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Author Topic: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad  (Read 30258 times)

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 My honest answers:

"1. 0/10 because she's superobese (even can't stand up from the bed)" -- only if she's going to lose weight and has the real will to do it.

"2. 0/10 because she's disabled (can't walk for example)" -- if I am really in love with her. For example, she was my "oneitis" (the greatest pure, unforgettable person like Long Jun-Hong).

"3. 0/10 because she's in the jail (a serial killer or something else similarly terrible)" -- no! Too terrible.

"4. 0/10 because she's brain damaged (the lowest IQ you can imagine)" -- also no! Also too terrible to deal with it. The lowest IQ means even worse than some animals' IQ.

"5. 0/10 because she's having some deadly problem like HIV or something like it." -- hard to answer... depends on who is she. If she is my oneitis, nothing like this is going to stop me.
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Re: About the husbandcels
« Reply #121 on: June 01, 2022, 03:46:05 AM »
 Other words that mean the same as husbandcel:
  • "marcel" (from "married incel")
  • "deadbedroomer" (from "dead bed")
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"The oofy doofy theory" -- Q&A
« Reply #122 on: June 02, 2022, 04:22:45 AM »

"The oofy doofy theory" -- Q&A

 The answers of the incelologist, philosopher Geser Kurultaev:

- What's this "oofy doofy theory" and why it's such a hot topic right now in the incelosphere?

- Many of the incels are interested in learning about their big problem -- the inceldom, so everything new, especially when it's something like a theory will possibly attract their interest. In fact, it's not a very new theory. Just some incels learned about it recently, so for them it's new.
 In short it's a theory that states it: the majority of the females are going to choose not the most attractive males (Gigachads, Changs, Chadpreets, Chads, Tyrones and so on) they'll even not choose Chadlites, but a Norman who may be even a low tier Norman (low tier normie) and if we're talking about the character of this average man, it will be a submissive male.
 This is something that many of the incels (and not only they) will never accept because it is something that is almost the opposite of what they know and often what they see.

 - So, what's the truth? Is there at least a piece of truth in the oofy doofy theory?
 - A theory that is partly true. In simple words, we can say, there are oofy doofy cases but, N.B.:
 1) There are some women who do prefer submissive males. For example, this is a study from 2014 that explains why do some women prefer submissive men https://www.nel.edu/userfiles/articlesnew/NEL350714A16.pdf. There are also some women who really avoid the very attractive males and will reject some 10/10 or 9/10 just to get married for a 6/10 or even 4/10, which will give them more security. Maybe some of the incels can't imagine it, but it's true that some women feel insecure with very handsome guys and they'll think that he'll cheat her, leave her for a prettier woman and so on. Some of them even believe that "handsome = liar" or "handsome = stupid". There are also cases where some women think that a Chad isn't their looksmatch, so they can't even think of being with him.

 2) Another category of women -- well, they're the opposite, they do want to Chad or the Gigachad, they'll feel depressed if they have "only" a Chadlite and they'll feel ashamed if they have got a Norman. But most of the women can't get what they want:) You see, according to the normal distribution, which looks like a bell and it's, for example, something like "10% Gigachads, Chads, Chadlites + 15% Brads + 55% Normans + 15% nearcels + 5% truecels", there is no way all of the women who want the top 10% to get these top 10%. Even in a polygamic society it's impossible all of the willing Chads (or let's say Chaddams, which are the Muslim-Arab Chads) females to receive it. Just the number of the Chads is much less than the women who want a Chad. So, what is the next? Of course, when she can't find a Chad, she will search for a Brad (and because the Brads are also "limited") then the biggest probability is that she will take a Norman. Just the Normans are the majority of the males and they're more acceptable than the nearcels and the truecels.
 So, it's kind of natural, at least from the mathematical point of view.

