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Author Topic: Those who have questions about the USA...  (Read 22964 times)

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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #90 on: April 11, 2016, 11:10:10 PM »
As Mark Twain said: "If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it." ;D

What do you feel is expensive there recently? (I remember you said already about the rents and the property. I ask about some products. For example for us here one of the relatively expensive things is the cheese and one of its kinds, the feta cheese. Or some perfumes. Do you have something 'precious' there too, something you feel doesn't need to be so expensive, but it is.)


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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #91 on: April 12, 2016, 12:13:58 AM »
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What do you feel is expensive there recently?

Pretty much everything. The costs of everything have been going up for years. Wages however, have not. If anything they have went lower and lower. The worker is in competition with the rest of the world as to who has a job and gets paid. There are more have nots than haves.

Our government typically lies to us all the time as far as accuracy goes about how many jobs are created per month, about the state of the economy, and how well off the citizens actually are compared to the rest of the developed world. Much of it is done so the politicians don't look so bad.

Mergers have eliminated many jobs. One company buys out another, waits a little while it compares what it now has with the two companies, and then lays off people that are redundant. One company wouldn't make that much difference but we have went through 20 to 30 years of this merger mania, where every company saw merging as the way to grow. The end result has been massive job loss within the national borders. This is not to take into account, job offshoring, nor moving completely out of the national boundaries to escape taxes.

Inflation is another our government ignores. For those retired, the government no longer makes up the difference that inflation has taken away from purchasing power. This means that the elders are getting poorer on a fix income that buys less and less. A way to demonstrate this loss of purchase power is that in 1970 my mother bought a new economy car for a cost of $2,000. Today an equivalent car costs around $14,000 to $20,000. It matters not if you are talking buying a new car, food, power (energy), rents, or whatever money is used for.

Medical costs are a prime one to question the value of. It has literally soared out of reach of the average citizen to pay for out of pocket. Drugs are one reason. Some of the drugs programs where you take x amount of drugs daily over a period of time to get well are now in the thousands on up to the hundred thousands for medicine. Some have no hope of paying these outrageous prices. Yet drug prices continue to escalate. I feel often that because the same drugs can be had cheaper in other countries the US is being gouged to support the rest of the world in most items. When the elderly have to pick between food and medicine you know it's went much too far. At the rate medical costs are rising, it will consume 1/5th of the GDP within the next decade.

The same can be said for higher education. When I went to college, I didn't have the money to stay at the college. I bussed 50 miles every day there and back. I also worked every weekend and ever holiday to make enough money to pay for it. But the important thing here was it was doable. When I finished, I owed nothing. That's not possible today. The government has made arrangements with the bankers to make loans for education. As a result of there being more money available, all prices for education have shot through the roof. Universities are using the windfall to build newer buildings, hire rock star professors, and increase the benefits of the senior staff, which does not roll down hill to the average professor. What I could pay for with work isn't possible today because the costs have skyrocketed. Today a young person graduates with a debt the equivalent of what it costs to buy a house. When they get out they for the most part find that the jobs don't pay enough to pay the loans back.

The result of this has been the economy staggering along. It takes the consumer to power the economy through buying things. But when you have no money to spare, there is no discretionary income to spend. This has a direct result on the market and it is showing. No matter how you look at it, it is not sustainable over the long haul. The future does not look good from this aspect.
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #92 on: April 12, 2016, 12:36:51 AM »
Let me add the pork here. Right now I watched news. The live pigs are more expensive and then the processed pigs (pork) is more expensive too.

How do you travel to Mexico? Is it visa free or some similar way? I got an impression that every American is crossing the Mexico's border without any bother.
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #93 on: April 12, 2016, 12:50:58 AM »
I've never been into Mexico, so this isn't a question I can answer first hand. Given what I've been reading traveling in Mexico is not exactly safe for US citizens. The drug cartels are always looking for victims to kidnap and hold for ransom. Been reports of many mass graves on ranches and farms.
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #94 on: April 13, 2016, 09:45:19 PM »
If your information is all true, it's pity, because Acapulco (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acapulco) and some other places in Mexico are great and it's a shame the country to lose money from the tourism, just because they can't control those cartels.

Let's change the topic to something more optimistic: which are the best spots in the US for your internal tourism? I know it depends of the certain people: someone will choose New York, another one -- Las Vegas, but do you have something that all of you can't disagree it's a national touristic treasures like the Great Wall in China, for example?


