Hello, dear readers, members, visitors and friends of seo-forum-seo-luntan.com! Today I visited 3-4 times our forum and the only new posts I noticed were spam posts. Now there are gone. If it really was only these few spam posts, it's okay, because we're not spam fans at all.
But, if there were some other (serious, important, non-spamy) posts, I am sorry and
I do apologize, no matter it wasn't my/our fault. Here is what happened:
I (and some of the others of our omnilogy team) saw missing posts and we contacted to our precious hosting's support team with this message (ticket):
Good morning, dear support team!
The domain is http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. And the problem is there is missing content (After August 07, 2016, 01:35:31 PM EVERYTHING IS MISSING.) And it was important (especially and e-book, which lack 2 parts now).
It happened already ago and you backup it, but this time it's still missing.
Please, backup the content for August 7th-8th-9th!
Best regards : your old customers from Bulgaria and China!
They answered us soon:
...I apologize for any delay you experienced.Would you like to restore a backup?
Yes, please. As far as everything is missing after August 07, 2016, 01:35:31 PM, we would like to restore a backup! Thank you!
Best regards! 
We moved this account to a new server due to multiple disk errors on the raid array.
So disk reading rate is very low and it takes few hours for data recovery.
We'll restore a backup shortly. Please do not upload new contents until we update you.
Best Regards!
Support team
We didn't upload anything new. As I said I saw only a few spam posts (probably from some spambot) and I hope it was all!
After this they sent us:
I've restored a backup.
And we:
Everything is alright now. Thanks!
Best wishes!
And the ticket is closed already.

Well, we're very satisfied and we hope everything is okay with your posts here! If there is some problem, please, let us know at once!
Best wishes to you all!