From 2006: simple English lesson (plan). 简单的(培训的)英文:
1. "Good Morning" song
2. Check the attendance
3. Review the food-words and the animals-words and sport-words
then make some test about it,
for example "Which word is spelled correctly?"
a/Tiger a/ Oanaan a/ Tennis
b/Diger b/ Banana b/ Ennits
c/Wagger c/ Zanan c/ Tenis
d/Pigger d/ Kanana d/ Gennis
4. Write the 8 letters (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h). Write the 12 letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L.)
5. THE NEW WORDS (The Body and Health)
Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Head, Ear, Arm, Leg, Hand, Foot, Heart.
6. Show the parts of the body and explain the difference "LEG-FOOT"
7. Do the CHANT : "2 little hands".
2 little hands GO! Clap-clap-clap!
2 little feet GO! Stamp-stamp-stamp!
2 little hands GO! Pop-pop-pop!
2 little feet GO! Jump-jump-jump!
1 little body - TURN AROUND!
1 little child - SIT QUICKLY DOWN !!!
8. Repeat the BODY-words once again and one-by-one.
Where is your nose?
My nose is here.
Where are your eyes?
My eyes are here.
How many eyes do you have?
I have two eyes.
11. The New letters : M, N, O, P
M for mouse, N for nest, O for orange, P for peacock
Draw a MOUSE, a NEST, an ORANGE and a PEACOCK.
12. Play the Point-game ; 2 teams.
13. Multiple Choice:
14. THE CHANT "Head , Shoulder, Knees and Toes"
15. Assign homework.