 3) A big percent of the elder females who already had Chads or something similar years ago, already do not prioritize the looks and they do search for other things like: money, security, stability, care and so on. For them, if a person may give them these they're okay to get married or to live without marriage even with some low tier Norman or a nearcel, in some cases, they can consider an incel as well.
 Once a elder woman said something like this to her future husband: "Look, I'm already 40+, so I don't care how many hair do you have on your head, I do care what's in your heart, what's in your pocket, what's in your head."
 In fact, many of the elder men also will choose a good, stable, honest and rich Becky, than a cheating, unstable, poor Stacy. Even some of the young incels do admit that the Beckys are their first choice.

 - So, if we can sum it up, oofy doofy theory is true about those females who really do search for less attractive males, for those who just can't find an attractive male and for the elder ones who already value things beyond the looks?
 - Yes, and we also may add another, 4th category, which is called "It just so happened." ;D
« Last Edit: June 02, 2022, 04:46:13 AM by SEO »


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« Reply #123 on: June 02, 2022, 05:09:52 AM »
 I think that Zendaya (an actress) is one of the most pretty females nowadays. So in my eyes she is a GigaStacy (it means one of the most pretty females in the incels' jargon), but I wonder how do you think? If she wasn't famous and you just meet her on the street what you'll think about her?
 Some incels think that she is just a "Becky" (it means an ordinary girl in the incels' jargon).
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #124 on: June 02, 2022, 05:34:58 AM »
She is just a very charming girl. I know that many of the males will say she is just a so-so one but she is charming for sure.


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Literally every day an incel may ascend if this happens (Popularity-juice)
« Reply #125 on: June 06, 2022, 04:44:55 AM »

Literally every day an incel may ascend if this happens or what is the "popularity-juice"

By Geser Kurultaev (philosopher, incelologist)

  For those who're not familiar with the terminology I'd explain that "incel" is everyone who can't have a wife or a girl-friend, lover, etc. "Ascend" is to stop being an incel somehow.
 Here comes a very important point that I'd like to send to all of the incels around the world because it's a kind of lifefuel (something that gives you hope) and can be used as a good cope. I want to see as many as possible incels who're living in hope and who're escaping the inceldom. So, I'll never stop trying to help them with my researches and my ideas.
 The good news: this thing already happened and it's proven as a ~90% escaping the inceldom success for almost all the incels who are lucky enough to get it (except for some categories like locationcels for example)!
 So this is the thing: an incel just need to be lucky enough to look like some new incelish movie star or singer, or another very popular person.
 Examples? Check these out: 1. Michael Cera
. I think that he looks nice and cute but I can bet that most of the females will never call the men who look like him "handsome" or "very attractive". Yes, but it was before. Now there are many females who think that he's attractive, he is at least a bit handsome, he is charming. They like him. That's is how, all of the incels who really look like him, are going to find at least 2-3 girls around them who'll like them just because they look like Michael Cera.
 2. The J-pop, K-pop, Q-pop and other similar boy bands. . Years ago males with this kind of look will be perceived like feminine, childish and sometimes -- homosexual. There are even nowadays some elder people in Asia who think that this type of males are looking like females. For me, sometimes, is also not easy to say (if I don't know the certain J-pop, K-pop or Q-pop male star and I see this star's photograph for the first time) if it's a male or a female. Many of them just haven't enough male secondary sexual characteristics (no offense because I'm a person who likes the Asian cultures and whose forefathers are from Asia). And what's going on nowadays? There are millions of girls and young women who are dreaming for a man like this. If you're lucky enough to look like some of these stars, it's a granted deincelisation for you! (There is also a new type of -maxx, called "K-popmaxx" which means an incel person, usually Asian, to make efforts to look like a K-pop star. It's a kind of looksmaxxing.)
 3. Some vintage examples -- Chaplin, Danny DeVito, etc. After they become popular everyone who looks like them receives attention and interest from the females around him.

