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Author Topic: Not every incel is a bad person. Answers to the incels who are behaving badly  (Read 2679 times)

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Not every incel is a bad person

Not every incel is a bad person. Here, I'll post more or less answers to incels who are behaving badly. Some incels are really not very good and some may be dangerous as well. But it doesn't make all of us bad, remember it.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Answer to some mentalcel1 from incels.is
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2022, 02:08:50 AM »
There is some mentalcel1 in incels.is who attacked with this:
How the fuck is that a stacy? Have your soy milk made you blind you pua :bluepill::soy:?

She legit looks like an anorexic tranny, even wallmart landwhales mog her to oblivion:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: if that is a stacy for you you are a closet faggot degenerate freak:feelspuke:

What a rude and terrible incel, isn't he?

The answers to him were: "1. Just collecting opinions of the different points of aesthetical perception.
2. Avoiding soy products; I gymcel who practices 5 kinds of sports.
3. So many insults are really showing mental issues ("mentalcel" is a good choice).
4. As an educated person with different degrees and diplomas plus author of different books, I am more far away from the "degenerate freak" than most of the mentalcels."
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Someone nicknamed Rhaast in incels.is
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2022, 02:33:14 AM »
In the same topic someone nicknamed Rhaast insulted with this:
Gigalarp after gigalarp. You are just another retarded gymbro.

My answer: 1/ Obviously I'm not retarded once I am able to graduate so well in different fields and to speak many languages. 2/ I'm able to prove all this, if you wish to meet cam-to-cam online somehow. I may show you all my diplomas without problem. 3/ For people like you who even can't graduate and can't do successfully sport activities all my achievements surely will look like larp or gigalarp, because your undeveloped brain is not able to imagine real self-improvement.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Answer to some mentalcel1 from incels.is
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2022, 02:54:32 AM »
 And one more from that abnormal incel nicknamed "mentalcel1". He said:
Dude, you are attracted to trannies:feelsLSD:

Ban the degenerate tranny lover gymcel degenerate volcel:society:

 What an abnormal person, isn't he? Let me answer him:
Dear mentally disordered guy, I never said that I'm attracted to trannies. If you think so, it means that you have got some hallucinations and you'll finish your days in some psychiatry. That's why the real degenerate is your silly brain.
Being a gymcel is one of the best kind of inceldom and being a mentalcel is one of the worst. So sad that mentally disordered people like you can access internet...
« Last Edit: June 03, 2022, 03:09:09 AM by SEO »
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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They're welcome to try to defend themselves here. Of course, in polite way, otherwise all will be banned. We do welcome normal and polite people to say what they have to say, of course if they're not cowards or something like that.


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The only thing in common of the incels is that they're incels. And that's all. It's like the poor people or the rich people. You can't just say he or she is poor, hence he or she is good (or bad, or clever, or stupid, etc.) You can't say he/she is rich, hence he/she is X or Y... The incels are coming from different backgrounds, societies, nationalities, families... and of course, there are some mentally disordered and/or not enough developed like the ones mentioned above. There are also many fakecels (fake incels), trolls or even incelophobes who pretend to be incels just to make the incels to suffer more. So these 2 may be everything. Don't take them too seriously. Most probably, they're some badly mannered and low educated teens who still have no socialization and have no idea how to communicate normally.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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Sounds like trolls who're wasting their time instead to do something useful for their lives like learning, earning money and sports. If they remain stupid, poor and in bad shape, they are probably going to end their lives as total 100% truecels.
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.


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« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2022, 04:04:44 AM »

A "greycel" ("graycel")... so what?

I don't remember if we discussed it already in the omnilogy's incels topic but I'll notice it here. It's not some special kind of incel (like those legit ones: baldcel, oldcel, shortcel, mentalcel, poorcel, etc.) it's just a term about newbies in that incels.is forum.

It's not serious to attack someone just because he's new and haven't post enough in some forum. This status ("Oh, I post 1 000 000 posts here!") isn't something that makes you more clever or better in some significant way!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Interesting thread about incels. Yes, definitely some are good and some are bad or even dangerous. Incel doesn't mean "good" or "bad".

Add something new, please?


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Taking photos? You fakecel! :D LOL
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2022, 06:59:53 PM »
Okay, check this out! "Taking photos? You fakecel! :D LOL" -- I mean I brocel saw some pics of mine and his comment was:

The brocel "TheGambler2" said that I'm a "fakecel normie for having someone to take pictures of me. :D LOL! LOL!

I answered him this: "Wrong definition. "No sexual activity = INCEL." Taking pictures doesn't provide you sex, brainy!"

