I've not included a lot of the signs that explain what you are looking at and why it is important. For one, there are a lot of small ones and for the other the signs are hard to read. There was a mulberry tree not to far from the tree line. Birds love the mulberry but every where they crap after that they stain it purple and the signs have purple on them that aids in making it difficult to read.
This is another Indian mound. There are quite a few along the way. This particular mound was a grave site. Much of it done before Columbus sailed to find the New World.
Archeologists probed this site. They found what was assumed family graves where when one parent died, they believed the rest of the family was killed and put in the grave with other. Copper ornaments were found with some of the bodies indicating trade with other groups of Indians far distant from the grave site.
Later on the Natchez tribe kept slaves who were often strangled and laid to serve the master in death. One grave site here it is believed this is what happened in a mass grave burial.
Another grave indicates the likelihood that a mother died after child birth and both were buried in the same grave.
The sign I had to do a little photoediting on. It stands on a hill and does not sit exactly straight anymore. So I straightened it before sizing.