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Author Topic: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)  (Read 7863 times)

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Re: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2020, 06:21:08 PM »
To all: if you need me, let me know. 100% honest.
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Re: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2020, 06:41:32 PM »
I'm glad to know we're honest guys! :) 8)


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Re: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2020, 05:04:45 AM »
 When I first saw protesting mobs during the coronavirus pandemic (those in the United States), I noticed that many of the protesters (the protesting people) were without masks. Then I saw protests in other countries -- Serbia, Bulgaria and others. I was also disappointed that people gathered to protest, but many of them (most of them) did not bother to at least put on a mask! In such moments, when you know that it is a pandemic (and it is COVID's, which is not a small health problem), and people put their own health and that of others (relatives, neighbors, relatives (and everyone with whom they will later meet, probably again without masks)) in DANGER, you realize that really most of the people around the world are irresponsible and stupid. You're protesting against something you think is bad - well, it's good, but AT LEAST put on a mask so you don't create a trouble for you and for many other persons! What good is it to protest against an evil if you are, at the same time, a potential conduit for another great evil?
(Yes, masks are not a 100% solution to the problem, but at least, they limit the infection to some extent! Better with a mask than without it!)
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"0 COVID" , "COVID 0" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2022, 07:11:45 PM »

"Zero COVID" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest

  From the very beginning of COVID-19 pandemic I wrote a lot about how people are not responsible -- that they should not protest against masks and they should follow the good Chinese habit to wear masks when there are viral diseases (i.e. I am not an antimasker), that they should not gather in crowds (i.e. I am not against distance and keeping away from the viruses), that hygiene is not at the good level at all and should be increased (i. e. I support the increased measures of washing, disinfection, etc. and am not against them), even about the vaccines I wrote that there are not (in the future) necessarily invented successful (and useful) ones, but despite my scepticism in this regard, I was never an anti-vaxer.
 But the new policy in China, which is for "0 COVID" ("Zero COVID") runs with mass testing (which goes to daily testing more than 10 times or once every few days in order to give you the right to use transport, enter a supermarket, etc., otherwise you can not), various lockdowns (some of which literally lock you up and you can't even get out on the street or in front of your block (or another kind of home)), traffic/transport, business, sports, etc. limitations led to:
 1. Ordinary people to be more and more dissatisfied because they are limited not only their freedoms, but also their incomes.
 2. Smaller and larger businessmen to grieve.
 3. Journalists, think tank scientists, even sinophiles and more classical oriented socialists like me to criticize, directly or indirectly, Xi Jin-Ping's policy.
 4. Even from the WHO (World Health Organization) there was criticism that this 0 COVID result is not possible.

 Of course, there are some people that like this 0 COVID policy (for example, insured pensioners with pensions who even hope this will last longer and then they to be able to get free food (in some places the local government really give them a few vegetables for free) and/or because they really believe that the present COVID variant is a very dangerous thing and it is possible to be achieved 0 morbidity).
 My main reason to be against it (apart from the already listed the restrictions on freedoms and the economic damages) is that this no new COVID cases (0 COVID) is impossible! It cannot be done once the COVID virus is imported even sometimes from abroad (through unwashed imported products, through illegally crossing the border people, through legal travelers after resumed international flights, etc. ) to achieve permanently 0 COVID (no COVID). It will come from somewhere (either through an unwashed/unsterilized package from abroad, or through an untested (mistested) foreigner or a Chinese citizen returning from abroad) and then what? Again all these mass testings, lockdowns and suffering? There is something I want to add to these: these queues (lines) of people waiting for COVID tests are also kind of like mass gatherings of people (some of them do not even keep the required distance), which also increases the risk of transmitting the infection.
 I'm not a fan of talking without evidence or spreading conspiracy theories. Quite logically, however, I think that this policy is hardly based on the pure belief that it is possible to have 0 COVID in one country, given that in the rest of the world COVID is practically everywhere. It is possible (again I say -- a purely logical guess) that there is some other, unknown, hidden economic, political or another kind of motive behind all this.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 07:20:34 PM by Internet »
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"0 COVID" , "COVID 0" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest (2)
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2022, 03:43:44 AM »

"Zero COVID" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest (Part 2)

