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Author Topic: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad  (Read 22199 times)

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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #105 on: May 26, 2022, 05:18:02 AM »
Not to be pessimistic but... take it as a sentence of truth about me: A... baldcel, poorcel, shotcel, gymcel and... soon to be an oldcel! Life sucks and then you... you know.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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« Reply #106 on: May 26, 2022, 05:20:42 AM »
Brocels... Good luck, brocels! 8) :-*
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Well, for me the races are just a bulls... but... as a P.S.: If it matters, I'm an Eurocel (a poor East-European) and he's an Asian Chad (i. e. the so-called "Chang"). I do notice it because many incels (especially the ethnic ones, the ethniccels) think that the white (Caucasian) incels are with some sort of advantage or even fakecels. Well, it's not like this. Maybe in some cases to be a eurocel is better than to be something else, but it's really not that helpful. True story!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #108 on: May 27, 2022, 02:53:47 AM »
Don't focus on this that much. Try not to think about it.


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #109 on: May 27, 2022, 02:59:15 PM »
Outside of sky there is sky, outside of people there are people. It's the idea that there will always be someone better. So what? Who cares?


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #110 on: May 27, 2022, 03:40:39 PM »
When you have no chance... then just RUN!
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #111 on: May 27, 2022, 04:51:33 PM »
OK, it's something very similar to what a (looks well educated) brocel said to me earlier (I mean Pepecel). So, he said that my improvement is a nice self-improvement. It feels okay, really.
But if I am really that old (he didn't mean to insult me; even said "sorry" as a real gentleman) then I should maybe start giving up with women and maybe instead try to focus on myself more and spend the money on myself (and the examples he gave were: holidays, cars and whatever) , plus and not always looks but that of course is our own choice (as we know some people just want to look good for themselfes).
Something else that I like is that if you want to get more replies then don't write about too many things in one thread, plus don't write too formal/too long as 90% of that website consists of teenagers with no attention span.

In short: to focus on myself and whatever makes me happy and that's it.

OKAY, but as I said already, there is a problem.The problem is there is no money. :) (Poorcel, as you know.) And because I keep my body young and healthy, my libido is high; when I sleep I often dream some pretty romantic dreams or sexual ones. So, to say "giving up with women" is like "giving up" the air or the water, the food. It's not normal to self-restrict yourself from the natural needs. Also I added "Thanks for the points! You're right about many things."
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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If the one and only female who ever likes you is 0/10, are you going to accept her?

Hi, there bros!

I'd add something new now.

We all know that a 0/10 male has practically no chances to be in love. What about the 0/10 females? Think about it, are you going to give a 0/10 chance if she is:

1. 0/10 because she's superobese (even can't stand up from the bed)
2. 0/10 because she's disabled (can't walk for example)
3. 0/10 because she's in the jail (a serial killer or something else similarly terrible)
4. 0/10 because she's brain damaged (the lowest IQ you can imagine)
5. 0/10 because she's having some deadly problem like HIV or something like it.

Are you going to accept some of these kinds?
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Drunk posting
« Reply #113 on: May 30, 2022, 10:20:09 PM »
 Well, obviously it was a case of drunk posting  ;D but you know that drunkenly posting also may contribute a lot of truth (remember the Latin proverb "In vino veritas." (which simply means that under the influence of wine or another type of alcoholic drink, a person tells the truth) :) ).

1. "At last it's time to realize how worthy it was to spent all these years (Facing a much younger Chad soon)!"

 Well, the worthiness (the value) of spending years of self-improvement isn't correlated that much with how close or how better you may be to (than) a "Chad" (high tier male). It's like you to try to get richer and really to become a richer person and than to compare with the billionaires. When you compare yourself with the bests, of course, you may conclude that it wasn't worthy.
 The best way is to compare your past-yourself with your now-yourself (present yourself), i. e. to think "Would your past self be proud of you?" and of course to compare yourself with the average level too (the "Normans", "normies"). The Chads are probably only around 10%-15% of the male population so it's not a good idea to keep in mind only them.

2. A "shortcel" (i. e. short incel, not tall incel) is more or less relative. In some countries and even in some different place of one and the same big country you may be "short" or "tall", or at least "average". For example in north China or around people who are from the North of China, I feel that most of the time I'm short and when I'm in south China or around people from the South I feel that I'm a normal, average height person (even, sometimes, I feel that I'm a tall one).

3. Balding sucks. But, at least, it's not a just a problem of one or two men. According to some statistics ~35% of the males are having this issue.

