Unable to load the 'WIRELESS_PROTOCOL_above' template
We've got this error
Unable to load the 'WIRELESS_PROTOCOL_above' template. Well... I don't know what happened, really. We fixed the problem by doing a select all table repair in PhpAdmin under cpanel. (If you need to do so, it's not that difficult:
Just log in to your web host. Click the "phpMyAdmin" icon. We did so and we saw
The system will redirect you in a moment.
(If your host uses cPanel, look there.)
Choose the affected database. (If you only have one database, then it's even easier.)
In the main panel, you should see a list of your database tables. Click "Check All" to select all of them, and then "Repair table".) We did it. And we got a message:
Your SQL query has been executed successfully.
, and (again) a working website (forum) over here.

I hope that it was useful. If it's not, let us know about it.