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Author Topic: Cope. What is your favorite cope?  (Read 1254 times)

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Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« on: July 21, 2022, 06:31:22 AM »


What is your favorite cope, incels?


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My best cope so far
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2022, 07:13:45 PM »
Sorry to reply so late about the favourite cope (copes). I'm just pretty busy and want to deal with many things at the same time.

We had a conversation about this with some brocels. What I noticed was that some of them do cope in wrong ways. It's another topic.

I think it's okay here to share about my best cope so far.

"I every time advise the brocels to cope with healthy copes like sport and learning. This is 99% of what I do in my poor lonely life -- sport, reading, sport, reading, sport, reading...

And AT LAST A GREAT COPE which found me from nowhere this summer: I become a home tutor of a high school girl!

Why I am so happy?

1. She is normal, pretty, slim, responsible, no smoking, non-drinking, etc. As a normal person I do like this type of females, not criminals, whores and other female trash.

2. I am a responsible teacher and a real pro. (I never try to do STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE things like some non-pro teachers do like: kisses, dirty talks, etc.)
But I'm just really glad that until I teach her (Cambridge books, notebook, pens, pencils) at the same time we're drinking tea served by her parents or her on a big pretty wooden table! SO, IN THIS WAY, I CAN AT LEAST IMAGINE that "I am dating a good girl like her! We're on a date, we drink tea and we're chatting about the English grammar, phonics and vocabulary!" :) :) :)

(Disclaimer: I am NOT crazy and I know it's not a date and for her I'm just a teacher, and I even don't dream very seriously some day a young girl to like me. But... I feel so happy for a while, so I just decided to tell you about this cope.)"

I posted it with many colors in that other forum. Broly said to chill will the colors. and "I see more rainbows here than in FamilyGuy1999@FamilyGuy1999’s room"

I answered "Sorry for the colors, brocel! I just wanted to make the points clear." (Here I didn't use colors because I thing that most of the readers will be more normal and intelligent brocels and noncels who're interested in learning the matter.)

"OK, OK, sorry again about the colors.:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:" I repeated because incelerated laughed about it too.

racoon4 had some too "naturalistic" thoughts and supposed that "we all know you j..... off to teacher f......s a student p......, don't even try to hide that you want to f........ her :feelskek::feelskek:"

I don't want to support this kind of thinking at all and also I'm doing my best to obey the local rules and laws so, I told him as friendly as I can that "Haha! Boy, to be honest when I was in Europe I watched some p*rn but in China?! LOL. For some p*rn like that you're talking about I may end up in the jail, so nah... thanks! ALSO, all of the p*rnsites in China are banned, I have no money for VPN, so... no p*rn in my life. Only memories."

98GoinOnDead said that "I wouldn't be able to enjoy that because I would constantly just be thinking about f.... her but you do you ig"

I don't know what's "ig" but I understood most of his opinion. So, yeah, not everyone can have good self-control and to enjoy the simple joys in this hard, for many of us, life. ::)

BurntIvoryKingcel said that "foid worship is too broad. we need a new rule that covers all manners of simping in general."
 ;D ;D ;D In a word he wants that place to become more misogynic than it is now. Good luck with that! Hate more the "foids" and after that wonder more and more why they hate you more and more!

I even didn't bother to answer him there this. But I answered him that "I said some females are trashy, so you can't accuse me of "foid worshipping".

And most of the incels do want a gf, so logically they "worship" the "foids" to some level?...

All I wanted to say is that we should enforce the good females who are NOT whores, criminals and so on. Because we're all human and we need a progress in the society."

I answered to that brocel (with self-control issue) like this: "Well, I suppose I am more old-fashioned so when I really like some girl I prefer to dream of her like "We walk together on the beach and I hold her hand.", "We drink wine and watching the stars talking about the future." and she feels cold and I give her my coat. I just put 100% censorship on any potential sex dreams because I prefer to enjoy the real love fantasies.

Well, maybe I read too much romantic books and romantic manga... But this is me."

More answers from me: "Btw, I don't want to say banning p*rn is 100% good or 100% bad, but after many years in China WITHOUT p*rn, I realized that I miss the s*x less and less (but my libido is still high because I do m*sturbate every day 1-2 times)... What I mean is without p*rn you think less about it and you have more time to dream of REAL LOVE and things like hugs, looking in the eyes, writing a love letter and so on which matters more than the s*x. S*x you can have with a prostitute but this doesn't make you ascended. Escortcel = still incel." (Sort of incel, let's say.)


"Yeah, bro, I know many of the brocels will just think "Oh! I can't have her! She's going to have a Chang soon! So depressing..." but I just think like a scientist "What if"... and use the time during explaining boring (for me) things like "It's "an orange", not "a orange"!" to use my fantasy and to think "What if it was a date and we drink the tea and talking! At least I am so lucky to be 1 meter close to a girl like this one!"

By the way not going to doxx her but her type anthropology is like this one: "Asian good looking female" photo. (Don't want to bother to post here again.)

So, I just follow the philosophy instead to hate and get angry, just relax and enjoy the unique moment. Because some people even can't have a chance to sit on one and the same table with somebody from the female sex. So, as an old man, I just cherish the moment.:whitepill::whitepill:"

OldER asked "What's her body like bro?" and I told him that it is something like 165cm/55kg.

Slimshady91 added "(in a video game)". This is something that some incels often use there to avoid law problems or to show they're really joking. Not very sure.

