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Author Topic: The best password (The best passwords)  (Read 478 times)

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The best password (The best passwords)
« on: April 24, 2022, 05:49:46 AM »

What is the best password

Get it straight (understand it correctly): there is an infinite number of very good passwords. They may be better and better. There is no best password. Give me a "best password" and I'll make it a better one.

Some of the best passwords

Some of the "best passwords" (i.e. some of the very, very good passwords) are the ones like this: "This_is_my_good_password_1dUk*" Why is it one of the best passwords? Because it would take a computer about 300 undecillion years to crack this password! (Undecillion is a number typed or written with "1" followed by 36 zeros! This is it: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000.)
 Another very good password? Sure, here you are: "I-like-you-very-much-5Hz". It would take a computer about 28 nonillion years to crack this password. (And nonillion is a number typed or written with "1" followed by 30 zeros! This is it: 1000000000000000000000000000000.) As you may see, this one is a bit weaker than the first one, but still it's good enough.
 Maybe you think that the passwords have to be composed of sentences with letters and numbers like those 2 above? Well, not at all. You can have "best" (very, very good) passwords which are sentenceless. Examples:
  • Tkx678Z12jl9edddw -- It would take a computer about 2 trillion years to crack this password.
  • K3d5a1a00d9Aznivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv -- It would take a computer about 1 duodecillion years to crack this password.

So? You see that there are different ways to make one of the best passwords nowadays.

Easy to remember best passwords

Maybe the "best passwords" we should call the ones which are
  • hard to crack
  • easy to remember
Is that even possible? :D
Sure it is!!! 8) 8) 8)
Well, here we go, look at these easy, very strong (very hard to crack) passwords: 1. "Micky1000Mouse" (It would take a computer about 9 million years to crack this password.), 2. "YourBest999Love999" (It would take a computer about 1 hundred trillion years to crack this password.), 3. "Cat1Dog2Camel3" (It would take a computer about 9 million years to crack this password.), 4. "Easy1111password2222" (It would take a computer about 5 hundred quadrillion years to crack this password.), 5. "Very-easy-to-remember-it" (It would take a computer about 53 septillion years to crack this password.)
For those of you with a very bad memory, there are comparatively good (really easy to remember and taking many years to crack them) passwords! Five examples: 1. "abc1234567890xyz" (It would take a computer about 6 million years to crack this password.), 2. "000fff111222333444" (It would take a computer about 8 billion years to crack this password.), 3. "easy-easy-333-333" (It would take a computer about 84 billion years to crack this password.), 4. "So_easy_so_easy_so_easy" (It would take a computer about 7 hundred sextillion years to crack this password.), 5. "easy1easy2easy3easy4" ("It would take a computer about 10 trillion years to crack this password.")

In case you worry this kind of password is still difficult for you, don't worry, because even a password like "my_dog_is_brown" would take a computer about 1 million years to crack it. And if you want something super easy -- a password like "_You_and_I_" would take a computer about 96 years to crack this password.

How do you know how long time does it take to crack a password? (i.e. How do you know how strong is a password?)

Well, I also wondered about it and then I discovered this webpage: https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/. It's helpful to answer your questions (like "How safe is my password?", "How strong is my password?", "How long does it take to crack my password?") An example how to build a secured password (a very good password), starting from the very beginning:

Checking these ones:

1. s ("It would take a computer about

6 hundred picoseconds

to crack your password")
2. se ("It would take a computer about

16 nanoseconds

to crack your password")
3. sec ("It would take a computer about

4 hundred nanoseconds

to crack your password")
5. secr ("It would take a computer about

11 microseconds

to crack your password")
6. secre ("It would take a computer about

2 hundred microseconds

to crack your password")
7. secret ("Your password would be cracked

8. secret_ ("It would take a computer about

4 seconds

to crack your password")

 As you see, the short passwords (withous capital letters, special symbols, etc.) are very easy to crack. The word "secret" is longer, but it's a dictionary word, so it's an instant cracking! Be careful, don't use single dictionary words.