As a conclusion

 Try not only to keep away from suicidal and criminal ideas, non-stop do your best to -maxx yourself, not to -minn yourself! And keep in mind that literally every day there can appear some incelish popular star who looks like you, and then, his popularitymaxx will help you to ascend and to forget about the inceldom for a long time or, I wish you, forever! You can call it "popularity-juice".
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Wow! Pupularityjuice for life! ;) :D


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #127 on: June 06, 2022, 06:01:18 AM »
This should be shared with the brocels asap!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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All good, non-violent incels should be advised and supported
« Reply #128 on: June 07, 2022, 06:01:07 AM »
 All good, non-violent incels should be advised and supported in one way or another. I still believe that at last 60% of the incels nowadays are able to escape the inceldom (a.k.a. "to ascend").
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Amazing maxxing plan from a high IQ incel
« Reply #129 on: June 09, 2022, 04:14:50 AM »
Many incels are not good people, there are even criminals amongst them. For example, some of them want to rape. There is trash in every community. In fact most of the incels are even not in a communities. So now I'm talking about a high IQ good incel who has an amazing maxxing plan. Quoting it here and you say what do you think about it:
As I mentioned, I've lurked a while before making my account. My threads will derive a lot from BlackPillPres in terms of using your 20s to wealthmax and then ascend in your 30s, only difference is that he wants hookers while I want non-hookers.

I will use my 20s to bulk up, go to the gym, I will become a Chad from the neck down.

I am using shoe lifts to boost my height. When you're short, a small height difference yields an exponential return

I will corporatemax by climbing the ladder of my consulting firm, using my free time to foster skills that will make me even more invaluable to the company.

I will wealthmax through valueinvesting, channelling my surplus wealth into undervalued securities.

Once I'm in my early 30s, I will PLASTIC SURGERY max and remove my ugliness. I will use my hard earned money to develop a better face.

Once I'm attractive, taller, bulked up, and rich.... there will be nothing stopping me from getting girls. I'm not just talking about finding a nice girl to settle with, I'm talking Stacies on my Yacht. This is what drives me. I'm actually getting so excited just thinking about this because I can't find any flaws. What is to stop me from ascending once I actually look good?

As we say, a "few millimeters of bone"... well, that can change with enough money.

I am a KISSLESS VIRGIN right now, but think about how great of a story it will be when I'm 38 with a bunch of hot young college girls on my Yacht and explaining in my vlog how i used to be a truecel.
From https://incels.is/threads/i-am-going-to-ascend-in-my-30s-read-before-calling-me-bluepilled.380925/#post-8943155 (" I Am Going to Ascend in my 30s (read before calling me bluepilled)")
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #130 on: June 09, 2022, 05:18:08 AM »
 My comments on "I Am Going to Ascend in my 30s (read before calling me bluepilled)".

 It's very joyful for an incelologist like me to see this type of positive and even highly optimistic attitudes in some incels! There is a huge number of incels who tend to be highly pessimistic and this (their pessimism) blocks them to escape the inceldom (i. e. to ascend).
 Of course, too optimistic is also not the optimal variant. So here, I'll try to bring up more realism.
use my 20s to bulk up, go to the gym, I will become a Chad from the neck down.
You have to be sporty all your life. Many people with good bodies are getting fat after they stop being sporty. For example they're getting those beer bellies (which are, in fact, inactivity bellies).
 Usually it's not very possible for a truecel to become a Chad, even only from the neck down, but to become something like a Brad or even a Chadlite is quite possible (and it's enough, because, you know -- Chad-overexagerration is something useless. Most of the females are okay with less -- Normans, Brads, Chadlites).
 2/ Well, the shoe lifts may work temporarily. For a long-term relationship it's difficult to work.
more invaluable to the company
only if the owners are wise enough to realize this fact. The sad thing is that many of the owners and/or their managers tend to underrate you.
 4/ According to a definition "Undervalued securities are expected to increase rapidly..." but who knows? There is a risk every time. Anyway, in this or another way, the money-maxx is a must. Because in the current capitalistic world even women who really fall in love with a man will suffer if they can't earn enough money. Sometimes even a true, strong love may go away if there are huge financial problems.
 5/ I'm against the surgeries and do recommend only soft looks-maxxing.
talking Stacies on my Yacht
this may be dangerous. For example, if you have a successful business and then some people start to gossip about you're "a goat" or something. An image of a playboy may ruin business and personal life. Not everyone supports such level of hedonism and there will be many people who will jealous. Some of them may be strong enough to make you problems just because they jealous.
 Another possible trouble -- some of the yacht girls to say later "Me too!" and to make some fake accusations against you. It's a problem in some countries as far as many people don't search for the facts and for the truth; they'll just say "If she said so, it's true."
 So, to have a yacht is okay and to have a wife or a gf is okay too... I just don't see why you'll put yourself in different type of dangers with many Stacies in one yacht.
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #131 on: June 10, 2022, 02:41:40 AM »
Yes, he sounds like an educate and reasonable young person. Later he'll learn much more when he's elder. Wishing him good luck!