4. Poverty sucks even more... but the important thing is never to give up. I do buy lottery every week 3 times, trying to make successful trading with foreign currencies and teaching some English... of course trying to make a successful website too and to write e-books.

5. Old age is one of the worst things and it's not because being old is that big problem but because of the ageism (the age discrimination) around the world.

 The best is metapill (meta pill). Why? Because every "pill" ("red pill" ("redpill"), "blue pill" ("bluepill"), "black pill" ("blackpill"), "white pill" ("whitepill")...) has got some good, useful points.

 a) if you want to lose weight, the most important is to count the calories and to do sports.
 b) the sporty elder guys look better, for sure.
 c) gym-maxx is one of the best, healthy ways for self-improvement.
 d) some people call it education-maxx or edu-maxx. It's a good thing.
 e) we should learn not only from the lucky ones but from the unlucky ones too. In some cases it's even more important to learn from the failures.
 f) "king of manlets" and "superhuman" sound so positive (a.k.a "life fuel"; "lifefuel").
 g) we should be honest and frank and to mention that there are still women who will prefer a fatter and/or an uglier male just because he's taller than a handsome, lean but short male.
 h) not very related, but often I think that being a husbandcel is worse than just being a single incel. When you're a single incel, at least, you have a bit more chance. Even let it be 0.01% more, but a chance!
 f) the "volcel" categorization (understandings; definitions) are different. But I think it's nearly reasonable not to call a volcel one who prefers to avoid the obese females. Let's call him a "standardcel" instead.
 Well, okay, let's comment these ones now:

"1. Taller than me." Not a big problem if there aren't other problems. Well, as I mentioned above, the height can beat many other advantages. There is even something called "height pill" ("heightpill") -- the knowledge that many women do prefer males taller than them or even taller than the average man around.

2. "Stronger than me. (Bigger muscles, except the abdominal ones.)" And maybe some others too, like the legs muscles. Not that important because even people with average muscles may be attractive enough. You don't need to be with super big muscles in order to look good and to be stong.
3. "Maybe more handsome (surely more hair and less beard.)" Depends of the individual preferences. Some people will never choose an Asian (East-Asian) looking person no matter he's younger or handsomer. Or, exactly the opposite, they'll choose him just because he's younger and/or Asian.
4. "Braver (extremely brave -- inviting for sparring everyone who is available and most of the time winning!)" OK, but there is a proverb "The graveyards are full of brave men." ("The cemeteries are full of brave men.") To be "not that brave" sometimes (or often) saves your life or health.
5. "No need to say that he has at least 2000% (more) females in his social networks who are willing to chat with him and asking him questions like "Who did you fight today?" and "Wow, how well you improved your body!" Who knows are there 2000% more or just 0.25% more? :) But, as a figure of speech (a rhetorical figure), it's good. Whatever. He, as a hard-working and a lucky person, surely will get more than those who're not that lucky.
6. Mogging... well, it's a verbification and apheresis (i. e. the loss of a sound or sounds at the beginning of a word) of the acronym "AMOG" (alpha male of the group) ) is the act of dominating (or just being better than) another person.
7. In a world where most of the people aren't clever enough, it's not a surprise that the intellect isn't a popular value.
8. Feeling insecure in this sort of dangerous situations is okay and even useful! And by the way, why one person who struggles with enough other problems have to go fighting with a much stronger "Chad" ("Chang", etc.) and to get some more problems like broken rib or... even the worst -- in case you win, he's in a hospital and the local police saying something like "He's a kid and you're an adult! Why did you accept to fight with him?! Are you a brainless old man?"
9. "Work hard, do your best and you'll have it better, but once comes a Chad, then it's really hard!!!" Sure it is. But the good news is that the Chads are usually a minority. The majority are Normans (normies) plus incels. For example, something like that: Gigachads -- 1%, Chads -- 19%, Normans -- 60%, incels (the true incels, i. e. truecels) -- 20%.
10. Yeah, most of the females nowadays don't care if you're a better fighter or not. So, it's pointless unless you're a popular fighter/winner like Conor McGregor or somebody else like him.
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The Chad-overexaggeration
« Reply #114 on: May 31, 2022, 02:36:18 AM »

The Chad-overexaggeration

by Geser Kurultaev (a philosopher and an incelologist)

