: I wrote some manifestos and want to hang them on the city." -- as far as this isn't illegal there. And, if you need an idea -- most of the people aren't clever (according to one of our professors 80% of the people aren't clever) they need more visual, colorful, etc. attractors. So, be sure to add something colorful, even sexy on the manifestos.  ;D It's like the ads -- the ones with attractive people, cute animals, funny things, etc. sell better. :)

"being poor means you must be stronger to survive." -- very true! It's an example of a good internal warrior in you!

"reject richness, embrace poorness!  ;)" -- well, not very right because it's kind of asceticism. The ideal of the communism is people to have what they need. Poorness means "lack-ness" and it can't satisfy the needs (I mean the good needs like: food, love, water, knowledge, sport... I don't mean bad needs like "I want to be a drug lord."  ;D or "I want to be an emperor.") so, the golden mean is the best -- not too rich, but having enough for being a happy person. 8)
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Re: Poorcel has upsides
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2022, 06:31:57 PM »
Fortunately in Poland we have (shitty) free healthcare, but basically most things are free, yet most time low quality.
You're right, being poor is indeed not good and golden mean is best. So what I had in mind is to look a bit poorer than middle class, while yes it's best to have enough money.
About legality of hanging posters: In theory we have freedom of speech in Poland, and I can only face fine if I hang them in non-designated places, so it's best to dress anonymously, winter is good time for this. And personally I would do this even if it would be illegal, it's important for me to speak to others when there is so much negative propaganda around. Also thanks for your suggestions, however what is intriguing plain-text also attracts people, because it's very rare. I saw one time such manifesto (about church being bad but it doesn't matter here) and have read it just because I was curious. Yet of course I plan good-looking colorful posters too. The point is I don't want to make posters mixing long text with graphics as it's very common and doesn't attract attention. Also I think that way: everything would be on the internet, so posters would contain link to manifestos. Different kind of "ads" will be catchy for different people.


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Re: My weird though: Poorcell has upsides
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2022, 01:17:44 AM »
Of course, you can find the legal way. Never risk yourself with illegal activities. 8)


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Re: My weird though: Poorcell has upsides
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2022, 06:10:30 AM »
I do like it to some degree but from an incelic point of view... where are those females who'll accept you as a poor man? Only Marx's wife was something like that she is an aristocrat but she wants to marry a poor clever man... How many are like her now?
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: My weird though: Poorcel has upsides
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2022, 02:30:19 AM »
I edited the titles. Because the poorcels are the one of the most pity ones and we should support them more and to be clear it's about the poorcels.


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Re: My weird though: Poorcel has upsides
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2023, 12:29:06 AM »
Poorcels or another poor person, it's like a hell. So, clearly, being poor is a pity thing and also a reason for many of the inceldoms.


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Re: My weird though: Poorcel has upsides
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2024, 09:07:51 AM »
 :) Can't agree more.
Разбирач, играч, предприемач. Какво повече от това? ;)


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Re: My weird though: Poorcel has upsides
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2024, 07:45:23 AM »
Yeah good thinking and ffffffffffffffffffff Desi also has learned how to ffffffffffffffffffff cope being mogged: One billion dollars and it is ffffffffffffffffffff lie! :P


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