 I am adding something important -- I live in China since 2004. I am with socialistic believes and I was very satisfied during the Hu Jin-Tao's period and the beginning of the Xi Jin-Ping's period. Recently, I am not and I don't want to live in lie stating that I am satisfied. I can say absolutely the same about the anti-COVID measures in China. At the beginning everything was reasonable and I did my best to support it online and offline. I think that the small lockdowns (like those when there is a confirmed COVID case in some community and then only the community is tested and locked for a week or two, not all the city) and the one-time mass tests (when the citizens are tested only once, not daily or many times per month like now) were enough to take measures against the COVID and to keep the ecomony and the people's life normal. But now, I can't stop thinking of it as something nearly "irrational and inhumane" (It's from an article of Ako Tomoko, Associate professor in the School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University.  Link to his article about "Zero COVID in China": https://www.nippon.com/en/in-depth/d00821/).
 I really try to stay away from the politics and I'm uninvolved (I'm not a member of any party; I don't receive any payments for political posts) but when it comes to something that affects my life and the lives of so many people, I can't stay silent.
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Re: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2022, 02:51:54 AM »
There are supporters of the current policy and there are people against it. Some opinion from the second kind:
It’s unsustainable and ridiculous. It’s comparable to implementing a “No flu” policy. The reality is that Covid will always exist, to some extent. The economic damage that is and will continue to be done by these policies is significant, and is a contributing factor to why Chinese elites are desperately trying to move an estimated 60 Billion dollars out of the country.
It is from someone badbunny9191 I do not know if these billions are correct but it is true that rich people may try to move their money and their families abroad. The damage is done. But the supporters think it worth it...


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Re: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2022, 06:14:39 AM »
I hate flu. I want "0 flu". :)


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"0 COVID" , "COVID 0" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest (3)
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2022, 11:47:45 PM »
 I will be laconic in the third part -- I have got a blocked (one of the many people in a similar situation in the PRC) account in QQ because of "sensitive information/messages". Probably because of my honest opinion that today's measures are too much and that it is because of the man who has turned from a president/chairman into something like an emperor -- does not listen to specialists, the party comrades and the people and with this suppressing policy harms human lives/destinies and the economy. However, I do not stop to believe in true socialism and to think that the future of humanity must be socialistic, if it's impossible to be communistic!
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Re: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2023, 05:19:05 PM »
And to finish this -- I wanted very much to have Chinese citizenship and to be a real good socialistic member of the Chinese society but not any more (because of the current emperorization -- more and more concetrared power in only one person who even want to rule more than 10 years even after caused so many troubles to many Chinese and non-Chinese (expats) living in China people). Here is a proof that I even searched for help (years ago) to obtain a Chinese citizenship:

(From 2012) to a person named Zhen:

"Hello, dear Zhen!

 Kamen Ivanov told me about you many years ago when there was a Chinese-Bulgarian online forum. After that I learned that you're already in the Chinese embassy, in Republic of Bulgaria and I wanted to ask you about the possibilities about the Chinese citizenship.
 This is my story:

 I love China since I was 5 years old and I am a communist. Almost all my life I wanted to emmigrate to PRC. In 1992 I went to the Chinese embassy in Sofia and I applied for Chinese citizenship. Then miss/mrs. Chen Lan told me that the ambassador said that I have to go to live in China for 5 years at first and then I can get it.
 One day I found an opportunity to come to work in China. I came here at 2004. I am living already almost 8 years in China and I live only in China. My present wife is a Chinese English teacher from Guangdong. We're married for 2 and half years I bought an appartment in Haikou (Hainan). I have a Master's in Philosophy (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski). I am almost XX years old man (XXXX).
 My the only big dream is to have a Chinese citizenship, because I love China and I don't want to be dependable of the this semi-colony Bulgaria (NATO and EU). Many Bulgarians hate me, just because of my communist believes and my sinofilia. I want to depend only from China.
Please, offer me some way to get it. " ("你好!Zhen.
  很多年前有一个“中国-保加利亚在线论坛”时Kamen Ivanov 就和我说起你。那之后我知道你已经在中国驻保加利亚大使馆。我想问一下你有关获得中国国籍的可能性。
  从5岁起我就热爱中国了。我是一个共产主义者。几乎我的一生都想移民到中国来。1992年我去索非亚中国大使馆申请中国国籍,Chen Lan 女士告诉我先去中国居住5年然后就可获得。
  有一天我获得一个来中国工作的机会。我在2004年来中国,在这里已经住了差不多8年,而且没离开过中国。我妻子是来自广东的中国英语老师,我们已经结婚两年半,我在海南海口买了一个公寓。我是哲学硕士(索非亚大学St. Kliment Ohridski)。我差不多XX岁了。
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