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« Reply #132 on: June 10, 2022, 04:55:38 AM »


I learned the new word "geomaxx". It's geo-maxx when a locationcel finds a place or a country where the females will like him and he may find a girlfriend or something similar.


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« Reply #133 on: June 10, 2022, 05:08:05 AM »
 Well, in fact because it's really related to the locationcels the better term is locationmaxx (location-maxx). Of course geomaxx (geo-maxx) is a not bad synonym.
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What is the metapill philosophy
« Reply #134 on: June 11, 2022, 05:55:34 AM »


What's the metapill theory

  Geser Kurultaev's incels' metapill theory which is related with his philosophy of atleastism is easy to understand. Here it will be presented in a nutshell:
 1. Every "pill" (whitepill, blackpill, redpill, bluepill, etc.) points to different sides of the inceldom. There is no "perfect pill". That's why, from the scientific point of view, we have to be objective and, according to the facts, to take every true part of the concrete pills and to reject the parts that are not true.
 For example, the metapill is using the realism of the redpill, part of the pessimism of the blackpill and part of the optimism of the bluepill. The metapill accepts that in some inceldom cases the situation may be almost "It's over." (for example, if there is a disabledcel) but it also knows that it's not over at all in many other cases (like, for example, if there is a fatcel because every one can lose weight). If the bluepill is too optimistic, the redpill is realistic and the blackpill is pessimistic, then we can say that the metapill is something between realistic to moderately optimistic. The metapill also accepts the whitepill ideas of becoming more emotionally stable and to have more philosophical attitude and it follows closely the centrism and the balance of the purplepill.
 2. The moderate optimism of the metapill is based on some facts like these:

 2.1. Even incels who do not work hard on their self-improvement and becoming a better version of themselves sometimes are ascending.
 2.2. A big part of the incels who really do their best to become a better version of themselves (via different -maxxes like gymmaxx, studymaxx, knowledgemaxx, skillmaxx, moneymaxx, locationmaxx, etc.) are surely ascending.
 2.3. Most of the incels (especially those who're still teenagers and college students) are not truecels. The truecel is someone who really has nearly 0 chance even after a lot of hard trying to ascend -- for example someone who is very, very short or very mentally disordered. But most of the self-proclaimed incels are just 1, 2 or 3 steps away from the escape of their inceldom. Practically, around 6 of 10 incels, can become enough attractive if they improve their body (gymmaxx), their status (money, job/business, etc.) and their knowledge (plus personality -- for example to become less selfish, less hostile, more gentle and respectful).
 2.4. The Matthew rule -- "For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away." which means that if a person is getting richer, stronger, more clever, more popular, etc. he will receive more benefits and results in his life than if he is getting poorer, weaker, stupider, infamous, etc.
 2.5. The base of the metapill -- the atleastism -- states that at least we should do our best because "the hard work pays off". The idea is that if you don't -minn yourself (with bad habits, drugs, crimes and so on) and you do -maxx yourself (with healthy food, good hygiene, sports, learning, earning money and so on) then you can gain some points in the decile scale of attractiveness. For example a 1/10 may become a 4/10 (i. e. a truecel may become a sort of normie), a 4/10 may become a 8/10 (i. e. a normie may become a Chadlide). This is the moderate optimism and the realism of the metapill. It's not promising everyone to become a Chad but it's promising that there is no way to, at least, obtain more value and to have high real chances to ascend (to escape the inceldom).
« Last Edit: June 12, 2022, 03:53:46 AM by Internet »
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