9. secret_password ("It would take a computer about

1 million years

to crack your password")
10. secret_password1 ("It would take a computer about

1 billion years

to crack your password")
11. secret_password12 ("It would take a computer about

84 billion years

to crack your password")
12. secret_password123 ("It would take a computer about

4 trillion years

to crack your password")
13. secret_password123A ("It would take a computer about

5 hundred quadrillion years

to crack your password")
14. secret_password123Ab ("It would take a computer about

42 quintillion years

to crack your password")
15. secret_password123Ab321 ("It would take a computer about

19 septillion years

to crack your password")

 Now you understand how a password gets better, right?

 Anyway, don't think too much about it. Just pick up something like an easy word combined with an easy greater number like "Billy888777666" and check it. The result will show you is it a good one or not. In this case Billy888777666 takes take a computer about 9 million years to crack it. Not bad, is it?

Some people think that a password like Gh9#daS@vDKK33ddi%^xO is stronger than a password like "Bill-and-I-are-very-tall-guys". I'm pretty sure that the second one is good too, or even better maybe. Let's check them now: 1. Gh9#daS@vDKK33ddi%^xO --
It would take a computer about

3 sextillion years

to crack your password

2. Bill-and-I-are-very-tall-guys --
It would take a computer about

71 decillion years

to crack your password
Well? I was right. The second one is even stronger.

And the last question (problem): what if a website doesn't give you a chance to use symbols like
Code: [Select]
-,_,`|, `, %, *? Don't worry! Just type your favourite sentence without spaces. For example, if you can't type it as "The_cat_on_the_table", you can just do it as "Thecatonthetable". Is Thecatonthetable a weak password? No, I don't think so. Check it! The result is
It would take a computer about

2 billion years

to crack your password
2 billion years! Not bad! Another good (in fact, a very good) idea is to separate your words with numbers. Even one and the same number is enough to make this password super strong. See, we'll take the same example and will separate the words with the number "8"; we've got "The8cat8on8the8table". So, how strong is The8cat8on8the8table? I bet it's a very strong one. Let's see:
It would take a computer about

5 hundred quadrillion years

to crack your password
500 quadrillion years! Oh my gosh!

If you want a shorter, easy and strong password, all you can do is to combine two words with some numbers like "stone" + "8" + "garden" + "9": "stone8garden9". Is stone8garden9 good enough? I think so. Let's see its result:
It would take a computer about

1 hundred years

to crack your password
100 years. Well... if it's not enough for you, just add one more number, for example at the beginning: make stone8garden9 to become "7stone8garden9". Well, now I may bet that it's much better than "100 years". Let's see it:
It would take a computer about

4 thousand years

to crack your password
. Well, 4000 years is really good enough.

By the way if you want less words and more numbers you can pick up something like "10001" + "bird" + "70007". And the result of this 10001bird70007 password is
It would take a computer about

4 thousand years

to crack your password
4000 years again, you see?

At the end I'll suggest you something like this (long, but easy to remember and super strong): car122333444455555666666 ("It would take a computer about 17 quintillion years to crack your password"). 8)

We're doing our best for your secured password knowledge! If you want to learn more, take a look at the related topics in this Omnilogy forum which are listed below:

Related topics:
« Last Edit: April 24, 2022, 04:43:25 PM by SEO »


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Re: The best password (The best passwords)
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2022, 05:53:10 PM »
 My password evolution seems to be good. Years ago I had simple passwords like "1234567", which are "Your password would be cracked

". ;D

Later I started to use more complicated ones like "Mitkoo", but it shows that they weren't better, because "It would take a computer about

4 hundred milliseconds
to crack your password
", which means "nearly instantly". ;D My best password that time was like "nanarr" which is this "strong": "It would take a computer about

7 milliseconds
to crack your password
". Well, for a person it was nearly impossible to guess it, but for a computer nowadays it's a piece of cake (7 milliseconds! Wow!)

