Interesting Facts about FishingBefore you cast your line and try to reel in a big bone, check out these fun fishing data. They'll
hook, line, and sinker your attention!
The first fishing hook:Experimenters suppose that when humans first began fishing, they caught a mess with their
hands and with nets. But there’s only so important fish you can catch that way.
Along came the fishing hook. The first fishing hook was called a couloir. It was a short, straight
piece of wood, bone or gravestone that was refocused on both ends.
thebestfishingreel.comThe couloir was tied to a line. Also, bait was placed over it, and the hook was thrown into the
water to catch a fish. Ultimately, a twisted fishhook made of bone, shell or wood was
The oldest fish hooks ever discovered were made of ocean crawler shell and allowed to be
about times old.
Rod and rolls:An early fishing rod was a simple rustic pole that had a line tied to the end of it. They were used
by early societies, similar as in ancient Egypt and China. By the 1400s, fishing rods had special
loops or rings on them to keep the line in place, like the bones we use moment. Fishing rolls
were constructed by the 1600s.
These rolls kept the line from getting tangled and made fishing
much easier. As for early fishing line, it was made by hand using effects like steed hair, silk or
cotton. It was not until the late 1930s that plastic fishing line came on the scene.