 When I was in the university learning philosophy I could choose many different topics for my Master's degree but I decided to focus on people (philosophical anthropology) and especially on the human's love. That's why I wrote a 107 pages graduation thesis "About the Different Aspects of Love". Since that time I felt it -- to be a loveless (an incel) is something that makes you to live a life in pain, a life without your full potential and a life which is often energy lacking. Later I decided to specialize even more about it and I focused on the pitiest group of human beings who have love problems -- the incels, i. e. the ones who are not just without love but even without sexual activity (keep in mind that having sexual activity is simpler and easier to achieve than to find a real love. The love is more complicated than its biological component called "sex" or "sexual intercourse" or "copulation"). That's why I decided to write even a book which may help incels (or at least around half of them) to escape the inceldom (i. e. to "ascend") and I think it helped already some of them (the title of the book is "How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization").
 In this article I'd like to write about a new topic which I discovered recently, it's about the "Chad" ("Chads") and, concretely, about the Chad-overexaggeration (which you can use as "Chadoverexaggeration" if it's more convenient for you).
 "Chad" in the incelosphere stands for the top most attractive males in the world (there are "Gigachads"/"Giga-Chads" too, but let's say that they're just an insignificant subset of the "Chad" category as far as their persentage is less than 1% all around the world). Many (if not most) of the incels assume that "only" the Chads are successful in love and/or in sexual activity and that all the females are choosing and having Chad boyfriends, Chad lovers and Chad husbands. This is what I called Chadoverexaggeration. It's something that distorts the reality, which is: there are not so many Chads in the world! The approximate amount of these males is around 15-20% (according to the 20:60:20 principle or the so-called Normal distribution).
 Well, imagine that even 25% of the males are Chads (including Giga-Chads, Chadlites, etc.) the rest of the males are mostly "Normans" (also known as "normies" in the inceloshpere) plus incels (involuntary celibates). Obviously the majority of the females are not going to choose an incel (except in some very rare cases known as "unicorns") and because the Chads are less than the females where is the majority of the women goes? The answer is: to the Normans. Why?
 1) Because of the mentioned already reason (there are much less Chads in the world than women)
 2) Some part of the women really do not like Chads (they make them feel insecure, for example or they just really prefer some low tier man like "Brad" (something around "Chadlite") or Norman).
 3) There is a significant part of females around the world who're going to focus on something beyond the looks (money, visas/citizenship, etc.), i. e. so-called "gold-diggers" who're 99.99% going to chose even an ugly man (with some incelish type of face and/or body) but not an average or poor Chad. In the incelosphere it's known as "betabuxx" (or "betabuxxing").
 4) Other cases which are not relevant to this article (for example forced marriages and so on).
 Every place is different but if you look around and notice carefully the couples around you, certainly you'll see that most of the them are "composed" of an average male (some of these Normans are even nearly incelish, i. e. low tier normies) and a different type of female. Even some of the Stacies ("Stacy" is a high tier female in the incelosphere's jargon) are mating with Normans and Brads but not with Chads.

The conclusions

In our world often the successful ones are not the best ones (or, at least, not only the best ones). There are plenty of successful average businessmen (for example, he/she has not economics knowledge or some another special knowledge and he's not from a rich family but somehow he runs a business). There are plenty of successful average fighters (for example, he/she has no impressive huge body and even no martial arts knowledge but still can win in most of the fights). And, at the end, there are plenty of successful in love (or at least in sexual activity) average males.
 So, this is it: you don't have to be the best one in order to succeed. All you need is an average level, efforts and good luck.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2022, 03:28:11 AM by SEO »
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #115 on: May 31, 2022, 02:42:51 AM »
It's because most of the incels only focus on the online dating where the girls do choose the best looking men and still, not every time. In the real life most of the couples are formed outside of the net and the girls are choosing based of the good treatment, voice, impressions, etc. They'll still choose not very ugly one but they can give up some handsomeness for spiritual things like character, attitude, sense of security, fate and many others.
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #116 on: May 31, 2022, 03:17:56 AM »
The looks are not everything but without the good look your chances are decreasing dramatically. And the opposite, the good looks are giving more chances because of the halo effect.


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Only some of these. Maybe only 2 of these femcels.


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #118 on: May 31, 2022, 03:56:14 AM »
It's simple, when there is a Horn effect, you may even have no chance to give a flower. When there is a Halo effect, you may even don't need to give a flower. :) :)
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #119 on: May 31, 2022, 03:22:19 PM »
In fact, drunken or not, I never ever planned to go to have fight/duel/sparring or something with that young man. If I win, I get nothing. If I lose I may even become a disabledcel and it'll be really the 100% end, it will be the 100% "it's over". It's enough for me that I'm a baldcel, a shortcel, a framecel, a poorcel and soon to be an oldcel.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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