The recent years I improved them like "Difficultone2", which shows a really good result: "It would take a computer about

1 hundred thousand years
to crack your password
". My recent one is like "792Domoarigato" which is also pretty good with this result: "It would take a computer about

9 million years
to crack your password
". :)

 Well, I don't know can we trust 100% this tool (which claims that it is "The #1 Password Strength Tool. Trusted and used by millions."), but if it's really good and real (I hope so), then the conclusion is that the best passwords are sentences without spaces (because they're easy to remember, easy to type and hard to crack) like these two:

  • Pandaisananimal ("Panda is an animal.") It would take a computer about 43 million years
    to crack this password.
  • Youarenotahacker ("You are not a hacker.") It would take a computer about 2 billion years
    to crack this password.

The second best are shorter ones, easy to remember and easy to type and not easy to crack like these two:

  • General111111. It would take a computer about 1 hundred thousand years
    to crack this password.
  • 09876Smoothie. It would take a computer about 1 hundred thousand years
    to crack this password.

 The ones often recommended (combinations of small and capital letter with numbers and special symbols) are not that good, especially when they're short. For example these 2 are difficult to guess but easy to crack:

  • Ko4@Jp9^. It would take a computer about 8 hours
    to crack this password.
  • Y)t(2%1B. It would take a computer about 8 hours
    to crack this password.

Only 8 hours, you see? Use this type, if you wish, only when it's longer, like these two:

  • 197GHK@%^oK. It would take a computer about 4 hundred years
    to crack this password.
  • K0i!2@zH1wJ. It would take a computer about 4 hundred years
    to crack this password.
. I suppose that 400 years is okay. Of course, if add just one more letter, number or symbol it's already okay for sure. For example, "197GHK@%^oK" + "E" = "197GHK@%^oKE" ("It would take a computer about 34 thousand years
to crack your password".) or "K0i!2@zH1wJ" + "7" = "K0i!2@zH1wJ7" ("It would take a computer about 34 thousand years
to crack your password".) 34 000 years = surely okay.  :)
 And still, I think the best (one of the best) password should be something like: "Welikesushi1999" (comes from "We like sushi." with a "1999") which gives you this level of security:
It would take a computer about

6 hundred million years
to crack your password
. 8) 600 000 000 years! Cool, isn't it? A similar one: "IloveyouLong2022" (comes from "I love you, Long!" with a "2022") gives you this level of security:
It would take a computer about

37 billion years
to crack your password
. 8) 8) 8)

 And, at the end, I can give you an idea how to make one of (probably) the best passwords ever, i. e. a password easy (for you) to remember it, not difficult to type it, when you log in somewhere and very difficult for people to guess it and nearly impossible for the computers to crack it. For example you like carrots, so you can use the word "carrots"; you hate mosquitoes, so you can use the word "mosquitoes" too; your birthday is 20.11.1999, so you can use it twice in your password like "20111999". So, you can have a password like "20111999carrots20111999mosquitoes" (It takes a computer about 1 decillion years to crack your password). ;D But, let's say it's too long and/or too complicated for you, so I'll make another suggestion. If you like apples and you hate spiders, you can just make a combination of these 2 words with your favorite number (repeated few times) -- for example, you like "7" and then your best passwords can be: "7Apples77spiders777" ("It takes a computer about 9 quadrillion years
to crack your password".) or if you worry that someone who knows you really well, would guess even this password, you can just change the last three 7s ("777") with another easy to remember combination like "Abc", you'll have then "7Apples77spidersAbc" which also takes about 9 quadrillion years to be cracked. :) And okay, for these guys who think that this type of passwords are still "too long" or "too complicated", there is a perfect way to solve their problem. They can just pick up sentences like "We like apples. We don't like elephants." and to use only the first letters of them -- "W li ap W do li el", combine them together and get "WliapWdoliel". It takes a computer about 3 hundred years to crack your password. If you think 300 years is pretty weak, then just add a number somewhere, for example, at the beginning of the password, like this: "3WliapWdoliel". It already takes a computer about 1 hundred thousand years to crack the password. For the most lazy ones, the last example of a very good password: type your name (for example "Chad"), type an easy number like "11223344" and end it with a letter, for example "p". Then you got "Chad11223344p" and it would also take a computer about 1 hundred thousand years to crack your password.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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