If you're a janitor it's not over
At first let me start with the
5'2 balding Indian janitor problem solved.
Once I noticed that an incel person shared he's working as a janitor in a university and some another incel instantly comment that "It's so over!" and I wanted to write about it but I was busy with other duties. Now I'll explain why it is not over.
1. Having a job, no matter what job, for a person is a good beginning. At least you're not unemployed and you have some kind of better status (than all those homeless, jobless, beggars, etc.)
2. Having a job, no matter what job, for a person is a good beginning because he or she has some income and can't be the poorest.
3. Janitor is a sort of "sporty job"

-- it's a physical labor which means more physical activity. If you combine it with the right diet and work really hard, your body will look better. If you add some real gym activities to all these you'll really improve yourself and will be more attractive than before. Some similar thoughts you can see in
Good Old Fashioned Physical Labor For Better Health.