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Author Topic: Incels should know what is "necessary but not sufficient"  (Read 942 times)

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Incels should know what is "necessary but not sufficient"
« on: August 26, 2022, 06:31:06 PM »

Necessary but not sufficient (the incels should know its meaning)

  There are plenty of incels who're trying to ascend (to escape the inceldom) and they know the formal meaning of the "necessary but not sufficient" but when it comes to its practical implementation many of them will fail because they think that a necessary condition (and/or action, change, etc.) or two and more necessary conditions guarantee them that the outcome (becoming enough attractive) will take place.
 It was mentioned already in Just be x thread. In this post (short article) I'll add more clarity about that important problem.

Examples from the incels' and noncels' lives

 There were those people who thought that just going to walk out for an hour or working out with a dumbbell will make them lean and muscular. They really believe it and when they realized that a walk and/or some exercises with a dumbbell is not making them leaner and/or more muscular they decided that they're doomed (because of their genetics or some another false reason) to be forever obese and weak. Of course, some of them (those with more will and higher IQ) decided to try harder, to add more efforts (like running, adding a second dumbbell, reducing the calorie intake...) and they got their better bodies (leaner and more muscular). Do you get it? At the beginning they started with something useful (more walking, simple exercises) which was a necessary condition but it wasn't enough. When those (with more will and knowledge) started to add the rest of these necessary conditions (right diets, more exercises) then the wished result was achieved!
 There are those incels who want to ascend (to escape the inceldom; to find a loving partner) who're also trying to improve themselves. They are starting with some necessary actions like improving their fashion style (better clothes, shoes, etc.), hygiene, personality, hairstyle, socialization... all these are good actions (right actions) but, in most of the cases, they're not sufficient. I remember a person (an incel) who said somewhere that he improved his character (personality) and got a good respectful job but this didn't help him to get a girl-friend (I was surprised why he didn't think about his body too; I bet he dislikes women with unattractive bodies so he could guess that most of the women also do prefer men with good-looking bodies). What I mean is that: many incels who want to ascend do believe than just with some necessary conditions (fashionmaxx, personalitymaxx /like jestermaxx/, more showers, hairmaxx...) will ascend but they miss some other necessary (some of them sufficient itselves) conditions (like improving their bodies and wealth and/or status, i. e. gymmaxx and moneymaxx and/or statusmaxx) which will bring the desired result. (For example, being with a good personality is a good and for some people -- necessary condition but it's not sufficient; to be attractive you have to add a better body, enough wealth... like this, you're having the sufficient conditions to be an attractive person).


How subjective are these necessary and sufficient conditions/actions/etc.

 Maybe some of you will notice that there are conditions that can be sufficient itselves and that there are necessary conditions that aren't really necessary in some cases. This is because of the different tastes and ideals of the females. Even one and the same female may change her taste in different periods of time (for example long time ago she wanted a good-looking Chad but now she only needs a rich Norman or nearcel; or a year ago she wanted just an ordinary guy but now she wants to find a pop-star... or, long ago she wanted to have a husband but she is already a volcel). So, it depends. And it's subjective to some degree, but it's simple like this: for instance, woman A thinks that it's enough if you just have the money and the muscles (only moneymaxx and gymmaxx is enough for her); woman B thinks that you should be also with a good personality (according to her understanding of the personality) and for her just money plus muscles aren't enough; woman C thinks that you should have doctor's degree, good hygiene, romantic hearth and good income (for her the gymmaxx isn't a factor and she is okay with some chubby male as long as he's clever, clean, romantic and not poor)...
 But this subjectiveness can't stop you to try your best and can't fool you to think that you can just maxx a little and everything is done. To have more chances you have to use as many as possible maxxes (improvements): more knowledge, more sport, more money, more arts, more care to others and to yourself and so on.
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Re: Incels should know what is "necessary but not sufficient"
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2022, 06:07:57 PM »
Very important indeed.👌


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Re: Incels should know what is "necessary but not sufficient"
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2022, 02:48:50 AM »
I saw and continue to see many people like that.

There are some normies (males) who think that they can compensate their fatness, bad manners and low education with some skill like cooking. They're cooking once or twice some dish, showing or giving to females they like and they expect that females will say something like "Hey, he is fat, stupid, primitive and stuff but what a good cook! I love him!"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I know two cases like this. The first one is a stupid European nazi who thinks that really cooking good dishes ensures him the success with women. The second one is a rude Asian who thinks the same but at least trying as well to make some looksmaxx (shaving his white hairs)... both are far away from attractiveness (failed normies) and too stupid to see that to cook good is a cool skill but it's not sufficient at all if you're so fat and weak physically, and with those disgusting manners, rude way of communication, limited knowledge and bluepilled as hell.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incels should know what is "necessary but not sufficient"
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2022, 06:15:11 PM »
 In the Chad's body thread I mentioned that it's not easy to be fit, muscular if you don't train your body harder and don't keep the right diet.
 Here I'll add some examples how some incels and nearcels thought wrongly about their own bodybuilding.
 There was that truecel (baldcel, teethcel, mentalcel, who was, at best 3/10) who thought that his physical activities (typing on keyboard, clicking on computer mouse, locking a door and unlocking a door, and carrying heavy bags of newspapers 2-3 times per week) are enough for his bodybuilding. At the beginning we (who started that time to think already seriously about our bodies and to add to the martial arts some gym activities -- dumbbells, chest expanders, etc.) thought that he's joking (especially when once during our serious bodybuilding conversation about how to build body like one of the muscular sifus (shifus), he said that he's trying with the computer mouse clicks) but later when I told him that the gym activities should be systematic (like 3 times per week squats and push-ups, 3 times per week pull-ups and dumbbells, 2 times per week running, etc.) he answered that he's doing exactly the same (and he was 100% serious) giving that example that he's 2 or 3 times weekly carrying heavy bags full of newspapers and not just this but unlocking a door to put them in the room and then locking the same door. (He even counted that minor physical activity "locking-unlocking a door" which even don't burn a single calorie, something bodybuilding related. ::) )
 As you may expect his body remained non-muscular, average or nearly average and he remained an incel for years. (Later he said he found a woman for a short time, but they even didn't have something more physical before she just used him to give her a solid loan and it was the end. Later, as far as I kept in touch with him, never heard or saw he to be in a relationship.) It was 99% his fault to remain a truecel. First, he didn't get the importance of the gymmaxxing (the sports); second, he didn't took any measures to improve his teeth, to deal with his baldness and to change a bit his style; third, he minns himself with a lot of cigarettes (smoking)... And he had a potential (because he is comparatively tall, edumaxxed in certain fields and tried to moneymaxx during these years). He was the perfect example how someone can do necessary actions but not to complete the process to its sufficient level (he studymaxxed, he found jobs for moneymaxxing, socialmaxxed... and he thought that these are enough; he even believed that his minimal physical activities are enough to keep him fit... but he didn't complete all this with simple steps like: quit smoking, start to do some kind of real bodybuilding, take some care of your hair and teeth (like shave it all and visit a dentist)... ) He was really near to escaping the inceldom because in that area the women are picky but not very picky and many guys similar to him (like 4/10 and 5/10 men) got girlfriends.
 This is the way it is. Remember necessary is good but not necessarily sufficient.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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