What I mean? I mean that it's low IQed to believe that if you are working with a female or if you're having a friend who helps you to take a photo or two, is an ascending. Even being a husbandcel doesn't make you a fakecel in many cases.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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To the low IQcels (idiotcels) who are not afraid to go to the jail
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2022, 03:33:48 AM »
It's a good one who reminds the low IQcels (idiotcels) who are not afraid to go to the jail:

"Are the jails in your country such a good place?
I see some brocels are okay with going to jail (they tend to call others to rape, to kill, etc.) which is something like "Jail is not a problem for me!" So, let me ask you:
Are the jails in your places such a good place? No need to suffer inside without freedom, to be raped becoming a situational gay or beaten and disabled, ruined physically and mentally? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

Brocels, seriously, especially the idiotcels who call for violence like mass killings, murders, rapes, etc. DON'T RUIN your lives. The jails are full of people worse than you who're going to #@!##%%#$%# your $#@!#@!%#$%."

"And DON'T forget this: With CRIMINAL RECORD it's over for you to ascend abroad !"

"Maybe it will blow your mind but it is better to know it. Don't ruin your SEAmaxx, or another geomaxx! Read and share to all brocels: How a criminal record can affect your geomaxx".

Remember this: "Yeah... and then some brocels ask "Why they hate us?" Because of the few % aggressive and mental disordered incels (and trolls) they think all of us are freaks." + "And mad = to call the brocels to kill and to rape and to go to jail? Sorry, but only the idiotcels are doing this. The decent incels can't ruin their lives and those of the brocels."


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Re: "greycel"
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2022, 04:48:14 AM »

A "greycel" ("graycel")... so what?

I don't remember if we discussed it already in the omnilogy's incels topic but I'll notice it here. It's not some special kind of incel (like those legit ones: baldcel, oldcel, shortcel, mentalcel, poorcel, etc.) it's just a term about newbies in that incels.is forum.

It's not serious to attack someone just because he's new and haven't post enough in some forum. This status ("Oh, I post 1 000 000 posts here!") isn't something that makes you more clever or better in some significant way!

Hey, right now a brocel named "jerkjocky" again spread some kind of gray-blah-blah (
Another day, another brainlet GrAY
). I told him that some of the grays graduated in European universities and got Master's degrees... and speak 5 foreign languages. Brainlet? Yeah, sure. Just because he said so. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

The poor kid can't understand that the number of the posts in some forum doesn't correlate with the level of the IQ, knowledge, experience, achievements and personal qualities. :)
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: To the low IQcels (idiotcels) who are not afraid to go to the jail
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2022, 05:17:24 AM »
It's a good one who reminds the low IQcels (idiotcels) who are not afraid to go to the jail:

"Are the jails in your country such a good place?
I see some brocels are okay with going to jail (they tend to call others to rape, to kill, etc.) which is something like "Jail is not a problem for me!" So, let me ask you:
Are the jails in your places such a good place? No need to suffer inside without freedom, to be raped becoming a situational gay or beaten and disabled, ruined physically and mentally? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

Brocels, seriously, especially the idiotcels who call for violence like mass killings, murders, rapes, etc. DON'T RUIN your lives. The jails are full of people worse than you who're going to #@!##%%#$%# your $#@!#@!%#$%."

"And DON'T forget this: With CRIMINAL RECORD it's over for you to ascend abroad !"

"Maybe it will blow your mind but it is better to know it. Don't ruin your SEAmaxx, or another geomaxx! Read and share to all brocels: How a criminal record can affect your geomaxx".

Remember this: "Yeah... and then some brocels ask "Why they hate us?" Because of the few % aggressive and mental disordered incels (and trolls) they think all of us are freaks." + "And mad = to call the brocels to kill and to rape and to go to jail? Sorry, but only the idiotcels are doing this. The decent incels can't ruin their lives and those of the brocels."
And a police website about the incels: https://www.police1.com/mass-casualty/articles/5-things-to-know-about-incels-EgvFu5aPXU7ui1It/

Do you get it? Because of the crazy incels (minority), now even the normal and good incels (which I believe are the majority) had bad reputation in the eyes of the policemen in many countries.

It's sad because most of the incels around the world even don't know that they're incels.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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To the abnormal incels who like Elliot Roger and like his crimes
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2022, 02:00:28 AM »
To the abnormal incels (retardcels, idiotcels) who like Elliot Roger and like his crimes.

Maybe you'll not believe it but there are some idiots, retards, psychos, who like killers like Elliot Roger (the fakecel) and support his crimes. Maybe some of them are just trolls, you never know online.

The Grinch said that the victims were "bluepilled incels in denial, like the bunch of Reddit cucks" so he don’t feel bad for them.