I added, to make them more aware about the strict laws abroad, that "P*rn in China nowadays is like pork in and vodka in Saudi Arabia. You better don't do it! :D :D"

NoTommERow asked "How old are you?Are you a white teacher in China?"

My answer: "I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol and do sports with healthy diet. Also I do read manga and communicate online with young people like you, so I keep my biological age and mental age young. My body is like a teenager type (except the hair).

I am a white person with some % yellow genes, something like hapa (half yellow, half white, but mostly white)."

To be continued.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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A very important note
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2022, 05:45:46 PM »
A very important note

Maybe the regular users of the board saw that crazy accusation based on my cope here. All I said was that I was teaching a high school girl and that I am a real professional (I never try to do STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE things like some non-professional teachers do like kisses, dirty talks, etc.) I only imagined that I am not only teaching her but we are sitting in a cafe and talking like a boyfriend and girlfriend. Even with the incels I shared that I don't have dirty dreams and all I dream is when I really like some girl I prefer to dream of her like "We walk together on the beach and I hold her hand.", "We drink wine and watching the stars talking about the future." and she feels cold and I give her my coat.

But some sick stalker (J.) accused me that
Not interested in incels bullshit, dreaming while teaching young girls...

It was already explained there that first of all nobody is teaching "young girls". That one is a teenager who after an year is going to be a college student (and after 2 or 3 is already in marriage age around!
Yeah, when I meet some of my female colleagues I may say "Hello, girls!" but in fact they're not "girls", they're "aunts" and "grandmoms"! So your "young girls" is a nonsense.

Secondly, you're taking photos of kids, boys, girls, babies... What if we also say that we're "Not interested in photography bullsh*t, dreaming while taking photos of kids?"
  (Ooooops, sorry, it's "photographie" based on your poor English and your "great" HTML website that mogs only some of the early HTML-based ones  ;D )
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: My best cope so far
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2022, 05:46:41 AM »
Here is a new one!!!

Well, I met that student girl (she is not my student, but she is a student age) around 2 years ago. We exchanged contacts but she deleted me soon after the chats. No idea why. I wasn't obscene or rude. I told her: maybe you're too young; later you'll find out that being friend and giving a chance to a foreign, good, clean and educated man isn't a bad idea. Well, 2 years later she re-added me! WOW! 8) But... only to seek see for help about the foreign language learning.  ;D Okay, well... better than nothing, isn't it? And I am helping her not... But, I really don't want to become just an orbiter and my help will be not endless...

An example of my recent help here:

12:32:23 AM

 12:33:25 AM
这个: "yes ,l  very   busy" 是我懂的。你说“是,我很忙。”但是语法不对,哥哥教你个很容易的课:

 12:33:51 AM
应该是: "Yes, I am very busy."

 12:34:16 AM

 12:34:45 AM
要加个“是”-- "am"

 12:35:07 AM
最后的,要加个点-- "."

 12:37:47 AM

 12:37:52 AM

 12:39:12 AM
2. “l go to school” 这个也懂了。你说"我上学。" 99%是对的。

 12:40:08 AM

 12:40:29 AM
就是个点--------》 "."

 12:41:03 AM
"I go to school."

 12:42:59 AM
所以,你已经知道:前面的--都要大写的,后面都要点(还是问号,如果是问题的话,等), "I am" 是 “我是”。 不要忘记那个"am"的。

 12:44:25 AM


 12:44:57 AM
I am fine, thank you!

 12:45:12 AM

 12:47:54 AM

 说实话,现在好多中国人和在中国的外国人都是这样的。为什么呢?就是因为最近的“疫情”的问题。你可能听过了--好多人的商业失败了,有些人自杀了,其他--润了。。。。。。 原来中国很好,可是最近问题越来越多了。所以你说的那些--真的是正常的。不是只有年纪的问题。

 12:50:16 AM
如果你有什么问题的话,找我吧。我尽力试试帮忙你的。 I like you. 从开始的时候我真的喜欢你, 所以喜欢帮忙你。

 I am ready to teach her even for free but if she is going to use me only as a free teacher (sorry, the time and labour costs money in the capitalistic world where everything and everyone requires/wants money!) I will stop at one point.
 I mean, yes, I am good, I am romantic and I am helpful but not when it's just like "forever" and pro bono. I am not that rich to be a volunteer.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2022, 07:44:51 PM »
To dream for a miracle. lol
I am so needy.


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Re: Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2022, 07:00:11 AM »
I have several copes. Reading, gaming, listen to music, watch youtube videos...


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Re: Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2024, 05:47:56 AM »
Imaging how earn a lot of money. Giga-moneymaxxing.
PR or PageRank (sometimes: "Page Rank").


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Re: Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2024, 09:50:22 AM »
Deleted. Took a screenshot to keep it if in future it is necessary to prove something!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 05:00:15 PM by MSL »


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Re: Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2024, 03:55:07 PM »
She is well educated. You didn't buy even a beer. She is right to doubt your millions. ;D

If you were really rich you wouln't refuse cheap offers like 30 yuan course.

Banned for multipe rules vilations!
Разбирач, играч, предприемач. Какво повече от това? ;)


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Re: Cope. What is your favorite cope?
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2024, 04:58:21 PM »
Very rude indeed! Deleted. Took a screenshot to keep it if in future it is necessary to prove something.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)

Tags: cope copes incels 

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