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Author Topic: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad  (Read 30349 times)

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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #75 on: February 27, 2021, 01:53:25 AM »
Some comments from the r/IncelsWithoutHate:

1. VegetableGenocide5: "Seems like he doesn’t quite understand the subtleties of linguistics but I appreciate the point he’s trying to make"

2. Basedgnar: "Step 1 be attractive"

3. Arctic_Fox_Airsoft: "He's just saying that the term sub human is not correct word wise."

4. alteriormotivator: "Just be Einstein theory"
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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I will ascend or I will die from overworking
« Reply #76 on: February 27, 2021, 03:35:37 AM »
I'm telling you this without regret and with a grain of pride. I will ascend or I will die from overworking. I decided to start a busy job (sort of stressful and responsible, but well-paid) for money-maxx + I enrolled 3 courses (an Aerobics course, a Yoga course and a Self-defense MMA course) for body-maxx, health-maxx and personality-maxx (or EQ-maxx) + I regularly hit the gym for gym-maxx + reading and learning scientific stuff for IQ-maxx.
Honestly, I don't know may I ascend because I'm norwooding (nearly to level 5, going to be a baldcel) and I'm almost a manlet (below average height and a wristcel), plus I'm getting old (going to be an oldcel), but I decided to try so. It's now or never!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #77 on: February 27, 2021, 03:47:20 AM »
Some comments from the r/IncelsWithoutHate:

1. VegetableGenocide5: "Seems like he doesn’t quite understand the subtleties of linguistics but I appreciate the point he’s trying to make"

2. Basedgnar: "Step 1 be attractive"

3. Arctic_Fox_Airsoft: "He's just saying that the term sub human is not correct word wise."

4. alteriormotivator: "Just be Einstein theory"

Good to know these feedbacks of course. Let me give them here some short answers:

1. I'm not a native English speaker but surely I'm familiar with the connotations of this word, so I think my point is right. The lack of female attention doesn't make you non-human or sub-human, because there are many, many unattractive people which are full of human qualities.

2. The point is that even you're not attractive you're still a human with human potential.

3. Yes, you can say so. The main problem in that short article of mine was that this term is a wrong one.

4. Nothing like "Just be this man/that man" theory. The point is that many of the great humans are considered ugly, unattractive, incels, nearcels, etc. (by some of the nowadays standards) but it doesn't make them "sub-" at all.
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Re: I will ascend or I will die from overworking
« Reply #78 on: February 27, 2021, 04:56:54 AM »
I'm telling you this without regret and with a grain of pride. I will ascend or I will die from overworking. I decided to start a busy job (sort of stressful and responsible, but well-paid) for money-maxx + I enrolled 3 courses (an Aerobics course, a Yoga course and a Self-defense MMA course) for body-maxx, health-maxx and personality-maxx (or EQ-maxx) + I regularly hit the gym for gym-maxx + reading and learning scientific stuff for IQ-maxx.
Honestly, I don't know may I ascend because I'm norwooding (nearly to level 5, going to be a baldcel) and I'm almost a manlet (below average height and a wristcel), plus I'm getting old (going to be an oldcel), but I decided to try so. It's now or never!

1. The money should be above average otherwise it's hard to impress those who tend to be impressed in this way.

2. The health in fact is number one, but many people doesn't value it enough or they value it when it's already too late.

3. The better body image is a good point and if it's successful (also above average) then it increases the chances for sure. Many people do believe that "face > body", i. e. the face is more important than the body when it comes to attractiveness, but it doesn't mean that a good-looking body is worthless. Let's say that a good-looking face attracts 10 and a good-looking body attracts 3. So what? If you can have at least 3, have it! Because, yes, "face > body", but also "face > body > ugly body".

4. IQ, EQ, personality... all these may be helpful (especially in a combination with the good-looking body and the money above average). I know that just an IQ (for example a good major/degree, high knowledge, etc.) itself isn't attractive to most of the people and even there are some who will hate it or dislike it. (For example there are antiscience oriented people, anti-intellectuals -- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism and so on.) But once you're attractive physically in some way, the mental quality is usually a good thing and most of the people will value it to a certain degree.

If there is enough rest and optimized to-do lists, there will be no "overworking".
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #79 on: February 28, 2021, 06:17:00 AM »
Thanks for the good words and intentions, but there are guys who didn't get it well enough.

I'll try to repeat it in a more detailed way: "I started it already and tried to explain it, but some guys didn't understand it, so I'll explain it again in details. I'm a truecel (shorter than most of the males around, balder than half of the males around, elder than most of the males around and a wristcel, a manlet compared with most of the males around). If the race matters to you -- my mom was a short white Stacy and my father was a fat Asian normie. All I got from these genes was a short feminine structure, you know... Here comes the idea: 1. I'm adding a self-defence (MMA based) training to my gym-maxx. 2. I'm adding yoga to my health-maxx (water, showers, healthy food, personality-maxx, etc.). 3. I'm adding aerobics to all these. 4. I'm working hard as hell everyday (for some money-maxx). 5. No matter how tired I'm I'll find at least an hour to IQ-maxx (learning more chess, new foreign language, science or other intellectual stuff).
All I want is to become nearly a human superman with a body, knowledge and soul (emotions, EQ, personality) above the average. Then at least 1 good female is going to like me. I hope. Yes, I know, I may die from over-working, but I will do it for me and for you all! I'm proud to risk myself for us all!!!" I hope it'll be clear enough for them. Because so far I got these from my previous sharing in IncelsWithoutHate:

You won't ascend by working and gymmaxxing, at most you'll be a betabux. If you really want to, save your money until you have enough for the surgeries you need, that's the only possible way an incel can ascend.