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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #95 on: April 13, 2016, 10:52:29 PM »
Being a young country has it's disadvantages as we don't have things that date back 5 to 6 hundred years,  much less anything that goes back to BC. We do have natural formations such as the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore which was carved by an individual out of a mountain top.

Things that are ancient rely on the American Indian who was not known to build long lasting structures. But things like the Pueblos. Other than that unless it is only 2 or 3 hundred years old it doesn't exist farther back. Of those made during our history many didn't survive being made of wood rather than more durable materials. Wood is what they had, that's what they used.

There's lots of corporate parks, such as Disneyland or 6 Flags but my interest never laid in that direction.  I went to the original Disneyland as a teen but never really cared all that much for it. I'd much rather be in a canoe going down a river on a campout or the like.
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #96 on: April 16, 2016, 02:26:14 AM »
Oh, OF COURSE the Mount Rushmore! These sculptures are so famous and we know them from some of the American movies, some books, etc. I forgot about them, but I knew them and I'm pretty sure there are millions of people around the world, who know the place.

About Pueblo Bonito, I'll admit I never heard about it and that's a place, worth to know. Thanks a million for sharing this!

Disneyland, Six Flags... Well, I do share your point of view. And I think it's for kids and for teens, not for us. :)


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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #97 on: April 16, 2016, 02:35:30 AM »
 Let me add this: the longest cave system known in the world is in the US (Mammoth Cave National Park, in central Kentucky). About: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammoth_Cave_National_Park.
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Human cloning
« Reply #98 on: April 30, 2016, 03:31:40 AM »
 I have a question about the human cloning. I ask here (Mojo), because 1/ he is into this subjects and he reads a lot about them and 2/ because I think the US is one of the leading countries in this field.
 My question is: What are the recent main attitudes about it? Can we expect that in the future (the near one) we may have a newborn Einstein, Elvis and Bruce Lee (for example)? /In fact, if you clone somebody, it will be not exactly him or her, but his/her twin brother or twin sister. I know it. And my question is not about it, but about the 'moral' and the 'ethics'; some people think it's not moral to clone a human. And I think it's great, if it's possible. What's wrong, if we have a new great scientist, musician or martial artist and actor?!/
 So, let's have some info, thoughts and, maybe, chat about it! :)
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Re: Human cloning
« Reply #99 on: April 30, 2016, 03:36:01 AM »
I have a question about the human cloning. I ask here (Mojo), because 1/ he is into this subjects and he reads a lot about them and 2/ because I think the US is one of the leading countries in this field.
 My question is: What are the recent main attitudes about it? Can we expect that in the future (the near one) we may have a newborn Einstein, Elvis and Bruce Lee (for example)? /In fact, if you clone somebody, it will be not exactly him or her, but his/her twin brother or twin sister. I know it. And my question is not about it, but about the 'moral' and the 'ethics'; some people think it's not moral to clone a human. And I think it's great, if it's possible. What's wrong, if we have a new great scientist, musician or martial artist and actor?!/
 So, let's have some info, thoughts and, maybe, chat about it! :)

Mojo is the right man to explain it. I believe in him, when it comes to these problems! A karma + in advance for him! :)


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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #100 on: April 30, 2016, 11:25:09 AM »
The ethics of this issue is a tricky one. Mainly because of the moral issues that religion has with monkeying with trying to be God. Much of genetic research here has been stunted by the religious influences dealing with this matter.

Will it be done? Certainly, the question is where, not if this will occur.

You hear a lot about stem cells and stem cell research and this is a direct result of influence in politics. It is why they are using stem cells and not the real cells that they are attempting to recreate. Because they are blocked with in this country of certain methods and federal funding needed to finance this research. It is only recently during the presidency of Obama that this restriction has been lifted.

I do not wish you to feel like I am judging here. I am merely stating facts and you are welcome to draw your own conclusions on the matter. Some of it I see and agree with on both sides, some of it I do not, and it's a mixed bag.

At present you will see no Elvis clone, nor of one of Einstein, from the US. Mainly because the research has been delayed through politics and is now trying to catch up with much of the rest of the genetic research world. The fact that it is possible to pick certain traits to be more likely to be present and of high influence in a fertilized egg by picking those characteristics prior, is still at this point a no-no. England had enough troubles over Dolly, the cloned sheep. It is Dolly that triggered the political jerk knee response from pressure from the religious communities that something had to be done.