I answered him:
I see your point. But I still think that soon some psycho like him can kill me or you, or people who we value. And the INCELS only get bad reputation. Then the police, the politics, etc. may imply more pressure on us. And then we're already 100% discriminated. And why?! Because the rich good-looking hapa Roger (who could have 1000 girlfriends in every Asian country and in most of the East European countries, and in Africa, in Latin America) had ill brain.:feelsbadman:

Eschewcel said that Elliot Roger (ER) "did them a favor."

I tried to explain him in a friendly manner
bro, maybe they could ascend via studymaxx or SEAmaxx. I prefer people to decide by themselves when they want to die.​

Zer0/∞ said something similarly shocking "They were NTs, they deserved to die anyway."

My answer was that the only people who deserve to die are those who never deserved to be born. I hate it someone to decide for others who deserves to die and who deserves to live.

BlkPillPres said something really crazy but to understand what exactly he's saying I have to show you the context:

My topic is anti-Elliot Roger. It said "An incel who kills brocels is not a saint" and my points are:
Here is why do I think that ER is not okay to be accepted as "saint" or "role model". He even killed guys who are obviously incels. (In fact, to be a mass killer is not good at all and only sick minds can like these guys. Like those crazy females who adore the killers in the jails!)

1. Mogs most of the incels facially.
2. Could be considered as a prettyboy in China, Korea, Japan, etc. where they adore the hybrids (white-yellow) men and women.
3. Richer than most of the incels.
4. Most of the people who were killed are worse looking than him and many incels too.

(I suppose so according to their looks.)

Sorry for those who can think that this kind of FAKECEL may be a "saint" or to represent most of us (most of the incels are good people, not like him!)

And here comes the shocking answer of that BlkPillPres guy which I don't want to quote wholly, just some points:

"Incels in denial aren't "brocels", they are our $#@$ enemy."


"These are the guys that would bum-rush you in an attempt to save a woman's life if you did a mass shooting."


"You sound like the kinda retard that would do a mass shooting and let certain guys go because they "look incel", only for those same guys to disarm you and make themselves "heroes" in the media, while you go off to jail to get..."

HERE I ANSWERED THIS BECAUSE I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT I AM STRONGLY AGAINST THE VIOLENCE AND THAT THE REAL RETARDS ARE THOSE WHO MAKE OTHERS TO DIE: WRONG. I'm against killing and against the death of innocent people. I even worry that some of the retardcels here will really go to kill more people and THEY will go off to jail to get what you said.

Only sick people advocate murders.

Every incel who kills makes bad favor to the rest of us (which are mostly normal people) because in this way NOBODY is going to pity us. They'll hate us more and more and we'll lose everything!

"I swear, naive people are just born to fail and suffer, they literally just can't help themselves."


Also he tried to explain how Roger hasn't an attractive person (he thinks he was balding and his chin wasn't good enough). I THINK THAT NO MATTER HOW GOOD WERE HIS HAIR AND CHIN, AT LEAST HE WAS A 6/10 PERSON WITH POTENTIAL TO GYM-MAXX HIMSELF TO 7/10 OR 8/10. A REAL FAKECEL PSYCHOPATH. THAT WAS E.R.

Monke maid a serious logical mistake to say that if you're a pro-choice then "you can't argue that murder is wrong". The guy didn't know that exactly the murder is wrong because he doesn't leave any choice of the victims to live or to die.

aGuyAlone said "They were bluepilled cuck truecels who were living in the worst possible time for an Asian man & were tricked into becoming educated and slaving for a society that abandoned them.

ER did them a huge favor by putting them out of there misery.."

 Another person who thinks that someone else can decide who is "miserable" and who will live/die... What if some psychopath decides that this guy or his most beloved ones are miserable and must die? Is he going to be happy with that? Terrible thinking.

If you need a hero incels, here are the real tuecel heroes:

A. Schopenhauer , a philosopher

I. Kant, a philosopher

Not some mass killer who's even better than many of the Normans.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Right now one more - terrible advocating of the murders from nystagmuscel:
Kills non incel: deserved
Kills incel: freed from suffering.
Literally no such thing as a bad murder

My answer to this insanity was common: Seems here some brocels really don't think about their future and may end up with criminal records or in the jail. I don't want to answer in this thread anymore. If you need to know my further opinion, you know where to read it.

I really wonder if these kids, teens and young men who type these terroristic, anti-human and criminal posts are serious or just trolls. Exactly these opinions who advocate murders and other aggression are making the incels one of the most pity people in the world. Because on top of their loveless life they have to suffer labeling like that "Some incels said the murder is right, so all of the incels are trash!"

I wish there was some incel society where the hate, aggression and other anti-social speech and deeds are banned. :(
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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