Why so sure? A good-looking body + good money may bring some love or at least respect which is above betabux-ing.

you're torturing yourself over nothing.

Why so pessimistic? The idea is to try before to conclude.

That stuff only helps once you’ve crossed the hard threshold of looks and height. If no girl has ever considered you, having interesting hobbies won’t change that.

It's not only hobby. Yoga, aerobics, fitness, MMA and so on will make me look better and to achieve more. It's not just hobbies.

No. Do you think women care how many gym courses you do? Only genetics matter.

I know but I don't do it to impress them with the number of the courses, I want to achieve better results and then the results to impress them. To compensate my genetics as more as I can.

ey babe. I finished a self-defence course, so I can defend myself in case Tyrone tries to fight me. Sorry, I'm 5'6", so I can't really defend you. I can just fight him for a little bit before I start running. Also, I can do yoga. Do you want to go on a date with me?

So "funny" yeah... what I meant is that self-defense will add more power to my health, good-looking body and character (psychology), yoga will improve my health, body, etc., but obviously he is not understanding them well. Let it be. I'm not angry. I have some sense of humor.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #80 on: February 28, 2021, 06:19:24 AM »
I forgot it. Let me add: If I ascend, it'll be a good way to follow for all of you, if I lose, it's only my loss.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #81 on: February 28, 2021, 04:15:51 PM »
The brocels who commented didn't seem to be optimistic at all. Some of them even joking it. Take some look:
"Hey Becky, this guy approached me today."

"That's cool Stacy, was he tall and handsome."

"No, but he does MMA and aerobics."

"So? Why would you date him?"

"He also plays chess."



Very pessimistic. Funny too. I appreciate the sense of humor.

it was a joke no one thinks that a mans hobbies are what attract women. that'd be face and height 😂🤣

and LMAO at trying to shame a man out of understanding that even if she likes you, her friends will try and sabotage things if you aren't attractive enough that they'd want to steal you. yeah he knows!

He didn't get it. I don't mean the hobby itself, I mean the benefits that it brings to the body and mind. For example yoga will make me stronger, fitter and wiser. Many women will like a man who is stronger, fitter and wiser.

And one more, which is a wise sentence from Fulci74:
Don’t ever things for external validation from women. Do it for your own self improvement
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #82 on: April 19, 2021, 02:20:53 AM »
To avoid the potential (possible) non-tolerant and aggressive comments here I'd like earlier to say that all of you who're going to participate in this incel thread should avoid words and phrases like these ones: "foid", "moid", "rope", "ban him/her", "kys", "should commit suicide", "rope yourself", "neck yourself", "kill urself"/"kill yourself", "off yourself", "die, slut", "die, incel", "jump off a bridge", "play in traffic", "go rope", "die, incel", "do the rope", "hang yourself", "just rope", "exit kit", "exit bag", "suicide", "mass suicide", "shotgun", "slit your wrists", "ctb", "kill him/her", "rape him/her", "shoot him/her", "this is why you're a virgin", "no wonder you can't get laid", "no wonder you are an incel"/"no wonder you're incel", "that's why you're an incel", "cope or rope", "rope or cope", "just die", etc.!

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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2021, 01:08:23 AM »
Which incel is your favorite?
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #84 on: June 03, 2021, 01:10:44 AM »
Baldcels, oldcels, poorcels...
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #85 on: June 03, 2021, 01:42:05 AM »
 When I think about it, I do have empathy towards the baldcels, oldcels and most of the poorcels. Baldness is not something that people can control nowadays. The age is also something which is out of our control. Most of the poor people are not poor because they're lazy and/or stupid. Of course, you can take a good care for your hair and in some cases to reduce the baldness; you can lead healthy life and to reduce your biological aging and you may try hard to search for money somehow. But all of these efforts are not very fruitful. So, usually being bald, old or poor is not your fault. At the same time, the empathy doesn't mean admiration. There is nothing to admire or to be proud of those lack of hair, lack of youth and lack of capital. Of course some of the elder people are wiser or with more experience but it's not every time the case. Getting/being old doesn't necessarily make you wiser, smart, intelligent, talanted, etc.
 So, if I have to choose one kind of the incels as my favorite, I do choose the gymcels. Why? 1/ They're hard working in this sport area (bodybuilding; fitness), 2/ They're getting better looking and healthier bodies compared with those people who are not working out. 3/ Some of them are able to ascend or at least to look like the average persons (also known as "normies" in some incel communities) which is a remarkable success.
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #86 on: June 03, 2021, 01:35:29 PM »
I'm such an incel... I'm thinking is it possible for a gymcel to become a Chad?
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #87 on: June 06, 2021, 03:12:19 AM »
I think it is possible for a gymcel to become a Chad.
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #88 on: June 12, 2021, 03:44:18 AM »
Depends on what type of incel and what type of Chad. For some it's 100% possible for others, it's nearly impossible just via gym (gym-maxxing). They'll need more than just gymcelling. Let's think about it in the terms of the decile scale (decile scale of attraction). If there is some "level 3" incel he may via gym-maxxing to achieve a "level 6" and then after adding some more simple looks-maxxings (good clothes, ideal hygiene, etc.) he may achieve a "level 7" which is already a Chad (Chadlite at least). But if he is someone who is "level 1" then even a Norman (normie) level will be not easy. But one thing is for sure -- the gym (and many of the sports) helps us to improve ourselves (to level up). 8) Of course, don't forget about the rest of the ways ("-maxxings") -- education (edu-maxxing), money (money-maxxing) and so on.  8)
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Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
« Reply #89 on: June 14, 2021, 03:49:44 PM »
For a truecel it's impossible. For example if he's just around 1 meter tall or if he is disabled (for example, no legs or no arms).
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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