I offer you this news report of years gone by to understand the issues and the results of these issues.

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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #101 on: May 02, 2016, 01:43:29 AM »
 This is one of the reasons why I think the best for the science and for the mankind is the atheism. The greater religious freedom = the greater obscurantism. (For those, who never knew about it -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obscurantism)
 When I read how because of the religion insanity the cloning is not developing as well as it may, I remember the words of a genius -- Lenin: "the yoke of religion that weighs upon mankind" (and, of course, the famous Marx's "Religion is opium for the people.")
 No need to describe how bad and angry I feel when read something like "President Obama pressed for greater religious freedom in China." What for? He didn't learn history or, the opposite, he knows very well that more religion equals less development (as we see now on this science topic) and he dislike to see a developed China? I avoid to waste time with politicians and politics, but in this case I feel very well, that Obama soon is not US president anymore. I just can't get rid of my antipathy to someone, who protects something so destructive, oppressing and stopping the scientific progress like religions, and who's trying to imply it all around the world! I'm very skeptic about the possibility Trump to win (and I said already why I think so), but I really hope he to win and to lead his country in a rational way. 
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #102 on: May 02, 2016, 01:54:53 AM »
As you well know, I can talk 'politics'. Being sensitive at times to some of way the political winds blow, perhaps it is better not for me to do this here. Very often I find on the internet, such as is demonstrated here at this site, that individuals from various nations can get along; their governments can not.

Religion and politics often bring out the strong feelings that people have over topics, subjects, and events. I have no wish to create tempest in a teapot. For that reason in all likelihood beyond the occasional, I'll not deal with those two topics here. You'll also notice it is not often I participate in the NK thread for the same reason.

On the rare occasion the topic must cover these items which is why it is here in this thread as it is central to the topic at hand and the pressures put upon the genetic research from outside forces.
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #103 on: May 02, 2016, 03:12:28 AM »
Let's continue the interesting site: except the religion what else problems faces the science in the US? I guess money is one of them, but it's everywhere, it's nothing specific. Something else?

You described very well how NASA is making important inventions. Does the religious guys trying to influence NASA, too? I bet many of them are against space discoveries, because they may hurt some parts of their believes. :D
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Re: Those who have questions about the USA...
« Reply #104 on: May 02, 2016, 04:40:28 AM »
The positioning behind the political scenes, is often over votes and catering to the various groups that support their party. There is a huge political storm that has been raging for a long time now over abortions. The religious aspect is the key driver in this, with many individuals influenced on which side they fall on, depending on their personal beliefs which the religious community takes full advantage of.

With NASA, much of it is of course controlled by it's budget. A budget whose amounts determine what it can and can not do. This is not helped by the political turmoil that is part of our system of changing leaders every or every other election cycle. NASA's missions are often on the decade or better time scale. Something that does not line up with the election cycles at all. So NASA spends 8 years, in preparation for a mission only in the last years before it is ready to have the funding cut out from under it. This has driven NASA to come up with what it calls faster, cheaper, smaller.

Much of the satellite gear, is specifically designed and hand made to preform the tasks assigned. There is no shelf of parts to reach up and grab to assemble this or that satellite or mission gear. This problem was amply demonstrated a couple of years ago.

Our weather satellites are a pair of them. Between the two of them, they cover the entire US. These particular satellites had reached the end of their useful life. NASA was prepping a pair of replacements when the budget got cut for them. They were near done. NASA informed congress of the problem they faced and it was more than just the satellites. The people who build this hardware are very specialized. You can't just run an ad in the newspaper under jobs available. It takes a few years at least to bring those capable up to speed on the requirements of what it takes to build a piece of mission hardware.

Congress in it's wisdom, killed the project. Within three months one of the weather satellites failed. The other started degrading shortly after. The people who worked these jobs were no longer there to do the mission hardware tasks as they were laid off. They went and found other jobs. Today they are now rushing to get two weather satellites prepared before the last one dies.

When religion gets influence in the political sway like the example above (which may not have had anything to do with religion at all) you never hear of it, not publicly. It is always hidden behind the scenes other than for moral issues.
When you put down the good things you ought to have done, and leave out the bad ones you did do — well, that’s Memoirs. ~ Will Rogers


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