Why not to advertise on Voat.co
Months ago we knew and we were sure, that
voat.co is not going to survive financially, if there are no ads. And because we believed it may be a good website (it was a pretty naive hope!), we suggested it, but our idea wasn't welcome at all.
Because the voat.co's owners (the young Bosnian Muslim
Atif Colo - '
Atko' and another young man) are sort of
slow, after months they at last got it and started to use ads on voat.co! (As some voater nicknamed 'mukt' replied: "... Atko... refuse ads on Voat about an year ago. How things change!")
And now I want to tell you why I think it's better for you NOT TO advertise on Voat.co
Some of us mentioned a lot about the
problems in voat.co. If you read all of this linked topic, you're probably understanding already why
to advertise in voat.co is not a good idea, but if you didn't read it and/or if you don't understand, I will explain more here, now.
Atko himself posted once that
... Voat is not a safe space...
2. Read this: "...Voat’s rules may look more strict, the difference between the two is that Reddit has begun battling harassment in earnest. On Voat, there is no such battle because harassment is permitted. (Source: "Is Voat Safe for Teens?"
3. Not only harassment, but rude words, aggressive behavior, insults... racism, hate against the fat people, shitposting, hate speech... It's a long list of the Voat'co's negatives. Voat.co allows bad, evil things. This is the simple truth.
4. Let me show you an opinion of another person (a voater), who is also supporting the idea
not to advertise on voat.co: 18 days ago, he posted something amazing:
Sorry but I have no intention of supporting Voat financially seeing as how Voat inherited a lot of Reddit's censorship tactics and group-think ideologies. There are far too many ex-redditors,sheeple,retards,feminists and fail-trolls lurking around this site downvoting my content and comments.
Even if I were to advertise on this site all that would do is attract the worst that Voat has to offer and cause me nothing but problems and grief in the long run. I have already personally experienced first hand advertising on Reddit and I doubt it would be any different here.
I have no intention of investing my hard earned cash to a negative and ignorant community that has no interest in any of my services or content and only seeks out to hurt or to destroy me. This is my take in this matter and it should be taken into consideration.
You can do as you like with your money but I am no fool.
Source: https://voat.co/user/TheUnderNetwork/comments5. If you didn't know it, let me inform you that Atko doesn't keep his own anti-spam rules (20/80) and he banned this website for spam, without any spam; we kept very hard and responsibly the voat.co's anti-spam rule, but the Bosnian Muslim Atif Colo (Atko) doesn't keep it. So how I can trust a person like him and to advertise on Voat.co?! It's impossible and I'll never advertise there! My advise to you is: do the same! Don't advertise on Voat.co.
If you really need to advertise on the Internet, you have a lot of options: You may advertise on Google, advertise on Yahoo, advertise on Instagram, advertise on Amazon, advertise on Facebook, advertise on Bing, advertise on Twitter, advertise on Groupon, etc., and even you may already advertise on seo-forum-seo-luntan.com.