The Natchez TraceI thought I would start a thread about this park. It's one I've been on and had the forethought to actually take pictures. The camera is substandard but still it will be good enough to see the images. I'm not a photographer so bare in mind the quality will be lacking in that respect.
For a little history on this park, it goes back to the days before the United States was settled as a nation. For a time, there were the original 13 colonies in the North, with Georgia being a penal location and there were the French and Spanish settlements in the south along the Coast. But there was nothing really connecting the two together. The only way to go from the northern colonies to the southern settlements was either by canoe along the Mississippi River, by sea, or over land. Part of this involved traveling through Indian held country where the traveler was at serious risk as it was pretty much a foot trail that war parties used to raid other tribes. Anything found along the trail was fair game for raids.
Over time and use, the trail expanded into a dirt road of sorts. Connecting the north and the south of the nation. After the Eastern part of the nation begins to be settled, goods travel the Mississippi river by barge from north to south, the party then sells the goods and the barge and then travels The Natchez Trace back north to home.
Later during the Civil War period the Trace is used for troop movements and mail. This follows with people using the Trace to go west during the Westward expansion.
This is a sort of photo record I will be posting of this vacation trip along with explanations along the way of what you are seeing in the images. Mostly people will not be seen. I'll photoedit the images as I go, as most of them are wallpaper sized.
The park is unusual in that it is a long park. It is both a National Park as well as a state park for Mississippi and Tennessee. It takes several days to travel through the complete park and we didn't do it all. Still there will be enough photos here for you to get an idea by seeing them as to what's there.
Given the forum's participation I expect it will be interesting to say the least.